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Caelan Maxwell


And a leap, a daring leap, first there was concrete, and the ledge of a building, and then nothing but air. 200 or more feet of air. Air cars racing above , street cars far beneath.

"Sir you are falling. Do you need assistance?"

The person rolled in the air, looking to their side, and one of the cities auto-remote assistance bots is pacing them.

The person cackles, "Naw! I'm fine lad!" The bot doesn't seem to believe him as it starts to catch up it's four long grasper arms reaching out.

"Alert upon your appropriation, you will be bill..."

The bot never got to finish, as the person spun around again, angled their hips, and with a bang a spike and a long high tensile wire lanced out. And moments before the bot tried to grab the person the spike bit into the far side building and the person is whisked off with a whoop. High and higher. Leaving the bot behind.

And the person climbs. Landing on the side of a building across the way, and the second of the two wire launchers fires, allowing the man to run up the side of the building while the first wire is detached from the building and spools back into the launcher. Reaching the end of the second wire, the other wire is fired. But soon the person has to duck onto a ledge and resume running as another bot approaches this time with blazing lights.

Yet still they climb even as the morning light begins to cut through the gloom.

Up up and up! Higher and higher.

The person hurdles the high fence over a sky walk, landing among the early morning pedestrians. The person keeps going, waving and calling, "Hi! Sorry just passing through!" And racing along the sky walk until they reach a good spot, climbing the safety wall, and with a push and a blast of the launcher, on they go swinging along and still climbing.

Right up until they reach a ledge and they are met with a TexCor, sec team in a low level hover truck. "What the hell do you...oh you feckin' Sk@ater prick! You've set off 20 alarms! We're taking you in! Hey were!" The person laughs, "Sorry lads guy has places to be." The man leaps, jumps off the top of the truck and then leaps out into the open again, soaring and doesn't seem like he's going to make anything until another fast moving hover car races by and the man catches it, "Bye!" He shouts as he's carried off, far enough that he uses his launcher again to climb even higher and before the driver notices him and activates the counter measures.

And finally, the man the Sk@te punk reaches his destination.

And Caelan Maxwell plops onto his rear at the apex of a hab spire, and watches as the first light of day reaches Mega-City One.

With a smile he nods, "Good morning folks, and welcome to another day in paradise!" With a blaze of light the Morris Road Sk@ter, gets up, and hurls himself off the building diving down with a woop of joy, before catching a ledge with his line launcher and off he goes, breakfast time, things to do.
It's a Party!

Just a few moments ago

Freya casually placed her empty champagne flute on the proffered tray. And unless someone looked really hard the security keycard nestled among the remains of the icecubes in the flute. She smiles and plucks another from the tray, playing the part, handing it to Ingwe first. She slid a hand down his hand after he took the champagne flute. Oh but it's a good play. Ingwe having eyes only for the great giant of a woman. Jamie standing there looking quite angry over all of it.

The big man stopped though a second, and turned slowly. Looking right into Xander's eyes. He quirked a brow then a big toothy smile crossed his face. He nodded and under his breath grunted, "Glitch, well look at you, I thought you were off shift too?" Jamie smiles, and as Xander passes Jamie whispers to him "You need anything you let me know, I've got your back."

He then quickly turns to narrow his eyes at Ingwe and his sister. As Freya is leaning in and just hairsbreadths from Ingwe's lips. Jamie almost growls. Which causes Freya to dart back, "Oh I'm sorry...I might be starting to feel the bubbly." Meanwhile Ingwe is slightly breathless and red in the face, his lips half puckered and seemingly quite empty headed right now. Freya turning slightly and smiling at first her brother, who gives her the stink eye for what she's up too, then past him, and manages to catch the eye of Samantha "Chaos" Dalton as she passes through the main room giving one of her fellow female operatives a smile and a wink of luck.

During all of this Carl is standing near by ostensibly watching the kids, the three giants in the room. Shaking his head at the antics of Freya and Ingwe. As well as watching Jamie do the protective brother routine to a tee, the siblings managing to play off each other, repeatedly drawing the rooms attention to them.

