Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
2 mos ago
Escaping Victor and his mercenaries the crew manages to make it back to their vehicle, and escape the city, moments before the city goes up in proverbial flames of civil war. SAMC and COGS fight even more openly in the streets. And the city is put into Martial Law Lockdown with the police unable to contain the fighting. The companies run rampant, and the fighting spreads city wide.
The crew is chased by Victor's mercs into the Northern Provinces Northern reaches, an area of open plains, and isolated cosps of trees and small oasis'. Where they are then caught up too, and lose their vehicle. After fighting off the mercs in a short protracted (and slightly scripted) gun fight, they are rescued by the Hyena himself, and some of the Pack. As the team has all been wounded in the fight, lightly might I add, as I said good ending to the chapter, the bad ending would have been a single pack member finding them after they had been near killed.
What follows is a brief 2 week montage where the crew heals.
Leading into the title card into Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 - Working up at Rep
Chapter one would have been our crew taking jobs from the rural chapters of SAMC and COGS, the city bound chapters are all close knit and keep in contact, but the rural chapters don't keep close contact with the city groups, because of the distance and lack of communication infrastructure. So it's all back to square one. No one knows them out there, so they need to build up a rep, take some, which I would have provided between 6 and 12 of them, with templates like raids, protection, seize and protect or seize and destroy those kinds of deals. Pay would have been alot better, and we would have been introduced to shops and traders. Chances to build connections with The Pack, Dry Trail, and company based traders and merchants. Depending on which company or faction the group sided with, as each mission would have multiple outcomes, we'd end up with a variety of options near the end of chapter one.
SAMC option - Siding with SAMC through missions and certain events throughout chapter one, would lead to a COGS base raid, where information would be gained that COGS with actually working with a South African government official who's spoon feeding COGS business and private finiacial information, which leads to a massive hit on COGS assets going into Chapter 2.
COGS option - Similar to the SAMC option, the crew raids a SAMC drilling operation and over hears SAMC officials talking about under the table dealings with North African governments. this information if leaked would cause major SAMC share holder grief. This would lead to the crew deciding on two options "Leak" or "Blackmail" Leaking the info would hamper SAMC assets in Chapter 2, "Blackmail" would end up with SAMC paying the Crew a huge amount of diamonds and gems to stay quiet.
Dry Trail - Dry Trail hires the crew to act as Convoy guards for a Convoy of trucks and cars heading south, with all the south running roads under watch due to the fighting going on in the city, they need to make a desert run. This turns into a kind of Mad Max road war scenario. With the Crew jumping from truck to truck, and fighting a huge fight through the desert against SAMC and COGS forces. They can afford to lose a few trucks, but lose too many and they get paid only a fraction of what they were offered, get there with all the trucks though and Dry Trail offers each member of the crew their choice of the gods on the trucks. And there would be some pretty decent gear in there.
The Pack - Siding with the pack has the crew sent out on a three part mission. Part one - Raid a SAMC oil drilling operation and sabotage their heavy machinery. While there they find a stash of diamonds and gems that they can divvy up before going to part 2. Part two - The pack sends them to sneak into a COGS business building, with the objectives to bust up their databases, and to make it out of there with a set of folders that vilifies COGS business dealings. Part Three - The pack gives the crew a package, and they are told to take it to an isolated location in the desert region during the night. Dodging patrols they reach a small oasis. And they are suddenly hit with spot lights. And in front of them steps out the Hyena their self. They have the option here of trying to take him in, or hand over the package. If they try and take him in, hidden shooters open up, and the Hyena runs off without his package, or they can hand it over and the Hyena gives each of them a huge sum of cut diamonds.
End of Chapter 1
When the group returns to the north they find their base has been raided by victor, and it's been burned to the ground, which ever group they sided with, offers them a way to head south to the southern province. They are given a chance to make a run into the burning base to try and collect anything they may have left behind. But they need to get back as lookout alert to a truly massive group lead by victor approaching.
Chapter 2 Good Rep, New Problems
The southern province south of the city seems somehow tranquil. SAMC and COGS are quiet and almost co-existing. When the crew finds a base to work out of, they are approached by oddly welcoming and kind reps from both companies, welcoming them to the area, offering them directions to a local mercenary enclave in the rainforest. There they find Frenchman, Germans, Scots, Brits. A menagerie of mercs and fighters for hire, all bemoaning the fact that, the companies and factions have almost no work for them. not even the local mines, operations and company buildings need security.
