Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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My community needs an enema -.-
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Marrakesh Morocco

Scion, Jamie K.

And they had a way out. That's fantastic.

He fell in with the crew as they began to move, maybe purposefully posting up so he could keep his sister in view. Someone has to be the responsible one! And knowing her, she may peel off to go and BASE jump off something before leaving. Or she's already done something like that and would instead look for something else insane to do. How is he the straight man in the family?

To help out Scion quickened his tread. If there's going to be anyone else in their way as they tried to exfil, he wanted to put his giant armored form in front of as many of the BlueSword and Raven people as he could.

They made it though and loaded into their transports. He made sure he was the last one, to make sure his big ass armored form protected the ones already inside. And as they began moving he swung his legs up into the vehicle. Not bothering to worry about the creak it made as his great weight settled.

Now they can go back to base. Not quite home but near too.

Camp Hannula, Finland
A Battle Goddess awaits

She's on the tarmac when they came back, he watches as the plane comes in and the smile on her face is positively beatific. They made it home. And they're not too worse for the wear. He can see armor damage abounds, and a few people nursing scrapes and bruises. But they'd all survive amazingly. Freya can only feel relief. She'd grabbed her little brother and sister in a hug, revealing her shoulder is mostly healed as she uses bother arms to near crush the pair even in their armor. Jamie had nearly cried, knowing his beloved big sister is okay.

Freya had let them go and sighed, "I'm going to want a full report later. I only got a clean bill of health a little while ago. Still a little stiff, but I should be ready do go for the next operation. Oh hey!" She gives her siblings a nod.

Then she pushes by them and intercepts Sam. gently and carefully catching her before she can vanish, "Hey girl. How you doing? Everything okay?" She smiles and gives Sam a good once over, making sure she's okay, "I'm glad you're all coming home okay. You especially. Just take care of yourself. And if you need any help with anything you let me know alright?" She smiles and gives Sam's back a rub.

Even later

Jamie had stripped his armor, and was relaxing abit, a whole bunch of grapes on the vine in one hand, and a giant glass of something that looked like apple juice in the other, he's in the middle of taking a drink when a ghost walks in. He'd sat up straight then and watched Skye walk by the rec room. He'd coughed then looked again to see her walk by. But what...was...something in her wake, looked like a shadow? In a trench coat and a sword...held in it's left hand. What the hell?

In the armory the meeting began. Enri and Skye facing the gathering of Athena, Purna, Adam and Tahlia. For a moment there was another person. But then it was just a shadow.

They began to talk, and then another voice joins them. Ban seeming to step right out of Skye's shadow, a long grey trench coat hanging from his shoulders. His right hand free. His left hand holding the sword loosely, yet with a will. As Ban slides clear of Skye's shadow another voice joins the tiny gathering, that of Freya. She really doesn't need to be there, but having passed by her brother he had pointed out there was something off. Her voice is a dangerous low tone, "It is said, when Japan was first form, to complete the process even after Izanami and Izanaji drew out the land. Hachiman plunged the first sword into the ocean, and when he drew it, five perfect drops fell, and formed the surface of the islands. It is said, he drew forth that blade with his right hand, then held it's tsuba with his left from there on. So a samurai would always hold his sword in his right hand if he's prepared for peace. On in his left if he's prepared for war." Ban turned to look at her his eyes narrowed. Tahlia being the security expert she is, finally noticed this and widened her stance abit.

Ban's history known to near everyone there. Freya takes a step into the room, and Jamie appearing at the door a second later, having retrieved the Throngler, and holding it lighting in both hands, just in case. Freya takes up a spot slightly seperated from everyone, showing she's a more nuetral party in this situation, "So tell me Kingo-san, are you prepared for war?" She motioned at Ban's sword, which he has now pressed his thumb under the guard ready to give it that one little push to slide it free and draw it.

Ban sniffs and looks around slowly, "Skye-chan and I...have done much in the past few days, and lost...much..." Jamie can be heard to let out a gasp, finding the implications saddening. Ban lifts the blade then hooks his thumb up over the guard, holding the blade down in place, "A concession..." he says simply.

And then the moment is broken yet again when Dr. Keller, comes storming in. Ban whisper, "Oh kuzo..." Sophie walking up and wrenching open the coat to show dry burned skin from the overclocking of his augments days ago now. She grumbles, "Come on!" And drags Ban off, "I have work to do on this one. Your duty can wait. Excuse me."

Ban reaches out and tries to get help to stay this torture, but no one wants to upset Sophie at the moment. Freya smiles, "Oops." Jamie chuckles and follows the doctor and doomed yakuza.