Between moments of keeping Ingwe off his game. Freya greets other party goers. One an up and coming defense contractor, who is fairly well known in some shadier circles for taking some really...dark...contracts. She grins, "Kortsky! Well look at you, love the suit. How was that thing in the Congo? Big dust up wasn't it? I mean after that crazy thing with that guy the Hyena years ago I'm surprised they want foreigners come in you know?" Jan Kortsky clears his throat and smiles, "Oh you know things need to be done sometimes Dr. Kanatarrio, and people like us need to clean it up. Good to see you by the way I've heard great things about your projects. I hear something about a mass driver? The army and navy have been trying for years, but I hear your tests are going well. When are we going to see a demo hun?" Freya chuckles, "Stick around tonight and you just may. I brought some toys." The man almost looks giddy, "I look forward to it!" Kortsky says and then scampers off, likely to spread the news.

Jamie hums, "Didn't realize you were here on business business too sis." Freya grins and hands Jamie another champagne flute, "Business and pleasure lil' brother." She then turns back to Ingwe, "Lots and lots of pleasure if you're lucky." The man who had been drifting snaps back to attention on Freya, going blank eyed and completely attention on the large well dressed...and let's face it flaunting woman.
This is shaping up to be an eclectic cast gotta say.

Gonna be interesting.
Stop...Mikey Time!

Mike and his diefic buddies took a short bit to load up Micheal's gear into the vehicle. And then the gods piled into the trunk with it. Micheal sighed and shut the trunk grumbling, "If I look to find you all playing cards with dogs again I swear I'm commiting myself." He gets into the car and settles in. The whole way rubbing his arm, soothing the magical burns.

It's as they get to the apartment block that Mike gets out of the car, opens the trunk and puts on his gear. Leather vest, buckskin pants, slippers and the fingerless gloves with the symbolic embroidery. He sighs and rubs at the bandages again, unable to hide them now with the vest on and the long sleeved shirt he was wearing gone. He sighs, "Okay this will go fine right?" And the shooting started, he gripped his tomahawk in hand and ducked into cover. Once behind something solid he breaks out his ritual kit. And as he kneels there looking through things he bites his lip, "I don't know what to do..." He closes his eyes and begins to panic just abit.

Then his godly friends arrive. And it's they who are his voice of reason for once. Whiskeyjack saying, "Calm down nitisan breathe." Raven at his back patting it, "You know what you need to do." And Manabozho kneeling at his left side says, "Trust in your training, trust in us and trust in your friends. You can do this."

Micheal takes a few deep breaths, deep in and out calming himself as the fighting starts. Reopening his eyes and scanning his equipment, he then grabs a knife and a hunk of tree fungus handing it too Whiskeyjack, "cut that up, fine as you can." He picks up a packet of tobacco and hands that and a grinder to manabozho, "Fine as you can there too." He then picks his pipe out of there. Raven blinking, "You want to smoke? Now?" Micheal shakes his head, "Tobacco and fungus together, you take the sage and break it up. Mix is all together, I'm going to try a wind spell." The three gods who started their tasks look at him like he grew another head, "A wind spell what's that going to do?" Micheal shakes his head, "Okay so not quite a wind spell, but a smoke and cloud spell." Manabozho snorts, "There is no such...wait..." Whiskeyjack nearly drops the knife, "There is no such spell...are you suggesting..." The three gods say it together, "A new ritual? You know how dangerous the Elders say making a new ritual on the fly under stress is right?"

