Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
2 mos ago
"Data coming through now madam." A voice said. The flaming red haired woman sits and observes the feed "Generators 3, 6 and 7 running hot and were not at optimal charge. Going to need to watch that."
Another voice chimed in, "20% and rising. Coils are super cooling, so far so good. Approaching base line."
The head of fiery red hair bobs staring at the screen through a pair of slowly polarizing pieces of glass, "Generator 8 just dropped 30% output...compensating. And there we go generator 10 online."
Another voice pipes up, " Madam evidence of a surge cascade building." The woman narrowed her eyes as the screen I front of her began to glow with the picture of an experiment on it. She sighed, "Continue we need to try and reach base line. Activate second and third energy sumps, we need everything we can get."
A harsh buzz and whine began, "Charge at 40 percent madam that surge cascade is getting worse." The woman sitting in a corner of the recruit room, on a large chair staring at a laptop screen snarls, "keep going, not far now." The buzz filtered away but the whine got worse. One of the others on the call shouted, "Foxfire, we have foxfire effect on the coils!" "45%! Base line reached, do we continue?" The red head grins, "Not yet...eye protection on now!" the thing on the screen glowed now like a mini sun, "54% madam we need to discharge that cascade is about to break!"
The red haired woman hit the space bar on her lap rip with a finger and the screen blazed as the hidden experimentation lab somewhere on the island darkened as if on a dark night, until the screen nearly whites out. The woman turning her head away. The sound of an almighty din coming from the lap top speakers.
After abit Freya turns to looks back at the screen, sparking and crackling in the wake of the discharge from a truly large coil gun in some distant lab, "Well ladies and gentlemen, it fired, but by the looks of it the firing..." She trails off as another shouts on the call, "Confirmation, round traveled at Mach 4.1 82 kilometers until it struck the impact island. Another crater to add. Check teams mobilizing to see if there is anything left to bring home and examine." One of the voices quips " fired right this time." And this set everyone on the call to laughing. The whole time Freya Kanatariio is grinning, "My dad was right. Cooling the coils individually helped...he's going to be insufferable when he finds out." And the laughter pick back up.
We road dogs again
"Who ever is driving is worse then my sister! Miss a rock two!" Frigga shouted reaching back to adjust the hammer on her back again.
Kazakhstan...didn't think she'd be back here so soon not since that job with her siblings...and that APC it had thrown off the count. Frigga gave a hum and smiled as the DPV pulled over. A relieved sigh out she gets stretching, the Gallarhorn armor popping abit as servos clicks, fiber bundles react and pistons rest. She limber her AEW looking around, "Another hill a new adventure." A motion and the shield emitters whine up, reactive armor plates sliding into position. Her hammer shifting as the winch system attached to it initializes. The plasma caster on her shoulder syncing to her head motion, "What shall we burn today?" She asks allowed as the suit begins to gather material for the Stars Core plasma caster. "Frigga ready." She calls as her helmet seals with two angled plates her HUD coming online within.
Apperance: Freya is a beautiful woman. One glance at her and you can easily tell she was blessed with the blood of angels, recieved from the breeding of two giants, no two Dragons in the mercenary industry. She stands just a few inches shy of 8 feet tall, just about 7 feet 8 inches, this being shorter then her father, and younger brother and nearly matches her mother, her bright auburn hair atop her head and her ice blue-green eyes that seem to pierce right through you. Her body is toned, incredibly so in fact as fitness and power and musculature are prized by her parents, but not to the extent of her brother's. She stands almost regal with her head of hair atop her head.
Often she can be found in breezy blouses and flowing pants, with short heeled boots when in a casual setting, face adorned with spectacles, often being pince-nez glasses for her slight far-sightedness. In a professional setting her three piece suits reign, pin-strip, or checked, often in a rich blue or sturdy grey, rarely high-heeled boots, when she wants to make even more of an impact, but often wearing flat boots, with a good tread, can never be too practical. Her work on though, in the workshop and in the lab takes her into sturdy labcoats and fire retardant outfits, often a specially designed track suit with cut, slash, stab and flame proof materials under that lab coat, hair pulled back into a tail to keep it out of the way. Can't be too safe when breaking the laws of nature.