Freya nods, "So this meeting of the minds." She gestures around to everyone there now. Smiling and bowing her head to Enri, looking Adam, Thalia, Athena and Skye, "I'm not going to have to knock heads to keep this from going wrong am I?"

A few Nights later
At the Badger Sett
Badger on Duty

"So...do you think..."

"Yes, often, you ought to try it sometime."

"Oh fuck you."

"You're not my type."

"Wait you have a type?"

This is a conversation between Crow Blanc, Badger and D. Llama. Who says what we leave up to you. Though it ends with Badger grinning broadly, like a loon one might say. Crow grumbling and ol' Drama Llama face palming and muttering about how his elders are so goofy. Badger chuckles and lifts the small shot glass of something golden amber and sips it, "So everything aside we didn't lose anyone during the Blackout. Everything looks like it's coming back but Yellow can't seem to get an idea of what caused it." Drama hums, looking over medical reports, "Outside of Granny Owl's Life Cradle having to be booted in emergency mode for awhile there was no major casulties. Though one of our G-Net Dwellers over at Heavy Rhino's forge, is still in a coma. As he was deep diving when it happened, and his mind was seperated from his body. We're still trying to coax him back." Blanc rubs at his beak, "We're lucky none of our own was killed."

Badger huffs softly, staring at the table top, "We were very lucky indeed. Others weren't so. I hear a G-Net managed fuel line to the Slums went up in a ball of fire, immolated an entire block." The other wince and nod in understanding.

Badger sighs, "We've survived this, just like we survived the Wars and the creation of the Mega-Cities. We'll survive what comes after too. The Pack is a family." Blanc and Drama both nod and raise their shot glasses before all three drink.

There's a companionable silence before Crow speaks again, "So...hypothetically...who could possibly create something to take out the Geo-Net and cause an energy quake powerful enough to breach the Spire and cause that much damage?" Drama looks at his glass after refilling it, "No one I know. The Medical community has got nothing. Nothing biological or bio-mechanical. Just nothing." Crow nods, "And physical mechanics says it would have to be something huge and overt. So what does that leave?" Badger says it, "Something digital." The other two look at him expectantly, and again Badger speaks, "Don't look at me. Look I dabble. And if I had made something like that, I'd have showed everyone in the Sett, then locked it away in my data vault. Only other people I know are Yellow, and he wouldn't do that. No self respecting Pack active right now would do something like that, something that would damage their relations with clients and customers. Or for that matter harm the Pack...harm their family!" The last sentence is said with heated vehemence and almost rage. And it's soothing sounds and gestures that calm him. Badger sighs, "Sorry, I just can't think of anyone in the Pack that would be crazy enough to compile something like that." He shakes his head, and lifts his shotglass to his lips again, under his mask, "It's an enigma, within a riddle, within a puzzle, within a maze. And it's going to drive someone crazy. And it's not going to be me. Again."

Drama groans, "Do I need to do another mental check on you?"

"Now why would you think I'm crazy?"

"Should I assume you are or aren't?"

"Assume he is and get it over with."

"I thought you were my friend?"

"Who said anything about this being about friendship?"
@Red Wizard

Is there...something stopping you from making a character and inserting them into the party?
A fine night at the Badger Sett
Normies are friends...not food!
A Collab between @Fading Memory and Big Papa Belial

A rifle is lowered, a fateful circumstance narrowly avoided. The girl twists in the air, lacking the expected mastery that one would imagine a Sk8er to wield in her travels- but possessed by a natural agility that seemed uncanny in her bodily manipulations. She was all talent, and virtually zero experience or true training. Unbeknownst to Sister, her life had been spared in more ways than one on this night.

One arm outstretched, cable taut, engine purring, wind zipping through her tied-back hair. She careened, then suddenly altered course as if yanked by some invisible thread; she had been about to pass by the Badger’s balcony when a deft twist landed a trembling cable dart onto the balcony- and in the span of a breath the white-haired girl was trembling, hanging onto the balcony as she tried to pull herself over it and into his presence.

“Oh, heavens, he’s a big one-” She grunts as she sits up onto the balcony properly, her hands trembling. Perhaps the exertion. “-Sorry for dropping in unannounced, but I’m in a spot of bother and could really use a helping hand. Neighborly behavior and all that, right? I’m Sister. This is the Badger Sett, yes?” She introduced herself at last, holding a shaking hand to her chest as she caught her breath. She seemed unfazed and unthreatened by the mass of Kodiak, and instead, through clear pain in her eyes, curiosity shone through like a lethal beacon of intellect.

