Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
2 mos ago
Would you be willing to have me again in the RP? I apologize for last time the RP started just as my shift did and it's hard to post anything when I'm on shift. If not I completely understand.
With Adam’s request for the team to check kit and ensure they were in a good patch, Athena had wolfed down lunch and headed back to the heavy armory, a bare concrete-reinforced floor contrasting the usual clean aesthetic of the heavies armory back in New Zealand of the coloured concrete and charming surrounds. It was quite a setting, and Chuck and Oliver had been earlier to set their kit, so now, it was the time of Athena. She had a few checks to perform on her own Warhawk, outside of it still in her jumpsuit like getup without the sleeved arms. A bluetooth headset was in her ear, as she did her usual pre-deployment ritual, going through the motors, the actuators and the plating piece by piece, Mama having taught her that. “Yeah, well, I don’t work on maybes.” Athena sighed as she bucked her hair, currently tied into a ponytail and on one sided, pulled taught into an undercut. “Good. Get that kit shipped out to Hannula. We’ve had enough traffic here for a fucking international airport. But she’ll appreciate it. Also, tell Sarah to get the billing sorted. I know, it’s been a mental month, but we need those numbers ASAP. This isn’t pocket change with these contracts we now have.” Athena continued, sighing, the voice responding on the other end, that of her Ops Manager back home in Perth. It was regarding Freya’s experiments. As she talked, Athena went up the suit more and more, from the navy to dark coloured armoured thunder thighs of hers, the torso, arms, gauntlets and armoured gloves, to the shoulders, neckbrace, and finally, the helmet, a navy blue with a golden yellow visor. And well, at the hip, the two swords. Short for her size, but well, they were basically zweihanders to most people. “Good. Appreciate it, Rob. I have some business to get to here. Speak soon. Bye.” Athena hit the disconnect on her ear, as she fiddled with the coils now, the suit a ribbon of them, but primarily concentrated in a rucksack-styled carbon-composite pack on the rear that held something like the Sun’s Core, but more violently chaotic. Plugged in with lots of high voltage lines, Athena knew better than to accidentally turn herself into ash, but safely manage it through the standoffs, disconnecting, cleaning and spraying them, before moving to the next. She stood tall by her suit now,
A steady crunch, each a step, and fresh from dinner, stepped in another walking tank. The Kanatarrio son had only taken off his guantlets during dinner, as well he had to follow after the others to the armory to even figure out where it was! So now he strides in, still lugging his kit crates and bags with him. As he enters the room, having to duck to get in through the door, he looks about and grins, “So this is where the action starts.” he rumbles.
Eyes casting about then finds himself an empty kit table. Heaving his bags and crates up onto it, landing with crunches and causing the table to sag just a little. He looked over and nodded to the rest of the team, before his eyes landed on his sister. And he couldn’t help but grin. Not always a good sign. As his practiced motions start he pulls open his weapons crate, revealing the rocket pod for his shoulder, and the dark metal glint of a truly massive pair of blades, “So tell me sister, how do it feel being back in the thick of it so soon?” Oh yes that’s the classic Kanatarrio shit eatting tone.
Jamie pulled the rocket pod out, along with it’s reload hoppers, “You rushed off to which location again? Which nation did you go and defile with your dumptruck this time?” He says the last part with the largest cheshire grin mortally possible.
Athena chuckled, eying up the large armored brother of hers, chuckling as he’d only come in. “Mon cherie, France! They have SUCH good wine there. Not that it does anything. And, big mountains. Nothing like it. It’s rare to be off work for a long weekend, but…..I have fans I can’t disappoint. You know, I just give the people what they want. And have we had problems hiring lately? We’d get more girls if you took off your shirt every chance in a while. Like at WSM. Remember the fangirls?” She giggled like a schoolgirl, red from Jamie saying it but still, adept at what he had to say. “Haven’t blown anyone up in a while. I sorta miss field work a little, you know? Like, nobody says you CAN’T sit on people, or just run through walls. Nobody says you turn up the coil to eleven and cauterise ten people…..with this big BOOOSH. I wish I could do that to some people in Blue Sword. But apparently….we have a workplace policy.” Athena sighed, tall enough to contend with Jamie, the two titans sized such that it made them seem regular sized to each other.
She turns and looks at the other suits, quite frankly, this being the best deployment of heavies in a long, long time. “So how about you? I feel like we haven’t been together in forever. Worked together either on anything. Too busy with our own lives.” She added, sighing as she let him get on with his work, the youngest sibling looking intently with her extraversion back at him.
Jamie gave abit of a snort, “Well you know me. The Company and Family.” He levered the rocket pod up onto the shoulder of of his armor, sliding it about until the click of it connecting and the power cable clicked into place as well. With a chin to the control inside the head portion of his armor the pod slide back and over his shoulder into the safety position. Jamie hummed, “I went to the South American Strongman Competition while you were away.” He said almost casually, though those competitions tend to be one of his biggest things.
He reached into the crate again, humming gently, “I was seven pounds, off breaking Fathers record. They even had a special counter set up. Dad still holds that record even after almost a decade. So close sis, so close.” Jamie grumbles softly, “Dad sets the damn deadlift at six hundred and ten kilograms and I missed it at six hundred and three.” He sounds down trodden but this is just how the giants of the Kanatarrio are, ever seeming to be in a friendly competition somehow. Even with their elders.
Athena whistled, giving him credit where due. “He must have been a fucking titan back in his day. But you’ll get there. Good things come to those who wait. I was going to go to do the Women’s edition, but you know how it is, you want to bench and think you won’t bother. Someone says that an energy drink company want you up a mountain, and I just thought….you know, it’s funny, I could just do that instead and lift weights on my socials instead?” Athena said, giggling, avoiding his comparison, but still, enjoying the friendly banter, knowing she’d throw back later. “So yeah, you’ll get it. But remember, fighting me got you there. Me and my second heart give you a run.” Athena winked, placing hand to right of her chest, watching him keep on with his gear.
A full set of ammo boxes came out of the large crate along with the VEPR automatic shotgun. Placing it in the holster at his hips, opposite of where the twin linked GMGs would be. Ammo being placed in their holders and hoppers, “Fighting you and Freya.” His voice hitched a second there.
The Siblings are often sometimes at odds, but that’s only because they had always had a sibling rivalry going on. They cared a great deal for each other. Freya and Athena were closer then Jamie is with either of them, but he’s still the incredibly protective brother who will gladly choke slam someone who tries to cop a feel when they’re all together. The many drunken idiots who tried to grab Athena or Freya’s asses in public, and who he’d then grabbed and tossed into a dumpster is uncountable at this point.
The big man placed his palms on the table and looked at Athena, “I’m worried about Frey, Thena. We’ve all been hurt. But I’m looking at her now, and she looks more hurt right now then she’s ever looked. Even after your surgery.” He points at where her hand rests on her chest, “You bounced back from that in a few days. This though, Frey looks like she’s questioning things, and I’m hoping she’ll bounce back as easily as before.” he takes a long breath then straightens back up, and brings out the dozen or so crates of .50BMG rounds. Frangible, Armor Piercing, Incendiary, Explosive, Tracer Rounds, Raufoss, FMG. Just to name a few. It’s like Jamie fully intends to create a motley of ammo chains that are there for any type of situation.