Fitness - Freya was always the one in the family that pushed her limits, which means her physical fitness is greater than average a lot of the time. She can run longer and jump higher and just generally do a lot more than the average person. This is a trait that was heavily encouraged by her parents, both of them incredibly strong and fit themselves. Her mother a russian giant woman, strong and able, who captured the heart of a Norwegian/Mohican beast of a man topping nearly 8 feet himself. Both able to do feats of strength thought mythical. Her father even lifted a deuce and a half style heavy russian style truck, granted it was with the help of his armor but it's still a feat to be reckoned with. No surprise their three children took to it as well, some in their own ways. As Freya is a little more lanky and swift, retaining a certain femininity, but with all the evidence of someone who can rip doors out of their frames if they wished it.
Rigging - Freya was always tinkering, inventing and generally taking things apart. Which means she takes to engineering and rigging with a fervor only matched by her bright and inquisitive mind. This woman has a perchant for breaking the laws of nature and physics. Having taken ideas that until now organizations like DARPA and similar organizations have only scratched the surface of, and made it reality. Her armor being bleeding edge tech making her faster, harder hitting and more agile then her parents and siblings by a proverbial mile. The weapons she brings to the field are experimental but cause effects many scientific communities are still coming to grips with.
Physics - She graduated with a Ph.D in physics from Sapienze University Rome. Her knowledge of physics, from the basic to the highly complex, allow her to do many things like invent the armor she wears. This makes her potentially the highest level education in her family. Her brother having a bachelors degree, her sister a MBA, her Father several bachelors degrees and her mother, well she's a genius in her own right, but Freya didn't let anything hold her back and took on one of the hardest disciplines in science to get her PhD in.
Near eidetic Memory: A mind sharp and making sponges jealous. It's not the perfect recall of real eidetic memory, but the woman has pushed and worked hard to make it that she can remember facts and information long after she has learned it. This has come in handy both in the field when working with her siblings and parents, or in the lab, or out on patrol with members of her parents work force. A place on a map, a branch of imformation that suddenly becomes useful when at first some thought it'd be superfluous.
Calm and Collected: Despite everything some might think, Freya has a tendency to be very collected in dire straights. Taking things as they come, formulating a plan. And making sure things work out. The only people who can shatter this shell number four. And these are her family, her brother, sister and mother and father. The cacophony caused when her siblings are about can throw her into a tizzy easy. And her mother and father, well she loves them to bits and can become a really daddys girl in moments, and kowtow to her mother in seconds. As is only proper.
History: Freya was born into the Kanatariio family, the family of monsters and war, Her mother Natalie Denisova, later Kanatariio was a giant goddess of a woman, strong, confident, almost without peer. Freya's father, Victor Kanatariio, a mountain of muscle and determination, never able to give up or go backwards. She was the eldest of the three, which gave her the chance to both learn from her parents, her uncles. From her parents, she learned the art of war and combat, as well as tactics and strategy. From her uncles, she learned all about Private Mercenary Companies, the industry and all the intricate details that go along with them. It was like growing up among gods and demi-gods. Her Uncles, well technically not really her uncles. Carl and Nolan, were the first Military Juggernaut units in the world. A pair that spawned thousands of others across the world in later years when the effectiveness they showed gave rise to companies in Russia, The middle east, Europe and Canada. They all helped to shape and groom the young lady into a fiery woman.
That, combined with the fact she was enrolled in Sapienza to reach her highest academic potential meant that Freya was ready to join the fray at a very young age. Her parents weren't always sure it was wise, but they trusted her judgement and ability and sent her on her way. And it was a decision they would come to regret and praise in equal parts. She joined up in the Youth Corp of BlueSword Inc, the PMC her mother and father took over after their years of service. And her Uncles helped to run as well after being drummed out of the militaries they served in. She learned at the foot of their desks, Carl's line infantry back ground and Nolan's special services. His fathers large force and special operations back ground and his mothers brutal take no prisoners back ground. She learned alot.