Micheal nods, "I know what they say but we're short on time. I burn myself out for a night then so be it. Finish up quickly!" He in the meantime begins to clean the bowl of the pipe. In a matter of minutes and seeing Red get into the game he's got his pipe ready and the sliced up ingredients are being packed into the bowl. It's a sphere of calm in the middle of the fight as Micheal and the Gods work. Soon he's packing that bowl, and sitting down, lighting up with the help of Raven, while Whiskeyjack and Manabozho bring up a pair of shields. Micheal lights up, and on the first pull of the concotion, the air stills about him, and he prays, "Spirits of wind, spirits of storm, spirits of dust and ash and cloud. Heed me, hear me. I call your aid..." HE takes another pull the magic seeming to condense about him, "Hear me spirits of the land, the sky and the water and of life. We fight this way to stop great evil, and to carry the day against anger, pain, and manipulation! Help us!" The magic of this new ritual seems to harden, then soften, as clouds begin to form around the Shaman. Mickey's eyes open, the glowing power of a shaman's ritual magic blazing in them, "Spirits! Hold my foes, help my allies. May my allies strike true! My foes strikes fail! Spirits! I call on you!"

Like a compression bomb, the magic condenses again before shooting out, clouds of dust and water vapor forming in the way of the enemy shooters. condensation appearing on the windows of the enemy who are trying to direct fire. And much to Micheal's surprise there's a crackle of lightinng on the air, as an honest to god storm begins to form above them. Before a bolt of lightning comes hissing down, missing Amanda where she's stands angles just above the ground then hisses into the building and explodes lashing it's electrical energy into a man who was raising a large big bore rifle aiming for Amanada. Micheal smiling, as tears of shamnanic power tear from his eyes, he rises his hand, still holding his pipe, "More!" He calls, as another lightning bolt accompanied by a blast of thunder hammers down and takes out a window, exposing the enemy to his allies fire. "And again!" he calls, the spirits come to their aid answering as a gust of wind and dust throw off the aim of another shooter.

All the while the three gods are laughing and cheering, Whiskeyjack his arms in the air and crowing, "He did it! The Mad man created a new ritual from scratch! Without testing it! And it worked! The utter mad man! Yes!" The god tips his head back and war whoops to the sky, cheering on the spirits and cheering on his shaman friend.

Freya Kantaario and Skye Rosalind Lyons

Would you please come with me Ma’am…Oh Hi Freya…

Freya was not at all surprised they got pulled aside. If it wasn’t for the fact she had thrown the little puke through a wall last time, the fact that big bad Freya Kantaario showed up to the gala, with toys…dressed to kill, visually and literally if she wanted, and with a second body in tow. The first thing was a red flag the second thing was two red flags and a green flag and the last was like a nuke in human form. What the fuck right? So when Skye is pulled away Freya is not at all surprised. And even if the guard had insisted on going alone, Big Bombshell (get it?) Freya, with a cleavage that’s almost a war crime to show, follows. Close, and when the security fella tries to give him a look that says she shouldn’t follow, and they need to talk, “Alone.” Freya cackles, and bends down abit, and she can’t help but grin as his eyes briefly go to the swell of breasts flesh at his eye level, “Do you really think you could stop me?” The grin on her face tells tales. Some secret some now so much.

A few short moments later

Well that went south quickly.

Like it was relatively normal security shake down and questioning one moment, and then here’s Skye flipping over a table and getting the poor guy in a choke hold.

Freya sighs. Looking at the pair, “I’m trying to be polite here. Seriously Mr. Wickers, I mean I swear to fuck.” She slams her fist on the wall, “Sound proofed. I’ll bet it was just a brief pressure difference on the other side right?” And Skye points it out too. Freya gets up, and towers, somehow seeming so so much larger then she should be, “Look, we’re trying to be nice. Despite what Skye Caldwell, “ She emphasizes the name, “, seems to be doing, what you think is going to happen, isn’t going to happen.” With a big smile the giantess crosses her arms under her breasts, emphasis again, dear gods she can kill with those things! “If either of us were going to kill the man this is not how we’d do that.” She blinks, “Wait that’s not what I mean. Skye, help me out here!”