“She will. I spoke to her earlier. She’s gotten into a lot. And she’ll recover. I was pissed at first but…..she had a point about Skye. Guess it’s an occupational hazard.” Athena nodding, the usually cocky, confident and extraverted youngest sister that was a wildfire on feed acknowledging the situation. “When her stuff arrives, she is gonna want to get back to work. She’ll have a target for recovery. And when she’s fit, only when she is, she’s gonna get to work. In the meantime, we do our stuff. I’m not a doctor, and neither are you. Mama was right on that, we do have work to do….but yeah, I get you.” She replied, putting her own hand against him, watching as he threaded rounds. “Mixed rounds. Not a bad set. And you still have the drivers too.” Athena chuckled ,looking up the suit, then back to him, a solemn look in her eyes. “Just don’t go dying on me either. The internet may think I’m a pretty big deal, but you are to me too, JamJam. This whole Raven business, I wasn’t sure if we even should bother. Spooks are difficult, they use, use, use. But we’re better than that. Got our own thing, and our own choices.” Athena replied, shrugging as she headed back to her own suit, checking over the hip, leg and shoulder mounted thruster points, for the jump jet, before looking over Warhawk’s shoulder. “But, saving the world. It’s kinda what we do.” She giggled, knowing the very veiled story her parents had told, grinning.
Jamie heaved himself up and stretched, taking a moment away from threading rounds, “She damn well better. Mom and Dad were with her, and they are going to leave when we head out for the operation.” With a heave he gets back to threading rounds carefully, switching the different types in a random. Chain after chain.
It takes him a bit before he talks again, “Raven…I’ve worked with Raven. And with Skye before. Raven is a strange thing. Blue Sword, Valiant Operations, Pegasus Forces, and I still don’t know how WAGNER still operates after everything, but they have their corridor of uses. But Raven has it’s uses as well. Do we need to be here? No, I’m sure their current cadre of Heavies could cover it.” He gestures around the room with a round of Raufoss ammo, “I mean look at this, since when has there been this many Heavy operatives on hand? Since Dad and Mom and Uncles Carl and Ross were active I think right? I mean what was their nickname way back when? When they all worked together? The Devils Own Four? I think that was it. I don’t remember clearly enough.” He sighs and slides that round into the belt, “But I want to make sure Freya’s friends are still around for when she comes back, so she can take up her position again and not have to worry that cute little tactical chick is okay, or that Tahlia is fine too. I mean. Big sis needs some love too.” He gives a chuckle.
”They have much to live up to. Me and you kicking ass? Shit, they know what’s cooking.” Athena giggled, chuckling as she stood aside from her suit, watching Jamie finish up. “Tahlia? You like her.” Athena giggled, smirking. “I saw you look at her. Have sympathy for the girl?” Athena said, walking about her armour, leaning against it. “Okay, fine. I get it. I was a little too scared. But that’s kinda our thing. Fine.” She replied, pulling it open, checking through the interior paneling and the network of coils, and in particular, detaching the helmet, pulling it out and inspecting the integrity over, before walking across to Jamie, “She’ll be back at it. I know how she is. Me just being here is motivation enough. I’ll cover the team’s back. You better shield it, JamJam. With your big muscly arms.” She titered, nudging his big shoulder with her own, grinning with a wild cackle.
Jamie blinks then flushed, deeply, and looked around to make sure Tahlia isn’t around, then reached over and shoved Athena off him, “Stop it damn it! You’re the social butterfly around here! Big guys like me, people dream and think, “Hot!” But when it comes to it Dad was lucky Mom was around and could handle him. I’m likely to tear apart a partner like cord wood!?” The giant man grumbles, “When Freya feels better she’s gonna do the exact same thing you’re doing! I can’t escape it can I? And your my younger sister, aren’t I supposed to be trying to urge you into finding a good guy? Not you doing that to me!?”
He’s quiet for a moment looking put on, then he bursts out laughing, “Guy can dream is all. Guy can dream, come on Diva, let’s finish getting set up.”
“And you wouldn’t want it any other way.” Athena chuckled, with it getting back to it herself. The Corporate Duchess may have been a pretty face, but the suit told the story of someone willing to put titanium and armor in harm’s way, and shock everyone. Literally.
Jamie had sat and waited and watched then and smiled, watching as dinner was cooked, and when offered he'd reached in grabbed a plate and placed a heaping helping of vegetables and starches, and claimed half a haunch of meat. Gotta feed a growing boy after all. Growing larger around the waist maybe, but if the man gets any taller he's going to become a true giant.
He'd waved when his parents and uncles had come in checking to see that everything is okay. And gone to Sam, to alert her that the main Blue Sword Task force would stay on site until the Raven team left on their mission, then they would finish offloading the supplies they have for the team and head back to Perth until their own people needed pick up later. They'd keep communications lines open and be able to send material help if need be. Blue Sword would stand with Raven no matter what, but they can't be there 24/7 as the company had things they needed to do as well.
Jamie had gave his mother and father brief words about being okay, and he'd help as best he can. He cast his eyes about again, whispering to his mother, "The team needs some time. But they'll walk tall again. I'll be here to help hold them up until they don't need me again." The Blue Sword unit had then headed outside to make themselves some dinner as well.
Yes the dinner was packed, and the chatter of teammates getting to know new members was a buzz and clamour. But this is the way warriors recover.
Micheal sat through the ride back to base quietly. Rubbing at the magic burn on his arm the whole way. Something about making something painful feel uncomfortable and all that. Like poking at a bruise, you know? He sighed and leaned back in the car, muttering, "Someone roll me outta the car when we get there." He groaned softly, and just reclined on his section of the seat. his eyes dropping closed as he rested atleast for a little bit. he may even have drifted off for abit during the trip.
So when they arrive he jerks awake and turns to look at the person nudging him, seeing a young orc with a medical band on their arm. He gulps, "Please stop poking me, I'm fragile right now." He grins to try and tell that off then starts to get out, looking around at the team to see how they are all doing. Waving to Scarlet, "You doing okay over there Red? Like really really, you know." He smiles brightly, then stumbles abit as the orc guides hims along, saying something about being tended too and that burn needs a proper going over.
Honestly the muscled shaman doesn't have much to try and wave that off. His magic in shambles at the moment, and tired from everything that's gone on before. Yeah bit of RnR would be nice about now. He follows along, calling over to Amanda as he passes, "Hey Boss Bot, be safe okay? You've done tons so far. Take a load off. I think we have alot to go through yet."
And then the Shaman is taken inside the building, and down snaking paths. And into the infirmary. He eeps though when that young Elven doctor from before looks over and smiles almost predatorily, "Oh you're back. Let me help you." And it's only because that orc is behind him that he can't take off running.
Freya lay int he infirmary, good arm laying over her eyes, listening to her mother and father, and uncles fuss. She could hear Carl and Nolan talking with Sophie and the other doctor about what would need to be done to make sure this doesn't happen again. This brought a smile to her face. That family was near. She knew her little sister Athena had already left to go make sure things are okay. She felt a poke, and turned her head to look at her Uncle Andrew sitting there beside her, prodding at her ribs with a stylus, "You okay little Valkyrie?" She let out a little pained giggle, "Since when do you call me by Papa's pet names?" Andrew chuckled, "Since it caught on after you left." Freya smiled and made a small noise of amusement, then sighed and turned her head to face the cieling, "I think I'll live Uncle...I think I'll live. It will take abit, but the doctors know what they are doing." She let out a sigh as the IV set up gave her another very small dose of pain killers and medicines.
She felt another presense and opened her eyes to look up at her other Uncle Ross standing over her head, looming over her, "You hurt yourself again, and when you get back I'm having you run Hell Mile on base, full ruck at noon." Freya couldn't help but eep at that promise. No it's not a threat, none of the people who became her surrogate uncles and aunties in Blue Sword make simple threats. They all make promises. She shook her head and gasped in pain as the movement pulled at her bad shoulder, "Ah...I'll be careful Uncle Ross I swear. Just please..." Then the hand of her mother taking her good hand lowering it to her side and rubbing the palm and then she felt the massive paw of her father, gently settle in her hair. It's the deep growly voice of her father though, "Relax My Thrud. Just rest and recover. Heal, we'll talk about things like that later. Carl and Nolan came over to join the family. Carl smiling and giving her a careful hug. Nolan just nodding to her, then tickling her foot lightly.
Freya sniffed and tried to hide the tears of happiness, just having her family there helped alot.
