Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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@Red Wizard

So just to verify.

I need to work on those typos right.

Anything else you want boss?
And after reading through My cs I see all the typos. Sorry for all those ill correct them when I get home from work. Writing all of that on a phone. With dumb fingers.
[[I will add extras to the post when I get home after work I'm inspired to write though right now]]

Just gotta keep moving.

Those are he thoughts running through Caelans head as he hurdles railings and kicks up and around fixtures. A breakfast sandwich hangs from his mouth. A trip of donuts half squished in his left breast pocket and a paper towel wrapped around several steps of cooked bacon in his right.

And behind him several angry members of a food cart he nabbed the food from on his way passed. Things like "God damned scum skater!" And threats of harm come from the people as Caelan runs. Until with a heaven hrs sailing outing the open air. The cart opener stopping at the abyss and watching carlan disappear into the air. Safe!

And soon a bang as his wire launcher fires and he's swinging on to safety. Landing on the far side well out of danger. Finsing himself a place to sit, nearby a public news kiosk playing a short story about a sniper kill, wait dis the anchor say it was someone in another Sk@te cell? Oh that doesn't bode well. Caelan munched on the sandwich and bacon before he turned and with a grunt threw himself into the air again. Only one place he might be able to hear more around here. Or we'll two really he could head home to Morris Road, one of the elders may have heard more. But right now there's somewhere else he can check

The Bodega.

It takes him a bit to get there. But soon there's a clatter on the rooftop of the building and a thump as Caelan slides down the front of the building and slips into the door, "Morning folks." He's not a regular but he's been through a time or two, "Puck up anything by The Tragically Hip of late?" He calls to Johnny as he picks his way towards the counter, "Or hear any juicy news? Maybe?" Caelan quirks an eyebrow curiously and smiles at Baba in greeting offering first Rielly then Johnny one of his donuts while munching on the last one himself.
And my character I think is no longer a WIP. hidden under the hider there@Red Wizard

I wrote that out on a phone here but I'll try and find a picture when I get home this evening.

Let me know what you all think here.
A WIP, I basically said screw it, I want to get this idea down. It's a start right?

Hi putting a sub on this thread. I love this concept, but I'm swamped with RPs right now. If one of them falls through I may have the energy to come here. If you're still accepting at the time anyway.

Already have this cool idea for a dwarven regicide.

Anyway I'll watch and wait for now.hope that's okay.
The Shining Example of Shamandom, Micheal Crane

Micheal brought down one more powerful blast of lightning onto the building, sending an ememy pair running for their lives at the thunder and blazing stream of lightning. Panting and with magical tears streaming down his cheeks, his eyes gleaming with the power he's channeling, Micheal looks about, seemingly a little out of place, "It all looks so clear right now..." The cracked and red magical burn on his arm at this point has burned away the bandages and boiled away the poultice, and the cracks in his skin from the burn are flaring a mean looking red light. But it doesn't seem to matter to the man right now. He holds out his hand and Whiskeyjack hands him his hand drum. Micheal lifting it and calling, "Sound of Thunder, roar of Nature, Here!" Then lifts his tomahawk to the sky as well in his other hand, "Flash of Lightning, fire of the sky, Here!" A blast of lightning lancing down, accompanied by the roar of thunder. The lightning clashing and blazing and is absorbed by the tomahawk, the head of it glowing a bright blue with arc of power flickering off it. And the drum the sound of the thunder condenses, and flows into the drum, the rattle and roar seeming to be just barely contained.

As Micheal lowers his ritual items he looks about still crying those tears of ritual magic, "I'm ready..." And follows the others inside.

He doesn't do alot inside the building at first. Citing at one point that, "Unleashing Thunder, and Storm inside these halls would do more harm then good, besides don't we want less killing right now? I hold the power of a storm in my hands." He had lifted his drum and tomahawk, "These would be almost as deadly as Red's gun."