Skye chuckled, knowing oh boy, that would be how her giantess team-mate might have. And that was considered in the industry a rather nice way to go. Probably saved for only the best, but this little bastard wasn’t exactly it.
“Though it would be rather hilarious. Jim here might even appreciate it.”
Skye looked at the terrified man, choking him as he tried to worm his way out, the Scot not letting him get anything. Unless it was his thing. Then maybe, but only because it was in the line of duty. Or something.
“Look, foreplay or not, here you are. See what else you can pick up in the room. I’ll finish our little engagement.”
Skye retorted back to Freya, looking down to Jim, and continuing to get the info she needed out of him. Freya was one hell of an asset, and even she couldn’t keep her eyes. Though how could you, the absolute size of her made her presence in any room dominating, and right here, Freya going akimbo was nothing to bat an eyelid at.

Freya gave a good look around the room, and crossed around the desk, and almost palms the poor guys head as she passes, “Don’t hold back now.” She says and heads for the monitor bank, “Let’s see now, good system, decent picture. I like it.” Reaching into her bag, hand briefly ghosting along the asp built into the strap, the knife hidden away, but no she’s not the stone cold killer and sex addict her sister is thank you! Instead she leans over and scans the monitors, “Ah very nice, leaders of the free world, business moguls, Pavel himself, yeah can’t get around his pretentious pompous ass. Look he’s even preening at the camera!” She motions as Pavel is indeed staring at the nearest camera and making kissy faces, “And we wonder why I threw him through a wall once?”

She shakes her head and continues to scan, briefly looking down and snorting, “Skye…” And tosses her a lanyard with a security level key pass on it, “Someone isn’t paying attention to their pass card we might be able to use that.”

Back up at the monitors she scans with one eye while rifling through the desk. But her hands still briefly and she looks close at one of the monitors, “That…piece…of…” She sighs, “I think we may want to wrap up in here as soon as we can. I just saw two faces out there. One very old and one very special pair of faces. She motions Captain Carl Cardinal on one monitor and Specialist Jamie Kantaario standing beside him, “I think we either have a huge problem, or we may have lucked out. Or things are Fucked Up Beyond All Repair, let’s hope it’s not FUBAR.” She gives a sniff turning to Skye and poor Mr. Wickers, “We’re not going to have a problem are we Wickers? I really really don’t want to come back here before the night is over. I think I have the capability to stuff you into a desk garbage can without much effort. It’d take abit before house keeping finds you.” The giantess quirked an eyebrow at the man, and a covert smile at Skye.

Skye wasn’t too sure of the names, but they rang a bell, as Skye finished up her little intel jig out of him, the confirm from Freya enough to start her last bit, well, her last chat with Mister Wickers. After knocking him out, Skye stood and looked across to Freya, looking to the cameras, and then back across to the man.
“Nice find on the pass. Pass that to Xan if you see him, he’ll run riot with it. And mind helping me put him away? Also….did you just say….fuck, that’s not your brother and uncle, is it? Oh shit….”
Freya nodded, picking Wickers up and looking around, motioning to the coat closet on the far side of the room, “Right there…” She motioned for Skye to get it open, the scottish badass getting the closet open, just big enough to hide him even.

And in he gets.

Freya is straightening her suit up smoothing down any ruffles, “Yes, yes that is my brother, and my uncle.” She sighs, “I didn’t get any messages they’d be here so color me surprised. Come on, let’s get back out there.

“Well, remind me before we go to your family events, Freya. If he’s the guard this guy was talking about, we really will be screwed. You know he’s Raven but on leave, he knows the game though….so I doubt it.”
Skye made the comment, as she noted that in her head. For those without the know- Jamie had been prior part of Raven and was on their roster, a giant in reserve given that well, some of the team did need to rest and had their own affairs to run to- like a football team with rotation. All bar Skye, oddly enough. So the fear was real enough, and then as for Carl, well, he was an old hand- somewhat of a family friend to Freya, an ex special forces Canadian who worked at Blue Sword, a PMC rather friendly to some of the wetwork that Skye had done in the past, a long, long time ago. A genuinely decent PMC, considering it was run by Freya’s parents and in a past life where they had been out in the field doing the dirty work themselves, taking up specialist contracts in the sort of work that Raven now existed to do now beforehand, rather than plundering cobalt mines in Central Africa. It almost felt like a sister organization of sorts, yet they were into much different things nowadays. She felt it was like an arm of the CIA more than anything with the remit they had, a detached unit that with Carl in the team of, meant that the PMC could be working for, or against them. It was a tidbit to remember, but it seemed freaky to Skye in this moment. And more likely than not, Skye was just being careful, assuming it was more likely than not that they were here for the same reason Skye was- to get intel and find out what was going on. Only one way to find out

