Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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Aces I like that idea.
I'm gonna put up an interested banner here too. The detail is awesome. Hmmm may try to create a Sk8ter. just for that freedom aspect of it.
Freya, she can wheel and deal too

And burger!

Oh lord the giant of a woman grabbed her helping happily...she'd been looking forward to this. It's a towering patty, with all the fixings, and maybe scriledgious, but there was mustard, mayo AND...relish on there too...no no ketchup...she's no savage.

And ate it all in about 1 and a half bites...

Who knew?

As Freya licks her fingers clean. All the while making little sounds of enjoyment and happiness...that would sound lewd if the context of a good meal hadn't already been established. She grabs the near finish bottle of vodka and tips it back finishing it off, "Emm, okay that was good." She's getting up and stretching...yet again doing things that might be construed as lewd...and seductive...dear god how is it her abs can move like that!? And...the hypnotic...bounce of....

Uh where were we?

Freya smiles and heads for her laptop, calling out when she's close enough, "Avidan!" The laptop beeps, "Call Jotunnhiem PR team, extension 98112, Pilar Naji." The laptop beeps, a messaging app blinking and a dial tone sounding. By the time the heavily bearded, man with the most striking of brown eyes picks up and his picture appears on the screen Freya is sitting in front of the laptop crosslegged. Pilar grinning and calling over the call, "Freya! Hello there my red head first love. Oh it's so sad you never took up my advances. It is good to see you." Freya grins, "Oh Pilar, I would have broken you, you know that. It's good to see you too." Pilar chuckles, "I would have gladly gone to my next life knowing my pelvis was shattered by a goddess made flesh! You are still on duty are you not? What do you call the company for?" Freya hums, "Yeah I guess that'd be a way to go. Someday, someone, somewhere...I'll just have to sneak them by Jamie. Anyway, I'm calling because, fuck...Pavel Andros."

The call is quiet for awhile, Pilar Naji's face going dark with anger and loathing, "Did he do something again? I can call the legal team if you want, pipe them through." Sounds like more then a few of Freya's team dislike Pavel. Freya snorts, "Not this time. No, I need..." she sighs, "I need an In to his party that's going to happen in a few days." And Pilar does an honest to god double take, and a confused pikachu face over the call. Finally finding his voice, "Freya...my dear girl, are you drunk?" Freya snorts, "I had a bottle of vodka and a burger I'd need another 2 bottles before I feel anything. No I'm not drunk. Though that can change. No...I need an in for a mission. Pavel may have ties to something Raven is working on. Skye and I need an in. If I can show up, with a bodyguard, we can operate as a distraction. I need to break out one of my cleavage heavy power suits, but we need an official in. An invite or a really good reason to crash the party and make a statement."

Pilar rubs his beard, "Well...we are due to renew our magnetic coil and secondary power generator contracts with Vale. I can send out a feeler or two, see if I can...no I think I can indeed get you an invite. Give me 5 hours. I'll have something to you, you and a plus one, my dear. I ask only one thing." Freya quirks an eyebrow, "Oh? A condition? Pilar you sly dog. Name it." Pilar actually blushes, "I want a kiss...a proper kiss...and...um access to your next lingerie shoot!" Freya snorts then chortles deeply, "You horn dog. Done! Get to work on Pavel's party staff. Get us an invite." She chuckles, "And we'll see about the lingerie shoot."

She then seems to remember where she is, and she looks over at the rest of Raven, "Oh...right..." And the giant red head blushes.
Mikey Crane, Shaman at Large

Micheal sat there tapping the top of his near empty thermos. Taking another sip of the still lukewarm tea within. He hums, looking at the still slowly playing footage on the screen and the lists of people who were around that night. It is a heady thing, a scary thing to know that you might be on the watchlist of someone that has it in for you. That's the only reason someone would place a mole into their group. Or so he thought right up until the moment Boss Bot says Mr. X might be a Diety. Not all Dieties are gods, some dieties are just really powerful spirits. The Voodoo Loa come to mind. Mike hums, "A diety." Raven sighs, "There are some bad eggs out there. We ought to know we sometimes get labeled those bad eggs." He looks at Whiskeyjack and Manabozho. Getting a tired pair of nods in response. Mikey smiles, "Still you have your good moments boys."

