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Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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I just wanna sleep...
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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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I'm going to sub, to keep an eye on this.
Collab between BigPapa and FourtyTwo

What is Broken, can be fixed, what is fixed, can be Made better

Slow, harsh breaths. Or as slow as she could. The adrenaline of the moment. The idea of someone had hurt one of her friends, one of her girls. She’d seen red. And it’d all come back into focus, looking down at the pair. Skye to one side, and Lynx to the other. The repartee, and Frigga had taken a few steps back, giving them room. Watching, listening, swallowing thickly. Dear god what had she just done?

She looked at Skye, the vial trading hands from one to the other. And Frigga nodded, “Sure babe…” She stepped away, pacing away and flopping to the ground, coming down off that high, “Holy shit.” She muttered, “That was a little much.”

Their extract came in low. And she’d gotten up and made her way inside. Sitting across from Skye, looking at her, meeting Skye’s glance, and when Skye breaks the look to look away, she’d done the same. Whispering, “I’m sorry Skye. I don’t know what came over me. Probably come running like a madwoman if it happens again though.”

Skye nodded, shaking her head, knowing it had to be done. Skye was at risk- she would have been killed, and well, there was no telling what else could have happened. Lynx wanted Skye dead, and was more than any match for her. Hell, even for Freya, who she’d certainly fought valiantly against, but ultimately, in futility. You didn’t challenge the battle goddess when she was angry, that was for sure.
“It’s alright, Freya. It was me or her, you needed to stop her. Just….yeah, it’s hard to put things together.” Skye said, uttering the words, looking over, as she stood up, and instead of sitting adjacent, sat next to the large heavy, the Scot taking off her combat helmet and revealing her red hair against her camouflaged forehead to toe, leaning up close to her armor, and exhaling, hard as hell. Her body hurt, everything felt numb, from the exhaustion and now, more the emotion.

Looking up, she rested her gloved hand on Freya’s shoulderplate, able to just about see past, seeing the fearless warrior that had very well stopped her from being paste.

“Thank you. Not often I say it, but….I needed help there. Glad you were able to assist. Just hope we can figure this one out.” Skye commented back, her voice coming back, the cold metal and composite of the outside of Freya’s armor still not able to deny the person she was up against, the tears now mostly wiped, and her voice back from the croak.

Freya gulps then grabs Skye and gives her a hug, nodding across the way at Sam too, “Let’s go home hun. We need a break. And a while to recover. Take a seat.” She then gulps heavily and says as carefully as possible, “I’m sorry I killed…your sister? Twin? I didn't intend to. I just needed to stop her and to keep you from getting hurt.” She sighs and pulls Skye down into her lap, “Just yeah.” She takes a deep breathe and looks up at the ceiling, “What the fuck is going on…”

Skye shrugged all the same, taking the hug, looking back at Lynx for a moment, then back up at Freya, smiling, just glad to have a friend in a moment like this. She was emotionally not exactly the most rooted right now- there was a crack that had formed and no special forces operator would ever have something like this.
“You had to do what you do. It’s okay….it’s okay, Freya.” Skye said, leaning into the hug, nodding.
“Yeah, I do wonder what we are in for. She wasn’t as stubborn as me, that is for sure. World does not need two of me…though if she looks the way she does, fuck, I think it did get that.” Skye chuckled, breaking the levity at least, before leaning back into the seat, looking up at the other redhead’s eyes, the one that was alive at least. Freya was a warmth that Skye could at least rely upon, and in spite of the blood and guts that they’d both been through, it was reassuring to have a sister in arms.

The big lady grunted then grinned, “Oh I dunno a double helping of Queen Skye really doesn’t sound so bad.” She groans and leans her head back, with her face plate open she looks as tired as she really does feel, “I need a bath…and to see the Doc…and get out of this armor. And…try and forget what just happened. For a little while.” she sighs, “Being a huge warrior…hurts sometimes. Being a warrior in general is hell. The things we have to do, and the things that are left on our hands…and soul.” She chuckles and lets her eyes slowly close, “Wake me when the world starts making sense again Skye? Please? Or when we get back home, whichever comes first.”

Nodding, Skye looking over and put a hand against the paw-sized gauntleted claw of Freya’s, knowing she was probably a bit broken too, and well, as much as Skye hurt, she knew she had a team that had seen all of it first hand, and was equally freaked out.
“I’ll do what I can.” Skye merely uttered, before herself, leaning back, and looking out of a window for a last time, falling asleep, out of it and tired out.