The Crew can go out and try and ask the companies and factions what's going on. But they are either told to leave contact information or to come back later when their questions about work is brought up.
Along the way though they notice some familiar faces. Edgar Malkia's people are everywhere. After some searching and questioning, they find that Edgar had fled south because of the fighting in the city. And had set up a enclave right between the enclaves of the Companies. And he's planning to start the war down here as well.
Edgar begins offering the Crew missions, meant to destabilize the local companies and starting a war in the south province. Lots of sneak raids, and bombings, and convoy interceptions, leaving behind evidence of this or that company.
Again there would be several options. to the outcome. A SAMC, COGS, Edgar and Hyena option.
SAMC option - Doing missions and leaving behind enough COGS evidence, would have SAMC contract the Crew and several NPC mercs to launch a raid on the COGS company enclaves, drilling and operations installations. This would spark off the war in SAMCs favor, leading to lessened assets for the COGS going into the next chapter, and a huge presense of SAMC fighters in Chapter 3.
COGS option - Leaving behind alot of SAMC evidence would have COGS contract the Crew and a large contingent of NPC mercs, to attack and Raid the SAMC company main office in the region. A protracted siege occuring, and COGS asking the Crew to launch a stealth strike from behind. Once inside they find COGS has a huge group of civilians in the headquarters being used as human shields. They could try and free them which might get them found out. Or leave them and instead open the gates for the COGS soldiers to swarm in which might cause the deaths of the citizens. Either way, COGS is left with a huge foot up in the region. But SAMC forces start insurgency operations leaving the region destabilized.
Edgar option - Edgar asks the crew to run packages to both office headquarters of the companies. And get out. Up to the crew if they want to deliver them one by one or split up into two groups and deliver them at the same time. Either way the deliveries go off fine, and Edgar pays the crew, but then invites them to a nearby rooftop that overlooks the company HQs, just in time to watch massive explosions go off. The packages having been concentrated bombs. This sparks off a war in the south province between the companies. Edgar pays the crew an extremely impressive amount of gems and diamonds for their work.
If the group was determined enough to try and stay in contact with the Hyena and the Pack during their stay in the south...
Hyena Option - The hyena has the crew kidnapped in broad daylight. Carted off to who knows where, and told they would be released soon enough. But they needed to do something, kill two people. These people turn out to be the local branch managers of SAMC and COGS. these two men are actually twins, and have joined the opposing companies in the region and have worked to keep the war from sparking off down here. They are meeting to make sure that all the problems that have started aren't actually the others doing. The hyena wants to kill them. Even here the crew has some options, kill the men and get paid, or, step out and alert the Twins, and talk them into starting a very limited war, to get things moving, which surprisingly gets them paid even more by the Hyena and opens up options for the NPC mercs in the area for work and getting paid.
With the destabilization of the Southern Province, and depending on the route taken, they are then lead into Chapter 4.
Chapter 4 Uh oh...feces just hit the fan...and it's everywhere!
The crew is living large depending on which option they took, they can likely buy anything they want, and after a short time skip their southern base is looking pretty good.
But a man comes to their base, a southern local college professor. A Professor A'loko, saying he heard rumours of a joint north and south african military force on the Angolan border has just been given permission to march into Matanbai and put down the continued fighting in the capitol and to put down any mercenary or provincial fighters. Unlike the mercs and fighters int he provinces and the city, these people coming in are highly trained military, with helicopters and armored vehicles. With permission to fire on civilian infrastructure if it will flush out COGS, SAMC, Merc or belligerant forces in any capacity.
A'kolo puts the crew into contact with an Army liason, and they can go to meet and be hired by the army to act as a behind the lines force to prepare positions for Military strike.
If the Crew is leery of that they get contact directly by the Hyena again, and they are offered work to slow and maybe even stop the Army. The hyena having the innocent civilians in mind this time. he wants to slow the army enough that they can get the civilian population out, or as much as can be gotten out. Because even if the Crew can stop the army they won't stay that way long. So they are told to commit operations to slow and stagnate the advance.