Jamie sucked at the last of the juice out of his juice box. He smiled as people came up to waves at him and listened to comments. He also witnessed to the drama and the words of pain, loss and words of hope and could feel as the team tried to get back on it's feet.
It might not help with so many new faces.
As his sister came in he looked at her, straight in the eyes. His own narrowing, and that silent language that all close siblings have pass between them. He gives a nod, and looks briefly to have wanted to say something. but he caught the look of Samantha, and he quirked an eyebrow. And people began to leave the building. He smiled, everyone has their ways of coping. He never got a chance to try and befriend the dog though, pity that.
But soon, someone spoke, ah it's Samantha.
Ah yes, the elephants in the room. Plural. So much had happened and he heard in passing from one of the surviving guardsman from the Island about the fight that nearly broke out when Athena and Sam had it at each other. Ahhh there it is the apology.
And then after the awkward silence is broken. By the sound of moving servos, and grinding gears. As Jamie stands up in his armor. Smoother lines then the armor that Freya would wear. Looking almost ichthyic in fashion, sleek and looking a fair bit denser. He looks around the room, "You're all hurting, or just getting in and feeling the pain of a loss." His gaze went over everyone in the room, "I understand that. But don't let a loss drag you down." He nodded, "I am Jamie Cole Kanatariio, and I've always been taught to formally introduce oneself to new acquaintances. I worked with Raven once before, some years back. I should have been on my break from the Unit, but then here I am. And I look forward to working with you all for as long as we're here." He nods, then raises his large armored paw, offering it to Sam, "To a good partnership yes? Any friend of my older sister, is a friend of mine. No matter what has happened." After shaking Sam's hand he goes around the room similar words, and a firm friendly handshake offered.
Sitting in the back of the luxury Lexus, Skye had the opportunity to reflect on the whirlwind that had just happened, the crazy, the anarchy, all of it. She’d laid low inside the place, the hyperactive neon, glowing light and feeling of rainy Tokyo one that no city on earth could come close to. She looked across to Ban, the redhead Scot weathered, and a different version of the person she’d been a few hours ago. Powerless, yet like a chameleon, changed. Still in a hoodie, still in jeans and stolen trainers, and more like a thug than a lady of the dark.
“Sorry to call on you, Ban. If it were up to me, I’d have been stubborn. But, I’ve learned better. For better and for worse. If it’s what I think it is, I think it’ll work out in the end. Fate of humanity may rest with what happens. I can’t go into detail now, but the boss, I’ll outline what I need, and what we need to do.” The Scot sighed, her signature tone holding more now, rather than dampened, sighing.
“He may not agree. That is fine, we’ll do what needs doing. But I’ll keep coming till the end. Rage against the dying of the light. Rage, rage…..and we’ll get it done.” Skye said to him, leaning across, looking out the back window, then back at the operative. “Anyway. You feeling up to what might come next?” Skye asked an honest question, yet loaded a little knowing Ban would be very, very much aware of the Skye Lyons special that came with her line of work.
Ban sat in the backseat with Skye, while their driver, a thin, whip muscled young Yakuza with the tips of a koi fish tattoo just barely hidden by his shirt, one named Wataro apparently, a relatively new hire, and just having the starts of his tattoos. Up front is also Hataro Kingo, Ban’s father. The men folk atleast dressed up rather nicely having quickly put on some proper suits. But to say Ban dressed a little flashy is something different, his suit a blazing crimson with silver stitching through the sleeves and at the lapels.
The re-born Yakuza tapping a finger on his knee, and had looked out the front window over his father’s shoulder casually until Sky had begun to speak. And the man once known as Shimura, had turned his head and given the scotswoman his full attention.
He couldn’t help but smile, and watched as Hataro turned his head only slightly to listen to them. Ban nods, “When we made that pact Skye-chan, I said I would answer any call, any need. At any time, in anyway.” He holds up his hand. No there is no blade cut, but metaphorically there could have been one, “I swore to that.” He chuckles, then lifts his blade in his right hand, “And I offered my blade then, just as I offer it now.” He nods slowly, “And not to worry. I think the Oyabun will listen, and atleast offer sanctuary.”
The older Kingo in the front seat pipes up, “The Oyabun was moved by Ban’s stories of what happened during his exile. He shed tears you know. That one of his loyal soldiers, went through so much and still returned to try and clear his name.” Hataro grins, “I think the three duels that Ban fought were more a formality than anything else. I’m sure my old friend will hear us, and judge fairly.”
Skye smiled, hearing the impact, knowing that it likely left some mark on Ban, considering the request. It was a fair amount of bodies, in fact, an ask that Skye knew would be difficult but she cleared the air and made it clear. Like for Jaguar, in a similar way, she’d honored her promise. Let him do what was needed, and let him reclaim what was his. And he had been rewarded by it. Somehow, Skye wondered how he had not gone further, but alas, that was sometimes due to just the way the system worked. Skye would not even dare poke her head in. They were criminals, a syndicate and honorable yet violent and capable of destruction some special forces teams may not even imagine existed, but you could stand to have worse friends than the Yakuza. “Thank you. And I hope so. It will come weirdly from a….how you say, a Gaijin like me? I expect to be looked at. But at the same time, I suppose I don’t ask for much. Much has happened since we last worked together, and as you know, I am not one to worry easy.” Skye replied, looking across to Ban, knowing they’d be arriving soon. “I’ll need a couple of basic bits, a haircut and some bleaching, some fake ID and a few pieces in time to look at as well. I’m going to have to get rid of the Skye you’re used to. Been a while since that.” Skye shrugged, knowing that in some ways, perhaps Rose had won that at least. Diffused into someone Skye wasn’t, and a change of look at least would stop her from being tracked on cameras as obviously, even if a skilled monitor might see through it in time regarding cheekbones and other features. “If all works well, we may even have some luck tonight. But we’ll have to see.” Skye added, sitting up a little, taking in the rain and the scene outside, before looking to Ban again.
Ban nods, “Well there have been odder requests coming from people to the Amagi. Often down from the Yamaguchi. It’s okay, we’ll find a way.” He chuckles, then looks ahead as they are just turning off the expressway. Hotaro nods, “Not long now. Wataro-kun, take the scenic route.” Their driver bowing his head, “Yes sir.”
The car weaving down, before they enter into a seemingly out of place wooded area.
They are still in the city how did they do that so quick?
And then, the trees part, and before them is a magnificent hidden Japanese style palace. Sprawling, lit by rice paper lanterns in some places, golden light shed from the pieces. In others more modern light poles shed stark white light. The road leading up to the place, sided by manicured and well tended fields of grass, and styled shrubs. Dotted with rock zen gardens, statues of deities and mythological beasts and creatures. Izanagi and Izanami statues stand prominent on one side of the road. While further down a curious pair of statues..
Ones that Ban points out as they pass, “Higan Amagi, the first Amagi.” He points to the statue that is bedecked in yoroi armor, a nodachi long sword held over one shoulder, the face mask of the armor the statue is modeled after looking fierce and filled with hidden power. Ban then gestures to the other statue that almost seems hidden by the more prominent Amagi statue, “Nobitsuda Kingo. The Amagi and the Kingo have stood beside each other for generations. Though the Amagi now hold the name of the Clan, the Kingo have always been there in their shadow. And now, the Amagi Clan thrives.” The Kingo statue is that of a smaller man, dressed in a robe, holding a feather fan, in one hand, and a small dagger in the other hidden by the fan.
Ban nods as they pull up to the house. Hotaro and Wataro getting out first. Hotaro gesturing, “Go and see to Yotsuyu-chan, and be ready with her and the car.” As he’s saying that, six men in black suits, even with the darkening sky, they all wear mirrored sunglasses. And except for two of them, everyone is clearly armed. One with a very large revolver on his hip, the others with sorts of melee weapons. Swords, sais, one holding a wicked knotted kanobo club. The leader of the small group nodding to Ban and Hataro, “Honored Guests. We come to escort you. The Oyabun has agreed to your emergency meeting. We come to watch the gaijin.”