Oh yes to say that both Kodiak and Badger are surprised when who they thought was a Sk@ter on their way home in the chaos suddenly changes paths, twists, turns and flutters. And Kodiak is already lowering the massive 20mm assault cannon from his shoulder, loaded with big flak shells this thing, making it a truly immense shotgun. Kodiak stares at the young woman that just so naturally arrives on the edge of the balcony. The big man nods, his bear mask wobbling abit, “Yes indeed.” He rumbles. Then steps aside, as Badger steps up.

For a moment he just stares at the young woman, “You have indeed arrived at the Badger Sett young lady. Sister you said?” His eyes light up then he balks and grabs the side of his head, “Ahhh…GeoNet uplink failed. Unable to access cloud.” He says in a slightly robotic tone before his more natural clipped tone resumes, “Your pardon please, usually one will access the GeoNet to learn something of friends and new acquaintances, but with the Net down…foolish of me.” He sighs then straightens, “I am Honey Badger, you may call me Badger. How may the Badger Sett help you on this most…” He looks up as there’s a flash somewhere down the back alley street. Perhaps a power junction going ballistic, either way something exploded, “...most interesting of nights? You sound just a little distressed.

Kodiak reached forward then and offered Sister a big paw of a hand to help her up onto the balcony, “Come on, let it never be said we are not hospitable in times of strife.”

“That’s why I’m here.” She takes Kodiak’s hand and daintily alights upon the boots she wore, rising off the balcony. Her hand trembled in the large man’s grasp, clearly beyond simple tiredness. “Whatever knocked GEONet offline also surged across the city. The shockwave hit me, and knocked my…Er…”
She sighs. She stares up at Kodiak’s impressive stature for a moment, delaying her revelation for a few precious moments. Her eyes finally swept over to Honey Badger himself and studied him directly. Her eyes seemed to take him in in his entirety, as if scanning him from head to foot in an instant. She wets her lips.
“I need a piece of cyberware rebooted. Pretty much immediately. But my usual doctor was too far, too dangerous, to try and reach. I can walk you through the steps if you need it, but I didn’t have the tools or…Well, I don’t think I could cut myself open to get at it. Can you reboot a Nanohive Circuit? I need to know you have the capabilities here, otherwise I need to cross the city and my time is ticking, sir.”

Kodiak looked at the young lady. Then looked at Badger. Badger’s eyes flared, and he shouted into the building, “Get the Medical suite up and running! We have a medical emergency.” He looked up at Kodiak, “Get her inside and on the auto-doc bed.” Kodiak narrowed his silver eyes behind his mask, “Should I get D. Llama sir? He’s down in the garage, people were hurt and needed tending too.” Badger shakes his head. Kodiak nods and gently guides Sister inside.

Badger following along, other Pack running ahead and opening up, a room, firing up the ancient auto-doc medical bed inside, brilliant lights bursting on and making near every shadow in the room disappear. Kodiak helping Sister into the bed carefully, Badger coming in moments later, “As much as I would love D. Llama to be here to do this. I remember enough of the medical program I took years ago to be able to do this. And the Auto-Doc does most of the work anyway. But rebooting a Nanohive? My goodness this will be a treat. Haven’t handled one of these since the Wars. And that was an installation.” He takes a moment then shrugs, “It’ll be fine!”

Sister’s eyes widened at the immediate affirmation and leap into action. She allows herself to be urged along, moving with heavy steps as she lowers her hands and grips her skirts to try and still the trembling. A smile spread across her features as she walked along, the mystery and newness of this place overshadowing her fears and aches minorly. She could even ignore the occasional gunshots ringing from the exterior of the building. At least, until she was in the medical suite.
When Kodiak and Badger guide her into the blinding room she shields her eyes beneath the baseball cap, and goes quiet at the sight of the auto-doc. She wets her lips again. They felt so dry.
“Ah, that’s positively retro.” She murmurs. “Which was it, Grimwald and Sons? No, no, that one’s the Antabio. Cool. Model III unless I’m mistaken?”
Her words were a distraction to herself moreso than a desire for true conversation. Kodiak has to hoist her into the medical bed, her body lacking in all deliberate locomotive capabilities with no clear indication of why. Her eyes do not leave the auto-doc until she’s fully laid into the bed. A sudden outburst at the door drags her wide eyes away from it at last, and she only vaguely seemed to hear Badger’s words as her eyes refocused on the world behind him. Clanking, talon-bearing, steps heralded a figure entering the room.
“Jackdaw– oh, Jackdaw!” She said with clear excitement.
“You’re in good hands, kid.” Jackdaw responded. He was a short figure, waifish and skinny with a beaked mask reminiscent of the crow but with a devilish mirth emanating from its features. The all-black clad figure approached the table hastily, but remained an arm’s length from Sister and simply gazed at her. He lifted a leg and idly curled the mechanical talons he had in place of feet before returning to a rest position.
“I know this one, Badger.” Jackdaw continued after a moment. “Good kid. Smart. Favorable trades. Afterburn. Wiz with scrap.” It was a rapid fire assessment, opinion, affirmation, and relay of the important information. “I mostly met with her brother, though. When things clear up I’ll get word to him. Wouldn’t want an incident.”
“No,” Sister laughed softly. “No we would not. Thank you.” Her last words were directed at Badger. “If you’ve installed them, that’s more than my own expertise. All I know is what’s in the user manual. I’m in the right place, it seems. The Hive is located under my heart.”