If they go with the Army option the missions lead the Crew into being taken into the City where they find Victor has paid off SAMC and COGS forces to keep the city in the fight and has taken over Melani's gang and are using it like a private army to keep fighting going in a bid to take over both companies in the city.
The Army sends the Crew to kill Victor once and for all. And the Army sweeps in and fire bombs all Merc, SAMC and COGS installations, setting the city on fire and killing thousands as they use a scorched earth idea, burn it to the ground and rebuild on the ashes and bones.
If they go with the Hyena's route, they slow the army enough to evacuate the city, the north province and the south province of those civilians who can and want to leave and make for a Eastern border crossing. Heading away from the army in the west.
Ending Chapter 4 and heading into Chapter 5
Chapter 5 And ending, but maybe a beginning
If the crew took the Army option they find themselves on the outskirts of the city. Watching it burn, with Commander Barcai offering them a truly huge amount of money and options to get out of the country. The Hyena has faded away by all evidence. Barcai says the North Border crossing will be open to them when they want to leave. But upon reaching the border crossing the gates are closed and there is a huge armed force there watching it and barring crossing for hundreds of people. And the Pack is there, armed and accusing the Crew of causing so much harm. But before the Pack can do anything the army at the crossing opens fire on everyone. So the Crew needs to run, and make for a crossing elsewhere. The Hyena gets in contact with them, and says Barcai tried to set the crew up, and they are told that the Hyena can get them out if they kill Barcai.
If they took the Hyena option, the crew finds themselves in a convoy of trucks and cars headed East, towards a small border crossing located at the eastern mouth of a long deep canyon. Along the way they pass SAMC and COGS groups limping along, trying to escape the army behind them. Along the way The Hyena who is riding with the crew admits that he was here to try and drum up information for other members of the Pack. As war is good business. But the Hyena admits he got too deep in it, and needs to disappear. He asks the Crew to help him disappear. They can fake his death before they make it to the crossing and use a chest full of diamonds to pay off the crossings guards to get the civilians and the Crew into the next nation over.
Either way once the crew accomplishes either options outcome, they are offered a large sum of money by their government liaisons back home.
But then something goes pear shaped. As through out all this time Hayden had been getting worse and worse. Losing more and more humanity. Until here he snaps, and opens fire on the crew, shouting they're all monsters, all of them are scum and he won't let them get back into the world.
All up to the remaining crew to kill Hayden, or just incapacitate him.
Gunning him down lethally will lead Hayden to laying there bleeding out, cursing the remaining three with his last blood filled breathes. Just incapacitating him will leave the man laying broken and hurt, screaming at them the whole time as they leave the country. Only for the Hyena to come up and drag him off into the canyon.
Epilogue The End, Maybe?
Some posts to finish up and tie up loose ends, what did the remains of the crew do with their money? How did they get home or where did they go after they got out?
With one last post of how Hayden agreed to become a new Hyena, in a new country, to create another war somewhere to keep the Pack in the money. And hinting at the cycle starting all over again.
So I guess what I would like is ideas one what you may want me to include in the write up I intend to do one how the rest of the chapters would have gone. What options do you think you all would have picked? What would you have done in each chapter? I'll do a big write up story like on it all and post it as a RP ending summary.
So, I want to apologize, this has been a long time yet again with no post from me. And I'm sorry for that.
I want to say though I'm considering bringing this RP to a premature close. Now I know you guys will say, "No, why?"
With my RL work load I'm having a hard time keeping up with all my RPs, on top of GMing Conflict. I can't keep up with RL work, RPs and GMing. I come home tired from work and off shift I barely have the energy to catch back up before I'm back to work.
I had planned for no less then 6 chapters, with one come to an end soon actually. And we had written so well, I was going to have us take the good ending out and not the bad ending.
But I can't find the energy to keep up with us and that's what gets me. I don't like that I take so long trying to give you guys good posts and guidance into the next section.
Now since day one, I've had an idea in my head for a RP end summary if it ever came to an end before we could write our way there. But I want to give you a guys a say in it too.
I'll let you guys get a say in if you want me to write out what I had in mind or we can trade some discourse here, I can tell you what I had in mind for the other 4 chapters before the end, and then with your input write up a Game End summary.
Maybe some day in the future I may try Conflict again.