Couple this with her work in experimentation and tinkering she became her own woman. Fast. Delving into the nature of energy and matter. Physics and cutting even bleeding edge weaponry and energy research. Taking the foundation of her parents and surrogate uncles, she made her own heavy armor, to help shape the next generation of super heavies.
Freya is determination personified sometimes. Anything to get it done RIGHT! Measure 20 times and cut once so that it can't come back. Her on the mission persona is all about making sure what ever is in her way won't come back to haunt them later. She's known for her Scorched Earth policy. She will burn everything to the foundation, and salt the earth so the cartel or PMC or other BBEG can't come back and use it again.
Outside of that Freya is a quiet, calm and caring individual. She likes her morning and evening tea, will spend some time dipping a biscotti in it, reading a book or chatting with teammates. Her language is intersperced with old military terms and barracks lingo. She grew up around mercenaries. But having spent long enough to get a PhD her lexicon is very academic too. She can be prim, and proper, and even like the iconic lab rat gushing over some new scientific article.
An interesting dichotomy.
Tactical Suit: The Gjallarhorn Armor is Freya's own creation. It was the result of months of research and testing, using her knowledge of physics to push the limits of engineering. Her invention, an optical cloaking device, which she named the Third Hallow, enabled her to become nearly invisible when the armor was activated, a state she maintained with extreme concentration and focus. This, combined with the cutting edge armor and shielding, provides her a layer of protection that translates to survivability out in the battlefield. The armor rides that very edge of being science fact and science fiction. Reactive plates and Kevlar and ceramic matrices, make it cutting edge. But then these common modern elements ride beside shield emitters and directed energy deterrent lances. All at the same time allowing Freya to move with a pace that past heavy operators could only hope for.
Main Armament - An AEW-G48-Beta energy weapon. The primary aspect of this advanced rifle was an energy weapon with advanced targeting capabilities, enabling the user to target multiple objects at once and fire with precision accuracy and control. Th first iteration of the weapon was geared towards infantry combat and spat an ionified path of particles before sending a high power high energy tracer of charged energy down it, like a battle rifle firing a pocket of lightning. The Beta version though has three settings. The original setting stands, but two more have been added, one super charges the bolt, and is great for armored targets as when the bolt hits it super heats the target, and can cook anything inside it, and blow out it's electronics. The second new setting creates one of her surrogate aunties favorite moments. And Frey would admit she likes it too. A surge of lightning, that can slough through almost any armor plating. Makes one unholy mess.
Secondary Armament - A Starbreaker Hammer, a type of medieval club built for melee and combat. It's heavy and the solid iron head can be crushing even the strongest armor plates. Made from carbon reinforced steel on the handle and a heavy osmium-depleted uranium head. With an attachable cable to return to Freya's hand after she throws the darn thing. Many a wall or a vehicle has almost been cored after she tossed the thing over hand at it.
Tertiary Armament - The Suns Core, a plasma based new age answer to, "Do pyro weapons really work?" Gathering ambient material, and super heating it in a special mounted furnace, it's then spat out in a thick spray of material that burns hotter then napalm and white phosphorus, and stays hot far longer. Area denial with a lasting effect. Many a bad guy has found themselves doused with the stuff and never been rescued to tell their story.
Support Gear - Freya carries a selection of grenades to both distract and incapacitate enemies before she moves in for the kill.
- Freya also had a selection of medical equipment, both for herself and for others, stored in her armor, kit bag or stored separately.
- Her optical cloaking device, a prototype with few other copies in the world. This thing takes alot of energy to power, and her suit core can either power her weapons or power the cloaking device not both. Stealth heavy she is not, as her suit still makes noise and the cloaking field doesn't hide that.
- She has a comms system that allows her to communicate with her team or hold conversations on the go.
- Her helmet is fitted with a HUD, allowing her to track nearby objects and enemies."
Freya spends alot of time in the lab. She lives on science and physics experimentation. If she can break the laws of nature she'll do it.
When in her offtime she likes to read everything from fiction to historical studies.
She enjoys the art of bonsai as well. Having no less then 20 well tended bonsai trees in her room.
Pushing the horizons of science
Her family, despite also hating her siblings. She loves them totally. Making her a major daddy's girl. She can become a mewling kitten for him.
