Hayden helped pull the gate open then peeked outside, for now the area appears to be OPFOR free. So the quartet can head out and look over the Hilux. He hums, "For what we're going to need this thing isn't too bad." And as the others start to examine the truck, Hayden figures they need atleast one person one watch, he walks out a little into the narrow street, checking their surroundings. There's only two ways into the street. one to their North east and another to their Southwest, so only two ways to have to keep an eye on, all the builds but two show high walls along the street. And only on other entrance down near the North east mouth.
He listens as the others get things going. And it's likely only what ever paranoid spider sense he's developed over the years that gets him to turn, there's a cowled woman at the South west mouth, pointing down toward them speaking to someone he can't see. He watches then turns to make sure no one is coming from the other direction. He paces forward. he looks to make sure the others are okay, and upon looking southwest again, there are about four men, each of them armed, though only one with a gun, it looks like a short chopped down shotgun. the rest with clubs and in one case a mean looking serrated machete. As they begin to walk towards them, Hayden can see the grins on their faces as if they just found four fresh meat pies for the taking. Somehow having missed their weapons.
Hayden calls out, "Start the thing and lets get going right now, or knuckle up." He says to the other three, "We have Skinnys Southwest, 250 and closing." He still hasn't raised his LMG and another three are not walking from the southwest corner behind the first four, these three armed with small pistols. Hayden for a second thinks about just hosing them. But instead, keeps that dirty, dangerous beast under control. "200." He calls as he steps up and then raises the Bren to his hip, shouting down the street, "Stop right there!" And the sight of the big gun seems to give the first four pause, as they look at the muzzle of the great thing leveled at them, the three behind them though seek cover behind wall braces and debris on the street.
It's an indication of the situation around the city that these seven don't bolt at the sight of a LMG leveled at them, the prize of a truck, and whatever loot they can get off four people, must be absolutely enticing. Thinking they outnumber the four they see it as their payday.
And by the looks of it Hayden is just hanging on to what ever evil beast lays in his head and soul at the moment, his trigger discipline remains.