Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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@Fading Memory


*cue confused blinking and sudden eureka moment*

I get it! Coolio.
@Fading Memory@TheNoCoKid

Well thank you both. I just kinda grabbed on to the idea that Honey Badger atleast is a heavily augmented service bot/person. So heavily that there is little left of the person and far more of the machine. Hence the still biological heart.

Now Fading again thank you, not sure what you mean by goalpost but hey if it helps someone then Aces.


Yo really?

Look boss I'll be honest I thought I leaned way to heavy into the idea. But damn man thank you.

I'm glad it passes muster. I'll put it into character thread when I get home after my work day.

Hey Boss, I'm finally done my CS. Hope it looks okay to you man. Let me know if it isn't.

Just waiting for Boss man here @TheNoCoKid To get us rolling now.
One step at a time, that's what it takes
Freya Kanatarrio

Freya lay on the oversized medical bed. Drowsing, as the drip of painkillers on the metal stand beside her bed slowly adminstered the stuff to keep her shoulder from hurting too much. Her family had headed off for the evening and promised to return before they left the next day.

So as the large woman lay, she's alone when a voice wakes her from her stupor. She blinks away the touch of Morpheous, then looks about. And then a huge smile, "Sam!" she calls, and waves with her good arm, "Hey there girlfriend!" She says with a drowsy giggle. Then gently reaches out and hugs Sam carefully, "I'm...not great. I was stupid sweetie. I hurt myself bad. I'll be out of action for abit. But I have something to work towards. So I can get back on my feet and get back to making sure you and the others are safe behind my bodacious butt." She smiles again and rests back abit letting Sam go.

After abit she nods, "My lil' sis is made of stern stuff. I heard about you giving her a talking too. It's alright. She's used to it. She and I and JamJam often get into shouting matches. Over all kinds of things. Just...try and work with her please? She means well." Freya looks over at the food then erps as he stomach growls, "Thank you Sam, thank you really. I'll try and get back into fit as quick as I can. I swear." She reached for the food and started eatting one handed, "So where you going next?" She asked as she ate.

Trying to wear the wrong shoes
Jamie Cole Kanatarrio

Jamie strode into the arming room, after the briefing. The worst part of it all? The truck. For someone who spent so much time in a incasing set of armor, he really didn't like those smaller enclosed spaces. He sighed and made for the table he had claimed for his own. His weapons laid across it. And his armor hanging from above. A sniff and a huff he peers around as the others gear up.

And that's when it happens.

He realizes why it feels so odd for the giant.

He's not his Sister.

Freya is the one that belongs here. Jamie and Athena, they're filling the wrong shoes.

And Jamie realizes it's not his place to do so either. He stops packing the hoppers for his HMGs into place. Taking a long slow breath. Then looks around, and nods slowly, "She'll be back you know." He says outloud. To no one in particular, but he feels he needs to say it, "She'll be back, and I have no intention of taking her place from her." He laughs then, "But while I'm here I'll happily help out in my own way."

And then the big man restarts getting his arms and armor in order.

He walks over and hits the crane, lowering his armor down, the open rear hatches waiting. Once the giant feet of the armor hits the floor, Jamie climbs in. The massive red, blue and black armor, closing up around the body of the young man. Hisses and clicks, seals hissing closed. Locking mechanisms clicking into place. With a hum the power plant slides into place. And the exterior ocular port glows a dull grey. "Performing locomotion test." The PA system says. The armor performing a series of motions. Then ends with the arms circling before smashing closed fists together with a boom, "Scion and Son of Brutal online."

All that's left is for Scion to gather up his weapons. The twin-linked HMGs lifted up, and hooked high up on his left arm, special magnetic hooks allowing it to rest there to be drawn down when needed. The hoopers for it's ammo set across his hips. The shot gun resting on his right thigh. The Rocket pod resting just behind his head. And finally the Throngler sliding into place at the small of his back. The twin axe heads gleaming dully in the light of the armory. He looks around the room, meeting the eyes of the other operatives, "Ready." The PA booms.

Yes I think I got a character idea now. Yes yes I do.

Looking forward to it.

Thank you kindly. I'll try and think on what I want to do this time around. I think my character last time was a little bit forced. And I want something that feels a little cleaner.
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