Undocumented work, "The world runs on a paper trail you idiot!"
Unsolicitated advances, "Keep your hands to yourself or lose them. This is your only warning." This is often backed up by her brother Jamie suplexing the person who just tried to cop a feel.
Alright I'm calling the Female Heavy. CS will be added into this post.
Name: Freya Kanatariio
Age: 26
Apperance: Freya is a beautiful woman. One glance at her and you can easily tell she was blessed with the blood of angels, recieved from the breeding of two giants, no two Dragons in the mercenary industry. She stands just a few inches shy of 8 feet tall, just about 7 feet 8 inches, this being shorter then her father, and younger brother and nearly matches her mother, her bright auburn hair atop her head and her ice blue-green eyes that seem to pierce right through you. Her body is toned, incredibly so in fact as fitness and power and musculature are prized by her parents, but not to the extent of her brother's. She stands almost regal with her head of hair atop her head.
Often she can be found in breezy blouses and flowing pants, with short heeled boots when in a casual setting, face adorned with spectacles, often being pince-nez glasses for her slight far-sightedness. In a professional setting her three piece suits reign, pin-strip, or checked, often in a rich blue or sturdy grey, rarely high-heeled boots, when she wants to make even more of an impact, but often wearing flat boots, with a good tread, can never be too practical. Her work on though, in the workshop and in the lab takes her into sturdy labcoats and fire retardant outfits, often a specially designed track suit with cut, slash, stab and flame proof materials under that lab coat, hair pulled back into a tail to keep it out of the way. Can't be too safe when breaking the laws of nature.
Fitness - Freya was always the one in the family that pushed her limits, which means her physical fitness is greater than average a lot of the time. She can run longer and jump higher and just generally do a lot more than the average person. This is a trait that was heavily encouraged by her parents, both of them incredibly strong and fit themselves. Her mother a russian giant woman, strong and able, who captured the heart of a Norwegian/Mohican beast of a man topping nearly 8 feet himself. Both able to do feats of strength thought mythical. Her father even lifted a deuce and a half style heavy russian style truck, granted it was with the help of his armor but it's still a feat to be reckoned with. No surprise their three children took to it as well, some in their own ways. As Freya is a little more lanky and swift, retaining a certain femininity, but with all the evidence of someone who can rip doors out of their frames if they wished it.
Rigging - Freya was always tinkering, inventing and generally taking things apart. Which means she takes to engineering and rigging with a fervor only matched by her bright and inquisitive mind. This woman has a perchant for breaking the laws of nature and physics. Having taken ideas that until now organizations like DARPA and similar organizations have only scratched the surface of, and made it reality. Her armor being bleeding edge tech making her faster, harder hitting and more agile then her parents and siblings by a proverbial mile. The weapons she brings to the field are experimental but cause effects many scientific communities are still coming to grips with.
Physics - She graduated with a Ph.D in physics from Sapienze University Rome. Her knowledge of physics, from the basic to the highly complex, allow her to do many things like invent the armor she wears. This makes her potentially the highest level education in her family. Her brother having a bachelors degree, her sister a MBA, her Father several bachelors degrees and her mother, well she's a genius in her own right, but Freya didn't let anything hold her back and took on one of the hardest disciplines in science to get her PhD in.
Near eidetic Memory: A mind sharp and making sponges jealous. It's not the perfect recall of real eidetic memory, but the woman has pushed and worked hard to make it that she can remember facts and information long after she has learned it. This has come in handy both in the field when working with her siblings and parents, or in the lab, or out on patrol with members of her parents work force. A place on a map, a branch of imformation that suddenly becomes useful when at first some thought it'd be superfluous.
Calm and Collected: Despite everything some might think, Freya has a tendency to be very collected in dire straights. Taking things as they come, formulating a plan. And making sure things work out. The only people who can shatter this shell number four. And these are her family, her brother, sister and mother and father. The cacophony caused when her siblings are about can throw her into a tizzy easy. And her mother and father, well she loves them to bits and can become a really daddys girl in moments, and kowtow to her mother in seconds. As is only proper.
