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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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The Badger and the Shark
Two friends and a mystery
The Badger Sett

Honey Badger looked at the image then looked at Mako. He stared into his old friends eyes. Looking for duplicity, though that's something alot of Pack left behind when they take their masks, and start to augment themselves. Badger sniffed then nodded, "The image, gives rise to the idea of a total package stealth suite." He sighs and reaches up to the image, "I'll admit to knowing of several groups who are working on this. They each came to me before they began working on it, asking for my blessing or for my expertise in creating the draw ups for them." Badger leans back in his seat and enlarges the image, on the smudge there, "The problem is, as far as I know, none of the groups are beyond the drawing board."

Badger reaches over and works a few buttons on the data vault, bringing up several files. Six in total, all under the heading Stealth Field teams. Badger pointed at them one by one, "Hammerhead Company." He pointed to the next, "Rockford Rhino Reforging." The next, "Heavy Oliphant Inc." The fourth, "Coiling Carno Arms." And yet a fifth, "Macro Max Defense." And the last, "And finally the only none Pack group who came to me, an Heir company, Silas Forns Arms company." Badger looks at Mako, "I'm telling you this in confidence, each group came to me in confidence as well. For my connections, my knowledge or blessing. One of the oldest Pack members, who can get them what they need." Badger leans to the side and pillows his cheek on his upraised fist, "I can rule out Coiling Carnos, Max Defense, and Rockford Rhino's suites. I've seen them, they sent me the plans. They aren't even off the drawing board. But they may work, in the future." He motioned and those three groups disappeared from the holo display. The other three though Hammerhead Company, Heavy Oliphant and Silas Arms remained, "These three say they have solid prototypes, with major problems though." Badger looked square at Mak0, "Use this information as you will. I know Silas won't take well to an investigation. Hammerhead is another shark Pack member working out of the Canals. And Heavy is a heavy tech forger out the Steel Mills on the East side. Silas...he's in the Spire...and all I know is his field might work."

Badger nods, "That's...all I can give you Mak0...integrity you understand. Faith that I can keep confidential information. Don't make me break that integrity my friend. Please. I can do anything else for you, but don't make me give up anymore then I've given you. Find these teams if need be. Talk to the heads of the teams, and see if anything went wrong. They've told me of no security breaches, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened." he stands up and offers his hand to Mak0 "I hope that helps."

Much later Badger has his mask off, and is rubbing at his eyes, the glow from them dampened in the moment, he's so very tired. Who knew several hundred years could way on a person. All the secrets and the history. Knowing of and being in it is like a weight that is beyond description.

it's as he's sitting that klaxons start going off mere moments before everything starts to shake. And for a moment the lights and power in the set flickers, emergency lights and generators kick on. Alerts from the garage below come in saying there was was damage but nothing they can't contain.

Throwing his mask back on Badger comes storming out of his office. Shouting, "What happened!?" One of the horse masks nearby leaning over a console calls back, "Some earthquake sir! At the spire!" Badger tries to remotely connect to the Geonet to check, and gasps, "GeoNets down. Everyone must me cut off. Back up our data to private data vaults! Just in case, get it off the GeoNet cloud! Quick. And someone find out if there is any external problems." A nearby lion head lets out a shuddering gasp, "Sir BetaWeb call from Crow Yellow...his probes...his probes say the GeoNet could have been hacked!" Badger looks out over the city, and listening to distant sirens as emergency services start moving, "Find out for sure! This can't be good."
You know you might have made a winning character, when all the first reactions the character gets are negative or negatively swayed. Lets me know I can write a character that illicits a reaction.
I apologize...

I am so so sorry...

Yes I am Canadian why do you ask?

Anyway I am so really really sorry...really sorry.

I just got an idea into my head, a goofy idea seeing the others seem to already think Ricon is abit of a joke and I just went with it. And the song "The Joker" got into my head and it just ran away with me!

But well posted...

And again so sorry.
The Funny Fire Fellow

Ricon leads the way, through the field, heading a little off their true direction to Sulfrey. As he goes his fire sprites flit and flutter about. Zipping along to peer and giggle a the group already following him. One of them at the rear of the small group no moving waving to the others who haven't yet fallen in.

