Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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Made it
Wellington Airport, New Zealand

A security guard was the one to wake Freya. She'd slept right through most of the aerial fighting during the boat ride. Having really needed it really. The big woman did not look at top shape. With a groan she'd gotten to her feet, ignoring the people looking at her bare breast, and slipped her armor back on over her arm. But as soon as she tried to lever herself up with that arm she let out a gasp of pain, yeah that's not happening. With the other arm she's up on her feet, and joining the rest of the team outside. Holding the AEW in one hand, one of the security getting her up to date on what happened while she was out. Looking around at the team she sighs, "Sorry I was out during the trip over. I'm beat guys. I'll try and keep up as best I can though."

She'd taken rear guard with TN. Lucky the AEW is designed to be used one or two handed so ease of use yay. She'd kept an eye on the rear, skyward, the tip of the AEW glowing softly with a shot ready to fire at a moments notice. There was too much to lose at the moment now, what with their base gone. Luckily her experiments had gotten out safe, if they hadn't someone would have tried to call her by now.

And soon they are in the air.

In the A400M

A few minutes later

Freya had found a trio of chairs, across and just down a little from where Nord and Chuck sat. She has a blanket over her chest one of those brown scratchy things that can be found in near any aircraft. Hiding her bust from any on lookers, she didn't have alot of clothing left over after this after all. she looked up as Skye approached, "I'll be okay hun, thank you for worrying." She grunted, "I think I'm out for abit though." She said that part louder, so the other heavies nearby and some of the others further up could hear, "I don't think my shoulder is going to let me do any kind of operations for awhile. The drugs from the fight are wearing off and what ever Sophie did in the moment back on the boat has left me barely able to lift it. I'm out of action until it heals. A few weeks...a month maybe? But I think I can get us a replacement. I just need to make a call. I can get us someone that will likely mesh with the boys if you get my drift." She smiles, "See to the rest boss lady, I'm good."

As Skye sauntered off Freya reached for the cellphone that never left her person, it had been tucked in a padded pocket on her armor. She dials and swallows thickly. The phone ringing for abit until a husky voice answers from the other side, "Privet?" Freya takes a moment, "Privet...Mom..." A squeal from the other side, followed by a growly bass tone voice, can be heard through the phone, "Cripes Nat! What's got you going? I was in the zone there. Who is it?" Freya meeps, "Um is Dad there too Mom?" Natalie Kanatario gasps, "Yes he's here baby, are you okay? We got your Black Out message and were worried? Do you need anything? Where are you?" Freya gulps "We're on a plane, leaving New Zealand. I think we're going to Site Arta? You know the one in Finland that Blue owns? Atleast I think that's what I just heard." There's the sound of a scuffle before the growly voice from before speaks hurriedly, the voice of one Victor Kanatariio, "My Thrud? Are you okay though? Your mother is reaching for her sword I need to know. Please." Freya lets out a sound close to a sob, "Papa...everything is fucked up Papa. I'm hurt, Skye is hurt, everyone here is so tired. Papa...Mom, we need help. I'm out. For awhile. I hurt myself bad saving Skye. I can't use my right arm for atleast a few weeks. But the team, the team needs to keep up the Heavy presense. Can you help?" There's another sound of a scuffle, and Freya giggles putting the rest of the call on speaker. Her mothers voice coming again, "My little Eagle Hawk, you said Site Arta? We'll be there by the time you all arrive. Even if we have to time travel. There's someone in the room over who would love to take a crack at who ever hurt you." Freya blinked, "Oh no...are...they both there? Can they hear me."

Freya can only face palm when a pair of voices call as if from another room, "We heard you sis! Don't worry!"

Freya groans softly.

Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

The Amagi District in Kiyose City

People walked the streets without a thought for the history of the town they are in. Not a care in the world for what has come before, and what has since been. They have only eyes for the lights and glamour of what they see around them. Callers and Hawkers all up and down the Amagi District main road. 3 more streets and 10 avenues make up the Amagi District, one of Kiyose and Tokyo Prefecture's biggest attractions even, almost as famous as Sotenbori, or Iijicho or even the undeniable Shibuya District.

In the Amagi District rests a land of fun, fine dining and other attractions. No less then 7 Hostess and Host centers exist. A seven floor arcade with some of the best retro cabinets still stands. Four theatres no less, with all the latest shows in 10 rooms with seating for one hundred in each. This is a neighbourhood of fun and attraction.

But it's in the light that shadows dwell.

People say that the underworld is just a step away from the light. Into the shade.

So down a path that is often shown to tourists looking for something else to do, past an internet cafe, down a tunnel and into a lovely marble facade building. Is what at first glance, looks like a Pachinko parlour. One hundred and twenty machines there for your enjoyment. Salary men and kids alike sitting and playing. But it's not until you notice the men in suits, styled hair, looking burly and attentive that things begin to get interesting. Sometimes, one of these suited men approaches someone at the machines, and offers something else.

And into the back they go, where they find other attractions.

A Gambling den.

Horse Races, Hanafuda, Cho-Han. And many others besides.

And those men? Once you're inside the Gambling den are revealed to be Yakuza, Yakuza of the Amagi Clan, a sub-family of the infamous Yamaguchi-gumi. But it's all business, right up until you default anyway. Come in, come play, spend your money. You're safe in the hands of the Amagi Clan.

Standing watch at the bar of the Gambling den, wearing a nice charcoal grey three piece suit, hair slicked back, face scarred but shows some panache indeed. Dark eyes looking out over his domain. His suit sleeves rolled up to reveal the Ashura Demon on his right arm and the Twin Gold and Silver Tigers on his left. Stands Ban Kingo, owner, operator, Yakuza member, of the Amagi Clan. And held carefully in his right hand, tucked against his side, a bronze and black laquered wood, the Saya of the Kingo Family.

Yes, all is well now. And has been for years since Ban got out of Raven. He returned to the Amagi District, cleared his name, proved his worth, was accepted back into the family. All thanks to one red headed warrior woman. He hums, and quietly wonders why his mind is going back to Raven suddenly.

As he's mulling this a call comes out from another of the Yakuza, "Aniki. There's another potential mark up front, thought you'd want to come watch." Ban chuckles, "I'm coming Wataro." He pushes off from the bar, and heads up front.

Yes, life is good right now.
Is it wrong I may already have a character concept in mind?
I'm just gonna say cool, and put my interest here and a sub.
We make it out, we all make it out
As one
As a family

Frigga had wrenched the door open as the MRAP had rolled up and ushered Nord in, her own larger bulk better made if the Artemis folks caught up. Her armor could weather it better. She took one look back then piled in as well, sitting by the door, she won't be able to get out right enough if she were further in. Pulling those doors closed, and off they go. She immediately grabbed a brace bar above, and kept her eye out back, again just in case anything were to come up behind them.

Luckily the ride is pretty okay. They bumped and rocked along, and the big woman almost chuckled and voiced words that were said back on an op so long ago it felt like now. She sniffed and just kept her mouth shut for now. Using the time to catch her breath from what has felt like a non stop fight, even with the short break after getting back. It feels like they haven't stopped moving or fighting since they came back from the Mountain top facility.

Yes even a Battle Goddess can feel fatigue, though she'd never show it to the team.

With a grunt she braces as they roll to a stop. She'd heard the alert that Artemis knew where the boat is. As soon as the MRAP comes to a stop she's pushing the door open and out into the open, her AEW up, anti armor mode ready to fire. She makes a full 360 degree sweep of what she can see. Taking the time to truly catch her breath for a short bit, she turns and looks at the boat, "This the way out?"

