Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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While we wait, do we have any character ideas? I'm thinking of making either a Medtech and being our dedicated healer. Or trying my hand at playing a Media type character.

Whats on everyone else's minds?
Hey DeadDrop, been awhile. Another interesting idea. Could I come along for the ride again? Please?
Shaman Crane, Unstoppable

The next morning Mikey is just a little slow to get up. He practically had to beat that elven nurse off with a broom, she had decided to visit him late in the night, ostensibly to check his bandages. But the surprise tonsil hockey was shocking. Any other time Micheal might have welcomed the advances, but he was worn out, in pain and just a touch creeped out.

He'd visited the cafeteria first, and instead of sitting at one of the tables, he'd beat feet with a platter of breakfast food. The Elven nurse had been there giving the shaman bedroom eyes.

So as he comes into the surveillance room he's munching on some eggs, bacon, cubed up hash browns stuck between two huge waffles. And a thermos full of hot tea with just a touch of splenda mixed in. He looks about the room giving a wave to everyone already here. If anyone. He found himself somewhere to sit and listened to the briefing. He munched away looking around at the group, swallowed then piped up, "Boss Bot, question, do we have a staff list of people who were here? And what their clearance levels are?" He sipped his tea, before continuing, "It might go a short ways to figuring out if there was someone in place they shouldn't have been in. Just saying." He bit into his strange sandwich again, and for all present he can be heard whispering, "Fucking Eh plus, that's some grade a maple syrup."

He continues to much away abit before adding, "I mean camera footage is all good Boss Bot, but if we knew who was here, if they were doing what they were supposed to do we could I dunno cut down on suspects right? I mean if one of the chefs was in the security room for some reason. Or a clerk from accounting was in the Control Room, that might throw up red flags? What's the security like around here?" He shrugs, and continues to munch.
Alright bud.

Be safe, take your time.
Sorry that took so long, I kept getting side tracked with things. Be it a movie or a game. But I had the basis for that post going for awhile.

Hey character development!
Hayden helped pull the gate open then peeked outside, for now the area appears to be OPFOR free. So the quartet can head out and look over the Hilux. He hums, "For what we're going to need this thing isn't too bad." And as the others start to examine the truck, Hayden figures they need atleast one person one watch, he walks out a little into the narrow street, checking their surroundings. There's only two ways into the street. one to their North east and another to their Southwest, so only two ways to have to keep an eye on, all the builds but two show high walls along the street. And only on other entrance down near the North east mouth.

He listens as the others get things going. And it's likely only what ever paranoid spider sense he's developed over the years that gets him to turn, there's a cowled woman at the South west mouth, pointing down toward them speaking to someone he can't see. He watches then turns to make sure no one is coming from the other direction. He paces forward. he looks to make sure the others are okay, and upon looking southwest again, there are about four men, each of them armed, though only one with a gun, it looks like a short chopped down shotgun. the rest with clubs and in one case a mean looking serrated machete. As they begin to walk towards them, Hayden can see the grins on their faces as if they just found four fresh meat pies for the taking. Somehow having missed their weapons.

Hayden calls out, "Start the thing and lets get going right now, or knuckle up." He says to the other three, "We have Skinnys Southwest, 250 and closing." He still hasn't raised his LMG and another three are not walking from the southwest corner behind the first four, these three armed with small pistols. Hayden for a second thinks about just hosing them. But instead, keeps that dirty, dangerous beast under control. "200." He calls as he steps up and then raises the Bren to his hip, shouting down the street, "Stop right there!" And the sight of the big gun seems to give the first four pause, as they look at the muzzle of the great thing leveled at them, the three behind them though seek cover behind wall braces and debris on the street.

It's an indication of the situation around the city that these seven don't bolt at the sight of a LMG leveled at them, the prize of a truck, and whatever loot they can get off four people, must be absolutely enticing. Thinking they outnumber the four they see it as their payday.

And by the looks of it Hayden is just hanging on to what ever evil beast lays in his head and soul at the moment, his trigger discipline remains.

Jamie had gotten up once during the whole little get together before things became serious. And had poured himself a glass of Spicebox Canadian Whiskey, an affection that one of his uncles had gotten him into. A little extra burn as a drink goes down sure as hell doesn't hurt. He'd sat and sipped, at it, and mellowed a fair bit. As the night went on he'd sat quietly and listened and watched, there'd be time to truly say his peace later. For now he wanted to observe.