In the meantime Ricon calls back, an intro it seems, "Some call me the Sky Cowboy. Some call me the bandit of love. Others still call me Clarence the Clearer. And yet more talk of me being the oliphant of love." He chuckles a little, as two of his sprites giggle and coo as they orbit him in two different directions almost like they are dancing around him as he speaks. He nods, and waves to the others to catch up, "Truth is I'm a Picker, I'm a grinner, I'm a lover and I'm a sinner." He chuckles dancing abit as he walks, "I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight looter. I do my magic in the sun!" He chuckles, "But after all that, you can call me Ricon Fields, one of the most powerful pyromancers in recorded history. Dubbed the Infernomancer named after my strongest spell."

He stops briefly to look back at the others who haven't come along, "Now as for why we don't try and fight the reavers Mr. Viktor. How many are we exactly." He spends a moment to count. Having to stop and restarts maybe twice because of the movement of the group, "Nine? Nine of us? Some of us are giants or ogres, or vampires sure. But that's just nine of us. I've seen those reavers in action Vik." Oh great he's already calling people familiar names. He nods, "Anyway those Reavers don't come in small groups Vikky, they come in hordes usually. When they raid into the East and Westlands they come in great waves of howling men and slavering harridan women. It's why I rarely every went into those lands. I saw a great sea of them once fall onto a border outpost. They swarmed the gates and battered them down with great half giants with axes and hammers. And pulled down the stockades with grappling hooks made from the antlers of great eight point deer horns. They took everything of value to them, leaving behind much of the precious metals. But any semblence of food, drink, fur or bone or beast. They took with them and swarmed back into those east steppes."

The man with flaming eyes and fire dancing at his shoulders shook his head, "Even with all my power over fire and the heat of the inferno, I don't think I or us all together would be able to take on a horde of five hundred of them or maybe even more. If they decided to reave out of those hills on us." He motioned, "If you think you're lucky feel free. Honestly, we'd have better luck taking on one of the Sulfreyan border patrols their pikemen, archers and drake riders would be easy pickin's for a group like this. Never more then fourteen in one of their patrols. Hell even if we're luck we still may catch sight of one of them on our way to Sulfrey. They're all up and down these lands." He motions ahead and then down in the direction they came from, "Heck even the ground locked of our group could likely take out one of the Sulfrey milksops." He sighs, "But then I'll leave it up to you if you want to head into those hills. The Warden told us to get to Sulfrey, find the three, and their information and then try and come out of this alive after trying to kill the god-king." He sniffed, "Fat chance of that. I hear the guy can crush a person with a point of a finger. No amount of fire magic is going to stop that kind of power." He shrugs and continues the trek.
Yeah I didn't want to say anything @MrSkimobile, but @Red Wizard did indeed contact me before I posted. And offered the idea of Ricon (as he was a former bandit on the frontiers) might know somethings about the area they dropped into. like knowing where they are, being able to lead them at first to Sulfrey, and I pitched the idea of the cache nearby. Get the group some cash for the start.

if it's caused some problems, I'll take the hit for it.

Thought it was working out.
@Red Wizard

Hmmmm true true.

I'll be honest I hadn't thought of that.
Double post!


Say we have an epic chase scene in this RP.

Seeing our characters are villians, are we going to be the ones doing the chasing? Or are we going to be chased?

I've been wanting to do the flame on scene there for abit, that was literally the very first scene idea that came to mind when I first thought up Ricon. A very ATLA style scene I give you but it felt so right.
Ricon Fields - The infernomancer
Just like going home

A fetch mission? And a assasination?

Yeah Ricon couldn't believe it at first. Find, Tristana, Yorleif and Nashur, and the things they found out. Then kill the God-King of Sulfrey? Ricon could only gape abit at that. That's a mission onto True Death. But, what's he going to do? He can't back out, not now at any rate. He wonders how long they are going to have to prepare.

But soon he starts feeling his eyes grow heavy.

And he curses. Of course it was going to be that way.

