Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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I want to apologize for how long this took. And I will understand if you guys are no longer interested. I was not feeling well for awhile, and my ability to write coherently and well not to mention my energy to do so was almost non existent.
The roll up is steady the four are masters of their crafts after all. They know what they are doing. But this may not be like what any of them are quite used too. This isn't normal battle or war. This is chaos. Explosions in the distance, the sound of smalls arms fire. People running from the fights all over the city. This is anarchy in a country that was already on it's way to collapse.

As the four approach the market they had been lead through before to reach Melani, the situation is strange. Where before the place had been bustling and lively, albeit strained, it was dead now. Dead and silent. No movement whatsoever from anywhere. It's so very strange. But then Sean had spotted the Tangos. Hayden quickly darted into cover, peaking around the corner he had put himself behind counting bodies, "Right yeah spot on. Three below...a fourth on high." He hums looking up above him, "Anyone wanna put money that there might be a few more Tangos inside and around?" He hummed, "Maybe that's our ticket?" He gestures at the building surrounding, "Think we can find a way in, move through the buildings? Skirt the shooters out here, the walls and hallways will muffle any shots we need to make." He looks at the other three curiously, wondering what they think of the idea.

He then gestures outside into the kill zone, "Or...we rock and roll...and may end up with a much much bigger fire fight here. I suppose I could post up somewhere, lay down some surpression fire while you guys rolls in under it and take down anyone who tries to make a move?" He nods, "That's if we're feeling belligerent." He grins, "I ain't gonna put thoughts into no one's heads here. But I don't want to bring the entire complex down on us right now. Maybe we sneak through the building, clean and quick, get to the bitch inside, snip the head of the snake before we start a mini war while another war is going on around us? huh? How's that sound?"

He's about to give another look before he reaches up and pulls everyone into cover, the reason, that sharp shooter up above just swung whatever they have around and they are looking in their direction, "Down down! Let's not give away our position right away." He sighs and kinda whispers, "That marksman is going to be a big thorn if we fight. He's not going to be easy to work around."
Suffering from a bout of writers block. Have a general idea of what I want to do but I'm having a hard time putting it down in words. Give me abit.
Hope everyone is doing okay as well.
Finally some one else posted. Where's everyone else?
Dr. Godricksson

What does it takes for a good team to do something compared to others?

That's a question alot of Marc's ask. Whether it be about watching a team work and seeing what they do that works or while on an op with a team a fixer put together and finding how well they mesh. It could be anything really. It is never clear.

It's been years now. Three? Four? Since Boots? Jorick isn't sure. It's been abit since he met these particular Edgerunners. Sinless souls. Slipped through the cracks. Dropped out from the Corps. It's all a different story. He's no different. His combat vest is almost fresh, like it's almost never been used. The tell tale stitching of a TTI sponsored gear company along the edge of one of the Kevlar plate pouches. Designed for the protection of a Truama Team paramedic. What the good Doctor wouldn't give for a TTI grade hard suit. But he will make do. Adjusting the ear piece he has on he taps it for the second time since they got there. He's not usually out here. He's usually at the clinic when the team goes out. Waiting in case someone gets popped or spanked, they bring him in and he patches them up on the cheap, regular customer discount kinda thing. He steps put of the car he'd come in looking around for the rest of the team.

His look screamed corporate, can't hide it. His gear is too new, too pristine. The twin Chao smart pistols at his hips almost gleam with polish and gun oil. His boots req'ed from a TTI quarter master, no questions asked, same with the vest and combat fatigues without TTI insignia. All of it almost sparkling new.

The wearer not so much, for his age Jorick is weathered. Working the Corp system isn't exactly gentle work as some people would try and lead you to believe. From clinic to clinic sometimes it can get pretty cut throat. Stealing patients from each other, trying to claim the prestige of tending to this or that notable member of society. Jorick wouldn't admit as he tries to help everyone he can, equally. But having Ziggy Q come by for check ups did give his clinic abit of greatness.

All of this aside Jorick looked up at the building, "And what the hell are we doing here...?" The doctor said. His eyes glowed as Jorick dialed up Top Gun, "It's Godricksson, I'm at the apartment, anything else you can tell us?" Jorick scanned the area trying to spot the rest of the team.
Hayden edged his way back step by step. Keeping his big gun leveled on the rioters and looters. Finger on the trigger but no pressure. He didn't turn when he heard the engine rumble to life, he kept on moving as the Hilux edged forward. Trusting Kat, Beth and Sean to check the 1200 angle. While he kept their 0600. He kept moving, "They're staying at 180 over here, just edging closer as we move. Anything at the 1200?" He didn't want to chance a look, keeping his eye one the group edging along with them. He kept creeping back as the Hilux began to roll and the other members of their team started to board up. He called back, "Pump the breaks...let me jump in the back." Just long enough for Hayden to feel his hip bump into the rear of the Hilux, he gave a hop back planting his rear into the back of the truck, keeping his LMG pointed back behind them, "Go!" he called, and crawled in further as they roared into the street.

The Canadian had enough time to get his feet into the truck before they came onto the main road. He poked his head up as Sean called out the checkpoint, "The fuck...oh right Edgar did say they had check points." He figured it wouldn't be a problem, then the forces at the check point opened up on them. Hayden ducked a shot that pinged off the roll bar beside him. He growled and surged up, got his balance and placed the Bren on the top of the truck, getting it settled, then let loose. Oh people have seen Bren guns in games and on TV or in the movies. But it's something else when one opens up in a 20 round fuck you on your enemies. The skinnies at the check point ducked under the combined from himself and Bethany. The gangers jumping and ducking out of sight as the big rounds kicked. One of them going down holding a hole in his shoulder from a lucky round.

Hayden grabbed the roll bar and lowered the Bren to the side as they swerved and pulled into the back alley, scraping into the little side alley. He groaned and rubbed his forehead, "You know...back when I did my time with CSOR...I didn't get shot at nearly as much as this. We tended to do our work with knives instead of guns." He looked at the other three then out into the alley, "We hoofing it then? Okay I can get that." He climbed up onto the roof of the hilux, clambered over and then slide down onto the hood and down over the front. Once there he checked the pan mag, muttering, "80 rounds or so, this thing still has some use." He watches the others, "Want me to take point, I don't want to have to fan you guys from behind if we have to do some shooting." He hiked the Bren up, using the shoulder strap over one shoulder to help him carry it, "Two blocks you say? Well, let's go kill us a fuck off madwoman huh? I want off the radar and I wanna know where the Hyena is hiding. Before we get capped somehow." He heaved forward, briefly getting his bearings in the alley then heading east, "no time like the present!" He calls.

You're probably right I can edit that sure. Corpo would know Corpo though. And maybe Arasaka as well Arasaka has their whole internal culture thing being predominately Japanese bushido-esque. But yeah I can edit it if you like.

Alright thank you kindly Dead

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