She grit her teeth, "I'll take rear cover if you guys want to load up and helping get it ready to go. With any hope I should be enough to hold anything back if they do it make here before we can go." She let her helmet snap shut again, and turned to scan the paths into the area. Her eyes darting about, "We're not going to fall here, that's for feckin' sure."
Fascinating. Subbed, and interested.
Frigga, The Red Haired Battle Goddess
We fight on, we never stop!

Frigga swept her hammer through several exo suited soldiers. The blow cleaving through them, for all that the weapon is a hammer, the blows hit heavy and arc through them. Where with an axe it'd produce two hefty pieces flying asunder, but instead these blows from the great hammer in the Battle Goddesses' hands, shattered and broke the things it hit. The poor exos sent flying and sprawling under the great thundering blows. She moved through the unit she had jumped down into. She swept her hammer through them like she was reaping wheat. And then suddenly she has to dodge away as ong to the chopper comes in and sprays at her position. Big rotary cannon rounds impacting around her. DEceptively swift for her size, dipping through the fighting until she found cover. She growled, "Little Nord." She grunted into her comms, "I've got a chopper trailing me, start falling back. I'm going to try something really stupid here."

She looked around trying to see where Nord is in comparison to her. But in the flight and flare and fighting she can't get a clear tell on him. She didn't have the time to figure it out though. The retraction chain and claws attached to Starbreaker as she wound up, and threw it, back behind her, clearing out her flank for a time, sending infantry and exos running for cover from the giant hammer and chain. She then took a bold step out from cover, the AEW sliding into hand, the configuration shifting, Rifle mode, Sniper Mode, Anti-armor mode, then to Tesla Mode. The tip blossoming open into a faint dish shape. Which already crackled with energy storing up into the emitters. In plain view the chopper that had been trying to find her again turns and swoops in low.

Frigga herself stood firm, shouldering the AEW.

In the chopper the pilot spoke to his gunner, "Get a bead on her, we take out their so called Battle Goddess, we strike a sure blow to Raven. Break their spirits." The gunner worked his panels then nodded, "Rocket rounds primed." The gunner depressed the firing button several HE rocket lanced down at the silver, blue and grey armored woman on the ground.

Frigga stood proud. Her armor clicking, the shield emitters shifting, and with feet left to go, her shield emitters glowed bright searing white. And her position is covered in red, yellow and black as the rockets hit. Just enough ordinance to obliterate a heavy like her.

The chopper pilot chuckles and begins to radio in, "Control, Chopper 1A here, we've just taken out..." He never finished his report.

Out of the still roiling cloud of smoke and flame a brillant blue-white bolt of man made lightning lances forth, strikes the chopper just fore of the cockpit, and cores right through it. Lightning dancing down the length of the air ship, electronics blowing out from overload, pilot and gunner fried, the last part of his report throught he radio is the pilot screaming in pain and horror. The last thing sent from the choppers camera is the smoke clearing, and the disappating glare of the Shield of Asgard, as Freya will name it later, fading away having negated the explosive attack. The AEW lowering, and then the chopper exploding just before it hits the ground.

She pants and smiles, "Tahlia, you mad genius the new shield mod worked aces. I'm falling back to the pickup exfil. Nord? How we doing buddy?" She turned and slid the AEW back into it's place, and the Starbreakers retraction chain blurring, as the mighty hammer snacked back into her waiting hand, "I think we better get out of here." She spotted Tiny Nord up ahead, spitting fire done to cover her retreat. She put on a little speed.

Up the hill they went, leap frogging, spitting bad news back down behind them. At one point Frigga bracing and emptying the contents of Suns Core back down the way they came. Super heated matter spraying forth and blanketing a section of the hill below them, "Where's that exfil!?" She called. When she heard the approach of what sounded like an MRAP from ahead, "That better be you guys!" She called as she turned and leveled the AEW in Anti-Armor Mode ready to fire, just in case the enemy had flanked them.

