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Current I just wanna sleep...
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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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My community needs an enema -.-
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Not a rush. Take your time.

As long as there is interest this RP will go on.

And I will not rush either of you into posts to force the issue.
Bors Titanstone

The dwarf listened closely to what he could hear of the Warden speaking. National problems, people in peril. What does he owe the King, or the Kingdom. The humans, the elves or the dwarves? His own people have done nothing but throw him out of the Dwarven Realm. True he had killed and humiliated quite a few high ranking people but that's there fault isn't it? He's about to say something about the Warden can go suck something long, hard, round and rod like, but before he can do so, it finishes speaking.

And then he's falling.

Or it feels like falling.

It could be soaring.

Or even flying.

Guess he didn't have a choice.

As he fell he could hear it's voice in his head, "Apologies Titanstone, but the crimes you committed will not allow me to just let you decide. Good luck."

And then the ground is racing up at him.

Bors braces, turning and with a clanking bang he strikes the dirt and stone of a low cliff edge, and rolls. A flurry of Dwarven swear words blares as the short figure rolls down the cliff face. And finally lands in about a foot of water. He'd landed several meters away from the main group, just at the edge of the forest and the clearing, right in the water. And as others begin you rouse. From the stream steps the tank armored dwarven miner. Dripping wet, face beneath his helmet and face mask still dark with the dust of stone that had settled while he had been digging for the prison. Held easily in his hands the axe pick, the great two handed weapon seeming like something that weighed near nothing to the Dwarf.

He scans the ground he can see. The hill-man, the armored thing, the abominations, the half orc, and others besides. He heaved himself up the low bank of the stream. Squinting through the bright light of the surface sun. He growled and looked skyward briefly, growling out in Dwarven, "Raaagh, that blasted sun light, the surface is too bright!" With a sigh he continues rattling out in deeply accented Common, "Borselv Titanstone, you can all call me Bors. Blackgaurds the Thing from the Deep called us." He grunts, "Well any camp when in the Deep." He turns, his armor creaking just, nary a sound made as if the plates are fitted so find they would never make a noise even if crashed against stone or only is struck by steel. He looks towards the sound of horses. "Hmmm does the enemy come then?" He peers over at the man who has given himself the prefix of Sir. Bors hefts his axe pick, "Emmm yes, let's. There are some things that get the heart going. Blood, drink, sex and a mythril vein. Let's shed some blood then eh human? What better way to get to know someone then to crack a few skulls together. Nothing an Axe or Hammer can't solve manling!"

Already the dwarf has thumped his way over and settled in beside but just far enough away that he can't be used as a shield or flung ahead to take a blow. Cagey dwarf he is, not quite fully trusting the lot. But willing to kill something? What dwarf isn't? Under his faceplate his lips part into a pale toothed grin, "There'll be plenty for all of us eh? Let the best Dwarf win!"
@Red Wizard

*evil grin*

Mix of a hard working Tolkien and a secular, industrious Warhammer dwarf coming up then.

I gotchu fam.
I forgot to ask. @Red Wizard

Are these Dwarves more like Tolkien Dwarves, or Warhammer Dwarves Or DeepRock Dwarves?

I just realized I don't know really how to have my Dwarf act towards others.

I used a more Warhammer Dwarf template for my CS and realized I never actually asked and don't want to persume.

I'm at a point in my Post that I need to interact more with the others and I don't know what tone to put it too.
Once I get home and settled I'll work on a Bors post. Been sitting on something slightly silly for abit. Might work.
@Red Wizard

If my peanut gallery random comments start getting on people's nerves please tell me. This is just me trying to be less of an introvert and break the ice.
@An Outsider

Roll a perception and a survival check for us too dc16 we think.

Micheal Crane

Micheal panted.

He took a step, still singing. Still casting those bolts of incandescent lightning. The wind and thunder called forth by the ritual. Mighty indeed.

But between one second and the next.

One step and the last.

It all just...

...winks out.

And Raven is just barely able to catch Mikey as he sinks to the ground, the deity letting out a howl of pain as the sound of sizzling flesh can be heard. His own, and by the looks of it, Micheals too.

The magical light that the young man had called up just bleeds away. And his eyes look dull as he lays there in the arms of his god-friend.

Manabozho and Whiskeyjack run forward and help to drag Micheal back to safety. Whiskeyjack the Cree trickster so in essense Mikey's closest ally looks him over, and says words loud enough for all to hear, "Magic burnout, he's as good as a Null until he has a chance to rest." Manabozho steps up and throws up a shield, which takes the form of a warrior Brave in buckskin with a warclub standing firm against the onslaught of the Abomination.

From behind the shield and in the arms of his friends Micheal can be heard calling, "Hey guys...I think I'm done for abit...hey Red Faye...boss Bot...sorry." He groans and rests back into Raven's arms, "Wooo...okay...just give me a second...and I can...get back in the fray." whiskeyjack then bonking the shaman's head, "Don't be an idiot you'll need atleast a day before you can even try scrying."

Micheal sinks a little deeper, "Ow...mean."


10+ right from the start! You must stick to convention and the oppressive wishes of the pack mentality! 10+ paragraphs! Now! Do not disappoint. You bring dishonor to your name, and your family and your mother if you do not do more then 20+ paragraphs in your intro! For honor of ze Fatherland you must do more! Now! Hurry!


lol who am I kidding? I'm likely to roll a 3 paragraph post sometime in the future so take as long and as few words as you need.
@Abstract Proxy

$5? My charrie doesn't have five dollars, best he can do is that fire opal he found worth 12000 gold pieces. Take it or leave it!
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