At that Ban bristles. And his hand is on his sword, thumb primed to give that one simple push that would draw the blade. The same blade he used to cut down men in the service of Raven, the same one he’d used to cut down many at Skye’d direction.
The six men balking just abit, I mean who would want to fight the man who confessed to all the sins and the deeds he committed while away?
Only Hataro laying a hand on Ban’s arm stops him from drawing, “Think of it as a compliment son. They know your prowess, and the stories you told of Kitsune-chan, speaks of honor and bravery. But she’s still dangerous, and let’s face it, the Oyabun wants to be careful.”
Ban takes a slow breath and nods, “Fine.” And leads the way inside with his father at his left. The six falling into step beside and a round Ban, Hataro and Skye.
They weave through the house. Beautifully decorated rooms and halls, many sets of armor, and sword stands. At one point the Yakuza stop to bow before a simple grey feathered goose fan. The plaque below it’s glass case reading, “The Fan of Nobitsuda”.
Finally two doors are pulled aside, and on the far side of the room, an older gentleman, wearing a fine kimono, sipping at some tea sits upon a low dias, waiting and watching. As they cross the room Ban whispers, “Do one thing for me while we’re here Skye, don’t look the Oyabun in the eye. Until he asks you too anyway.”
And soon their escort goes to stand at the walls, and the three are kneeling in front of the old man. Hotaro speaking, “Toyomitsu Amagi-san, it has been only a short while. We beg your ear for a moment.”
Skye nodded to Ban, taking the beauty of it in. The armour, swords, the ornate pieces like a museum, but only to those who needed to know. The clan was old, it felt like older than even manor houses in the UK, like there was history in these walls, fibres that came out from that and even into now. “On your lead.” Skye simply replied, unable to follow Japanese, but able to follow Ban at least, and somewhat understand him. A beauty of a place, and no doubt eyeing up Skye, weighing up who she was. What she was. Some maybe had seen the police reports and knew she was on the run, if the description fit. What they may not have understood however, was that behind the somewhat pale face of the redhead was someone who’d already weighed up everyone in the room. Got an idea of what she had to do. She may not have reflexes, but she had an idea of the fact that you bring a gun to a swordfight, and there were enough to help. Not that it would come to that. Ban would introduce things, and she’d speak what needed to be said. What was initially a crappy thread was now somewhat more concise a plan, a way to flip the script, fast. Time was of the essence.
The older man hums, and motions for a younger man one of the guards to come forward. The young Yakuza hurrying forwards and bows. The Oyabun whispering something, and in slightly stilted English, with a slight London accent, speaks, “Amagi-san has asked that I act as an interpreter. What I say, is his word.”
Hotaro chuckles, “Ahhh getting young Hingo to practice his English? Wise my friend. My son would ask a boon.” Ban then kind of knee walks forward, bowing low, “Grandfather.” He says respectfully, “I beg a favor. I bring a friend. A very great friend.” Speaking in English for Skye’s benefit, Ban continues, “It’s true, if you follow the news, and our friends in the Police Force, this woman sky dived.” he takes a moment to look at Skye with a small amount of amusement, “Into Shibuya Square.”
A general chuckle, of seeming appreciation goes through those gathered, and the Oyabun nods, speaking rapidly in Japanese. The young yakuza speaking moments later, “Yes we recognize her, the Tokyo Police asked us to keep an eye out. Quite a naughty young lady she is. Honestly we like her.” Ban grins, “I hope this like extends beyond then sir. Since my own return sir, I told you the stories of my deeds, and sins and trials with Raven, and with Skye-chan.” He swallows thickly and just rips the bandaid off, “We beg the Clan’s assistance Oyabun. She has been branded a traitor, and been forced to flee so she can work to further her plans. And find her innocence.”
The old man’s eyes narrow then and he speaks again swiftly, “This, is the Skye Rosalind you spoke of?” The young man pauses and looks at the old man, the Oyabun smiling. The interpreter sighs, “We thought she’d be taller.” Then he sighs, “Skye-chan, look at us.”
Skye followed instruction, aware that honor, discipline, and trust was a big, big part of the culture here. There’s no easy way to put it but if merely being in Japan is like being a fish out of water, doing it in a criminal underworld is like diving headfirst into treacle. A sticky situation. She’d smiled when Ban mentioned the occasion, and well, what she’d been up to.
She looked at the old man, the look of Skye one that showed wear, but beyond the messy red hair and pale, cut cheeks and lips, the eyes of someone that burned bright. Blue eyes and red hair are an incredibly rare combo in genetics, almost to a point that it’s about 1% of redheads that would ever have it- the recessive trait of red hair meaning it’s usually wiped out from a Scandinavian-styled blonde-haired, blue eyed bloodline. Another part Skye wondered about internally, wondering.
“I am very grateful to be here. And I understand I am a risk to you. But I am here to ask for a little help. In exchange, to prevent a catastrophe that could kill billions, indiscriminately. It is less about innocence, more about prevention.” Skye replied, the redhead making the stakes clear, knowing that eyebrows would immediately be raised. The Scot’s accent may have been harder for the London-accented interpreter to switch to, given that it was a style of English that was harsher and abrasive, like the mountains of home, but it held.
The interpreter worked his jaw abit and sighed, before speaking stiltedly in Japanese to the Oyabun. The old man grinning brightly the whole time. Almost as if the young man’s suffering is just a little amusing. Soon though he nods. Ban waiting a moment before continuing, “We as the Clan’s assistance Oyabun, with the backing and the resources of the clan, we could be able to make inroads on stopping this apocalypse.”
The old man nodding slowly, then in clear as day English, with just a hint of a Irish accent, speaks, “Rosalind-san, tell us true. This catastrophe, how truly bad would it be? What would be its vector? Would there be a way to contain it?” He looks at the red haired young woman clearly, wise, clear eyes almost looking into Skye’s soul, “Would Japan, would the Amagi, survive unscathed?”
The Scot turned a little more red at the sound of the old man’s tone, breaking apart from the interpreter, who no doubt was a little confused. And she looked back. “You speak good English, Amagi-san.. It is very complicated, but part of the vector is me. The other part is a clone. However, this is a good thing. It means we can stop it before it starts.” Skye replied, as she circled back to that last question.
“Nobody will be safe. It is indiscriminate, race, creed, belief, culture. Only survival is what she wants, and that means a wiping of the slate. This threat….she wants to ruin the world with it. A hybridized chemical weapon, like the one used in the Tokyo subway decades ago, but on a country scale. Combined with an infrastructure destroying weapon, once repaired. The knife only then needs to push a little deeper before we are all fucked.” Skye said to what may be the shock of a few, but she did not mince her words. She leaned in, looking to Ban, then back across to the Oyabun.
“There is a facility operated by a firm called Vale Technical Services, in Nagoya. A facility that from the last piece of intel I had, indicated it was run by a secret organization named Artemis. It contains a vault, of which if it is the same as the threat I describe, means I am biometrically identical to and can access. And inside of that, is what I believe to be a full picture of Artemis’s remaining assets, and potentially even a neutralizing agent for the chemical. I am not sure how, but it is a starting point. I do not understand it fully. But there is no way anyone else can do it, unless I go and access it, and I pose as the very vector herself, a clone of me. That is where I ask for help. I just need a few things. Some items of clothing, a silenced rifle, some tactical equipment, transport, and Ban to follow me. I will go in through the front door, but I will likely need support once I have it. If not….then there is a serious problem.“ Skye replied, knowing this was the bit that was asking a lot, but it was a start, at least.
