Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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As I have said no need to apologize. Things happen.

With a nod, and barely any sound. The ex-yakuza stepped off to the right and in a simple motion almost seemed to vanish. Not in the way Howard does or the rest of their inflitrators. But just surging forward. Running full tilt bent at the waist. You might call it a "Naruto-run" as he weaves his way forward. Past desks, and doors. And before the enemy can open fire he slips into the room, breaking line of sight.

The enemy can be heard laughing as the crazy guy with the sword just ran off.

Everyone in Raven knows much better. Ban Kingo affects the look of a Samurai. But that's actually very untrue. He perfers to often call himself a Yakuza Ronin. A Criminal Fallen Samurai. While a full on Samurai would shudder at the idea of doing something so dishonorable as attack from the back or side. Ban Shimura Kingo does not shy from doing such a deed.

He runs along a side passage. Darting from cover to cover as a few of the enemy make half hearted pot shots his way. Thinking he's not a problem. He's brought a sword to a gun fight. Until one of them loses sight completely. And gets a surprise, as a super shop blade punch through what he thought was a concrete support wall beside him and takes him in the throat. He coughs, the gorget of his combat harness barely stopping the blade. With a spurt of red arterial blood the blade slides back through the wall, and a moment later, four quick slashes opens a hole in the pillar, wide enough for Shimura to dive through and start making a nuisance of himself. Putting himself among the enemy. His blade flashing, once, twice, thrice. And two of the enemy fall.Third, fourth and fifth members of the squad he just made 40% less effective watch as the two bodies drop missing limbs.

Old samurai anime show spurts of blood often in moments like this, but it's like the edge of that wicked blade didn't give the blood vessels time to act. Shimura looks up his Kabuki paint on display as he smiles, "Motto!" He cries as he surges forward to attack again.


Sat quietly, dead still, no evidence at all that he was even there. Until word came down about the IFVs. And even then as he gets up and whispers into the comms line, "Lasagna displacing." A shuffle and he's on his feet, dropping the magazine of infantry grade ammo, and slotting it into a pouch on his harness for later use perhaps. Digging into his pouches, pulling free on of the few Armor Piercing Anti Material magazines he brought with him. As he nears another shooting point he's briefly visible to Dollface down below. Outlined against a dark bit of stone. But a second later he's gone. Finding a new firing position.

Overlooking the approach. He tucks himself into a new spot. Anyone saw him now it'd be painful to think the older soldier could tuck into a small space he is, but the firing spot is near invisible and gives him a great spot to fire from. He eases the Lynx's muzzle out, and takes a sight, waiting. He'd only have a short time to really make these shots count. And the targets would be small. He sniffed then whispers, "Dollface, Lasagna, I shall attempt to take out their Optics as best I can in the first moments once I see them. It it that much harder for them. You won't have long before they get to using other means of seeing. After that I'll work to disable other external systems. Use the time as best you can."

He took a deep breath.

The Hunter has new quarry. New Prey.

The first of the Pandur's appeared racing towards the stricken base. Lasagna sighted in. And it was simple as a movement of his finger.

The intel. officer in the first Pandur was calling out potential targets. When something flashed on his screen. And the camera on the outside of the Pandur exploded. The heavy round hitting what they thought was uparmored plastic. But it came apart and the camera destroyed. Other Camera installations on the Pandur were hit next. Blinding the machine as it rolled to a stunned stop.

The Prey has been stopped.

A dark tanned man grins, all tooth and tight skin. A look that wouldn't look off on the face of a big mountain cat.
The quartet hurried out ahead of two of Melani's thugs stalking behind them. It wasn't until they are out in the eatery that it's safe to talk and talk they do. Hayden looking a little haunted after what had happened. It had been so quick. He shakes his head and tunes back into his teammates? Yeah we'll go with that.

He listens to the ideas, looking back over his shoulder to see some of Melani's men watching them from afar. He directs the others out a little more, "Come on." They start walking down the street, "So first objective. Wheels. Should have kept that caddy you're right. Even if it was a loaner. Jeep, Hummer, fucking Ural even. We're bound to find something around here." They kept walking and he whispered, "We've got atleast two of that crazy bitches thugs following us. Keep moving for now." The limo is still where it's parked though and he's almost tempted to say they jack that. He actually slows, forgetting about the thugs behind them and sets a hand on t he hood of the limo, "Almost want to take this...think we can hot wire it? It's up armored right? Likely has some food in it too, not to mention the drinks. Maybe we can sell that shit?"

