The Battle Goddess does not fail
Banged up, armor a little dented in a few places. She sighed then let out a roar. She hunkered her shoulders down. hammer held to her side. her armor picking up on her intention, and sealed and shield emitters kicked in. A dull blue glow forming over her chest, neck and waist areas, and abit on her shoulders. It's still a limited technology, her teams still working on them. She bowls past the carcass of the IFV that had caught her unaware. the bulk of the machine shoved out of the way. IFV units and their supporting soldiers treated toa glimpse of glowing, charging, howling death as it hurtled towards them. She'd have done her father proud, a man who had flipped a russian heavy troop truck once by himself. Or her mother who had held open a blast door all on her own once. The fist IFV she hits, is with her shoulder, it rocks, she stops....briefly before she leans in then up, the IFV spinning a full 180 degrees through sheer velocity and strength of the person who hit it. She charges into the midst of the rest of them. Her hammer whistling, as she slams it down on the barrels of guns, sending infantry support flying from the massive blows.
With a running cry she slides towards a poor light armored ISV support vehicle and with a shout out of her external comms unit calls, "FORE!" And swings the hammer like a 9 wood up, it almost looks like she's going to core the engine out of the poor thing, until the hammer catches on something, the engine blasting up out of the hood, catches on a support, and lifts the ISV up and off it's tires, hurling it up and onto it's roof.
It's about then that Freya thinks she's had about enough, the rest of the team working on the rest of the baddies. She turns and charges off the field with a cackling laugh.
Oh it's been a good day.
Raven HQ, Back on the Farm
Medics Office
Any surprise that quite a few people took some dings during that fight?
Maybe Freya is lucky she had all that armor on her, and the shield emitters besides. But even she isn't totally immune to damage. So here she sits in a bed purpose-built for the bigger folks on the team. She sighs and rests there, one of the nurses looking her shoulder over. In Freya's defense, with adrenaline pumping, and explosions and shooting and swinging the Starbreaker, she hadn't really felt it at the time. The Nurse shakes his head, "Honestly Big Girl, how is it you didn't feel it when that round hyper-extended and dislocated your shoulder? It's amazing you could still use it, must hurt like hell." Freya sighs and looks at the big mass of bandages and ice packs on her shoulder almost reaching up to her neck and about half way down her upper arm. The 30mm round form that IFV hadn't broken the armoring but it had shoved her shoulder out of place and way way out of it's socket. They'd managed to pop it back in on the way over, but now she's packed up and tied up like this until the muscles, and ligaments and everything can calm the fuck down. Freya shrugs her good shoulder, "Heat of the moment I guess. How long?" The nurse hums looking at the record, "2 weeks for normal use 3 and change for combat use. 4 and a half at the minimum for safety though savvy?" Freya nods, and reaches over to try and pull her shirt up over the big packet of bandages, "Thank you..."
"What do you mean?"
The anger and rage in the voice can be heard even from the far corner of the rec room that Freya is sitting in.
"Well...see while you were gone...we ran a few more tests on the Rail Cannon."
Freya stares at the laptop camera, urging the physicist on the other side to continue, "Test 97-a and 97-a2, Test 97 as you know we made before you left. Ummm well 97-a went off without a hitch...but the round missed the target and buried itself in the sea floor somewhere...well somewhere near Tonga. I swear Doctor we have two teams searching for the slug!" The sound of the man on the other end of the call is placating. After abit of silent seething Freya then asks, "And the other test?" The man can be heard audibly swallowing, "Uh...Madam..Test...test 97-a2 was an unmitigated disaster..." There's a pop and the sound of softly squealing metal as Freya squeezes and crushes the metal cup she had in her hand, "Explain...carefully."
The man swallows again, "Moments before firing in Test 97-a2...there was a catastrophic failure on the magnets and the cooling coils. When the countdown ended...the railgun exploded...and we have a cleanup team inside the lab gathering and cataloging everything...we were just waiting on your return so we could begin the write up ont he failure. On the good side, DARPA says they are still willing to take the experiment up come the end of the test period because that's only 2 failures out of 99 tests so far." Freya sighs lifting the useless cup up and pulling it free of her hand, "I swear I leave for just a few days and everything goes to hell." She groans, "Send me the reports. I'll get started on a preliminary report then send it around for addendums." She sighed and looked about to throw the lap top across the room, until she thought better of such a childish action.
With a long slow breath she calmed, then looks around, "My apologies..." She said looking about the room.
Getting up the giant red head, headed for the bar, she needed something harder then a protein shake to get over what she just learned. Finding a bottle of vodka, the stuff her mother would drink sometimes, pouring herself a healthy dose and sipping at it at the kiten bar counter.