Amanda feels conflicted.
She is happy that her team managed to survive the onslaught the moment they arrive at Minsk. Everyone performed their tasks very admirably under very stressful and unexpected circumstances, she might have to commend the team on a job well done once she’s finished supervising Faye right now.
But also, there is also the threat of who got the beat on her team when they left Frankfurt for Minsk, there is a potential mole in this town’s office, and she has no idea who they are. The group could be in grave danger even if they are secure for now, potential poisoning of their staff meals, sudden darts out of nowhere laced with poison that might kill a team member of hers, and of course, luring them out into an isolated position where they can call no help, and then finishing them off right then and there.
The potentialities are endless.
But, those are thoughts for a later time, since miss Alexeya here just finished patching up Faye, telling the android that all her vitals are stable and well functioning again. “Just don’t expend your mana too rapidly for the coming days, I know that might be hard since you’re on a mission right now, but please, don’t do more of this, it’s not healthy for you.” Alexeya told Faye. A conversation that Amanda overheard and took note of.
She also didn’t forget about Scarlet thanking her. The android responded with a nod and a head pat to the Homunculus. “Alright, now, both of you, take sometime to rest, in some 30 minutes I have a small question I wanna ask all of you.”
The android had gathered all of her team in her bedroom. She was assigned her own bedroom office type of deal for her to work on during her time here, and it is large enough to accommodate Faye, Scarlet and Micheal with minimal problems.
“Alright, so first of all, I have to congratulate you for your quick thinking and tenacity in the face of those bullshit odds. Encore for all of you.” Amanda clapped her hands quickly afterwards.
“And secondly, I am now pretty sure that we have a mole inside this office. I don’t know where I should start investigating this issue, but I know that this is something that will demand our full attention. I should also note that we have that portal location Faye tracked to Minsk that also needs investigating, and with that. I am now in a conundrum here, and so I leave the choice to you.”
“Do you want to investigate the potential mole here? I can contact Alexeya and we can conduct whatever we need to find out who this person is, I can also use my authority as a senior agent to get files that no other agent can. It’s relatively low effort, but this can drive us up into the highest levels of the OMR command here, and a confrontation with the higher ups is something we must prepare for.”
“Or do you want to investigate the site Faye tracked down? Finding the portal location is very important, and it might lead us to clues as to how wide this operation is, I think there might be some people trying to clean up the site after the mess we’ve made to their ops in Frankfurt, and I am interested in confronting whoever’s cleaning up the Minsk site should we encounter them. Expect lots of action, but the mole in the OMR office here might run away to some hiding place after we’re done here.”
“So, which task do you wanna choose? And no, I am not splitting up the team again, splitting our forces even further will only lead to disaster and we need to stick together.”

@Martian@King Cosmos
It came rather suddenly, Madeleine didn’t expect the Roggenwolf to be immediately on their tail the moment they entered the site, but here they are, forced to confront this mythical wolf creature head-on.
Okay, so some context is needed. The duo managed to meet up with Xaviron in the garden, and Xaviron explained that the wolf is inside it. Probably holding up with the plants and flowers there since it’s the only major natural setting here in the Frankfurt region. It will be a very tense encounter and Xaviron suggested that they prepare weapons should the confrontation turn sour.
Unfortunately, Madeleine agreed to Xaviron’s proposition, that a natural spirit like a Roggenwolf should probably stay in their realm and not here, and the last couple of incidents where a natural spirit stumbled into the human world without adequate preparation ended in a… tragedy to say the least.
Lots of people dead, the spirit dead, and a massive crater in the middle of it all, not a good look for everyone involved. She still remembered the casefiles from Peru and Australia where that exact thing happened. The description of the scene did not bring a lot of confidence to her, but a job’s a job, and the Roggenwolf needs to be stopped before it wreaked any more havoc.
And so, Madeleine ordered Morgana to prepare a ritual circle and a binding ritual to take to the place the Roggenwolf resides. She’s a witch, and she should have no problems doing such tasks. Madeleine and Xaviron meanwhile, will go into the garden itself and convince the Roggenwolf to enter the portal set outside.
And safe to say, the mission should be a success, until the Roggenwolf suddenly appeared in front of them. Xaviron told the team that the wolf is holed up inside the greenhouse on the Palm Garden and the Demoness and Half-Elf went in to investigate. Little did they know the Roggenwolf has been watching their movements the whole time.
It was fortunate that Madeleine was bringing the best weapons she could summon for this encounter, lest the duo would be dead for all she knows. She carries a magical greatsword she forged herself some couple of centuries ago, the hellish energy in its reddened steel enough to cut anything down its path. She has a growing feeling that the sheer magical energy emanating from her blade is the only thing preventing the Roggenwolf from tearing both of them to pieces.
She has to make sure it stays that way.
“Great Spirit.” She bellowed. “We are not here to fight you, we request your audience for a few seconds.”
The Roggenwolf hesitated but nodded its head to Madeleine’s offer.
“We are here to bring you back to your realm. We mean you no harm, and we understand that this world has brought you great distress. We seek to alleviate that distress by bringing you back into your own world, where the corn grows without harvest and forevermore. A friend of ours is making a doorway into your world, and we request that you vacate this building into the area outside. Our friend is making the doorway as we speak outside.”
The wolf hesitated, unsure of Madeleine’s proposition, certainly, it would be beneficial for it to return back to its world, but it is not sure about whether this Demonic being could be trusted or not.
Before the wolf could retort though, the glass on top of the greenhouse shattered, alerting everyone to whoever shattered the glass on top. There are people rappelling down, full tactical gear in hand, and Madeleine knows those ain’t OMR tactical gear at all.
One of them spots the Roggenwolf and shouted in German. “There it is! The spirit is here, brothers and sisters. Let us capture this wolf and sacrifice it to our great altar! The ritual must be completed!”
And soon enough the tactical-wearing people started shooting magic spells and bullets in their general direction. Forcing the group to dive for cover. The Roggenwolf makes one look at Madeleine and she knows the innate meaning of the stare.
If you want to earn my trust, you must fight these intruders to show that you are not part of them.
With that in mind. Madeleine steadied her blade and looked at Xaviron, who is at her opposite side, crouching down on an elevated platform and hoping the ceramic pottery for the potted plant he’s hiding under is strong enough to block bullets. “The Roggenwolf wants us to fight against these intruders. Ready your weapons! Suppress their fire while I hack them a new one!” She ordered.
And just like the stories of old, the Demoness stood up and charged into the intruders, her magical shield blocking any potential bullets from penetrating into her skin, the greatsword found its target in one unlucky intruder who rappelled a bit too close for Madeleine’s liking, the sword’s enchanted steel slicing his kevlar armored vest like nothing, cleaving the person in two while other enchantments light up a black flame that slowly consumed the man, starting from its wounds.
She hopes that Xaviron is giving her the fire support necessary. She needs a distraction so that her Feuerschwert does its work of slicing, and then igniting the intruders who dared interrupt such delicate negotiations.