Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Daddy, Daddy Crane

After the night and the very nice meal, it was back to the HQ then to his hotel down the way. It'd been a good night, slightly dizzy from drink and good company. And the sleep that night had been full and good. Despite his hitch hikers playing some kind of convoluted card game into the early light of the day.

But the next day had come around and he'd woken, done his morning routine then walked into the main area of the hotel room, grinning broadly. The three dieties laid out in the living room. He summoned his tomahawk and conjured the ruins for wind and sound, and with a bang set off a burst of thunder. Setting the three gods to scrambling in shock and surprise. Each of them giving him a angry glare afterward, Micheal just laughing his balls off by the looks of it.

A little bit later

Mikey and the Gods who are still groggy show up. He joins the group in planning.

After abit he raises his hand, "Uh hello, I'd like to accompany the team going to Minsk, I feel my skill set would be very much useless with paperwork. I hope this is okay."

He smiles brightly and almost casually reaches over and smacks Whiskeyjack across the back of the head as he tries to balance on Raven's head, "Stop that..."
Ban Kingo

Ban hums sitting on one of the ottomans quietly listening to the music. Though his head jerks abit as the guards rush in. Asking after the Old Man, well not really old, but even Ban can tell he's experienced a great deal of things. And his experience will be a great gift and boon to the team. He'd also seen the flicker of movement. Looking around as the guards search, all the places you might expect. It's not until there's that skitter-clack-pinkle some of something outside the room that he spots something else. Howard is at the fridge, somehow suppressing? No not quite suppressing more like actting like he's part of the room. A state of misdirection. And Ban really only got the sense of him out of the corner of his eye. Not really looking at him. So as the guards dash off and Howard seems to just form from thin air he gets to his feet, and bows to the older man, "Hakase Davis, your skill is amazing. like you are one with the environment. I am in awe."

Ban then bows around the room as the others join them. Calling polite greetings as the other members of the team also filter in.

Howard Davis

Howard gave the young ex-yakuza a nod in thanks. But as the young Northman enters Howard's face hardens. He has to lean back on the counter to really contain his rancor. He takes a deep breath, "Do not take my words as an insult Mr. Black. But do you know the true meaning behind the lyrics of that song? What they actually mean? I should not be so insensed but the massacres of the past on my ancestors that the lyrics of that song were founded upon, make it quite insulting." He chuckles, "Though I know that probably means little. And will not sway you in the admiration of it. As it's clear you like it. But please. Could I ask you, Not in my presence?" He sips his apple juice to calm his personal anger, muttering under his breath about, "Army attacks" and "peaceful camps" and "bloody uncalled for charges". He sighs and turns away.


Ban clears his throat.


He calls to Oliver as the Northman walks to the kitchen area, "If you need assistance Black-san, I can render it. My clan used to pair finely cut pork over a wonderful stir-fry when it came to whiskey." He mimes chopping and cutting motions, "I can go get my wok."

There's the Yakuza cook again.

As the Limo moved along they spoke. Victor smiling rather brightly. Deviously even, "Ahhh so a quartet of prime grade mercs came on into this grand nation for so many different reasons. Ahhh seems like a grand fantasy almost. So few come here for reasons outside of wanting to cause hell." as if to prove his point the limo rounds onto the high way, and rounding another bend there's a four car pile up and there's fighting between SAMC and COGS mercs on the side of the road. Several dead bodies or people dying. But the traffic just moves along. It's almost like being on an East Indian road where it's four lanes across but there are 10 lanes worth of cars side by side. It's incredible. And almost no one seems to be worried about the fire fight in fact.

The lyrically speaking Amazon clicks and sings something and her partner hums, "Just a minor scuffle sir. Looks like the COGS folk will win though." Victor hums. Watching as they pass, "Everyday it gets worse. Mr. Muloway the CEO of SAMC, is expecting something big. So we're starting to...stealthily prepare." The Driver clicks something and looks over her shoulder at Victor admonishingly. The other nodding, "Sir...is it wise?" Victor waves them off, "They're mine my dear. I'll tell them anything I damn well please. Obai and the others on the Board can kiss my ass when I'm briefing my own." A very clear hint of possessiveness there. Almost dangerously so. He clears his throat. "Sorry...that may have come out wrong." He leans back on his seat, "I'll explain at some point."

He goes silent just for a little. Then takes another breath. But is cut off as Hayden says, "Sir listen...can we just you know. Find out what's going on? You said we're meeting someone?"

Victor blinks and seems a little lost then smacks the side of his head, "Ahhh I forgot I'm sorry. I'm just so happy you see. Yes yes." He sniffs, "You see, I have more work for you. But if I start utilizing such an effective team like yourselves so much so quickly, the other board members will get a sniff of it. And they'll try and take you. So I'm not so much renting you out, as loaning you out with a high return to a friend of mine let's call him." Ahead a sign, for several turn off coming up, "Outside of the company lands like where we all met, there is lines of power drawn across the city. One big job like the one I gave you is a taster. But someone else I know can make a great deal of use of you all." One of the signs ahead reads, Downtown another Bayo'yigai Residential and a third Tiulo Slums both the slums and the residential on the same turn off. And that's the way the limo turns.