In the meantime I just want to thank you guys for your persistence and determination to stick with me here.
Again thank you, and I'm sorry for the state of things and the premature end of the RP.
Freya looked left, right back over her shoulder then forwards to make sure everything is clear then giggled, "I've always wanted my very own helium rig. Mama knows her stuff." She slapped the flight helmet rig that would go under her armor helmet. Immediately hearing all the support and take off crew talking over the comms. She spoke clear into her mic, "Frigga calling in. Suit is finishing inflation, buoyancy at 90%. We're starting to rise." She checked her flight stick for the jets that would act as both propulsion and maneuvering, "Jets checking out, HUD 100% active." Frigga turned her head a few times back and forth then smiled as the satellite link synced, "Guidance system checks. Final inflation..." The helium suit reached its safe inflation limit. Frigga looked back"Passengers are!" Vincent hit the switch to release the wires. And Freya eased the throttle on the jets up, for just a few moments they didn't move. Then the lighter then air gas did its thing the thrust from the jets pushing them into the air.
And soon they are in the air. Frigga opened the jets up abit more putting on somemore speed and lift getting them up to a cruising height. Then outting more power to thr jets and the team is soon aligned to their objective in the distance.
After a short bit Freya patches into Sam and Skye on the comms, "Copy on the no showboatting madam." She chuckled, "Now then, welcome to Frigga Airlines, this is a Frequent Flyer sponsored flight so if you have your card make sure it gets scanned. We'll be cruising just below radar height, not that any radar would pick this rig up as anything bigger then a bird. Emergency exits are easy to reach just unhook yourself and jump. There is no smoking on this flight but who am I to stop you?" Her laughter caused the comms to spike briefly.
Her big armored paw on the flight stick is light and sure as they near the peaks, she adjusted abit then spoke over the joint team and support channel, "Getting some tug from cross winds." One of the faceless support techs responding, "Madam Frigga adjust your heading 017 degrees right, it'll take you tight to one of the peaks, but should limit cross wind buffering." Frigga adjusted and scooted by the spire of rock and ice, "Good call there support continuing on mission." She reopened the jets and continued mov8ng the team.
It's just a swipe to the left and s hack to the right
The Dwarf in the heavy armor roared, a dark heavy sound as heavy as his weapon as heavy as his armor. The riders came. And the knight scored first, one for the man it seems. But Bors would not let it go uncontested. As a rider leaned over in their saddle a mace in hand ready to deliver a blow, the dwarf crowed and lowered his head. The blow coming down on his head. Normally something like that would have killed someone. But instead there is a great ringing sound and Bors laughs, "Tolling the dead?" He laughs as he lifts his head and brings that great two handed tool around and hacks the legs out from under the horse. The rider was staring at the shattered handle of the mace where it broke after meeting the reinforced helmet of the Deep Miners armor. And barely barces before the horse they are on loses its right legs and goes tumbling.
Bors growls, "That one is mine!" As he charges the stricken raider. The person barely having time to raise a hand in defense before Bors leaps and brings the axe head of his weapon down. Cleaving through ring mail with almost casual ease. A spray of blood wetting the dwarfs chest plate and face mask. He growls and it's a gain that can be felt behind the metal face plate, "Yes...there it is." He's so busy prying his axepick loose that he has no time to defend from another rider leveling his spear and placing the tip right in the middle of his armored back. And it just catches but the shriek as the spear time skids off alerts the dwarf who spins and beings his tool around one handed, taking the rider full in the side of the chest with the pick. A pull with a grunt unhorses the person.
Bors begins to laugh as he runs a gauntleted hand over his weapon, "Wonderful..." The Dwarf turns then to witness the woodland thing be laid low. He snarled and would have charged the lizard himself had the great armored thing not engaged it. He barely heard the one human, something about keeping one alive. He snarled then, "Survivors? No, bleed them all dry! Cut through them, rend them open and leave all their corpses for the worms and crows!" Bors looks about trying ro find himself another target then.
I can try for a post this weekend. My new security post has intermittent and sketchy data signal and I'm too tired at the end of the day to try and post anything. Heck all I eanna do at the end of a 12 hour day is eat play an hour or two of games then go to bed. So bear with me. I'll get something out again.