Kaitiaki HQ, New Zealand

The Doctor is still hovering around Freya, even after they got back. Even as she’s sitting in the rec room, the Doc is tending to a huge lump of bandages on Freya’s shoulders. Grumbling, “I swear to all that is good and holy, even the unholy. You all are going to cut off decades off my life! The fight with Ingwe was bad enough. You tore something, or he tore something or broke something I don’t know. But there are fractures all across your back and it’s bad. But I watched the helmet came footage…your hammer weighs almost three hundred pounds. Three hundred!” Freya winced and ducked looking around the room while trying to reach for a drink, but getting cut off again and ducking her head again as the Doc swats it down, “Don’t move! You’re hearing me right? Three hundred pounds AT LEAST!” She shouts the last word.

Freya can’t help but chuckle, “Yes madam I know I built the darn thing.” The giant eeps and ducks again at the death glare the doctor gives her, “Sorry…” The woman lets out a growl that honestly sounds like a panther ready to rip someone in two, “And you pulled that much weight along with the chain with one hand. You nearly tore every ligament in that one arm all at once. Not to mention dropping that woman on her head so many times, lifting her and throwing her around, just made the whole thing worse. No lifting, at least for two weeks.” The doc looked around at the gathered operatives, “Oh who am I kidding, none of you listen to me, you’re going to be killing yourselves in no time.” And she storms off.

Finally Freya can grab her drink, “I don’t think she’s happy.” She says to the others.

The look of Doctor Keller was one of scowling annoyance, but then again, the usual carried on as per. She didn’t join with the drinks, instead, leaving them to it. Skye nodded to her as she left, Sophie certainly aware there was far too much shit to be managing today. It was quite the scene, as she left scene, and with it, Tahlia came in, the New Zealander, half Maori wearing a t-shirt and jeans all the same, one that revealed the tattoos across her entire arms and the sculpted koru and forms that wove their way across. The team were chilling, but Tahlia had a quick word to have- with the bandaged giantess, who sat in her robe, hurt yet somehow still in a fighting condition to push through Sophia’s listed ailments that would normally do far more damage to someone….not of size. Gigantism had the trouble that bones were normally far frailer on someone of that size- yet due to probably what must have amounted to some superhuman genetics, Freya was inverse to that, and no doubt, Sophia must have just been marvelling at it all the same, still in shock that someone that big could throw that much heat and keep going. Tahlia would join for a drink in time, but before, she did have some updates on a few aspects- some that would interest Freya with regards to the suit. She knew that Sam was also working on upgrades- but Tahlia, as the team’s logistics person, had access to that initial manifest for tools coming through.

“She never is. But then again, I ain’t got a leg to stand on when it comes to fractures, hah!” Tahlia called out to Freya, clicking her prosthetic, sighing as the very, very, very rare joke that came from the Kiwi, as she looking over, the look on the giantess’s face no doubt of interest.

“Hiya. So, I might have something for your suit, Freya. Sam’s done a heaps mighty job on fixin’ the thing, so I thought it was about right we do something. I have some parcels and just need you to do some fitting for me. Does that work?” Tahlia was direct, her Southlander, rural NZ tone coming across as she stood there, waiting for a response, the directness of the farmhand come sniper come logistics co-ordinator all merry for a response.

Freya lifted the glass slowly to her mouth, lots of damage back then, and here she is, telling at her durability. She smiles, “Ahhh Tahlia, hello, been a bit.” she sets her glass down and leans back wincing, feeling one of the many aches she’s fighting, “Oh something for the suit? What’d you manage to get?” She smiles, “Fitting then? I don’t have to take this robe off do I? I can barely lift my arms over my head at the moment.” She groans, “herlig, wonderful. It works just fine Thalia dear.” She carefully gets to her feet and motions, “To the armory then? I imagine it’ll be easier there, yes?”

Tahlia nodded, looking across as she knew that Freya would certainly be piqued by it, and with it, watched as she stood tall, suddenly going from just the regular large girl she was to well, a totem pole, at least another quarter of a Tahlia tall, which in most sense, made her crick her neck up.
“Yep, it’ll be much easier. I’ll show you what I’ve got you so far.” Tahlia added, as the two started to move, walking out of the room and headed down to that sector of the base- of course, in Freya’s lead. Tahlia could only follow, as they headed down the multitude of steps, and leaving the rainy outside behind, made their way to the first of the two armouries, and then, to the Heavies section. They would chat, talk, as per- it was a distance, after all, before they reached it.
“Yours to get us in on. Lemme grab the bits.” Tahlia commented, reaching across as she pulled the secured locker open near the entry, bringing it to task, a little difficult given the counterweight in her legs, but still, carrying the heavy box as best as she could.