The gathered Yakuza all looked at each other, silent words passing between them all. The admission of Skye being part of the Vector, the sheer amount of damage that is being said could happen. One of them breaking the sudden silence after all that was asked and roaring something in Japanese. The Oyabun looking at the man and growling something back. The nameless Yakuza pointed at Skye with on hand and drew a wakizashi with the other. Hotaro leaning back and whispering to Skye in English, “He is asking permission to kill you, as he feels your presence here is a mistake.” The oyabun is just opening his mouth to respond, when the man with the wakizashi growls this time in broken English, “No, forgive me Oyabun, but the Gaijin cannot be allowed to live!”
It’s swift. Three moves, a single step from the man on the edge of the room, Ban turning and drawing in a single quick movement, and the nameless Yakuza stepping back as the small sword drops to the ground, the clean cut having severed his thumb at the base of the joint.
The Oyabun sighing and to Skye, “I apologize Skye-san, sometimes my men are overzealous. I see though that Ban has your safety and honor in hand.” He looks to the yakuza man who stands there holding his hand, “Someone see to his medical needs.” Then back to Skye, “The Amagi will help where we can. And in the meantime, the Kingo Family will see to your needs, with the Clan’s backing. You have our Word.”
Those last words are said to the sound of the Kingo Katana sliding slowly back into the sheath at Ban’s hip, a final, click signalling the end of that swift altercation.
The scene had unfolded fast, faster than Skye would have liked to have imagined how she’d react. But then again, Ban had responded quick. The man yelping as his thumb got sliced like a piece of sausage through the blade was pretty visceral, and sent a message when nobody else responded. Like it was disciplined, rehearsed, almost like that wire had been touched.
Skye had to appreciate not getting stabbed there, and looked to the Oyabun once again. “Thank you. I am very grateful for your help, and will return this assistance. I may not be of this land, but back home, we have Clans too. Families, bound by, and also unrelated in blood. A tradition long left behind, but one we still respect. I honor my obligations to you much the same like the men and women did to their clans. And to Ban, too.” Skye added, smiling to Ban, appreciative of what he’d done, the thumb quickly picked up and the man yelling promptly removed.
“There is more than I could possibly explain. And less I fully understand. But I’ll try and explain what I can, and do know along the way. If this works out, we’ll be able to stop this. At least, stop the start of it before anything happens.” Skye replied, knowing there was no doubt a lot of risk on everyone’s end, but they trusted her. The authority she seemed to have, even as a fish out of water held on, and she knew she’d have a debt to pay. One she could live with, considering the stakes were so much higher. And if it worked out well, she’d be able to walk right through the front door, all setup.
Ban bows again to the oyabun, “I apologize for acting so swiftly Grandfather. But Kitsune-chan is under my protection. I shall let no one question her honor.” he coughs, trying to hide a smile. The Oyabun waves it aside, and back to Japanese he goes. The interpreter finishing, “It is fine Ban-kun. We understand. The Amagi will stand. And with some favors called in Kitsune-chan.” Yes the old man switches to the code name, “We shall help to stop the end of the world. Like we did when Tojo stained this lands honor. We will help to stop the stain that may come.”
A motion of a hand and the Kingos and Skye are dismissed, but this time as they rise the escort doesn’t move, outside of giving a low respectful bow to Skye as they get up to leave.
Ban letting out a breath as they start to head back outside, “Well, now we can start to plan, and make ready to make a run on the people who would destroy the world.” Hataro coughs, “And you did this regularly in Raven my son?”
Ban looking to Skye with a smile, “Pretty regularly yes Father.”
Skye chuckled, nodding.
“Yeah, it’s sort of the given thing. And well, they made it personal.” Skye replied, looking across to Ban, knowing all of this must have seemed like straight up, a crystal crazy fever dream.
Hataro hums, “Your life in exile was truly something for the Legends. Let us return to the Amagi District. Find Kitsune-chan a place to rest up. For I foresee a time of great unrest and action.”
And the car awaits them outside. Soon the doors clunk shut, and they are soon rolling through the streets once more.
Freya Kanatariio Slightly Banged up...nothing a sibling can't fix
Freya made her way out of the A400 holding her blanket bra on. The big woman wincing as she goes, giving Sam a pat on the shoulder as she passed. The Wounded Goddess was just going to go into the base, fuck all the mouthing off that she knew was going to start. And it did, even before she had gotten to far. She sat down on a bench and just watched and listened.
Gods it's going to be bad.
Heated words. Against Skye. For Skye. About Raven. Against Raven. For Raven.
Freya sighed, and groaned, gritting her teeth in pain.
She shook her head as words are traded and concepts and contrasts brought up and around and through like rapiers made of letters.
Then she caught her sisters eyes. And couldn't help but smile.
For a wounded warrior, she's on her feet in an instant. The truck that had rolled up, she'd somehow missed it. And the gasp of pain she lets out as Sophie and the other doctor come to her side says loads. She is panting as the two medics move her into the bed of the truck. And she looks up as Athena comes running over. "Hey sis." She smiles and rolls to the side to get off her bad arm, "I'm fine I'm fine." And reaches over to shush Sophie who was about to go off on Freya. No she's not fine. She could do something that would cost her the use of her arm. But Freya stops her and gives Sophie a look that says "Please...not to my little sister." Even if Athena could likely tell that Freya is not well. The Siblings Kanatariio don't wound easily. So to be without the use of her arm means alot. She grunts as the truck comes to a stop at the base.
And Freya ruins any clout she has when she lets out a cry of pain as she stands back up, "Okay fine...I'm not okay...just...bear with me...oh hey..."
A glorious arrival
Scion - Jamie Cole Kanatariio Blue Sword Task Force Perkele
Yes that...that is a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy.
Emblazoned on it's side, the BlueSword emblem. The giant plane roaring in, above, coming around to make a run on the landing strip.
"We've got Hannula below. Looks like Raven and the rest all arrived already."
"Get us down there! Captain, Majors, Lt. Colonel! Get the people ready! Operative you suited!?"
Various shouts of "Yes ma'am!" flare from the cargo area.
A growly, "You bet colonel!"
"You're first off! Command, get our people out and set up as soon as the Operative is off first! You know what to do."
Natalie Denisova-Kanatariio grumbles, "I want to see my daughters, in particular I want to see my daughter who got hurt. Get us on the ground!" The pilot nods, finishing the turn and bringing the Galaxy down onto the ground.
The giant plane descended. Slowed. Rolled to a stop.
And as the ramp at the rear heaved open.
Yet another Giant stomped down. Red, Black and Blue armor, smooth and sleek, unlike the angular armor of a certain Battle Goddess, steps clear, the ramp shifting as the weight of the man and armor leaves it. Twin Linked HMGs scan the tarmac before the exterior comms system calls, "Clear!"
Voices from within. A tall man, wearing Lt. Colonel insignia, steps down, "Majors, Captain, lets get things settled. Blue Sword Task Force Perkele off that plan. Captain get them moving." Ross Henderson, Lt. Colonel Ross in fact, third in command behind Victor and Natalie. Calling out to the rest of the command of Blue Sword. Andrew, Nolan and Carl stepping down. Captain Carl Cardinal stepping out and shouting into the plane, "Perkele! Get off your asses." He turns and points at the tarmac, "OP down there! Rotating Squad!" He turns again pointing to the far end of the tarmac, "OP there, same deal!" He turns and points towards the main base, "Another OP near the Camp Base. Andrew, Nolan, you know your marksmen and snipers best. You're ball game."
Nolan nudges Andrew as the pair sweep the land around them. Then nod. Nolan turning to the sniper team, "Be in the trees. Roaming and unseen. Regular reports. Git." The Snipers nod, beeps on their comms, the only acknowledgement. Andrew rumbling, "Marksmen, roaming the perimeter, 360, no one sees you, no one knows you're here. Go." The marksman team vanishing shortly after.
And only then do Victor and Natalie step clear of the plane. Victor scaning about, "So this is Raven...or was Raven...what can still be Raven." Natalie grumping, "We have supplies. If you like you can offload them when you're ready." Cutting right through the bullshit it seems. Victor looks around, spotting the team all starting to filter away, "They are going to need time. I want to see my daughter."
