Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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I'm having a hard time putting together a reason for my guy to join the crew.

I really want to pursue the idea of a Corpo ripper doc, but I don't know how to edge him in beyond being someone the crew goes too for work done and to sell mods and chrome they've scrounged up.

Anyone give a guy an in here?


Well okay I looked through CSes already posted and did some work arounds. I'm hitting save here in a moment. Let me know if I need to change anything more. Because I don't know what else to add at this point.
I'll do some edits after work

I thought I had added in something on how joined the crew. I'll change things around.

Welp changed what I could, not sure what else I can do.

I'm working the idea of being a medtech. And if no one decides to snap it up, going to concentrate on tech and smart weapons. Maybe a med drone as well. Some one geared up to keep everyone alive. And to hit hard. Emmmm yes I want an Achilles tech rifle.

Going full Borg is expensive and corporations/governments aren’t just going to let that investment walk off and become independent.

Yeah that is true. Very true. All the time, effort and eddies put into having someone go full borg would be prohibitively expensive to do privately. Where a corp or a government would have it relatively easy with the resources to do that.

I honestly hadn't thought of that. Thanks Sanity.

Honestly when it comes to full Borging, the only precedent is due to a Corporation stepping in. Whether or not that applies to something like the Vatican I don't know. I think there you'd want to run it by DeadDrop. See what he has to say.

There are normal people out on the Edge that go ALMOST full Borg. Getting chromed out with augmetics. Not quite full metal like Smasher, but darn close.
There are entire body frames mostly military and Corp made things. Usually only the most rich or someone with connections to a Big Corp or organization is going to be able to be put in something like that.

Smasher was a Military solo who near died in a fight against Morgan Blackhand and Arasaka offered him his Full Borg option at the cost of being on their payroll for eternity.

So that's the kinda thing you need to think about when going full borg.
That's alot of Eddies there choom, alot of eddies...and alot of time...

Had to go look it up.

Religion is broad and varied in General.

Suppose the Vatican is still active. But nothing major is mentioned in the info I dug up.

There's already a Lore precedent. Look up Adam Smasher on the Cyberpunk wikia.

Arasaka's own killer full cyborg.

All at the cost of his humanity.
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