Freya paced along with Tahlia making light little conversation of no real matter along the way. Observations about Tahlia’s legs, their homes and backgrounds, all that common stuff. And quickly soon they arrive at the Armouries. Freya nods and has to work a bit to lift one of her arms high enough to pull the lever to open the long, broad door, into the second half of the room. She smiles and stands there, looking within, “Never cease to amaze Tahlia. Never ever.” She heads over to the place her armor, still a little banged up sits, hanging from it’s wires and hooks and chains, “Seen better days too.” She groans and she turns and watches Tahlia then comes over to grab one end of the box, hey it’s not entirely on her own right? This ought to at least partially placate Keller if she finds out! “So, what did you do? And what kind of present is in this box? What’s the box?”

Tahlia helped lower the thing, a two person job as she pulled it apart, yanking open the wooden and composite crate with a couple of latches, before pulling out a few bits.
“Alrighty. So, first things first, upgrade for your shielding module. This little bit came in and you can fit that direct in. Port on the side of your emitter’s current position should be fittable, with a few impact bolts. This thing can hold off a tank round, believe it or not. Burns a lot of energy, but will do the trick if you need it to. On top of your Trophy System, it should offer you a lot of protection if you get someone like Ingwe trying it on with you again.” Tahlia noted, passing the large metallic box across to Freya, the device clearly able to re-route power, or at the least, regenerate some.

“Then, we have this thing. Another module for the AEW. Saw you used the armour-piercing mode on it as a long-range tool. So this one reduces the power output, but keeps the same magnification. Paired to a magnification tool inside your helmet, it should turn it into a rudimentary sniper. A sort of merge of a sniper, railgun and uhh….well, melter once it’s positioned onto a target. It’ll be like a really powerful microwave. Just a lot more crispier.” The Kiwi added, passing it over once Freya was ready.

Freya carefully took the shield module first, looking it over, finding the maintenance clasps and opening it up. The science woman within her wanting to see the internals, “Let’s see. It’s a upgrade, and huh this connects to the emitter…and these are condensers…and these are capacitors…a lot of them too. So it shunts all the shields together into one big one, that will then weather something heavy. That’s amazing!” She grins, “Great work here Tahlia.” She closes it up and puts it aside carefully.

Taking a seat this time and carefully reaching for the new AEW module, “Ahhh yeah I just kinda did that one a whim out in the field. I had to do something in the moment to get Lynx off Skye. And I was too far out to try and use the lightning mod, sure the bolt mod would have reached them, but there’s a chance that it would have also fried Skye in the moment. A big blast of lightning crawling through the trees and across the ground would have just as likely killed the boss girl as well as Lynx.” She looks at the new module over, “So the AP module was the only idea I could think of at the moment. I’m honestly surprised it worked so well on the spot.” Carefully reaching up she pulls the AEW down off the holder, setting it down beside the new module, “So a sniper module, something a little more well I like your word crisper. Gonna have to try it out on the range when I’m allowed to practice again.” She hums, “What do you think the range of this thing is going to be?”

Tahlia shrugged, seeing her appreciate the module, considering the story that worked out, playing around with the internals and getting her hands on it as keenly as she did.
“Not too sure. But theoretically, it should be significantly more concentrated. Way that the research team explained it to me, it’s like condensing a garden hose into a really, really thin stream. So theoretically, as much beam as you want, but you’ll need to play with the charge. Not too sure, but that was the idea, at least.” Tahlia commented, noting that indeed, she may not have had the technical nous, but she knew at least what to present.

“Glad to see you like the new toys. I know that there’s two new heavies, with their own. Chuck has jump jets, and Oliver his extended capacity on gear, so between the three, there should be some nice overlap. I’ll do what I can to make sure you all get the advantages between you in anything related to the development of your armour. We’ve never had three heavies on site before…rather interesting to work with, I’ll say.” Tahlia commented, the large Norwegian come Russian come American applying her scientific nous, as the Kiwi watched on, letting her geek out.

Freya nods, “That’s spectacular.” She sets the AEW and the new sniper module down carefully. She then looks at Tahlia, “So…I have a favor to ask then.” She looks pensive for a moment, “Look at the fight with Geza. It kinda rattled me, and resulted in the damage you see here.” She kinda motions at her shoulders, “I need to up the tone.” She puts her hand on the sniper module and the shield module, “These are a start. But I know I didn’t kill Geza. I hit him hard there in the fight. Just like he hit me hard. And I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him. He’ll come back. I think we really pissed him off. And he’s got a vendetta.” She sighs, and tries to reach for Starbreaker, but reaches too far, and winces, letting out a sound of pain, “Ah…fuck…can you, do something for Starbreaker? Make it, more gnarly? Make it so getting hit by this thing is something of legend?” She grits her teeth as she lowers her arm, letting it hand at her side now, doing her best to keep the pain off her face from the moment.