He looked at his arm, the magical burn taking the form of angry looking red, a yellow cracks in his skin, at the moment they are glowing bright red white, and he can feel his magical reserves running on fumes almost.
He thought for abit his contribution made.
But how can you say no, when another legend in the industry of myth comes along?
Baba Yaga?
How do you say no to the famous Lady of the Hut?
With a groan, and the help of his diefic friends. He gets to his feet. And reaches into Manabozho's vest pocket, "I know I told you never to let me use it..." A chunk of what looks like some kind of root being held in the Shaman's fingers. Manabozho scrambling to grab it, "But at this point we need the pick me up."
And Micheal crunches down on the root, and swallows the juices created. howling in pain as his magic is partially restored, at the cost of the burn and cracks on his arm, increasing.
Micheal doesn't seem to care at that moment as he picks his tomahawk back up, and carves the Cree Runes for Water and Wind into the ground at his feet, planting his left foor on Water and his Right on Wind, and starts to sing. His gods joining in, as the Shaman begins a buffing ritual, to give his friends that extra physical, mental and emotional push needed to finish this out.
Freya sits in her seat, a plate of ribs beside her which she slowly an almost sexual way as the briefing gets under way. If Athena is the true sec on legs of the siblings and Jamie is the chase child who doesn't realize he's hot, that means Freya is right in the middle, maybe, all depends how she feels that day maybe. Certainly by the fact she's eatting these ribs in the most innocently lewd way she can. Maybe she's just trying to throw Skye off, or make the play back of the recordings of the briefing be extremely uncomfortable to watch. Who knows?
As the briefing goes Freya slowly starts to sit up straighter, as something comes to her. Skye is speaking of something very near and dear to her heart! She cleans herself up and waits, then squees and leaps to her feet, "You got my Mums permission? Oh my gods I hope she has the one she prepared for me! It has a custom paint scheme!" She giggles and jumps up and down, bobbing in all the right places.
Yeah she might be doing it a little on purpose.
With the briefing over she'd rushed off to go and get suited up, oh gracious it'd be nice to get back into the skies.
Patagonia, Chile
Fireteam Condor
Frigga. Is. Go.
Freya is getting her harness in just the right way.
"It's important my Thrud."
She can hear the voice in her head, a nickname her dad use sometimes. And was always interesting to be likened to the daughter of Thor. Maybe that's how she got her love for hammers. She hums. And keeps working.
"There's a certain amount of trust, it's true, but it's always important to check and recheck yourself. These things can be tricky."
And that's her moms voice, about the first time she took them all up, Jamie, Athena and her up on one of these things. They were young, teens yet, and not quite sure where they wanted to go. But a trip up on the suit her mother had upgraded and babied. And her and Athena had been hooked. Helped her aunties Antoine and Svetlana absolutely loved them too. Several strong ladies who adored this method of travel, it really helped to get it into her head. She smiled over at Sam, "Hey girl, just give me a second here, these harnesses are tricky. And then...I gotta climb inside it." She giggles a little. And tippy toe dances abit, "It's been a fair bit Sam, getting into this." She finally rights the harness and attaches all the clasps, " me get it." And starts to climb into the suit.
She steps carefully up, and has to shimmy and slide and slip, stopping several times, and with Sam's help get into position. Part way calling, "Nearly in position for Gas Up!" She shouts. Then swears softly, "My foot is caught on an internal line..." She wiggles and moves, face twisted in a look of concentration, "Maybe if I...oh don't wanna break it...hang on..." She shifts then smiles, "Ah there." Then squeezes the rest of the way in, "Okay...ground wires attached!" She nods, "Sam attached the inflation lines. Time to get big." She giggles happily.
It takes about 30 minutes.
And soon the suit is near fully inflated, a matte grey with silver lines and wires, the propulsion engines whirring as they calibrate. Pulling attention though while on the ground...
On the right rear cheek of the suit the Norwegian Flag, a tribute to her Dad, Freya being somewhat of a daddy's girl. But it's the left cheek, with the graphic of a big kissy emote, as if to say, "Kiss my Ass" to everyone who can see it.
Frigga shifts and nods, "Inflation 90%, gonna hold on the last 10% until we're ready to go. Already getting hard to stay on the ground even with the grounding wires. You're chariot is ready to go folks." The giant in a balloon suit grins, reclining in it almost casually.