It’s a Party! With Espionage for flavour

A few moments later

Freya walked along with Skye beside her, the giantess adjusting her suit jacket, “You could rule this world with the right size of mammaries I swear.” She grinned at her smaller companion with a wink.

Skye chuckled, shaking her head in response, utterly aware that people would be transfixed on what Freya was putting on as a show. It worked, all eyes were on her, just that Skye didn’t want all eyes on her too long either.
“Your mother virtually did, from what I remember a few years back. How she raised you, I have no idea. And if your sister is anything, I swear, I’d need a PR team to contain her. Anyway, like I said,”
Skye knowing her companion’s history well enough, and well, Freya’s mother too- what she did in the field alongside Freya’s father was quite something. Extraordinary, but then again, it was why it paid to have a giant on the team. What hacking didn’t do, pure strength did.
“Keep your wits on you.”

It’s a menagerie on the floor. A vice president of an African country, rubbing elbows with a defense contractor. Energy production company CEOs chatting with digital company billionaries. And like a mountain in the middle of one group, Jamie Kantaario shooting the crap with a computer genius, both sipping from flutes of something bubbly. Freya very nearly breaks abit of character and bulldozes her way straight too Jamie and Carl.

But, someone else seems to have a different idea.

Now Jamie and Freya and their sister Athena are big. It’s true, they can dominate a room! Utterly and completely, and gods help anyone if all three were in a room together.

So Freya is not at all prepared for a third body, someone nearly as large as her to step into her line of sight. She stops and it’s swift, it’s like a small typhoon! Or other natural disaster as the security guard who has to top atleast seven foot even lurches forward just as Freya does the same and the pair lock hands. Grins on both their faces, as a space opens around them. Freya grinning brightly, “Well look at this, if it isn’t a little prick!” The man snorts and pushes the giant of a woman. Freya moving her leg and pushing Skye to the side. Like a battle between two titans. The giant of a man grinning, “Geza Ingwe, you know this Freya Kantaario.” Freya cackles, barely moving under the pressure of the other man. Her cleavage heaving even as the arms of her suit bulge.

Jamie almost seems to materialize beside Skye, having crossed the room and standing beside Skye in his equally large presence, “Oh my, what is she and he up too here?” Carl is standing at the edge of the circle on the far side from Skye and Jamie sips his drink casually.

Skye looked across, momentarily spooked, as she looked across at Jamie.
“Shit, fancy seeing you here. Please tell me you’re here for pleasure. Please. I’ve had too many surprises today.”
Skye didn’t so much beg, as politely, convincingly ask. Jamie was ex-Raven, he knew the score as much as Skye did, and while he was the quiet one, he was by no means any less savage. He was rotated out at the moment, on reserve and whatever the fuck was going on, he was here, joining this exclusive party, and she didn’t want to know how. Had he turned? Was he going rogue, turning inside out? If he was, she was making a plan. He was a good hand to hand fighter, but Skye had tangled with giants before. It was never easy. But don’t ever let the bear get too close or you’ll get mauled as she turned across, her neck craning to him, Skye looking across to Freya meeting the large dark-skinned Eswatini man that must have certainly be that guard.

Jamie grinned down at her, “Why Skye, by your tone you sound worried. Are you pleading? Skye really?” Jamie’s deep tenor chuckle filling the air.