Later as they sat and nursed plates of food and drink it was that Queen gave them the low down of the operation in mind. The Lights and Mediums of the group had it straightforward. He grinned abit, "Interesting madam. Your section of the operation sounds pretty simple."

After though as it was detailed what she had in mind for himself and Misa, he couldn't help but laugh. He looked across at Skye and nods, "If you like, in the future, I could ask my mother Colonel Denisova-Kanatariio for her version of the ballons. She had a version made to lift her in full armor as well. But for now yes madam I'm very familiar with the use of such ballons. Won't let you down madam."


And still later found the Son of Brutal and Scion drifting on the air. A small pulse motor pushing him along assisted by a tail wind. Barely anything to really give an AAA or Manpad to lock on to him in the air. It's almost casual how he'd slung himself up into the wires hold up there so he's reclined and drifting. He remembers stories from his parents of them doing this too. And a few other things besides. But that's not something he wants to think of.

He remember his father saying that when close enough they could even provide CAS from the ballons. The rocket pod and his twinned HMGs would cause quite a stir from the air. Either way he drifted. The view of Ilha de Santo AntΓ£o, Cape Verde is wonderful from so far above. He clicks his comms with his chin as the sound of Queen's voice came to him, "This is Scion, I have some wonderful aerial photos of the area here madam. I'll show you when we're out of the AO. The sunrise as we crested into the AO was wonderful the clouds and hills and light. If this wasn't an operation I could submit it for some kind of award one thinks." He checked the timer for the mission, "Judging by the clock, should be a bit longer. We can start CAS before cutting cords and joining on the ground." He looked about in the sky then spotted Boba, "How are you doing over there Boba? Enjoying yourself? It's relaxing up here isn't it?"
I'll get a post out here in a short bit boss. Swear to ya.
Micheal Crane, Unbowed

Micheal walked over to the group from where he'd been sitting being seen too by a lovely little elven medic. Who kept talking about taking him home, feeding him good and training him up nice. He'd had to almost beat her back with one of his medicine bags before he could get away. His Rune Burns wrapped up in a poultice and bandages. Safer then trying to heal it with magic or modern medicine. He limps over to group, worn out and tired. Too much casting, protecting people, calling forth and summoning. So much had happened, so much had gone on. He gave a nod all around to those gathered as they were pulled together.

He sniffs and rubs his arm and the bandages, listening to their options. He looks around at the group. He nods, "If it's worth anything my friends. I think we should find out if there's a mole." He looks around the room, "It may be a problem in the end, and having an enemy at my back is not something I like the idea of. I really think we should investigate the OMR before we go out." He gives a nod, "But in the end I will follow and help as best I can. Just give me abit to recover." He holds up his arm, "Please?" He tries to smile, but the pain is clear in his expression.
Hayden shook his head, it didn't feel right he looked at Sean incredulously, "I don't think that's true." Hayden waves his hand, "No we got a mission, somemore potential pay. We go after Melani then? We better do this clean then." He looks up, already Malkia's people have split up and are trying coordinate a defense of their neighbourhood. Chatter can be heard as some talk on phones. Some ordering groups of their gang members to tighten up on strongholds and chokepoints into the neighbourhood. Others are being ordered to get the civilians to safety at public safehouses. There is talk about arming up, and making sure none of the fighting gets to bad. And if they have too, make sure kills are clean and bodies quickly cleaned up.

Hayden motioned, "We better move. Let's do this." Edgar looks up at them and motions to a dark corner of the room they are all in, "There is a door in the corner, which will lead you into a walled in courtyard. It will be locked behind you but it should give you an easy way out without being directly in a fire fight." Edgar tosses Sean a set of keys that might look familar, "You're vehicle will be out there. But with what's happening out there do not rely on it too heavily. Go. And if you survive we'll talk more." One of the high rollers of Malkia's gang takes Edgar's attention showing him something on their phone.

The trip out through the hidden tunnel doesn't take long, and soon they are coming out of a steel covered door leading into a courtyard. A thick concrete wall about 17 feet away separating them from the road by the sound of it. And the fighting beyond.

As soon as Hayden is out, he pulls one of the pan mags off his harness and attaches it to his Bren. Racking the bolt with a load Ka-Chak! He nods,, "I think we all know this isn't going to be a simple run in and gun." As if to emphasize there's the sound of gun fire just on the other side of the wall and the large iron gate set into it. But soon who ever was firing can be heard running away down the street, "This city is going to go to hell in a hand basket really fast at this point. The gangs fighting and the corporations going at it. We're likely in for a few fire fights on our way to Melani. So how do we wanna play this?"
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