Mikey gets up and winces then stares at his still bound up arm, the magic burn from the night before still not completely healed. He takes a deep breath, "Alright Boss Bot we'll do what we can over here, my three diefic friends and I. But from experience I really don't want to be doing too much magic weaving when this burn is still relatively fresh. Doing too much magic weaving would likely turn this from a magic burn into a magic scar and I don't like the idea of losing access to a portion of my magic until I can get that scar removed." He sniffs then shrugs, "Still try and help anyway I can." He nods. And winces as Whiskeyjack grabs his bad arm and shakes it, "We have faith in you buddy." Micheal withstands it for about 5 shakes before he grabs Whiskeyjack in a headlock, "Cut it out you chucklefuck!" Whiskeyjack letting out a squawk and flailing as the muscle shaman holds him tight, "If I could only pop your little head off for that you piece o'..."

Mike lets him go though with a growl and then rubs the bandages, "We'll be good..." He looks around, "Yeah we'll be good. Faith in the team right?" He nods, "Lemee go pick up my kit and I'll be ready to go." He makes for the door, "And maybe apply a new bandage and poultice. This damn burn...really burns now." He chuckles softly. Heading out for now, plate and thermos in hand to return to the cafeteria.

Back in the room he was allowed to use he gathers his gear, making sure he has everything, his diefic friends joining him a few moments later to pack it all up properly. At that moment Micheal takes a second to peel off the bandages, and look around to make sure that creepy elf medic isn't anywhere to be seen, before reapplying the poultice, some padding against the skin and new bandage layers for protection. He doesn't want to risk it getting more irritated during the rest of the mission.

After that, he and the three dieties are marching down the hall. Mike has to stop and dope slap Raven for playing some kind of poppy-rap beat. The explanation having been the situation is like some movie hype scene when the heroes walk out. Mike had just groaned at the reference.
You know what...never mind thank you for your time.
Sorry for the double post. Thought what the heck right? So here's my attempt at a character.


Tempted so very very tempted.

BattleTech and Mechwarrior will always be a beloved mecha IP (Still think Armored Core is better).

If there is room and I can muster the energy I'll try and post a CS perhaps later after work.
Post was made on a cell phone. I'll clean it up when I get home after work
Dr. Freya

The giant of a red head turned at the bar the bottle of vodka still in hand. She'd barely drank half of it, half a bottle like that would put most normal people under the table and out like a light. But Freya honestly looks like she had been drinking Welch's grape juice all this time instead of a black label vodka, woman has some skills and not just in killing people it seems.

As the briefing goes she smiles then snorts, "Pavel Andros? Yes I know him, him and Vale Systems. Jotunnhiem Defense and Energy, my own research, development and contracting company has done work with Pavel and Vale a few times. We in fact got the first iteration magnetic coils from him and Vale for our current project. I just hope he's forgotten about what happened last time..." She takes a gulp from the bottle.

She let that air abit.

Then continued, "Prick tried to cop a feel on me and one of my researchers last time we met face to face. His hand was up Kellie's shirt and almost up my skirt before I grabbed him and threw him through a glass wall. He was out cold when we left. We left a note." The big woman sniffed looking at the bottle in hand, "Ahhh it was 3 years ago I'm sure he doesn't remember. I'll contact my team Skye, whatever Xan and Stafford can come up with maybe we can wing it and add something connected to Jotunnhiem? A little bit of legitimacy? Just putting that out there. I trust Staff and Xan here honestly." She took another swig, "Meanwhile I'll try and find my best power suit for the party. What do you think, guys? Hips or breasts? Which would be better for this? I can't show off both sadly."
Muscle Shaman can be Smart too!

Michael rubbed his chin lightly. Even his diefic little brothers are looking serious. Micheal sighs and mutters, "Things are so much simpler sometimes on the Rez. The politics aren't this murky usually. People stab you in the back, but you know who they are afterward." He rubs his face and shakes his head.

So on top of someone mimicking one of their teammates, and a potentially st9len car oh and of course Faye saying there appears to be something about the disguise their potential suspect could be done with some kind of mirror or reflection magic. This just seems to pile on bit by bit. Micheal hums, looking bit a Scarlet plays the footage and that second vehicle rolls off behind the first, "Gotta be something else. Do we have a clear view of the Mercedes plates somewhere? Roll bCk abit did the doors or rear hatch of the Mercedes open at any time? If they did and no one got out then we can add someone with a Cloak or invisibility effect to to thinks to watch out for." Micheal looked over at Scarlet, "Fun times huh Red?" He gives her a playful wink, "We got an okay team here though. We can work this out."
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