With a deep slow breath Freya looks across at Tahlia, “I’m not going to let something like that happen again. The other side are growing wily to us Heavies. They’re going to start employing them more often too. And we need to be ready. I’m not going to be a weak link.” She nods slowly, “I swear to that.”

Tahlia nodded, looking at the large warhammer, and hearing where Freya was coming from. She was hurt, but no doubt, wanted to keep going, holding back the pain considering how much she’d worked out. Giants were an odd breed- to fight and go that hard made most people cringe at how much they absolutely went in, like they just couldn’t be stopped. It was a different plane almost, and well, she could tell, the relationship was not one of just knowing each other, but a personal one. How many could there be like Freya? The idea did not need thinking about for too long, because whoever Raven didn’t get to first, the money did.

“You’re no weak link out there, Freya. Way Skye talks about you after saving her hide, I haven’t seen anything like it. But it already is pretty good. Might need something creative from the techs. I’m not sure about you, but that thing went out of fashion 600 years ago, and was probably last used by the rulers of blardy’ Asgard, you know?” Tahlia was brutally honest, as much as she could be to someone who could probably crush her skull with one hand.

“Does a good hit mind. You’ll get him back, if he’s pissy, just aim for the head when you can. It’s what I do, works a treat, though….with an arm like that, I suppose you get personal.” Tahlia added, smiling up at Freya, the compliment paid as the Kiwi bounded around, knowing she would want more.

Freya blinks and honestly blushes, “Wow…well thank you Tahlia, that’s actually very kind of you to say.” She nods slowly, “For a moment there I really did feel like one.” With a slow movement, she sits back up straight, resting her arm in her lap, “Hey something like this doesn’t totally go out of fashion. Starbreaker still has the clout to rock anything.” She taps her finger on her thigh, “What would it take to create a kind of kinetic impact mod for Starbreaker? Like when it hits it releases a blast like getting hit by a beanbag round? Know what I’m trying to say?” She sniffs, “Maybe I’m hoping for too much. But just an idea.”

The giant of a woman pats the new additions, “But this here is a good start Tahlia. And I am very grateful for it all. You all do great work.” A big ol smile and a bow of her head respectfully and appreciatively, “And I look forward to what else you and Sam can put together.” She rubs the shield mod, “And I’ll take copious notes and cams of the integration of this, just in case we need to tweak it.”

Tahlia blushed, smiling as she watched Freya came up with the idea and passed the compliment, the Kiwi taking it positively, breaking even her resolute demeanor. After all, if Skye was the team mum, she was the one making sure it all ticked along.
“I’ll pass it along. Sadly less my forte. I’m less engineer, more….pass-through.” Tahlia replied, though noting it down on a tablet she kept on her person, noting it down for something for them to work on.
“Hits like a fucking tool, I bet. I used one of those on the farm for putting in stakes on the fence. Bit smaller mind.” Tahlia commented, chuckling as she looked at the size of the thing, then up at Freya once again.
“So, that was what I wanted to show you. That’s my bit done, but while you were here, I might have something to ask you.” Tahlia queried with Freya, knowing that this conversation wasn’t completely done, something else, more personal coming back to mind. Something she’d wanted to ask, but couldn’t go to Skye about, not considering the situation at hand right now on the base.

“As you can see, I’ve got these legs of mine working good. But on the last op, there’s not a lot I could have done if things went pear shaped. That boot of mine gets stuck in the bog, I’m screwed. And you know how bad that would be when we’re up against bloody Artemis.” Tahlia said, walking around, the clack of the shoe from the titanium spring clicking onto the concrete floor, as Tahlia sat down on a bench, opposite Freya, somewhat more on her level.
“So I may have a bit of a….well, ask for help. Something like that. I’m like bloody Skye, far too stubborn for my own good. But if there’s anyone back at Blue Sword who might have a line on prosthetics, I’d appreciate it. I don’t need to be bionic woman. But just something more adaptable would be nice, that feels better than….well, a couple of titanium bits with a claw and a joint. I can’t find anyone who does anything better….it’s not exactly fun standing. But I know it exists, and even I can’t open that door really. But if you could ask nicely to someone who might in the people that make the mechanicals for you…I’d really, really appreciate it. It would mean heaps, even though I know it’s…..well, not really something I should have access to.” Tahlia asked, initially confident, yet somewhat sheepish of the fact that she had to ask someone. She hadn’t even run this by Skye yet- the fact was, she did want to be of more use but right now, while Skye was in the shit, she didn’t want to bring it up- at least, not really to any further extent to add another thing to her own twin, clone, whatever being killed. Sitting at base wasn’t going to help when her shot was good- she had self belief, but those leg of hers, it was useless- to a point that that she just felt like she couldn’t do the team any good.
“Sorry, that might be a lot to ask. Look, don’t worry, I’ll….”