“It’d be a real shame to have to kill you and Carl too, but somehow, I don’t see it. You’re far too good for that. And your sister is right there. I mean, come on. Your parents would be really pissed. Anyway….enjoy.”
Skye shot back to Jamie, knowing she was teasing back, her initial spook going as she looked over, waving to the Canadian of Carl and then walking back up to him, heading onto the balcony one tier up looking down on the giants, as she approached Carl.
“What’s your score here? You know, he has R&R for good reason. You don’t have to work all the time, especially when family’s on the case. Freya’s got his angle covered. More than covered. But you’re welcome to join in….just keep in mind this is a sensitive one..”
Skye replied, a little ticked off, but then again, she was keeping her image- or at least, trying to make it clear that while it was always nice to see an old team mate again, there was already enough to keep an eye on as is, and things were a little careful here.

Carl waved back and motioned as Freya began to push, sliding Geza back a step, and by the sound of it bets are being placed now.

Carl smiles sipping his drink, “See Uncle Carl and I are here on BlueSword business. Mom was having a problem with some systems at the base in Perth. And Vale Systems has their fingers in it. So we were supposed to come here and talk with Andros about things. And I wanted to body slam him myself for what I finally learned he did to Freya.” It’s hard to tell if he’s serious about that. He sniffed, then in a lowered tone while holding his flute in front of his lips, “Is this an Op?”

Yes dear god he just came out and asked it!

Skye sighed, adjusting her own dress a little, brushing her hair aside, knowing that well, if he hadn’t seen it yet, maybe he would soon in terms of what was going down. It felt like a reversal of earlier- she had been in control, yet this, sudden help, it felt…nice?
“You seem good enough a judge of character, I’ll let you pull the dots together. I think you and I both want a chat with Pavel. Just don’t kill him. There’s something more going on than what you know. And it’s never good when they have you know what.”
Skye mumbled across to him, out of sight and vision from any other cameras, goers the party unable to see it as she turned back to Geza, then back to Jamie.
“That giant has the look for Freya. She’s straight honeypotted him. Look, just keep the security detail busy. And that roid freak. I think I’m gonna need a drink to deal with this one. This is a mindfuck. Can’t believe you thought to help, it’s….charming.”
Skye wittingly commented, looking to Carl, a smile on her red lipstick illustrating that yes, the Scot had seen her.
“You’re looking well, old man. Never thought I’d see the day of you in a suit and tie, but here you are.”
Skye smirked, then looking to Freya, only hoping nothing had escalated. Enough shit had gone down as is, and in the little lounge area upstairs, she knew she had to keep mingling and getting to work.

Jamie hums sipping his drink nodding slowly, sub vocalizing, “So it is an Op, and Freya is…” He kinda trails off. Watching as the pair are still wrestling on the floor. Carl passes by to stand beside Skye, “She’s a distraction. Our little girl is growing up.” He chuckles lightly.

He looked to Skye and motioned his head, following her as she moved towards the lounge, “Everyone has to be a functioning adult sometime in their lives. And it’s my turn I guess, Madam…” he stares at her name tag, “Caldwell?” He quirks an eyebrow, leaning on the railing beside her looking at the floor below, the little wrestling match apparently having come to a stalemate. As Ingwe and Freya had relaxed. Jamie standing by the pair now. Freya seemingly doing everything she can to draw attention less to her standing as a leading mind in science and more to down right sex idol she’s portraying right now. And seems she has eyes both male and female on her. Even Geza Ingwe can’t seem to keep his eyes off her chest.

Jamie chuckles, “Well done you two. Almost had me worried there.”

Carl mutters, “What’s the angle kiddo?” He gives Skye a look, “How bigs the op, and even though we’re not in on the team, as a professional courtesy I’m offering the limited BlueSword presence to help out.”