The command structure of Blue Sword heading for the infirmary for now.
Jamie smiled, and stomped off. Time to see what's up.
Later, at the Base REC room
It looks like a robot...with a human head. Sitting on one the floor. One huge mitt holding a juice of those tiny little ones meant for a school kids lunch box. The other, holding a apple-strawberry puree mix packet, alternating sipping the juice and sucking at the packet. Quite all comfy it seems, making himself at home.
Jamie all happily still armored up but enjoying some quiet time as his parents and uncles all had swarmed his sisters.
He'll take some quiet time thank you, and wait until he's told where he can take off his armor. NEver mind the mutha-fricken twin linked HMG death machine leaning on the wall behind him.
The Big woman shifted. Her face quite firmly in palm.
She'd shown weakness. Now she'd be okay showing weakness to her teammates, everyone is human.
But no, she had shown weakness to the last people you want to show it too.
Her siblings!
On the other end of the call she can hear her sister Athena and her brother Jamie talking about how they're going to be preping to head to Finland ASAP. It's clear Athena is again off getting some clout, as she's speaking on speaker phone somehow. But Jamie sounded clear enough. He might be back home for all she knows. But oh no she's never going to live this down.
Last thing you want to do is show weakness in the presense of your siblings! They will use that against you like the Germans used chemical weapons during WW1. She sighed then continued again into the call, "Mom...Papa...please...we're going to land in Tokyo here in abit...just we need help please. And I need clothes." Victor nods, "We'll meet you in Finland my dear girl. Just hold out."
We're a Family...dysfunctional but still a family Jamie Kanatariio - Perth, Australia
A klaxon caused the entire base to freeze.
The speed of the alarm said it's important.
A gruff voice hit the PA system of the base a moment or so later, "Now hear this, now hear this. Operative BG has been put out of action, Operative BG is out of action. Medical Team Julius report to Station 4 with full inventory."
A unit of medics quickly starts to gather everything they need for a trip out.
The PA blares again, "Sniper Units two through five report to Station 4 ASAP. Light Infantry Units two and seven, Heavy Infantry Units one and nine, anti-armor unit nineteen report to Station Four ASAP. Scout Sniper Unit one report to Station Four."
In another part of the base Two Giants and four people of a more regular height march down some corridors. One of the smaller folks looking over a Tablet, "They're going to land in Haneda, they're going to have to land in Haneda before they can make the last jump to Pöyrisjärvi. And even then the refueling at Haneda may take abit. The JSDF may want to talk shop for all we know." The tall male Giant, grumbles, "I don't like it, is this Artemis? I swear to the gods we had a hand in icing them, didn't we?" The other giant, a lovely woman of statuesque loveliness snorts, "Like Rats or Cockroaches my love. They don't stay away. Either way, Carl, Ross, Andrew, and Nolan, get the teams squared away and on one of our Galaxies. I want to be in the air quickly."
The four smaller men nodded, one of the more lithe of them saying, "I'll put in a call home, see if we can't get a few favors cashed and get an aeriel refuel, so we don't need to land a refuel ourselves." The giants and others nod, "Good thinking." Said yet another of them, looking like Carl Cardinal, the fellow Raven had met back in Singapore. He reached over and pulled his friend and endless teammate to the side, "Come on Ross we got infantry to please up." And the pair went one way, while Andrew and the fourth man saluted Natalie and Victor before going another.
The mountain of a young man had made his way directly to the Armor Shack as soon as the announcements on the PA system had been made. People had spread before him like the Red Sea. It's not easy being one of the Top Kick in Blue Sword, not when your parents set the standard, and your siblings can do as much damage as you can, and on a good day, the spot can switch within a couple of hours. But that's part of the fun of it.
The tides of mercenaries parted before the mountain of a man, until he entered the Armor Shack, the place all the heavies in the company kept their armors and weapons. There he began to pack his kit up into the proper crates.
As he does his father, Victor, walks in and watches him silently. After abit the older giant growls, "You know you don't have to go. I'd wager Athena will be there, and Raven will also have some back ups coming along too." He stepped in and over to one of two suits that hung on chains, that hadn't really moved in a good long time. Looking up at it. Jamie came over to stand by his father, coiling up a length of cord meant to connect his suits pieces together, "I know, but you heard her in that phone call Dad. She needs help. I'm not going to leave my sister in the lurch." Victor nods, looking up at the Brutal Suit, "I know...I wish I was young again so I could march out there in this suit and pull the heads off the people who hurt my little girl." He looks to Jamie and nods, "You all do me and your mom proud you know." Jamie smiles and the two men share a warm quiet moment.
The PA then blares, "All units to ship out to Finland, report to Station four in twenty minutes. Wheels up in thirty minutes. Repeat..." Jamie nods, "I'll see you there dad. I want to get crated up." Victor nods and heads out the door, "Don't take too long son!" He shouts then he's out and around the corner.
Jamie smiles, looking over at his own suit, as he starts to crate it up correctly, "No long at all. then I'm going to hurt people who hurt my sister. Hope Athena is quick, I'm not going to leave anyone for her this time." He lifted a double bladed axe, hefting it, then with an easy motion, "I'm gonna Thorngle someone good."
It'd be a short while later that Jamie walks out into the muster point at Site Four, where the infantry teams are loading supply crates and weapons crates into a waiting Lockheed Martin C5 Galaxy. Jamie places his kit with the crates and then walks over to the waiting Brass of Blue Sword, his parents and uncles. All six of them gesturing to the items.
Jamie snaps a salute, "Operative Super Heavy Scion reporting, and requesting permission to join the operation, Sirs and Madam." The six turn. Carl and Ross trading a look. Andrew and Nolan the sniper trainers narrowing their eyes as they look Jamie over. Finally it's Colonel Denisova-Kanatariio, Jamie's mother who rumbles, "Operative Scion, you are hereby seconded to Raven while Operative Big Gurl, is undergoing proper healing. Help the rest of the team load up, and when we're wheels up in..." She checks her watch, and Victor cuts in, "Eight minutes." Natalie nodding, "Eight minutes, you will board up. Good luck..." She swallows thickly, "My son. And I'm proud of you for stepping up." Jamie snaps another salute as the six brass salute back.
The young Giant turns and goes to help the Boys. Carl whispering, "Those three...if they wanted too...could rule the fucking world." Ross sighing and nodding, "Thank god they had a good up bringing." Victor shakes his head, "A good up bringing would have been no fighting, but they turned out right...fuck it let's finish this catalogue. I wanna go see my baby girl!" Four echoed, "Yes sir!" rolled through the four smaller folks.
Only a matter of time now.
Omake - Non Canon - The Sibs have a moment
Jamie edges carefully down the halls of Blue Sword HQ in Perth, Australia. The Base is calm mostly at the moment, and people are going about their business. And seeing one or two of the infamous Kanatariio siblings making their way through the base isn't exactly a strange thing. And no one really bats at eye to see the middle kid making his way around the base, no one seems to really bat an eye at him seeming to be a little cagey though. But no one really tries to stop the young man.
Especially when Athena walks up and gives him a push, "Come on! We need to find Freya!" Jamie staggers forward out into the intersection of the hallway, "Cut it out sis, we know where she is." He grumbles and turns to head towards Freya's apartment down the way.
It takes them a few minutes, but the pair finally reach Freya's apartment, and after a little work, kneeling in front of the door, Jamie picks the lock. Standing up he grips the knob and makes a counting gesture from three with his free hand. Then throws open the door.
In the time it takes for him to open the door, and take a long leaping step into the room he sees a few things. His big sister looking sad and down, the state of a woman who is NOT having a good day. A depressive state. But before he can react to that what he was going to say originally bursts out of his mouth, "What would you do if..." Landing on the floor he groans gently then continues "ah feck you're depressed..." He rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs, and can feel when Athena peeks around the door frame and sees what he does.