History: Freya was born into the Kanatariio family, the family of monsters and war, Her mother Natalie Denisova, later Kanatariio was a giant goddess of a woman, strong, confident, almost without peer. Freya's father, Victor Kanatariio, a mountain of muscle and determination, never able to give up or go backwards. She was the eldest of the three, which gave her the chance to both learn from her parents, her uncles. From her parents, she learned the art of war and combat, as well as tactics and strategy. From her uncles, she learned all about Private Mercenary Companies, the industry and all the intricate details that go along with them. It was like growing up among gods and demi-gods. Her Uncles, well technically not really her uncles. Carl and Nolan, were the first Military Juggernaut units in the world. A pair that spawned thousands of others across the world in later years when the effectiveness they showed gave rise to companies in Russia, The middle east, Europe and Canada. They all helped to shape and groom the young lady into a fiery woman.
That, combined with the fact she was enrolled in Sapienza to reach her highest academic potential meant that Freya was ready to join the fray at a very young age. Her parents weren't always sure it was wise, but they trusted her judgement and ability and sent her on her way. And it was a decision they would come to regret and praise in equal parts. She joined up in the Youth Corp of BlueSword Inc, the PMC her mother and father took over after their years of service. And her Uncles helped to run as well after being drummed out of the militaries they served in. She learned at the foot of their desks, Carl's line infantry back ground and Nolan's special services. His fathers large force and special operations back ground and his mothers brutal take no prisoners back ground. She learned alot.
Couple this with her work in experimentation and tinkering she became her own woman. Fast. Delving into the nature of energy and matter. Physics and cutting even bleeding edge weaponry and energy research. Taking the foundation of her parents and surrogate uncles, she made her own heavy armor, to help shape the next generation of super heavies.
Freya is determination personified sometimes. Anything to get it done RIGHT! Measure 20 times and cut once so that it can't come back. Her on the mission persona is all about making sure what ever is in her way won't come back to haunt them later. She's known for her Scorched Earth policy. She will burn everything to the foundation, and salt the earth so the cartel or PMC or other BBEG can't come back and use it again.
Outside of that Freya is a quiet, calm and caring individual. She likes her morning and evening tea, will spend some time dipping a biscotti in it, reading a book or chatting with teammates. Her language is intersperced with old military terms and barracks lingo. She grew up around mercenaries. But having spent long enough to get a PhD her lexicon is very academic too. She can be prim, and proper, and even like the iconic lab rat gushing over some new scientific article.
An interesting dichotomy.
Tactical Suit: The Gjallarhorn Armor is Freya's own creation. It was the result of months of research and testing, using her knowledge of physics to push the limits of engineering. Her invention, an optical cloaking device, which she named the Third Hallow, enabled her to become nearly invisible when the armor was activated, a state she maintained with extreme concentration and focus. This, combined with the cutting edge armor and shielding, provides her a layer of protection that translates to survivability out in the battlefield. The armor rides that very edge of being science fact and science fiction. Reactive plates and Kevlar and ceramic matrices, make it cutting edge. But then these common modern elements ride beside shield emitters and directed energy deterrent lances. All at the same time allowing Freya to move with a pace that past heavy operators could only hope for.
Main Armament - An AEW-G48-Beta energy weapon. The primary aspect of this advanced rifle was an energy weapon with advanced targeting capabilities, enabling the user to target multiple objects at once and fire with precision accuracy and control. Th first iteration of the weapon was geared towards infantry combat and spat an ionified path of particles before sending a high power high energy tracer of charged energy down it, like a battle rifle firing a pocket of lightning. The Beta version though has three settings. The original setting stands, but two more have been added, one super charges the bolt, and is great for armored targets as when the bolt hits it super heats the target, and can cook anything inside it, and blow out it's electronics. The second new setting creates one of her surrogate aunties favorite moments. And Frey would admit she likes it too. A surge of lightning, that can slough through almost any armor plating. Makes one unholy mess.
Secondary Armament - A Starbreaker Hammer, a type of medieval club built for melee and combat. It's heavy and the solid iron head can be crushing even the strongest armor plates. Made from carbon reinforced steel on the handle and a heavy osmium-depleted uranium head. With an attachable cable to return to Freya's hand after she throws the darn thing. Many a wall or a vehicle has almost been cored after she tossed the thing over hand at it.
