Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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@Red Wizard

Yay someone to suffer with in our old age lol.

I'll be north of 40 this year.

Mid thirties? That's still 5 years ago for me.

....am I the oldest here?

Please tell me I'm not the only 80s born here?

Oh gods I'm ancient!

*toddles off with his walker* xD
<Snipped quote by BigPapaBelial>

Just call yourself a veteran, that's how I try to keep the quarter life crisis at bay ;p

Quarter life?

25 was over a decade ago son.

All you young whippersnappers.

*storms off with his walker*
<Snipped quote by BigPapaBelial>

do you reckon they used to play by post via carrier pidgeons back in the day?

Former friend and I used to RP through short post on YIM back in the day.

Forum RPINg was big back in the early 00s. And before IRC went the way of the dodo you could find 1000s of RP boards there...

Have I just Dated myself?
What is this Discord? Is it like AIM? I can offer my AIM if needed.

Ricon Fields
Ahhh so that's how it plays

Ricon turned, hearing the howling. And he hissed out, "Reavers." When they appeared he was ready to run, expecting one of the hordes he remembers seeing and hiding from. Numbers nearly uncountable. Slavering berserker men and howling harridan women. But what appeared is well...not. Forty maybe all told. And they looked far worse for wear. As if they'd been running for a long time. It made no sense to the flame eyed man at all. Almost breaking his mind, as his memories, and they really aren't that out of date are they? The flow of time in The Maw can't be that off. It'd only been a year or two hadn't it? There's no way the Barbarians would have changed their tune that quickly. They're strength had always been in numbers. Villages and tribes banding together to raid and reave. This small group is absolutely anathema to what he remembers. There should be more and there should be the half trolls and half giants among them. None of the towering half beasts he remembers. Feral and roaring for battle.

Yes this little thing causes Ricon to freeze. To him it's not right. Something must be wrong with the world! In the moment the fighting begins and Ricon stands there, seemingly not wanting to condescend to fight. His fire sprites Orbit him slowly, coos turned to hisses of worry and anger, his fire halo whirling faster and brighter.

And it's only when the banshee scream fills the air that his pose is broken as he bends to one side and rubs his ears in pain. As he straightening though he heard dimly, "Sulfreyans!" Looking over at the skeletal woman. He blinks a few times then nods, "That makes sense. These ones are a raider remnant. Likely being hunted for sport at this point."

Ricon spread his legs bracing abit. One of his sprites fluttering over between his held out hands. The sprite giggled and nuzzled his hands, leaving no sign it hurt thr man before it flared becoming a bright red beacon of firey might, "My turn. Let's make it harder for them. Let the flames rise!"

It started as a roar. And rhe final rank of the Barbarians start to dance a fearful tarrantella. Kicking around the ground. Them they start to begin to howl in fear.


Ricon says it again and a wall of flame shoots up some twenty feet. Immolating that last rank of Barbarians, and separating the groups in that moment.

And another chance to question the pyromancers sanity comes around when he begins to laugh mightily crying out, "Burn! Let it burn! Man, woman and child. Wood, cloth and flesh! Let it burn!"
Post in the writing. I'll work on it in the morning before I head to work. If I don't finish it I'll try and work on it when I get home from work. that or post it as a WIP and work on it from my phone at work. Which ever works lol.

And edit

All finished I think. And more of Ricon showing off

The Badger and the Shark
Two friends and a mystery
The Badger Sett

Honey Badger looked at the image then looked at Mako. He stared into his old friends eyes. Looking for duplicity, though that's something alot of Pack left behind when they take their masks, and start to augment themselves. Badger sniffed then nodded, "The image, gives rise to the idea of a total package stealth suite." He sighs and reaches up to the image, "I'll admit to knowing of several groups who are working on this. They each came to me before they began working on it, asking for my blessing or for my expertise in creating the draw ups for them." Badger leans back in his seat and enlarges the image, on the smudge there, "The problem is, as far as I know, none of the groups are beyond the drawing board."

Badger reaches over and works a few buttons on the data vault, bringing up several files. Six in total, all under the heading Stealth Field teams. Badger pointed at them one by one, "Hammerhead Company." He pointed to the next, "Rockford Rhino Reforging." The next, "Heavy Oliphant Inc." The fourth, "Coiling Carno Arms." And yet a fifth, "Macro Max Defense." And the last, "And finally the only none Pack group who came to me, an Heir company, Silas Forns Arms company." Badger looks at Mako, "I'm telling you this in confidence, each group came to me in confidence as well. For my connections, my knowledge or blessing. One of the oldest Pack members, who can get them what they need." Badger leans to the side and pillows his cheek on his upraised fist, "I can rule out Coiling Carnos, Max Defense, and Rockford Rhino's suites. I've seen them, they sent me the plans. They aren't even off the drawing board. But they may work, in the future." He motioned and those three groups disappeared from the holo display. The other three though Hammerhead Company, Heavy Oliphant and Silas Arms remained, "These three say they have solid prototypes, with major problems though." Badger looked square at Mak0, "Use this information as you will. I know Silas won't take well to an investigation. Hammerhead is another shark Pack member working out of the Canals. And Heavy is a heavy tech forger out the Steel Mills on the East side. Silas...he's in the Spire...and all I know is his field might work."

Badger nods, "That's...all I can give you Mak0...integrity you understand. Faith that I can keep confidential information. Don't make me break that integrity my friend. Please. I can do anything else for you, but don't make me give up anymore then I've given you. Find these teams if need be. Talk to the heads of the teams, and see if anything went wrong. They've told me of no security breaches, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened." he stands up and offers his hand to Mak0 "I hope that helps."

Much later Badger has his mask off, and is rubbing at his eyes, the glow from them dampened in the moment, he's so very tired. Who knew several hundred years could way on a person. All the secrets and the history. Knowing of and being in it is like a weight that is beyond description.

it's as he's sitting that klaxons start going off mere moments before everything starts to shake. And for a moment the lights and power in the set flickers, emergency lights and generators kick on. Alerts from the garage below come in saying there was was damage but nothing they can't contain.

Throwing his mask back on Badger comes storming out of his office. Shouting, "What happened!?" One of the horse masks nearby leaning over a console calls back, "Some earthquake sir! At the spire!" Badger tries to remotely connect to the Geonet to check, and gasps, "GeoNets down. Everyone must me cut off. Back up our data to private data vaults! Just in case, get it off the GeoNet cloud! Quick. And someone find out if there is any external problems." A nearby lion head lets out a shuddering gasp, "Sir BetaWeb call from Crow Yellow...his probes...his probes say the GeoNet could have been hacked!" Badger looks out over the city, and listening to distant sirens as emergency services start moving, "Find out for sure! This can't be good."
You know you might have made a winning character, when all the first reactions the character gets are negative or negatively swayed. Lets me know I can write a character that illicits a reaction.
I apologize...

I am so so sorry...

Yes I am Canadian why do you ask?

Anyway I am so really really sorry...really sorry.

I just got an idea into my head, a goofy idea seeing the others seem to already think Ricon is abit of a joke and I just went with it. And the song "The Joker" got into my head and it just ran away with me!

But well posted...

And again so sorry.
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