Jamie sighs, "Okay fine, get dressed, comb your hair, we're gonna go off base for some ice cream, Micky Dicks and a massage. Come on quick, before Dad or any of the uncles see you like this." Athena leans forward, "Come on sis, let's get you moving, you remember what happened last time Uncle Andrew found you like this." Freya lets out a shiver, "He dragged me out of here by my ankle and took me shopping...and was like a mother hen the whole time...all fussy..." Jamie nods, "Yep, better us then him come on! Thena, get in here and help her get dressed. I'll keep watch, last thing I need is to see my sister getting dressed...again!"
Athena slips into the room then and helps get Freya up and moving. While Jamie stands outside the door, arms crossed, like a bastion against curious onlookers. He looks around then eeps, "Thena...Frey...hurry up! Uncle Nolan and Uncle Andrew are down the hall!" Athena shouting, "We're trying! Come on Freya! Get you big booty moving!"
And soon the three are stomping down the hall, fleeing the approach of the two elder snipers. Nolan having stopped with Andrew at his side. Nolan's left eye twitching slightly in annoyance, "This family...makes me want to murder people..." He spins on his heel and heads the other way, away from the retreating forms of the Siblings Kanatariio. Andrew just rubs his forehead, this being honestly a common occurrence around here if he's being kind.
Appearance: Standing some 6 feet 3 inches tall, with a broad shouldered well muscled build. Fine muscle definition and a rough appearance. Hair reaching just about middle neck length in a sheet of black, silky locks. Silver eyes, and a thin mouth with a ready frown, grimace or smile depending on the moment. His left hand is graced with three missing finger tips. His right cheek has a knife scar, and just under his left eye is notes of where he took a punch that ripped open his cheek, any higher and he might have lost his eye. The front of his upper jaw has evidence of having lost a fair amount of teeth as the front five teeth are replaced with silver replacements.
Nationality: Japanese Ex-pat
Callsign: "Shimura"
Accomplished Cook - Went to School and took classes in many things. Law, and Business Management mostly, but one of the classes that surprised his Oyabun was the many classes he took in cooking, everything from Short Order Cooking to Gourmet cooking. He's a whiz with a wok, and can wield filet knife like a rapier. And can turn out some prime dishes everything from sushi to an amazing steak. He even knows how to handle pufferfish.
Martial Arts - And a variety of them too. Has been trained by his former clan members in the use of the Sai, Bo, Wakazashi and Iaido Katana arts. As well as Goju-ryu style Karate, and Okinawan style Judo. Making him quite an accomplished fighter in close quarters.
Small Arms knowledge - His Yakuza clan tended to shy away from the use of guns and rifles. But in modern times it doesn't help much to completely ignore them. As such he has knowledge in semi-automatic rifles, and machine pistols. Though perfers not to use them.
Drama abilities - Much to his former clans chagrin, Ban has a taste for and some really amazing skills in Noh and Kabuki actting. He made some of his best money by actting in Modern day Noh and Kabuki theatre.
I know a Guy - He's been around abit. And when the team enters a new country, he tends to say, "Hey I know a guy." And then vanish for an hour. And after abit return with some local gangster or mafia member, that has some information on what they are heading into.
History: Before joining Foxtrot Oscar and then Raven Squad, Ban had been almost life long Yakuza. His father had been Yakuza, and his grandfather too. His Grandfather, helped the Americans to track down and take Hideki Tojo down. His father helped the Amagi clan, part of the Yamaguchi Family ring to stay under the radar into modern day times. Ban was no less a Yakuza. Raised beside other Yakuza kids, learning to fight and steal and kill. Eatting beside tattooed up Yakuza and getting cuffed upside the head by many of his "uncles" in the Clan when he did something stupid, only to get cuffed again when his father got his turn.
So when he was old enough he joined the ranks. And became a tattooed yakuza as well. Working closely with several of his other yakuza kids, running arcades, plinko stalls and shaking down people who would open shops in the Amagi territory who wouldn't pay protection. He was shown no favors for his father being the top earner of his generation. Ban had to do it all like everyone else did. Eventually he would run his own three story arcade on the edge of Amagi Territory in their entertainment row.
He'd been watching the safe back at Amagi HQ when someone brazenly busted in, and with a shotgun, had blown Ban off his feet then robbed the place. Killing one of their number in the process. As Ban and the others were still alive they were held responsible. They should have sold their lives. But it had happened to quick. Ban offered to take the full punishment, and asked that the other three who had failed not be punished too heavily. He was ordered to cut three finger tips. Without hesitation he did so. Three quick cuts with a dagger, and he was bandaged up by the clan doctor.
A few years later he was accused of embezzling from the Clan, to which he vehemently argued against. He'd never do anything like that. Life long Amagi that he was. But as the evidence was against his he said he'd do the greatest thing, and would take exile. His father and grandfather would not turn their back so quickly though. He left the clan that day but his father and grandfather gave him money and supplies and sent him abroad. A sword, the Kingo family sword, and money and clothing.
Off he'd go and some time later be found in a German bar, having just cut down three german gangsters after a fight.
Since Raven
It's been a few years now since Ban's time in Raven. He got out, served his time with Raven. But to get out truly and try and get his old life back which was his goal for the longest time, he made a deal with Skye. He'd be free and clear, except for sometime, someday, who knows when truly, she may call on him. And he'd answer.
Since then Ban Kingo returned to Japan, much augmented from the time in Raven, but still wearing his own skin and tattoos. He marched to Kiyose city, into Amagi territory, and after some trials, was given an audience with the Amagi Oyabun, where Ban revealed a tale. His time away from the Clan, what he did with Raven, thr honor he heaped on his family and the Clans names.
He shouted his innocence foe that moment so long ago. And finally showed his loyalty to the Amagi code, by revealing he still wore his ink, and could still wield the Kingo blade despite the lost fingers. The Oyabun took some time, all while Ban sat and knelt in the seize posti9n waiting and listening. By the end of the day, Ban fought three duels, with boken of course no one wanted to die that day. His time away from the Clan, the honor he'd gained, the clan elders pronounced him cleansed of his false punishment, welcomed him back into the clan. His father had grabbed him in a near choking hug, and said his departed grandfather would have been proud.
This marked his return to Amagi group life. And gaining the nickname among the younger and elder groups "The Reforged Blade".
Ban resumed his place running his pachinko parlor and gambling den. His honor restored and back among his family.
But always his promise to Skye waited. The red headed warrior woman. A story he told to his subordinates.
Personality: Ban still adheres to the Amagi code. Which is a mix of Yakuza life style and old Bushido honor. He can be gruff and angry and mean on the battle field. He has a mission to do, and that's what he;s there for. He will not attack an unarmed opponent, and will perfer to use his sword and Martial Arts to fight rather then a gun. But when he fights he fights to win and survive. And he fights to the death. There is no mercy to be had between warriors. Off the field he can be kind, generous and loves to eat, joke and work out. If he's not in the base kitchen cooking something for the team, he can be found in the training room, boken in hand practicing, or going through Kata, or working at one of the machines. Always trying to improve. He can also often be found in the auditorium putting on a solo Kabuki or Noh show for anyone who just wants to sit and watch.
Tactical Suit: The Ronin suit. A complex yet simple modern take on the Samurai armor concept. Ceramic over Kevlar plates in a chest plate, with kevlar pants, and leg wraps and SWAT style sneakers. A padded Haori and padded Hakama tucked into the kevlar leg wraps.
He'll also wear Kabuki style paint on his face that gives him a very off putting look. A wide brimmed steel conical coolie style hat completes the look.
Kingo Family Katana - Given to him when exiled from the Amagi Clan, since then updated and enhanced. Honed through science and augmentation into an incerdibly sharp Mono-edge. The edge of it a single atom/particle thin, so sharp to be able to cut through and likely get stuck in 2 inchs of tempered steel.
