Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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Lab work

"Data coming through now madam." A voice said. The flaming red haired woman sits and observes the feed "Generators 3, 6 and 7 running hot and were not at optimal charge. Going to need to watch that."

Another voice chimed in, "20% and rising. Coils are super cooling, so far so good. Approaching base line."

The head of fiery red hair bobs staring at the screen through a pair of slowly polarizing pieces of glass, "Generator 8 just dropped 30% output...compensating. And there we go generator 10 online."

Another voice pipes up, " Madam evidence of a surge cascade building." The woman narrowed her eyes as the screen I front of her began to glow with the picture of an experiment on it. She sighed, "Continue we need to try and reach base line. Activate second and third energy sumps, we need everything we can get."

A harsh buzz and whine began, "Charge at 40 percent madam that surge cascade is getting worse." The woman sitting in a corner of the recruit room, on a large chair staring at a laptop screen snarls, "keep going, not far now." The buzz filtered away but the whine got worse. One of the others on the call shouted, "Foxfire, we have foxfire effect on the coils!" "45%! Base line reached, do we continue?" The red head grins, "Not yet...eye protection on now!" the thing on the screen glowed now like a mini sun, "54% madam we need to discharge that cascade is about to break!"

The red haired woman hit the space bar on her lap rip with a finger and the screen blazed as the hidden experimentation lab somewhere on the island darkened as if on a dark night, until the screen nearly whites out. The woman turning her head away. The sound of an almighty din coming from the lap top speakers.

After abit Freya turns to looks back at the screen, sparking and crackling in the wake of the discharge from a truly large coil gun in some distant lab, "Well ladies and gentlemen, it fired, but by the looks of it the firing..." She trails off as another shouts on the call, "Confirmation, round traveled at Mach 4.1 82 kilometers until it struck the impact island. Another crater to add. Check teams mobilizing to see if there is anything left to bring home and examine." One of the voices quips "Well...it fired right this time." And this set everyone on the call to laughing. The whole time Freya Kanatariio is grinning, "My dad was right. Cooling the coils individually helped...he's going to be insufferable when he finds out." And the laughter pick back up.

We road dogs again


"Who ever is driving is worse then my sister! Miss a rock two!" Frigga shouted reaching back to adjust the hammer on her back again.

Kazakhstan...didn't think she'd be back here so soon not since that job with her siblings...and that APC it had thrown off the count. Frigga gave a hum and smiled as the DPV pulled over. A relieved sigh out she gets stretching, the Gallarhorn armor popping abit as servos clicks, fiber bundles react and pistons rest. She limber her AEW looking around, "Another hill a new adventure." A motion and the shield emitters whine up, reactive armor plates sliding into position. Her hammer shifting as the winch system attached to it initializes. The plasma caster on her shoulder syncing to her head motion, "What shall we burn today?" She asks allowed as the suit begins to gather material for the Stars Core plasma caster. "Frigga ready." She calls as her helmet seals with two angled plates her HUD coming online within.

Wunderbar, thank you kindly Boss.
Alright I'm calling the Female Heavy. CS will be added into this post.

Not done, but the power just flickered and I don't want to lose this by accident.

EDIT! I think I'm done. @FourtyTwo take a look.
Okay I don't understand any of what's going on here then I do the main thread but it seems interesting. So in the words of one of my favorite games.

Hello Delicious friends.
I'm just going to watch this for now...no idea what this is...but seems I dunno interesting.
The Good Doctor Ziplon

It couldn't be a more odd situation. Not two but seven people sat at a Bar table in a Taverna Hole in the Wall kind of place in a section of Kharak town known as High Hive, if only to mask thr fact its a Corp controlled area, at thr moment OmniCore own the local Automated General Intelligence core for the area so they control the businesses. Oddly enough a good place for a bunch of former Alphabet Security Force grunts to settle in. Doesn't hurt they all belonged to the same company back in the Force, and most of them owe their survival to the dark furred bobcat sitting with them.

One of their number lowers her glass, "So Corpsman, where did you go after they chased us off? I some of us came here. Captain Koloa went to Parthio Two and the rest of Command are at Uoltoriia out on the rim, but you just vanished. What gives?" Dar sipped his drink a nice heady carbonated hard cider, was nice going down helped there was a hint of 'nip in it. He'd be going home back to thr Dee with a good buzz, "Weel fur yer speirins trooper, ah wanted tae git oot o' sight o' th' corp. Bin tae lang 'n' that damned general left me wi' a ill taste." He nodded and the rest joined him. One of the others sighing "I want to apologize for not being able to net that auto doc Boss." Darien quuirked an eyebrow, "Honestly mah laddie a'm waantin' tae ken howfur ye figured oot ah wis 'ere 'n' howfur ye knew ah micht need something lik' an auto doc. That thare is a gift unlike ony else fur a ship boord medic." The man a great bear chuckles, "Only the best for the company Doc, you know that. Atleast we all got together again for it right? Ninth company, Count the..." he's joined by the rest ,"...Ninth!" They all shout together. A clatter as their glasses and cups crash together. Corpo military types huh?