Freya rested there abit, nodding slowly, “Well thank you for your work Tahlia really.” She quirked her head to the side abit, her hair waving as she leaned forward abit, “Oh well let’s hear it.” And listened to the story attentively, “Ahh yeah I can kinda understand where you’re coming from.” she nods slowly.

“Us types, the fighters and warriors, we do kinda have trouble asking for help huh?” She chuckles, “I get that really.” She nods, “Well lemme tell you a story.”

She took abit, then started, “We had a guy, or have a guy who runs a desk now, but does alot of the PT. Name of Gus Stanse, when he was in the field he was a speed freak. Always be the first to stack up, and the second man through the door.” She smiles, “I was fond of him, not to the extent I dated him, Jamie would have killed him, but fond of him. But anyway, one day his speed cost him. We were both out that time. And he went charging ahead. Recon he called it. And stepped on a AP mine. Tripped from the first one, and just missed landing on the second one stomach first. The first one took off his left foot at the ankle, the second one cut off his right one at the knee. It wasn’t pretty.” She sighs, “But one of the guys we contract through, name of Bitfor Killicka, he’s Russian if he’s nothing at all. A whiz with prosthetics. Built these prosthetics for Gus, and got him moving again. Couldn’t run the 100 in 8 seconds anymore, but he could still truck it on the field.”

The giant smiles, “I can find Bit’s contact info for you. I know he’s still in business. And if you drop my name, I’m sure Bitfor will gladly do some work for you. Fix you up with something. Make that boot look like a leather sandal.” She grins, “We help each other remember that Tahlia. And Bitty would do great for you.” She giggles a little. “When we’re done here I’ll go and look him up.”

Tahlia smiled, nodding back, glad to have asked. It was sometimes good to go out of her way and well, go do that thing- say something, given how for a long time, she had struggled personally and on her own. Disability was not something that came easy to a warrior- and there was never any permanent fix, there was adaptation, and well, something like this could be helpful. Resilience found a way, even through her own self.
“Thanks, Freya. That would be amazing….sounds like he might have something. Cheers. What I’d do to be able to go do more stuff….I mean, I can, but just not having to worry would be much better.” She mused, standing back up on her legs, the metal clicking a teeny bit on the floor, as she looked around the armoury, and then, with a nod back to Freya, a rare smile that continued. One of hope, in a way.
“Shall we get going? I imagine if we keep talking the boss is going to be pissed we’re not around for another round.” Tahlia chuckled,
“Although…she really seems rattled. Never seen her like this. Between you and me, Oracle has the same concern from what I think she went out for a chat with earlier. I really, really don’t want to see her go. So hopefully, we can just pull her back onto page. If you know what I mean.” Tahlia said, the team’s homebase tech sharing some gossip, the usual office banter that would transcend most places- and in Raven, it was much the same.

Freya nods and stands to her feet again, groaning a little and stretching but making sure not to over exert, “Yeah, I really don’t wanna leave Skye alone for too long. Even with everyone else in the rec room she’s, off her game. Big time. Seeing your double, then seeing your double die.” She trails off for abit, “something I didn’t intend to do. But all that and the doozy of an op. It rattles us all. I can’t even begin to guess what Sam is feeling. If I could hug everyone at once I would.”

She starts to move walking along side Tahlia, “Hey if anyone can do it, the team can bring our boss girl back around. We’re pretty much family. And family takes care of their own. We’ll all pull her back around, help her back through this. And it won’t ever be like before, but we can all work to make it right atleast. And then, the only way is forward.”

A sage nod which makes her wince, “Ow…now even nodding hurts.” And there goes the image of the sagely giantess.

“Blimey, Freya you definitely seem more hurt than usual. Whatever cocktail of drugs Sophia said you should be on, I reckon you could double it.” Tahlia observed, the little things adding up a bit more and more, as they walked alongside, the Kiwi comically small compared to everything about Freya, from her gigantic arms, legs and other assets to the team’s quartermaster.