Steyr TMP style Machine Pistol - A high cap magazine inside a TMP style Machine pistol for rapid fire high volume fire in those times that he can't use his sword. A white colored laser sight attached to help with aiming.
ACE 52 style semi-auto rifle - Something with some kick for those times he isn't right on the front line and can use his blade or MP.
Physical Augmetics - Has been worked on by some of the leading biotech firms, out of Japan and America. All of his augments are housed in his shoulders, arms and legs mostly with a few blended into his chest and back muscles. They are designed less for making him beefier and to stand out. But more to give him faster reflexes, speed and strength in his actions. Making him generally faster in movement, allowing him to quickly use his sword and react to things going on around him. These augments have also been placed in his back and neck as well ad a cranial that allowed him to process the environment at a faster pace. He's as much machine now as man.
Standard survival kit, water, and food.
Medical First Aid kit for battle field staunching of minor injuries.
Standard medium combat kit, grenades, frag and HE 2 of each, ammo, smoke grenades two of each, a trio of NineBang flash grenades. A single breacher charge.
Minor repair kits for weapons and armor.
Kabuki and Noh Performance - Will often put on solo shows of both Noh and Kabuki style acts. Either the soft traditional Noh style, white face mask actting out a dramatic showing. Or, a rowdy, loud and rough Kabuki act, free and freeing.
Cooking - Ban absolutely loves to cook. If he hadn't been expected to run some business for the Clan he would have started his own cafe or Izakaya. He cooks some really incredible dishes and will often waylay their cooks, and end up making multi course meals for the team.
Reading - Has a well thumbed copy of the Book of Five Rings, Sun Tzu's works, Confucius' work and several Bushido books. he also loves Japanese style fiction novels. And often can be found laughing at some of the badly written tropes in them.
Has been trying to teach himself how to play the Shamisen and the Biwa
A fine Sake.
Well made food.
Good friends.
The Honor of a good fight.
Dishonorable motives.
People willing to manipulate others.
Honorless combat.
Name: Jamie Cole Kanatariio
Age: 24
A good way to describe this man. Like his mother and his father, both legends of height, power and strength. Jamie himself inherited that. Topping out at near just short of 8 feet tall. Broad shouldered, powerfully muscled from head to toe. It's all meant for power and strength rather then body building, though if he wanted too he could put some of those sculpted fellas to shame. A head og long dark tresses shower down his back, reminiscent of his dear father, but he keeps his up in a top knot, or tucked up into the back of his helmet depending on the situation. Piercing grey eyes with flecks of bronze lookout around him, and naturally leather toned skin. Callused hands used to work, with the cuts and slashes and gashes on them that denote someone who works with tools and blades regularly.
Natural Strength - Brought up by two people who prized their ability of natural strength, Jamie is no different, his lifting ability is incredible, he can toss 300+ pounds over his head with relative ease, carrying heavy loads by hand easily.
It All Rubbed off - Determination, Strength, Loyalty and Perseverance have been drummed into him by his parents and Uncles from Blue Sword. He will never give up no matter the situation.
Heavy Weapon Handling - And we're not talking SAWs or grenade launchers, though those have their place. We're talking things like the M134 and the GAU-19 which he can handle with relative ease really.
Trained Hard - A style of Karate, Brazilian jiu jitsu, though he doesn't favor it, his mother taught him swords, his father taught him the gunstock club. If need be he wouldn't need a gun to put down an enemy.
You ever hear the saying, "It's interesting growing up under the wing of a dragon"? Well Jamie did that and more. He grew up under the wings of two Dragons. Two of the names that brought the idea of special outfits like Raven, and Scimitar into being. Not only that he was trained by two of the original Heavy Juggernauts themselves when they joined the Dragon's side. A pair of dragons and a pair of Drakes. Standing side by side.
The outfit before this, Blue Sword, run out of Perth, Australia. One of the premier Private Mercenary Companies in the world, the CO before the Dragons came in is lost ot history overshadowed now by the Dragons. Who are they? Victor Kanatariio and Natalie Kanatariio nee Denisova. And the Drakes? Carl Cardinal and Ross Henderson, the two original Juggernauts that the American army fielded some almost 30 years ago now.
It was into this that Jamie was born, under the wings of Dragons and Drakes. Trained with his sisters, and in the art of combat by some of the best, and alognsome of the best.
But as time went on, Blue Sword atleast for Jamie kind of grew old. So he went to his commanding officers his parents, and uncles and presented an idea. he wanted to see how other outfits worked. Compare them to Blue Sword, learn new skills. The quartet working so close knew tons about all manner of outfits forming. And they did some politicking. Got in contact with people they knew. And had Jamie made known to the newly formed Raven. And soon he was on a plane to the new base to meet the new crew. A crew that didn't know much about his past and wouldn't treat him like the son of legends.
After Raven
After his stint in Raven, Jamie returned to Perth and there rejoined BlueSword, reentering the mercenary company, joining the Heavy division, back under the watch of his parents and Uncles.
There he'd excel as expected, joining missions and operations with the mercy by day, by night at his apartment on base, and in the evening checking in on his parents and helping to run the Company as best he can.
Personality: Jamie happens to be quite well socialized. A jolly, kind and happy young man. Has quite a dirty mouth on him which just stems from the fact he grew up around mercenaries. A story is, one of his first words was, "FUBAR!" followed a few days later by "Fuck!" Which caused his father to laugh for 7 minutes straight. His mother was torn between tanning the hide of the merc that taught him that, smacking his dad, or laughing along. On the field he's business first, but has been known to crack a pun or add a witty limerick here and there.
Tactical Suit:
A derivative suit created under the picky eyes of his parents. The Son of Brutal is a powered armor that gives near full protection except for some weaker joints and the power pack on the back of the suit. A combination of ceramic plates, armored alloys and spacing allows the armor to survive up to 40mm rounds. Though some Anti Material rounds give it a hard time. Nor can it stand up to sustained punishment. But luckily it's power supply can be shunted into allowing Jamie to run at high speeds then normal to get out of sustained fire.
Main Armament - A Linked pair of FN Browning M.1939 heavy machine guns, belt fed and air cooled as normal. Both barrels of the guns fire when the trigger is pulled. They are quite light when held with the armor.
Secondary Armament - A VEPR-12 automatic shotgun for when he has to fend off enemies as a closer range.
Support gear - A shoulder mounted rocket pod holding 12 mini-rockets, first used by his father. And have since been upgraded. Mini smart munitions that will use a HUD based lock on system that then track their targets in a FnF fashion.
Tertiary Armament - The Throngler, See there's a thing about weapons. In this case it's a double headed two handed battle axe, with draconian embellishments. But well it's in the name. You can have Dark King Gruntmore's Dark Edge of Unholy Pain, but that gives the idea there are other Dsrk Edges of Unholy Pain. But there is only one way to get Throngled.
Reload canisters for the rocket pods. He'll tend to carry 3 of them, stowed right beside the pod on his right shoulder so an auto loader will slot new rockets in after the pod has been emptied.
Smoke, flash and other types of disturbance grenades and ordnance, that will allow him to move to his objective without too much interference. And allow him to support the lighter operatives to move as well.
Ammo for his Shotguns and a second hopper of ammo for the twin linked HMGs.
Woodworking - Jamie is what was once known as a Turner, or a wood worker. He's good with his hands, and has made his parents work desks and his uncles desks as well by hand. He's often commissioned by military personnel to put desks or other items together for them.
Strength Events - Blame his dad who was the WSM champion several years running. Jamie doesn't go that hard, but he's won a few Strong Man Championships in the past.
Ritual and Rite - He got into the First Nations dance circuit and takes part in the Sun dance, Horse dance and ghost dance regularly.
The feel of a new piece of wood waiting to be carved.
Listening to the stories of a veteran.
The love of family.
A person in authority misusing it.
Disrespect of people who work hard for their livelihoods