Skye looked across to Carl, the older man one she’d not worked with personally, but heard good things of. Worked with a British asset, funnily enough, and whilst his heaviest days fighting were behind him, if he was staking this out with Blue Sword, it may have made sense to bring him as well as Jamie to the party, as Skye looked on from the balcony on the floor above the main area, the lounge bar containing a piano, a bar, and more crowds of people, among which Skye hoped she’d find Pavel.
“Appreciate it, Carl. We’ve got numbers here too, help is good. The plan is to get some quiet time with Pavel. That and find some stuff. Buy us some time because we’re doing a little digging. Up top, and down under.”
Skye stated across to him, once again staying out of any obvious sightlines, before looking down.
“This is going to be quite something, isn’t it….”
She commented to Carl, seeing Jamie, Geza and Freya talk. It was one less thing to worry about, and well, it opened the door to Pavel rather nicely.

Freya grinned at her younger brother, “Surprised to see you here little sib.” Geza looked at the pair in awe, “Little sibling? As in younger? But you are both so large!?” Freya turned and brandished her presence like a silk glove. Even reached up and for a moment looked like she was going to brush his cheek. Instead she smoothes aside a lock of hair behind his ear, “Now then Geza, since when does size equal seniority?” Jamie for a brief second there bristles even, protective brother syndrome. But calms as it’s so innocent an action in fact.

Freya actually giggles, “Come on, let’s get some drinks. After that little match I need a drink.” She turns slightly, doesn’t quite flounce, but the motion of the ocean is like an unsaid invitation as quite a few people follow along in her wake, like some big feeder in an ocean, trailing smaller fish. The three giants making for one of the drink and food tables.

Carl’s eyes narrow. It’s been a fair bit since his fighting days. His active combat days in the past. 15 maybe almost 18 years ago now. He’s been in a command situation since. And maybe even another promotion coming his way. He looks up, then down, “Give you what, eight? Ten operatives tops?” He lowers his voice as a waitress passes by, “Take on Jamie down there and he and Freya can keep the big helps eyes on them. And a fair number of the fryer fish too by the looks of it.” He looks to Skye, “My run and gun days are behind me. But I can still talk up a good shitshow. A hand slipping into his suit jacket and bringing out a carbon fiber knuckle duster, definitely not Canadian made, “And just hope it doesn’t come to a dust up right?” He nods, “you kids do you thing then. I’ll try and keep the big’uns in line. And hope they don’t cause a blood bath. Signal or something if you need help yes? How that sound?” He gives her an arch side eye, and a crooked eyebrow.

“Jesus, not bad at all.”
Skye replied noting the carbon fiber knuckle duster, aware he was ready for a fight much like she was. Now that would be interesting.

“Alright. I’ll let you know. You do your thing, and I’ll keep you in the loop. Just give me a heads up next time, aye? Let’s not try and make too much of a scene.”
Skye retorted, knowing that Carl had certainly pulled some stops here to assist, and seeing the three giants go off on their own way, could only be very impressed indeed at the sight of it. Coming in close, Skye offered her hands up to Carl, hugging him. Skye knew the illusion would at least distract, given they’d been chatting for a while, and well, she had to tell the team what was up.

“Team, heads up we have some more help here. Few up top, and out of the building for us so we have friends. It’s….it’s too long a story to explain. Should keep the party stable in case anything goes down.”

Skye spoke softly into her throat comms, the hug covering for it, and Carl probably getting the picture a bit more. As she pulled back, she looked out at the night sky, then back at Carl, shrugging her shoulders.
“I guess you never got out of the game, eh.”
Skye smiled back at him, the gleeful Scot a little alive in this moment, able to embrace the party now, and despite the chance encounter they had gotten, this was rather a good omen, rather than the bad this party had kicked off with.

Carl chuckled as he held her, letting her use that moment to relay the news, “No, you never really do quite leave the business. The business can’t leave the good ones behind because the good ones know how to play it.” He gestures down at Jamie and Freya and Ingwe, “Take them. Jamie and Freya. I met their parents on the field. Victor once palmed my face and tossed me 4 meters with a shove of his arm for flirting with his then fiance. The future. Me, I’m the past. But don’t you dare down play the past. We’re the ones with the experience. I’d bet my partner would have been faster to offer help had he been the one here.” He gave her a pat, then downs the last of his drink.

