Laughing, shooting, smoking, boozing. The personal walker of High Spires was a thing of wonder in the world of decay that was your city, your life, something that stuck onto the psuedo-city of the Cloud like a big bloody bruise from the long forgotten apocalypse. But this little shipwalker, this intact relic of a bygone era was clean of all that. As if it wasn't here for all the brutality of the last 300 years or so. For once, you felt clean. Clean enough to get dirty without concern. You're sure this little hut housed several broken laws within it during this celebration but if someone drops a wallet when noone is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Not on the official records and all the muscle here was bought. This should of been a big deal, this should of been the night of your life and for the most part it was. Until, well, until the darkness of that damn ship took a hold of it. Some sort of system error. This should of been simple, a straight forward walk around the ship in a full circle back to the secure, personal deck of Hire Spires. Now we're stuck, alone, no signal, no help in the deep unknown. You've barely been here a few hours and already you heard things you wish you didn't.
Loud hisses threatened like snakes from the other side, muffled cries dragging further away and stomping so loud it made the room rattle. Everyone knows that the deep unknown is one of the deadliest places of the ship, but why it is deadly is...well..unknown. But if you want to get home, you're going to have to nurse your hang overs and start looking for a way back. High Spires with two of his escorts went out first, cocky and sure. Only one came back, babbling and covered in blood.
So, this is a basic test, really.
I've made some, motherufucking, other theatre fiasco in the past but I'm a bit fond of injecting mechanics in them. This RP will be set in a world I made not long ago called drifting future but it didn't get a lot of takers. roleplayerguild.com/topics/190034-dri…
I think that people aren't so into mechanics. So, I'm making a new, shorter RP with way less - if no - mechnics.
If you are interested please help me out, kindred and please pick a number next to your stated interested.
1: I'm interested in playing but with only one key mechnaic in - such as the health mechanic stated in drifting future ooc -
2: I'm ok with the mechanics around things like shopping, trait buying or starter choosing options.
3: I prefer to have absolutely no mechanics of any sort in this RP.
Mix the numbers if you feel it fits your wants -eg: keeping shoping and the health system - 1-2 example.
Story explanation: The party plan was for the shipwalker to walk all around the outer ship hull, effectively going in a full circle back to the private dock. Since the Cloud is absurdly GIGANTIC this is a big deal. But it got stuck far away from society of any sort. High Spires is a celebrity and you were invited to this party where all sorts of debauchery go down, be it through luck, a personal in or you were part of the higher society crowd in some way. The goal will be to survive and hopefully find a way back to some semblance of society/ safety.
All the races in drifting future will be open to play as. Even though they might seem a bit off in a party atmosphere. Ignore the mechanical natures of each race for the moment : eg - discarded augment list -
Obviously, there's a lot to read in drifting future. So, you can just ask me stuff. I won't be ramrod and stiff stoffed about it, kindred. But please do read your races section if nothing else.