Gods of Flame, Heat and Fiery Beyond, it felt good to sleep. Really sleep. Oh it felt wonderful, something about a lack of the oppressive and dominanting weight of the Maw. So wonderful in fact that Ricon was very reluctant to allow his consciousness to return. The young man rolled onto his back then bit out a curse, something just poked him in the back! He jerked up, blurrily looking behind him seeing a tree stump sitting there. His eyes snapped open wider, screw the brillance of the sun. He looked at the tree, then stood.

That's why it felt so freeing. The domination of the Warden is not immediate!

And he began to laugh. "Yes!" He laughed somemore. "Yes!" he hollered.

He worked his arms, then thrust his left arm to the side and up. The sound of many ripping piece of fabric preceded the roar of a brilliant yellow jet of flame and heat. Again he yelled "Yes!" And his right arm jerked out and up, a great ball of almost blue flame gouted out, scorching the grass beneath it from the heat. He cackled and laughed again, "YES! Finally! Finally! Oh it feels so good to use it again. It's like a drug, a drug I've long been unable to use!" He pulled both arms down, then with a grunt he drew Embershard of his hip, thrust the point into the air, sucking and wooshing as the blade heated then burst into red flames, and the motion almost continued, as he nearly drove the tip of the blade into the ground at his feet. Almost to the point of channeling his greatest of destroying fire magics. But he stops, letting the flames on the blade lick and crackle. Instead he gathers them into his hands, sliding the sword back into it's scabbard. And with the flames dancing about his hands he tosses it into the air, where it floats and flickers then splits, first into two, then two into four. And then four of his little fire spirites giggles and flutter about him, orbiting about him. He grins, cradling one of the cooing spirites in his hand, "Hello there little friend. Welcome back, it's been awhile." Another of the sprirtes tugs at his robe. And Ricon turns to see the others, "Hmmm interesting. We have new friends perhaps?" He smiled at Ruby hearing her ask the same thing. An aura of flame, like a great circle of fire flares up over his shoulders, haloing his head in a faint halo of fire. He grins, "No funny business..." He slows and trails off, looking out beyond the group of criminals, creatures, fools and ne'er-do-wells.

Ricon's broad smile pales abit, then points behind the group, "That's the Spine. I think this is the Kasan Plateau by the look and smell of it." He says, "So that's west." He answers Brorin in that moment. He spins, his spirites and halo trailing with him, "If that's the Spine....then East should be there." He points away from the group, then turns again to face south, "If that all adds up we're not even in the Westerlands anymore. Almost out of reach of the King." he turns to look at the group, "I used to do my Banditry in and around parts like this." He points to the north, "There's a forest about 20 hours on a brisk walk, with one of the Low Roads leading South and South West to and through the Spine, merchant caravans often use it to get to Lands abroad or avoid the direct High Road South to Sulfrey. Less tolls. But good pickings for a brave bandit." He grins, "We're actually I'd say maybe 2 days away from Sulfrey if we stick to the Lower Roads and the Forest Paths. I know my way around here if you can trust me."

He grins and slowly takes a step North East, "I'll even sweeten the deal." He points the way he's starting to move, "There's some crags. North North East of here, I had a cache there, back during my High Banditry days, after leaving the College. For abit, I was rather wealthy, picking off trade and merchant caravans. Gold, silver, gems and jewelry, I'd steal rare spices and materials to then sell to black market dealers around the land. They'd try and fleece me bare, then I'd come back and well persuade them to pay properly. The Black Marketeers learned right quick not to try and screw me over. I know for a fact the King, and the College didn't find all my caches. And this one was so out of the way, I'd bet you all, balls to bones, that it's still filled with riches." As he walks he then points East, "Just don't go that way. Those Reavers? The cut throats and blood drinkers are over there, yeah we stay quiet and go this way." He says as he takes a few more steps and urges the group to follow, "They won't know we're here. And if we get to my cache. We'll have money for later. May even be a weapon or two in there for those who want something unique. Honestly it's been a few years can't remember what all I put in this particular cache. Got a few more caches spread out all over the place too, who knows if we might come across them right? What do you all say hmmm?"

@Red Wizard@MrSkimobile@Chrys
In case anyone is curious and because it's an awesome scene.

The inspiration for Ricon's Inferno

Yes I went there.
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