Tertiary Armament - The Suns Core, a plasma based new age answer to, "Do pyro weapons really work?" Gathering ambient material, and super heating it in a special mounted furnace, it's then spat out in a thick spray of material that burns hotter then napalm and white phosphorus, and stays hot far longer. Area denial with a lasting effect. Many a bad guy has found themselves doused with the stuff and never been rescued to tell their story.
Support Gear - Freya carries a selection of grenades to both distract and incapacitate enemies before she moves in for the kill.
- Freya also had a selection of medical equipment, both for herself and for others, stored in her armor, kit bag or stored separately.
- Her optical cloaking device, a prototype with few other copies in the world. This thing takes alot of energy to power, and her suit core can either power her weapons or power the cloaking device not both. Stealth heavy she is not, as her suit still makes noise and the cloaking field doesn't hide that.
- She has a comms system that allows her to communicate with her team or hold conversations on the go.
- Her helmet is fitted with a HUD, allowing her to track nearby objects and enemies."
Freya spends alot of time in the lab. She lives on science and physics experimentation. If she can break the laws of nature she'll do it.
When in her offtime she likes to read everything from fiction to historical studies.
She enjoys the art of bonsai as well. Having no less then 20 well tended bonsai trees in her room.
Pushing the horizons of science
Her family, despite also hating her siblings. She loves them totally. Making her a major daddy's girl. She can become a mewling kitten for him.
Undocumented work, "The world runs on a paper trail you idiot!"
Unsolicitated advances, "Keep your hands to yourself or lose them. This is your only warning." This is often backed up by her brother Jamie suplexing the person who just tried to cop a feel.
Not done, but the power just flickered and I don't want to lose this by accident.
It couldn't be a more odd situation. Not two but seven people sat at a Bar table in a Taverna Hole in the Wall kind of place in a section of Kharak town known as High Hive, if only to mask thr fact its a Corp controlled area, at thr moment OmniCore own the local Automated General Intelligence core for the area so they control the businesses. Oddly enough a good place for a bunch of former Alphabet Security Force grunts to settle in. Doesn't hurt they all belonged to the same company back in the Force, and most of them owe their survival to the dark furred bobcat sitting with them.
One of their number lowers her glass, "So Corpsman, where did you go after they chased us off? I some of us came here. Captain Koloa went to Parthio Two and the rest of Command are at Uoltoriia out on the rim, but you just vanished. What gives?" Dar sipped his drink a nice heady carbonated hard cider, was nice going down helped there was a hint of 'nip in it. He'd be going home back to thr Dee with a good buzz, "Weel fur yer speirins trooper, ah wanted tae git oot o' sight o' th' corp. Bin tae lang 'n' that damned general left me wi' a ill taste." He nodded and the rest joined him. One of the others sighing "I want to apologize for not being able to net that auto doc Boss." Darien quuirked an eyebrow, "Honestly mah laddie a'm waantin' tae ken howfur ye figured oot ah wis 'ere 'n' howfur ye knew ah micht need something lik' an auto doc. That thare is a gift unlike ony else fur a ship boord medic." The man a great bear chuckles, "Only the best for the company Doc, you know that. Atleast we all got together again for it right? Ninth company, Count the..." he's joined by the rest ,"...Ninth!" They all shout together. A clatter as their glasses and cups crash together. Corpo military types huh?
It'd be some time later a slightly shit faced bobcat roams back into the ship singing some odd tune nonsensical in the bobcats situation well in his cups and dosed on catnip no less. The words of "Aikendrum, aikendrum" echo as the bobcat marches up and down the halls outside the medway.
Carl troops down the ramp on the heels of the others. One hand holding his lmg the other already tugging his Carl Gustav off his back. He peers about loading the launcher with one hand. Bracing the LMG and rattling off a short burst at some opfor. As he does he spots the approaching vehicles coming. He snarled then shouted, "Anti material teams!?" Two squads humping up beside him. A pair of 2nd LTs giving Carl nods,"You all see that armor?" The troops nod and start setting up, as Carl let's his lmg hang, "Well I don't want too." There's a Crack from somewhere near by and an opfor with a shotgun flies out from behind cover a hole in his chest from something big having hit him.