Badger stepped up to the auto-doc, “Awww don’t be mean to it! It’s a veteran.” He chuckles softly. The operations screen coming up, and the auto-doc bed starts to scan the young woman, “This is actually a Caduceus Model III, So you got that. Theta refurbishment, the last one right before the end of the Wars.” He looks up as the sentries at the door call out and there is a brief scuffle. And then in comes young Jackdaw “Jackdaw my boy! Hello.” And then Sister and Jackdaw are speaking. And Badger nods, “Ahhh I see I see, yes probably a good idea to let a sibling know everything is okay. Wouldn’t want anyone getting shot, or hurt. Now then…let’s take a look at this.”

Turning back to the screen he watches as the Auto-doc finishes it’s scan. He stares in amazement, “Yes…this is…huh…” His eyes narrow and he works the controls. He hums and mutters under his breath, “Fascinating…fascinating…” He turns dials and hits buttons, pulls little levers. The bed hums and rumbles, vibrating and growling. Then Badger leans to the side, “Did you know your Nanohive is in disrepair? Did you want to keep it and have me reboot it? Or…do you want a new one?” His eyes flare, as if the prospect of another nanohive install brings him great amounts of potential joy. “I admit we have Three in storage. I can’t tell what generation yours is. But we came across a very very old medical storage cache recently and found a Gen Alpha VII, top of the line, only 4 years old. The Gen Alpha VIII only just came out. So it won’t be that old. It’s up to you though young lady.”

Badger works the controls abit, “It is entirely up to you young lady. I can activate the reboot sequence, and we can get your hive working right now. But if you want a new fully functioning Nanohive, the installation will take about two hours. But the Auto-doc can do it with minimal mess.” He leans to the side again to smile at Sister, “Completely up to you.”

The girl’s eyes widen as Badger lists his inventory to her. Such advanced technology being offered makes her head spin- more than it already was, at least. The auto-doc’s readings indicated severe physiological deterioration, similar to that of those in extremely advanced age, or perhaps those suffering from intense cancerous symptoms. Each wave of the scan showed more detailed readings of her muscle damage, of the severed nerve endings, of the struggling organs.
The auto-doc presents readout after readout of hard data that ultimately leads to one simple conclusion; it’s a miracle this girl is alive right now. The ‘doc scans her, and shows a never ending war within her body. The last wave of nanomachines within her body are dying out without the ability to recharge. Even as parts of her body are actively decaying in visible time, the dwindling nanomachines carve and weld and fabricate biological matter and fuse it to her naturally failing systems, forcing her body into working order. Her entire life was agony. And yet, she hesitated.
“...I cannot possibly repay such kindness.” She said with a tremble. “And I would not dare to drag Saturnine into this. Whatever I owe you, Badger, I will repay- but I can’t fathom ever being able to repay you for a generation Alpha-VII circuit.”

Badger once again leans to the side around the control console of the auto-doc, “The concept of currency is often lost on me. As well as the concept of debts and repayment. I’m probably just merely old, and too kind for this world.” He hums, then nods, “How about we call it a gift then? And thus, no debt will be created and no repayment would be needed.”

Returning to looking at the console, wincing at all the critical level alerts are going off. Every pulse showing something else to worry about.

But with a flick of a switch the medical bed, which at it’s time was a medical marvel starts to work for her. Giving Badger the time to call out the door, “Someone find me that Gen-VII Nanohive! Get it up here! We’re doing an install! Someone tell Drama Llama that he’s missing out!”