Even during this he was kinda listening to the others and their plans.

He jerked his head at the others, "Wait a sec, you guys wanna split up? Is that a good idea? I mean sure Sean and I could head out there. But I don't think it's a good idea to split up." He leaned on the limo and hummed, "It's true it feels like we're being low balled, after the last job 5 gemstones a piece doesn't sound like much at all. Not enough to risk splitting the group really." He didn't sound he was convinced himself though.

He nodded though, "Can't see anything really wrong with it in the end. So the girls find themselves some veils. Go look around, see what they can find, gather intel." He nodded, "As for Sean and I. We're going to visit Malkia? God damn I hope the guy isn't a blood thirsty bastage like we're told he is."

He spotted the two thugs approaching one of them growling something in swahili for all he knew. They unshipped their guns and advanced. Hayden jerked his head, "Go...the good squad are getting closer."
hey not a problem.
Micheal, in the Car, with the Gods and the Team

The team bound for Minsk loaded up. The gods piling in and before long seeming to disappear. Though there were sounds of clinking and clapping from the trunk some how. At one point Micheal had managed to lever down the center console of the back seat and peered back to see the three gods gathered around a table playing poker. He'd sighed and just put the console back into place. He didn't want to really worry about them for now. He sat back in his seat and kind of dozed for the first part of the trip. He woke quickly though when things seemed to go slightly sideways.

He peered out one side of the car, then looked over to see another car like the one to his left. He narrowed his eyes, "What the f..." Then all hell broke loose. Their car swerved. Faye starts slinging portals. He can see Red over there pulling out weapons. And he's close enough. He does it without thinking. He sticks his whole upper body out of the car as they grind on the other. HE grabs the one gunner. His old back alley brawl days behind The Hideaway coming back easy. He caught the pistol whip the guy tried to pull, and wrenches him forward. He shouts, "Muscle mages cast Fist!" And rammed his balled up fist into the mans throat, then his left eye and finally right under his arm. The man reeling.

A pair of hands grabbing his several actually as he's pulled back into the car by the Gods. And then they're outside the car. He hits the ground rolling. Between one moment and the next he slams his tomahawk into the ground to slow his progress. He coughs softly laying on his side.

moments later his gods land beside him as well having been pulled along they just took a little longer to land. He grits his teeth, opening his eyes and lifting his arm holding his spell focus, "Ahh...balls...yeah...yeah Red...I'm no I'm not good but I'm okay...how about you Red? you doing okay? How's Faye? And boss bot? Ah hell..." He gulps and pushes himself up one armed but immediately falls back down, "Fuck I think I cranked something. Just let me lay here a second or a hundred." He catches his breath waving off his godly partners, "Just chill guys..."

He grits his teeth hearing Amanda's orders, "Yeah sure boss...just give me a second or so more." He gulps, and rolls over onto his front and gets to his knees. Digging his axe blade into the ground, carving some Cree Syllabic runes then smashes his into it, a blast of light, like a military flare lighting up, he batted it off to one side, another forming he bats that one off to one side, he does this 4 more times giving them light to see by some what. He waves to Whiskeyjack, Raven and Manabozho, "Boys...serious time. Look around. See if you can find the other cars." He tries to and manages to get to his feet, finally standing, "What in the honest actually hell was that? Did we just get ambushed? Who were all those guys?" He held his left arm to his side, his elbow looking a little off, his right hand holding his tomahawk, "Is Faye okay? A mass teleport? That's what that felt like." He groans as he shuffles towards Scarlet to make sure she's okay, "Hey Red...feelin' okay?" He tries to smile. And looks over as Raven is waving and shouting about finding one of the cars. He nods and waves back. A little while later he spots Whiskeyjack running over, "Mike! Another of the cars is back that way. It's burning though."

Micheal shakes his head, "Let it burn then. I could careless about their welfare at the moment. Just keep a watch boys." He looks at Scarlet, "Think the OMR will pay for our laundry after this?"

I feel you there. I understand.
And that will be a bump.

Are we alright fellows?

No rush mind, but please do get in your posts.
Patiently waiting yes yes. Weekend wasn't long enough.
House Harlaw lord CS WIP, it's late but I wanted to get something down for it

I'd like to claim House Harlaw of the Iron Islands. I can try and make my old House and character sheets fit the ones you put up! Wooo!
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