As they went he had stopped to check in on Red, "You doing okay there Pretty Red Lady?" Okay maybe the adrenaline and the making a new ritual is making his mouth a little looser. But when she'd said she's okay he'd nodded and made his way forward. He'd trailed along, checking doors as they go, making sure those enemies that had been downed were downed and not just waiting for them to pass. He'd picked up one fellow along the way as he had been getting up to try and take a pot shot at Faye. And bodily...well bodied him into a wall then flipped him, First Nations fist fighting style into a window, smashing it then kicked him through into the room beyond, "No no you don't get to hurt my friends." He'd growled as he'd left glowing magical tears in his wake as he walked away.

He came in a little late to the room with the titan, "Defeat it? No, but I know a way I can slow it down. Manabozho, get me my whistle!" It's likely an interesting thing, when he forces his mental voice into the minds of the team there with him, "What I'm going to do, will likely burn out my magic for the next day or so, I may be utterly useless until I can get some rest. But bear with me my friends." He brought up his drum and struck a beat shouting, "Hoka!" And with the help of the thunder roar in his drum and the ritual magic he's stored up he begins to batter at the Titan with song and verse and music and magic. Manabozho seeming to know exactly when to bring the whistle to his lips and blow into it, the power of the eagle bone whistle, sending waves of additional magic through the magic stunning the beast for a time, "Whatever you're going to do, " Whiskeyjack called to the others. "Do it fast!"

It's already clear that it's taking every ounce of magic for Micheal to unleash the thunder and magic he is right now, the blue glow in his eyes already dimming.
Dr. Freya, A warrior Goddess in Disguise

As the party continued and both Jamie and Freya realized that Skye had vanished, things continued. The party moved along. The siblings traded a look, and traded a near imperceptible nod. Ingwe seeming to be coming back to himself a little, "Oh my...to be able to spend such time with a beauty as you, thank you for that honor Freya, but I fear I must return to my work. It has been a true moment, one that I will treasure." He starts to move away then stops and spots his boss and Skye coming down, his boss looking a little out of it. Skye leaving the man to the side. Ingwe making his way towards his boss. The sibling looking about and it's Carl who comes up and speaking in Mohican mixed with broken English, "I think we'd better get ready to leave." Jamie in Russian mutters, "Something is off. Very off, Sister we should move." Freya's eyes narrowing her eyes on Pavel and Ingwe, "Shortly." She says in Danish.

It happens in slow motion as Ingwe arrives at Pavel's side, only for Pavel to slip off the bar and slam into the floor. AS the fire alarms go off and chaos begins to erupt, Freya flashes her hands in First Nations Sign Language, Here we go...follow my lead.

The trio, brother, sister and adoptive uncle all stride forward towards Pavel and Ingwe. And even as people are making their way to stairs and fire escapes the three get in close. Jamie moves forward and grabs Ingwe about the neck, and lifts. There's a gasp as the big African man fights for air at the chokehold. Carl isn't as big as Freya or Jamie but he's got a certain flare, a certain presence to him, and that pair of knuckledusters. He steps in and slams his fists knuckledusters in place into Ingwe's balls, causing the man to hunch, which gives Freya time to grab Ingwe by the face and lift him up, and that finishes with a sibling powered suplex, plowing Ingwe's shoulders and head into the ground.

The man lets out a hissing groan as he starts to pass out. The big African man as he loses consciousness gets to see people running now, as Freya stands over Pavel's body. Murder in her eyes, and he can distantly hear her saying, "You'd be so easy to just step on right now Andros, like a bug, under my heel. But, that's not going to happen." She's about to turn around when there's a bam. And Freya turns to see Jamie's driving a huge fist down on Pavel's ribs something popping and cracking, "You won't feel that right away." Carl hissing, "Enough you two, we need to get out. Freya you'll come with us for now. And we can drop you off somewhere else..." By then Ingwe passes out, but he'll remember this.

