Hidden 6 days ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The walk toward the Faith Manor's front entrance was easier than Amanda would’ve thought. Morgana's knowledge of navigating among the winding corridors and many, many rooms inside the Faith manor was useful. However, Amanda could still only gawk at the various fineries inside the manor itself. Statues of ancient pre-Christian witches, great enchanted artifacts that are still seemingly functional even after hundreds of years being interned inside the house, and the curious look of several younger witches when they see their new Mistress of the house walking alongside an Android, and OMR agents to the left and right.

They exited into the massive courtyard, into the litany of various OMR agents that quickly stormed through the front door of the Faith manor, intent on capturing the former headmistress of the Faith family, capture and attempted murder of OMR agents are both crimes within the British legal system, and Morgana’s mother is most likely heading to a trial in the coming months. But that doesn’t really concern Amanda right now, the details of the legal case will be hammered most likely by some political machinations. This is the Faith family after all, and such a severe judgment of a senior witch will most likely have massive ramifications within the British magical world.

“Oh, are you Lhoris?” Amanda quickly approached the elf. “Hi there! It’s nice to meet you! My name is Unit 13K, or you can call me Amanda if you don’t want such a technical name. I’m the agent in charge of capturing Mr. X, and I heard that you are the new member of the team, no?” The robot asked her, quickly turning her head towards the rest of the team. She quickly introduced Lhoris to them. “Everyone! This is the new agent I’ve been talking about earlier. I heard she’s a great healer, and her backstory is also quite interesting. But I think I’d let Lhoris introduce herself to the rest of the group first.”

She then made way for Lhoris to introduce herself. Anxious as to what she has to tell.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Micheal limps...*thump....tuump*

The three gods suddenly caught Mikey.

He let out a hiss as he leaned back into their arms. He chuckled, "I'll bet you it would have gone differently if I wasn't so drained." He grins. And with the help of his friends, they trail along the main group and outside. Not that it's his job, but he and his godly friends take up a rear guard position. Until they are out of the building.

Micheal limps along slowly and tiredly. Once outside the quartet, relax, and seeing an OMR task force come to help out sure takes some stress off everyone shoulders. Praise the OMR, he grins abit.

Nodding a greeting to the new team member, "Welcome to the team glad to have you. A healer you say. Think you can do anything with this?" And he holds out his magic burn borne from over use of his ritual magics. He grins, not expecting much, but can't hurt to ask.
Hidden 2 days ago 11 hrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The surprise couldn't entirely be hidden from Lhoris' face. She knew about Amanda's existance but it was another thing to see an entirely mechanical person face to face. The world had started running out of completely new things she'd never seen before. She cleared her throat and composed herself.

"Hello. Yes, I'm Lhoris. It's nice to meet you, Amanda. And the rest of you," the elf greeted, looking to the rest of the team. "They have assigned me to this team now. I'm ususlly a response agent but they've decided the situation is starting to get too dangerous to have someone like me stay on the sidelines. I can't blame them. I read the brief Frankfurt sent me, and they're still keeping the finer details close to their chest but what I was told is concerning. Cults, Eldritch magic, weapon stockpiling and now ties to the Faith family. I don't think I could sit back and mind my own business after healing you, now I've been shown the magnitude of this situation."

She looked to Michael, and his magic burn. "Hmm, I can heal it but I won't be able to restore your magic. Though this is the mansion of a witch. I could whip up a restorative potion if they have the right ingredients."

Lhoris placed her hands over the burn and began to heal it as she turned to look at Morganna. "You must be Angelica's dauhter. You look just like your great-great-grandmother. Do you know if they have potion ingredients in stock? I told Alvira faith again and again that it would be a good idea and I hope she listened to me."
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