Yeah that might be helpful. Sure.
Ummm hi, is this still open?

And how much trouble am I gonna have if I know absolutely nothing about the IP?

Well beside the little reading I did when I found this thread?
The Nest is burning, Destroy to save it

Freya smiled down at her friend then around at rhe rest of the gathered team, "I for one do not welcome our new house guests." She broke ranks and headed over to a wall of crates. She gave a sniff and rested the AEW on the crates bracing it, activating the sniper attachment. "Now let's see. Let's reach out and touch someone." Her visor popped closed and a single big red "eye" blazed into light on the front of it. She looked out and down to where thr enemy are landing, "They brought a fair amount of people and gear with them..." She said almost conversationally. She took aim and carefully squeezed the trigger. A pencil this lance of energy racing down, and missing one of the soldiers by a hairsbreadth. She hums, "Oops..." She lined up and fired again this round taking the radio antenna off the shoulder of the soldier this time, "okay I swear I'll get better with this thing

Her shots sending that particular squad of Artemis soldiers running for cover and distant calls of "Sniper! Sniper!" Could be heard as the jets flashed over head again.

Frigga grinned and sing-songed softly, "Yes sniper sniper watch your heads." She let them scramble abit and feel like they are safe in cover before taking another shot. This one burning their squad exo down. A shot to the side of the throat, as good as a slit throat really. And then she saw something she thought only happened in movies. The exo fell to his side still gripping his throat. And another Artemis soldier ran over a red cross on his shoulder. Frigga blinked as the medic started to tend to the exo soldier. And Frigga said words into the radio that likely drew chills from some perhaps,"Well in tomes of battle the Geneva convention really more becomes a checklist.." She lined up the shot, and fired the medic flopping over the exo soldier a hole burned into his chest. With a nod Frigga lowered her gaze, "Okay not bad." She moved to line up another shot.

Elsewhere on the Island

The team has scrambled. Freya didn't like to admit it, buy BlueSword worked closely with Jotunnhiem. And often had several mobile teams ready to help out Freyas operations. This tactical team luckily had been nearby. Not too far out. And the Kaitaki research team on site had immediately started to pack up everything vital. Hard drives, prototypes, the muzzle of the rail cannon, as it wad still under investgati9nnas to why it exploded a few weeks back.

So when a BlueSword osprey came in on an aggressive flight plan and swung in on the small landing pad the research crew had scampered out and started loading tech and gear and information into it.

As they did two older men stepped out. One Carl Cardinal in a command vest and a command headset. The other an older man carrying a best up rifle with a scope atop it. Not often Carl and Howard come out into the field these days. But their favorite pupil needed their help. With Carl out on a overseer position and Hiward guiding a new sniper team through a long involved stalk practice mission they were in good place. So the pair look towards thr main base seeing the flash and hearing the distant bang of weapons fire.

One of the snipers called, "Almost all loaded their demo charges are set!" Carl made a circling motion with his hand, "Cover team start falling back up." Howard growled "Think she'll be alright." Carl hummed, "That girl doesn't know the meaning of give up. You ought to know, you taught all of them how to stalk. What was her record again? Six days hiding from our best? We just need to trust she'll call when she needs our help."

A researcher shouted, "Two minutes on the demo charges." Carl jumped aboard, Howard backed up slowly, "Snipers mount up. We are moving. And wish your senior good luck." The sniper team loaded up, Howard thr lady aboard.


A distant crackle, nearly unnoticeable as several termite charges ignited and started to incinerate the research site. An Osprey exiting the combat zone.

Frigga aimed again. And fired cutting down another soldier. The AEW then protested and over heat warning. She sighed, "Had to be something. Fine, I'll do it myself."

The charge of a very passed off battle goddess down the hill, Starbreaker in hand, and the cacophony of her impact into a squad of exos backed up by two squads of infantry is like a thing of beauty. Her hammer whistled and rent open armor and all alike.
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