The trio make for the stairs, the few people who saw what they did, quelled by a triad of looks, two giants and an infamous soldier, no one will talk...right away.

They take the stairs far faster then any of the othe partygoers. On the way down Freya pressing the mic on one of her earrings, "Frigga here, making egress with Scion and Juggernaut Beta. I'll catch a ride with them off site, and meet up with everyone at the rendezvous point. How copy?" Carl shoulders open a door onto one of the lower floors so they can get out of the chaotic flow of those people trying to get out. Jamie coming out onto that level and pointing, "There! External Fire escape."

Soon the three are running down another few levels on one of those flimsy looking metal fire escapes, skirting the main press within.

Before long they are ground side, and trying to make themselves look disheveled enough to pass for just another trio trying to escape. Again skirting and passing the police asking for information, funny how a pair of giants can be so stealthy. It's a large custom-made truck that the three are soon piling into. Jamie squeezing into the driver seat, Freya on the passenger side and Carl in the back like a kid in a baby seat.

And soon a rumble as the powerful engine roars to life. And ignoring the flash of a hand torch as a cop trie sto wave them down. Jamie peels out, and into the beyond they go. As they drive Freya grumbles, "I should have crushed his skull." Jamie looking at her, "Gonna tell me the story of why you're so angry?" Carl groans, "Here we go..." And Freya starts to the story. There's an almighty roared, "You're fuckin' kidding me! Why didn't you!?" As the truck disappears into the darkness.
The man who Katerina spoke too looks at her with slightly unbalanced eyes, then whispers in French, "English? You're English? Where am I? Tourism Agency said I was going to Tamassa Resort. Ahhh...wait you say Hyena? Like the Dog things?" The person groans and rubs his head, then in broken English, "Was in a tour group...supposed to stop through here in Matanbai before heading East." The person sighs, "I went out with a couple of the other tour goers before our next flight, I...woke up here...I think 5 days ago...maybe?" The person groans then looks around as the sound of engines roar outside.

Hayden for his part looks over at the doors that lead into the courtyard courtroom. He narrows his eyes, "Too many ways in. We need a way out." He looks around then up at the courtyard rooftops, "Can we find a way out up there!?" He asks.

Another of the prisoners. In russian says, "What's going on? Is that a rescue party? Aren't you the rescue party?"

From outside the four mercs hear a faintly familiar voice, "Melani!? Hey big gal? Babe? Sugar baby? We gotta get out of here. The fighting is getting hot. CEO Baetaza is saying to grab anything and anyone we can and get out of the city!"

Hayden looks at the set of big doors Sean is covering, "Is that fucking Viktor?" He says, kind of recognizing the tone of the voice. He looks at his Bren then at the former hostages, then makes a snap descision atleast for himself. He turns and smacks his pistol into the hands of one of them that looks a little more with it, "You guys get out of here if you can, don't fight those guys coming in." He turns then and makes a beeline for one of the doors at the back of the courtyard, "Sean, Yak, Beth, here!" He heaves his foot back and kicks the door in.

And luckily it leads into a clear hallway. He turns and looks at the rest of the team, "Beat feet come on." And he slips into the hallway, moving with a tactical quickness but not fast enough so as to leave the team behind. His Bren held like one would properly in a situation like this, oh how he wishes he had a slightly shorter gun at this point. He finds a stairs, looking up it, "Come on...let's make for the roof.

In the courtyard the prisoners are still milling, looking lost. Not quite understanding that they just got lost. The guy with the pistol looks at it in confusion. And it's then that Viktor, with a tactical vest on his chest bursts into the courtyard shouting, "Melani where are you sugar ti...what...what are you all doing out of your cells? Where's Melani??" As if realizing something isn't right the men with Viktor start looking around.

A shout of, "Boss!"

Followed shortly by Viktor's horrfied and mournful shout of, "MELANI!"
*patiently waits for more posts*

The story can start and we can explore the world now.
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