It'd be some time later a slightly shit faced bobcat roams back into the ship singing some odd tune nonsensical in the bobcats situation well in his cups and dosed on catnip no less. The words of "Aikendrum, aikendrum" echo as the bobcat marches up and down the halls outside the medway.
Carl troops down the ramp on the heels of the others. One hand holding his lmg the other already tugging his Carl Gustav off his back. He peers about loading the launcher with one hand. Bracing the LMG and rattling off a short burst at some opfor. As he does he spots the approaching vehicles coming. He snarled then shouted, "Anti material teams!?" Two squads humping up beside him. A pair of 2nd LTs giving Carl nods,"You all see that armor?" The troops nod and start setting up, as Carl let's his lmg hang, "Well I don't want too." There's a Crack from somewhere near by and an opfor with a shotgun flies out from behind cover a hole in his chest from something big having hit him.

Victor moved forward face in his helmet straight there is something to just doing the job. He pointed to his side directing a group of soldiers who turned and opened fire, "Get rid of him." He called barely breaking stride. He flicks his eyes and his rocket pod snap clicks and a volley of rockets hiss up climbing then their smart munitions capability kicks in turning them, dropping the munitions down on a sandbag bunker. Explosions shouts of shock then rattles of weapons fire. Victor barely slowed, the barracks ahead his target. He'd get there, there is nothing to stop him. He leveled his Denel and coughed several rounds ahead, scattered responding opfor as they tried to set up a defense against their fast offense. He turned hearing several booms.

Carl had lined up a shot, the other AT units doing the same. A volley of AT fire flaring across the distance obliterating a few of the IFVS and armored vehicles. Carl shouted, "Reload fire at will then we move." Soon a second anti material and snti tanks ranks streak down the tarmac. More vehicles rolling over or going up in flames. Carl then shouldered his launcher, "Up we get folks." And as one the two teams of anti armor troops ship their hear and are hurrying to catch up with the main force.

Above and behind Nolan breathes slowly eye to scope. He pushed the bolt forward and a moment later the air about them displaced as another big round snarled down. The support of a HMG that the enemy was trying to get emplaced pops free sheered off at the brace point. The gun tilting then falling. Nolan works the bolt and whispers, "Three..." eye back to sight, scope moving smooth, "Next target..."

It's gods work and good work. That's what it is.
Sorry that took so long I couldn't decide on how I wanted to go through with this post. HAd to just sit and do something or I'd have sat on that for another few days.

Slowly reality returned. And he felt it. The feel of cooling blood, a cooling body under him. He'd lost his head again he realized. He looked down at the mangled form of what used to be a woman under him. He'd instinctual braced the woman under him with a knee. With a shift a pull and a twist his tomahawk came free with a wet around.

He took stock carefully the team is alive. The skinnies dead or dying. They could call that a success. It's only after he sees the others begin looting that he begins to rifle his kills pockets. Chewing gum a condom, a medal of some kind. He riches down and grabs the woman's weapon from across her back. He gives a whistle. "I'm glad we didn't try and make this a firefight and we caught them by surprise." He lifted an Ithaca 37 up, he palmed back the slide seeing a round loaded and a thumb at the chamber slide showed rounds in the barrel. A quick look again through pockets and a few loose shells are gathered, "Anyone want something secondary? I dont have enough stamina to carry this thing too." Its a find alright. He keeps a hold of it for now but the offer is open.

They moved on Hayden staying in a second position for now pistol unstowed held to his side, and finally out, and the compound wall ahead of them. Hayden looked around and along. He knew where this was going. "Alright get my happy ass up there I'll boost you all up and over. Then we gotta do this clean. If we're good about this we won't have to worry about those outside the compound. He braced and then took a few running steps put his foot in Sean's waiting hands and with Sean's help he's airborne briefly. A hand reaching up and catching the walls top ledge. He scrambles abit getting purchase and somehow not kicking Sean in the head. Soon though he's up peering around then bracing and reaching down, "Next?"

It's about 10 minutes maybe 12 to get everyone up and over. And then Hayden drops beside the others. His voice pitched down, "Alright. Let's kill us a psycho batch." He lead the way unshipping his Bren making ready for combat. Luck would have it they could side flank the court yard that Melanie had them in before. No sign of the Corp report that had lead them in. But there stands the savage bitch herself. Growling out orders as she watched a old CRT television showing the carnage outside. She waved that rebar spear of hers around like a baton.

Hayden looked around then nudged Beth pointing up on the far side of the courtyard above Mel, a sentry with a AK, "Pop that one at the start." He hisses then motions military sign on display, "Spread out multiple angles. We open when Beth here drops that watcher. Pick your targets then we all rock and roll on Melanie. I'll provide mass fire to distract them." He looked at them, "Sorry I just feel that the best way to do this...and suggestions?"
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