“We’ll pull her through. Get some answers, figure this out and put a stop to it. Same with Mateo. Skye said he went dark, but if you ask me, I think it’s that once he got rid of Tejedor, I think he’s realizing revenge isn’t all it seems. He has a lot of demons too. But nobody here doesn’t, I don’t think…” She observed, noting that indeed, he’d been caught up in something too, but for now, had been let off the leash considering how heavy things had gotten.

“I hope it doesn’t come to anything more serious, you know. I’ve only worked with her, but I guess she gives us a good leash. Anyone else, I don’t think so. From that perspective I guess, while I….find her to be tricky at times, she gets the job done. I kinda respect her, in that way. Same back to me. I create her shit, she creates it back. A good pair, but blimey, you get me someone full of shit….and I’d be creating a storm in a teacup, I tell ya. And I’d need those bloody legs to go running.” Tahlia opened herself more, smirking and smiling, looking up steeply, not hurting her neck as much as Freya did, but certainly straining to see.

Freya nods “We’ll manage it. We always do.” She tilts her head down, and winks at Tahlia, “Luckily no one is obligated to hold you down for the boss lady.” She chuckles, “As far as I know anyway. Unless she has blackmail on someone on the team who she can order to grab you when you run.” She picked her way up the stairs back towards the rec room, the sound of the chatter from within starting to get louder as they got closer.

Her smile gets bigger, “There you go, that’s what I’m talking about. Skye may be feeling low. But she’s not alone. Everyone has a place to fill, a spot to watch. She and we may all get shit faced drunk tonight, and all maybe even have to indulge in abit of the hair of the dog tomorrow, but we’ll all get through this. I’d be willing to bet every single iota of knowledge I’ve learned and spawned, and every last cent I’ve earned and made. The state of our family is strong.” She grins and nods, “And when it’s all said and done. We’ll all be standing like badasses. And some one can use my cheeks for pillows to help keep them upright.” A wink and then she manages to reach back and give her rear a light smack, “It’s what they’re there for.”

The Kiwi grinned, as they headed back up the stairs, Freya’s almighty rear right in front of Tahlia as it sounded like a thunderclap, shaking and wobbling all over the place.
“Jesus….if the world’s held by those, I think there’d be more traffic collisions on the roads. I won’t even ask how much creatine you’re inhaling these days. Look like more a bloody hydraulic press than pillows. More Sam’s department of tooling.” Tahlia giggled in return, following up, as they headed in the direction of the rec room, headed back towards the gang having their party, and to meet the rest of the crew.

Freya smiles and waved, “We’re back folks. So how’s the party going hum? Skye you doing good there babe? Sam? How are we doing?” Yes, they’d survive this. The family all in one will make this work. She sat back down and playfully hip-bumped Skye, “Pass me a glass.”
It's Chile at the top of the game

Frigga and Team Condor

Frigga wasn't out of the fight. Sure that fight with Geza had rattled her and she currently working on trying ro remove that damned gibbled plate that's slowing her movement. Doesn't mean she's down and out. She feels the ATV rock sighing and calling again, "Miss a bump or two huh babe?" Call back to the first op perhaps. She giggles a little. And goes back to working the plate loose. It's not covering anything important. It won't cause any problems. She tosses the playe over atop the rumpled carcass over the balloon suit with a sigh, that's another thing. Her mom is gonna kill her over that.

Frigga hums and crawls up and pokes up out of the hatch up top.

Something feels off. Something feels wrong. It's like a pall on the air. A feeling in her bones. It's too quiet and calm. Where are the QRFs, the back up teams. It's not right. If this were a BlueSword op there would have been no less then five QRF teams scrambling for the site, and no less then 3 medium assault teams in their wake, one lead by her dad another lead by her mom and the third commanded by one of her uncles. Likely Carl or Ross. Ross more likely as Carl liked to do the top down satellite thing these days. So what's stopping these cowboys? She pulls the AEW off her back, scanning the trees.

The big woman grabs the edge of the hatch as they roll down the incline. The big woman scanning when Skye's cry of warning over the comms reaches over to them. She turns in the hatch her Helmet HUD flicking through modes and magnifying. The order to burn down the opponent entering her head, whispering into her mic, "I can do that."

Almost ripping herself out of the hatch she leaps clear, "Keep going. I'll catch up in a moment." She tells Sam. Takes a few steps forward and kneels at rhe side of the incline. Her HUD magnifies a heat based vision mode picking out two shapes below in the snow and trees. The weapon in her hands clicks and shifts. From anti infantry to lightning the to the pointed tip of the long range anti armor mode. The mode that fires a high energy high impact beam of charged matter. She takes a breath raises the weapon to her shoulder. Her visor calculating. A reticle showing her aim point. A slow release of her breath. And a depression of the trigger.

