Darien Ziplon
Darien sat at one of the tables back to the mess hall doors because he had a modicum of trust on the ship. You can trust your shipmates, just as you trust your squad mates and company unit. If you can't trust the people you work with...well you're in the wrong unit. He noshed away at the food and listened to the banter. Pleasant news around. Anxi landed a way into Dock supplies by the sound if it, good on her. And a diagnostic panel had been found. And discussions were going on about if it could be installed.
The bobcat scoops up the last dregs on his plate and is just sopping up the last bits with a piece of bread when his comunit beeps and shakes. The older fellow riches for it, stopping brief to wipe his hands, then grabbing the com unit up and thumbing it on. His eyes narrowed pupils slitting. "Whit th' hell? this is a auld contact." The bobcat read the message."Na wey, cannae be. This haes gotta be some kind o' peely-wally joke." He looked over at the captain "Sur let's nae celebrate yit, cause a dinnae ken if this is true or nae, bit someone fae back in mah alphabet days says thay hae a surplus auto doc unit that thay kin secure fur me. Thay wantae catch up wi` ower in th' heich hive district. Something lik' that cuid be a gift 'n' mair. "
The old bobcat looked at Evren "If hee haw else ought tae gang ower 'n' titch base. If tis anither corpsman micht be able tae hampden roar some supplies if th' auto doc thing is a deid leid." He gave the young captain a smile, "Sound a'richt tae ye laddie?"
The bobcat is already rising to his feet to put his plate and utensils into the washer. The man is military in thr end so permission from his CO would be nice. Just trying to be polite in the end. And yes respectful too.