Below Freya now leans on a railing, clustered about her, Ingwe who seems almost smitten. As he can’t keep her eyes off her, and he struggles to keep his eyes northward of her low cut suit jacket. Opposite him is Jamie, like a protective hawk. And clustered about them several people, trying to get the three giants attention. Clever methods indeed employed. One asking how her mass projector tech is coming. Another commenting on her figure. Which almost got a cuff from Jamie for their trouble. Someone else edging up to Jamie and the lithe young woman leaning up against his, pressing against his side and looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, “You are very handsome young giant.” Which set Freya off into booming laughter. All the while Ingwe laughing along.

Things seem to have turned around abit here. Hopefully for the best.

Skye enjoyed the scene, and just hoped the two wouldn’t tag team him. She did not want to know what the fuck happened in that family sometimes, and sometimes, it was for the best.
“I get the feeling. I know what you and yours did. And Victor, and Natalie. Hushed names in the past, but as always, the torch has to keep burning. One way or another.
Skye nodded agreeingly with him, watching on the railing, before looking over her shoulder back at him.
“How do you think they do it? I mean, Jamie with that girl. That’s a weapon he has, and she looks like a firm breeze might knock her over.”
Skye giggled, playing with Carl, this people watching session rather entertaining as she looked across to the old Canuck, still glad she hadn’t needed to think about making any moves at this party to make sure they stayed out of trouble.

Carl chuckled softly looking down at them, “How they do what? Play a crowd? Chalk that up to their mothers teachings. Natalie could pull an entire battalions attention on her and only her from a mile away just by a motion or a single word. Or how they play it and manipulate the crowd? That’s their fathers teaching. That man, though he didn’t look it, could guide a conversation and make it seem like it was the subjects choice to give up everything Vick wanted to know. Together, the both of them teaching those kids how to work the business. Heaven help us if the three siblings ever went bad. Their walking Geneva Convention problems. And can play The Great Game like no one else.” he sniffed a little, “If they were to go bad…”

He kinda trailed off as Ingwe tried to make an excuse to get back to work. And Freya snaked an arm out and caught him about the shoulders pulling him back and against her side, and her lips just missing his cheek, “Oh come on hun the other security have it handled you can stay with us.” Jamie manages to keep the look of annoyance at his sister fishhooking the man with her wiles. She’s not supposed to be dating until her late 80s if he has anything to say about it.

Carl hums, “If they were to go bad, we’d be in alot of trouble. Clearly.”

Skye looked Carl in the eye, absolutely deadpan, the expression as she realised perhaps she’d misled him a little there with her dirtier small talk.
“Carl…..I mean how that girl down there thinks she’s gonna survive Jamie if he decides to take her up on her suggestion of a night in bed. Don’t think you don’t know what I mean. I’ve seen it, and it’s like a wee fucking cruise missile.”
Skye’s face remained stone-cold like, before cracking a grin and a wild laugh, smirking at Carl and knowing she was winding him up, embracing him further, looking down.
“Oh, I really need to get a grip of myself. Look after yourself. I can’t promise it’ll all be clean tonight. But you know me well. The girl in the red usually gets what she wishes for.”
Skye added to end their little chat, pecking him on the cheek, as she turned from the balcony, heading over towards the bar and with a singular glance, taking in Carl one more time, leaving him there and then, the tease that she always was. Oh, she loved it sometimes, just to stir shit, and well, she knew they would talk just the same about her. She had spied Pavel in the corner of her eye making their way to the bar, and right there, was as good a chance as any for Sam, Xan, and most of all, Pavel Andros, to be there.

Carl snorted, “I’m sorry…I promised their parents to never ever think on that when it comes to my adopted nephew and nieces. Only know Jamie would probably split her like a log.” He cackled, then waved to her, “Go on Kiddo. I’ll keep an eye on the children.”

Caelan and the Jolly Moggies will gladly hear your supplications for submission err I mean friendship...yeah friendship.

Okay I'll ask it.

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He returns!

I'm just gonna call the funeral home...don't mind me

@TheNoCoKid Let me know if I need to change something boss.
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