Victor grins, "I'm taking you to meet a gang lord. Name of Melani Bowaylo, opposite of a thorn in my side Edgar Malkia. Melani, runs a gang that deals in protections, drugs, guns and land scams. She could use your help maybe against Edgar." His eyes narrow, "I urge you to stay away from Malkia. Edgar Malkia is a blood thirsty, blood drinking psychopath. Who kills women, and chops mens hands off with a machete from what I hear. Almost cut one of my girls up there once." The second of the two turns and taps a spot just behind her ear where there is just a faint scar, "He tried to cut me when Victor and I went to talk to him."

Hayden nods, "So you want us to work with this Bowaylo?" Victor smiles and nods as the Limo rolls into the slums, "Yes. Both gangs operate out of Tiulo here. Luckily we're already in Melani's turf. so there won't be any molotov's thrown at us as we drive." He grins, "You'll love her. Melani is a gem. Just be ready to fight if you encounter some of Malkia's savages."

Looks like Howard has another sniper to pal around with.

Very nice

Do not and I repeat...

...do not...

ever apologize for post length. It happens.

My fault for not realizing someone was posting either.
Ban Kingo

A trio of guardsmen circles a man on the mats in the gym. The guards hold bamboo Shinai in various positions. One of them with a overhead stance, another with a low side stance, and the third holding it like one would a bat. Quite interesting to see some competency. The fourth member of the group though is one of the operatives Ban Kingo is blindfolded. And has a wooden Boken tucked at his side. This group has done this exercise before. The guards get to try and hit Ban, operative word here being try. Sometimes they can, sometimes they can't. Sometimes it's over in seconds. Sometimes it takes upwards of 5 minutes. It's practice for them all. Ban gets to really work for it, while the guards yeah...

After abit Ban shifts, perking his head to the side his right hand coming up to grip the handle of the Boken. One of the guards shifts stepping a little heavier then he intended too. Ban shifts as well. And it's swift. Ban side steps, and draws, crack...plack! The guard grunts as he falls backwards, two hits with the wooden sword one across the wrists the other just up the head, sending him dazed to the floor. The one who was hold his shinai above his head acts. Leaping forward the practice weapon arching down. Ban huffs, turns and dodges. The shinai barely missing him. His answer is the handle of his boken to the guards stomach. And Ban lets the guard collapse the ground with a cough and wretch.

The last guard swallows thickly stepping carefully. Ban standing...listening...waiting... where the...

Ban shifts abit, trying to hear. The guard slowly inches along, trying to make as little noise as he can. Ban turns again trying to hear. And at the last second as the final guard makes his move Ban hears him.


Ban staggers forward. Right to the back of the head! Then spins and...


Right across the chest. The guards and Ban then bursting out laughing. The final guard, "Holy! I got him! Guys I got him!" Ban rubs the bac of his head with one hand while undoing the blindfold with the other, "Ow...well done John-san. I lost you for a moment or two." John laughs, "I never get the hit in!" Ban hums and grins, "Yes yes, next time Gadget." He heads for the washrooms, "Enough for today. I imagine the boss lady will want to see me." He heads to get cleaned up. Putting his practice gear away.

After a shower, and some aspirin, he's headed up to the Rec room, "Hmmm fiddle music?" He muses. Ban entering and heading to a chair to observe and listen.

Howard Davis

A flutter of movement at the other door into the Rec room. And a moment later five guards rush in. The one in the lead coming to a sliding stop, "No way...the old man was right in front of us! There is no way in hell that guy juked us!" He calls over to Skye, "Boss Lady, did Ghost Howard come through? I swear he was right in front of us." The guard says this while trying to hide the many many blue, red and black chalk marks all over his armor. Signs that Howard at just put this group of five through another of his Stalk training sessions. Impromptu training sessions it might be added. Howard performed them without warning, without letting anyone know and often when least expected. One of the guards is holding his pants up for instance.

The five start to search the Rec room, and then rush back out when there's a skittering sound out the door they came from. one of the guards shouting, "That's gotta be him!"

It's only after they leave that Howard just seems to appear...

...at the kitchen counter.

As if he was always there.

Howard hums, "I'm not that invisible am I?" He says in his gravelly voice. Weather-aged face darkly tanned like dark leather. He sniffs, "I'm doing this for their own good I swear." He lifts the bottle of apple juice to his lips casually. Managing to hide the grin.


No way! Bee! Hey!

Wow like lots of faces showing up.


Gunther! Long time man.
Sorry about that Vey. Could always have an NPC? I was asked to bring this character over.
At a request. I bring you a Light from the past. One of the surviving members of Team Scimitar.

I'll make some more tweaks later. Lemme know.
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