"...because they'll be joining you." Were the words being said. Before the sound of trees being ripped apart pierces the air. And a beam of blue white energy flares down from above. Deceptively thin and weak looking. It wings Lynx high on the left chest. And only because of her shield field does she merely get flung back...20 yards.

As the woman gets back to her feet there's another flash, and this time she dodges the lance of energy. But the damage has been done. There's another player now.

No more beams of energy. But through the trees, is that a mobile blizzard. Still not in a position to cause close range problems, but holy balls that's going to change fast. Frigga charges down the hill, her shield emitters lit, her rifle hung at her back. What is she? Some ancient warrior, she has guns! Why isn't she using them? And why is she empty handed?

The great warrior goddess tears through trees, dead fall and bush luke a storm given form, a length of gleaming chain in her right hand, trailing behind and off to her side. She yells into her comms, "Chaos love, when she lands get in there and grab Queen." Then she pulls.

Trees quake, the ground splinters. And Starbreaker on the end of the retracting chain comes hissing out of the dark, like a giant ball on the end of a rope in gym class. You jump or get out of the way and maybe you get hit if you don't do either. And maybe Lynx isn't sure what's happening, because the hammer just misses her though it's passage causes her shields to crackle..just rhe sheer pressure eave of the super dense hammer causing her systems to have a mini break down from the passage of what could have been death.

But then the real thing arrives. As Frigga is right there trailing snow and win and ice like some avenging frost giant of myth. The speaker on her helmet crying, "No one hurts one of my girls!" The retracting hammer arrives back in her hand just then. The resulting twist blow catches Lynx across the hip, and before she can go flying Frigga catches her by the throat, "I don't think we've met." Her glove sizzles as it rolls past the shield and wraps around the smaller woman's throat, "I am Frigga, the battle goddess of Raven. I don't care if you look like My Queen or if you look like Queen Victoria. You hurt one of my girls!"

Lynx gets to feel what it's like to manhandled by a fluke of nature. She's thrown up onto the air, caught again, and suplexed into the ground. The big woman moves with a massive grace. Lynx tries to get loose only then to be lifted again, and bost slammed to the ground in the exact same place she just got suplexed into. As she feels the weight of the woman who did this leave her she again tries to get up. Opening her eyes Inside her helmet, and moaning, "Oh...crap." just as Frigga falls on her again slamming her fists down into Lynx's chest driving her even deeper I to the crater of snow, loam and dirt. And then just to make it even more humiliating, Frigga stands once more, lifts her great bottled foot, and then stomps down on the woman with a boom of finally over taxed shields and armor protesting.

The Battle Goddess stands over Lynx panting staring down at her armored form, "Don't get up please..." The silver, blue and chrome armored woman says to the black and red armored woman, "It'd be a pity to have to kill you today."
The Shaman (somehow) continues on!

The thing finally falls.

A giant bullet hole being one of many things that finally fells it. A blast of Micheal's magic helping it along.

And finally it falls.

And it's then that Mikey takes a step back out of the rune circles he made, steps back slowly a few times then flops to his rear with a thump. Magical smoke hazing up off the angry red and yellow magic burn on his arm. He sits and hisses and looks around, "Why do we keep encountering these things?" He asks, not really expecting an answer.

Getting to his feet he makes his way over to the car, "Well it'd be worse if Bossbot was the one driving, but I think once we get back to HQ she can looked at. We need a proper rest period. Tune up for Boss Bot, and maybe some medical attention? Eh? Anyone?" He flops back and looks around, "Where the..." He peeks under the seat then pulls down the middle of the back seat and again there are his diefic friends, sitting, yes sitting, in the trunk, around a power table, the dealer being a hippo-headed being in gold and ebony clothing.

Micheal closes the middle hatch and sighs, "I'm not sure how an Egyptian goddess got here...I'm not going to ask."

He fishes out some emergency medical stuff and reapplies the poultice from before as best he can. He rubs his arm, then looks to Scarlet, "How you doing Red? Need anything?" He holds up the medkit curiously, shaking it back and forth abit, "Pain killer? Bandage? Polysporin? I don't got much." He looks over at Faye, "How about you Faye?"

Ahhhh okay I getcha. Rock on then.
Well that's alot of Heavies.