Victor moved forward face in his helmet straight there is something to just doing the job. He pointed to his side directing a group of soldiers who turned and opened fire, "Get rid of him." He called barely breaking stride. He flicks his eyes and his rocket pod snap clicks and a volley of rockets hiss up climbing then their smart munitions capability kicks in turning them, dropping the munitions down on a sandbag bunker. Explosions shouts of shock then rattles of weapons fire. Victor barely slowed, the barracks ahead his target. He'd get there, there is nothing to stop him. He leveled his Denel and coughed several rounds ahead, scattered responding opfor as they tried to set up a defense against their fast offense. He turned hearing several booms.
Carl had lined up a shot, the other AT units doing the same. A volley of AT fire flaring across the distance obliterating a few of the IFVS and armored vehicles. Carl shouted, "Reload fire at will then we move." Soon a second anti material and snti tanks ranks streak down the tarmac. More vehicles rolling over or going up in flames. Carl then shouldered his launcher, "Up we get folks." And as one the two teams of anti armor troops ship their hear and are hurrying to catch up with the main force.
Above and behind Nolan breathes slowly eye to scope. He pushed the bolt forward and a moment later the air about them displaced as another big round snarled down. The support of a HMG that the enemy was trying to get emplaced pops free sheered off at the brace point. The gun tilting then falling. Nolan works the bolt and whispers, "Three..." eye back to sight, scope moving smooth, "Next target..."
Sorry that took so long I couldn't decide on how I wanted to go through with this post. HAd to just sit and do something or I'd have sat on that for another few days.
Slowly reality returned. And he felt it. The feel of cooling blood, a cooling body under him. He'd lost his head again he realized. He looked down at the mangled form of what used to be a woman under him. He'd instinctual braced the woman under him with a knee. With a shift a pull and a twist his tomahawk came free with a wet around.
He took stock carefully the team is alive. The skinnies dead or dying. They could call that a success. It's only after he sees the others begin looting that he begins to rifle his kills pockets. Chewing gum a condom, a medal of some kind. He riches down and grabs the woman's weapon from across her back. He gives a whistle. "I'm glad we didn't try and make this a firefight and we caught them by surprise." He lifted an Ithaca 37 up, he palmed back the slide seeing a round loaded and a thumb at the chamber slide showed rounds in the barrel. A quick look again through pockets and a few loose shells are gathered, "Anyone want something secondary? I dont have enough stamina to carry this thing too." Its a find alright. He keeps a hold of it for now but the offer is open.
They moved on Hayden staying in a second position for now pistol unstowed held to his side, and finally out, and the compound wall ahead of them. Hayden looked around and along. He knew where this was going. "Alright get my happy ass up there I'll boost you all up and over. Then we gotta do this clean. If we're good about this we won't have to worry about those outside the compound. He braced and then took a few running steps put his foot in Sean's waiting hands and with Sean's help he's airborne briefly. A hand reaching up and catching the walls top ledge. He scrambles abit getting purchase and somehow not kicking Sean in the head. Soon though he's up peering around then bracing and reaching down, "Next?"
It's about 10 minutes maybe 12 to get everyone up and over. And then Hayden drops beside the others. His voice pitched down, "Alright. Let's kill us a psycho batch." He lead the way unshipping his Bren making ready for combat. Luck would have it they could side flank the court yard that Melanie had them in before. No sign of the Corp report that had lead them in. But there stands the savage bitch herself. Growling out orders as she watched a old CRT television showing the carnage outside. She waved that rebar spear of hers around like a baton.
Hayden looked around then nudged Beth pointing up on the far side of the courtyard above Mel, a sentry with a AK, "Pop that one at the start." He hisses then motions military sign on display, "Spread out multiple angles. We open when Beth here drops that watcher. Pick your targets then we all rock and roll on Melanie. I'll provide mass fire to distract them." He looked at them, "Sorry I just feel that the best way to do this...and suggestions?"