See how this all plays out now.
Reeled in, Ready to Roll, Battle Goddess on the go

Frigga buzzed up into position, dropping the repel line to Chaos, "Ah be gentle now Chaos hunny, this is my first time." She can't help but chuckle. Then throttles the jets way way down, just enough to help keep her aloft. And with a steady pull she approaches the side of the installation. She raises a hand to fend off the rock wall, and then with a bump, she's on the ground. She waits and bobs for abit as Sam ties her down with the second repell rope. Then comes the onerous slow task of getting herself out of the suit, "You guys...can exfil anyway you guys want after this...I'm coming back up here and retrieving this thing...I'll hump it out if I have too...mom would strangle me if I left something like this here. She finally gets lose and falls about 6 feet from where she had been in the suit. Landing lightly on heavily armored feet. She hits a few buttons and her armor comes into combat mode. Power lines under the plates buzzing, plates whirring into place. Shield emitters sliding into place, then canting, and one by one the pieces seem to gain a mirrory camo briefly as it's all tested out.

She smiles, "Now I'm ready." She touches her comms unit "Frigga on the ground. Chaos and I will rejoin shortly." She lowers her hand and grabs the silenced air pistol she used earlier. Palming it then shifting it immediately after, "Ah Chaos my dear girl, I could kiss you. Maybe later." The big woman takes the pair of throwing axes, sliding them back into place, beside the 4 others festooned about her armor, "Good, full set. You know you should have seen the pair my father used. By the time he retired from active combat they had been ornamented and tuned to fly true and look good doing it. Maybe I'll do the same. Dad would love that."

She gets her things in order then motions, "After you lil' Lady. I'll bring up the rear, let's catch up with Boss Lady."

And into step she falls following along behind Chaos, and despite her size and the weight of her armor, she's quiet as she goes. The shield emitters turned to stealth mode creating a moving stealth field about her, she picks her way along, up the stairs Skye mentioned and up to catch up with Chaos and finally meeting with Skye, "Heck of a ride." she whispers, the little gas operated stealth gun in one hand, the other holding one of those weighty looking throwing axes, "Lead the way girls. I don't think me being in the lead would be good for the mission. I can fire over your heads if need be."
A single Frigga luftballon

A steady hand on the control stick brought them in over the cliff top base.

A slight push and twist, and they came in over the pinged location.

She licked her lips and settled in. Hovering there above the ground, gazing down at the mountain side, "Careful now kids. I'll remain in a holding position until you guys are ready." She steadied the rig as Chaos and Skye prepared to repel. She held still the jets spinning abit keeping position, "Ahhh I see them. Hold on. Okay...when you're ready boss lady." The clack of the silenced weapon took out both guards. And Frigga finished the descent to the repel point.

With a big smile she whispered into the comms, "And thank you for flying Air Frigga, I'm going to pull back about 100 meters, and above the cliff edge, to stay out of sight, I have a few silenced weapons on me this time around, but they won't do much at range like this. I'll also be able to keep a kind of general overwatch" The pull as the pair slid down the ropes caused the jets to flare briefly, then she called, "Recycling lines. Be careful girls!" The repel lines whirring back up into the holders.

With a soft hiss of the jets the large rear whisked up, and around, hiding out of sight, but able to keep an eye on the moving of the team.

She waited and watched then gasped, buzzing out from hiding.

A pair of guards had come out from inside and were behind the pair on the ground. Coming up behind them but not able to see them. Frigga's voice harsh on the comms, "Both of you freeze!" Seeing them both stop at the words, and seeing them turning, they saw the gaurds, but the guards had no time to see them. A paired Whumps. And two aluminum throwing axes catch the guards high in the throat for one of them and the other having severed his spine about mid back. No time to even scream as a pair of whistles, as Frigga floated up just off the railing, a gas operated dart gun having needled the both of the prone guards, "Sorry about that. Someone mark those axes, I don't want to leave them behind. Keep going."

The large ballon girl floated and kept pace with the team now, keeping an eye but doing her best to stay out of sight as well, she's a huge target. As they cleared the lower outer area she buzzed up towards where Chaos had said she might have seen that winch had been, she peered in, "Hey that could work, and there's room in there to stash the suit, and I think some gas canisters in case we want to use the suit to get out."

The big bootied babe motors along to catch up to the team, "I'm going to lose ability to provide air cover once you guys going into the upper area, so if you want me to join you, now is the time." She eeps as a gust of wind almost sends her spinning, "It's getting kinda cold out here can I come inside?" Big ol' Frigga sounding hopeful.
No no not a Skitarii. Dear gods that would be cool though.

I was thinking like the Regiments Combat Engineer, that one Enginseer with his halbred wrench and an auranic pistol marching in along side the guard to see to their las rifles later on.

Ohh 40k RP? Yes please. Could I apply as the token Mechanicum Cogboy?
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