There’s a chuckle from outside the room as someone goes running off to find what’s needed. Badger chuckles, “I hope you’re enjoying this as much as I am. See new experiences like this, for old fellows like me, these are golden moments. Life gets old sometimes.” With a nod, “Respect for all of this dear girl. Much respect. It can’t be easy living through this.”

How the hell have the group not killed Ricon yet?

Ricon heaved a slow breath. Looking about and honestly grinning as the necromancer among them begins to raise the dead. Calling to Viktor, "Impressive work. Was never a school of magic I pursued. Corpses don't last long in a firestorm." He stepped a little closer, feeling a little more interested in another magic user than some of the more mundane, "How long do they tend to last? Or is it an until you don't need them kind of thing?" He grins a bit, watching Viktor work.

After a bit, he straightens up and looks around, getting his bearings, then grins yet again, "Rejoice, my companions." Then gestured in the direction they were moving, "If we continue, we will reach my cache in about 3 hours. By the time the sun is below the horizon and night reaches us. We ought to be safe there for the night. And then, after we've looked at it, we can continue on. And get to this mission, yes? Still wondering how we kill a god, though." His sprites let out little wondering coos as well. The one that's nestled against Ruby nuzzles against her hand lightly. How peaceful for standing in the aftermath of a battle.
Raven Still going...like demented energizer bunnies

Jamie smiled, turning away from his sister. Being able to fight along side his younger sister is always a treat. She's just so intense. He's a little more grounded. But then it's almost a family thing that they all go hard. Started with their parents after all. And it continues with the kids. He turns around in time to see the BTRs go up, and the last moment of the mech coming down and burning. He chuckles, "Eh they don't need our help." With a nod to his sister, he starts to follow the rest of Raven towards where they were all regrouping.

He did his job though, scanning and pumping some rounds at a few enemy fighters as they poked their heads out. Sending them scrambling for cover. Keeping the team safe from any lurkers in the ruins of the soul, "Scion here, Wilco on that regroup. Keeping our rear clear. Be there shortly."

The roar of his twin linked HMGs growls and thunders in the air, breaking any peace that may have briefly appeared in the wake of the destruction of the big things and the armor. Scion grins behind the face plate of his armor the whole time. Nothing like Mayhem. And he's supposed to be the more grounded one of the three siblings.

It's the steady stomp as he arrives at the RV point, looking about, keeping an eye out for any enemy that decides they still want to make problems. Seeing nothing immediately he takes a moment to begin reloading the ammo hopper for his HMGs and the rocket pod. Looking around he smiles at the others, "A fine day of work don't you think?" He says almost conversationally.
MIKEY MIKEy MIKey MIkey Mikey mikey
...is there and echo in here?

No fun, that's what this is. Not even a little. From where he stands chained and weighted in place Micheal can see his diefic friends laid out in repose. Out cold having been bespelled and bound. Likely by the mistress of the house.

And now he can see the fight beginning. And even if his magic wasn't dammed up by that magic burn on his arm, he rather thinks he'd be no help in the moment. His magic would be far too slow to get any use here.

So he does the next best thing.

Any chance he gets, he pulls and rattles on his fetters. Trying to distract Angelica at any turn. He pulled and hauled, at one point managing to hurl one of the weights free of the chain it clung to at her feet. Sheer strength alone the only thing he could add to the moment. Those days at the gym sure pay off today. He grins abit and shouts, "Come on Amanda. You can do this! You're the strongest non-shaman I've ever met. Paste her! I know you can do it!"

He cackled a little as one of the witches gathered glared at him, "Take a picture hunny. It'll last longer." Okay so that's an old one, can't blame him right?


Bright, wide red eyes stared at the chaos in front of her as Ruby stood there frozen like a deer in the headlights. This was all too much. Nothing she had ever faced had ever readied her for any of this amount of destruction. Nothing had prepared her for this large of a threat that called for her head on a stake.

Trap... Trap them? The frost giant's words found their way through her panicked fawn response.

She - she could do that!

Eyes tearing away from the giant ice wall that the wyvern just came crashing into, she moved her shuddering legs and started to think. She could trap the foot soldiers; that she knew she could do, but how the hell was she going to do that without also taking down the ice wall ... or being a target of all the soldiers?

Her eyes shot over the group before finally landing on the cackling madman. That would do.

She rushed over to him and suddenly, with no warning, pushed him with all her strength to the side of the giant ice wall.

Ricon had just been hit by whatever magic that damned wyvern rider had cast. It had shattered his firewall (how the actual…!) and then when the wave hit him, all his magical effects had winked out like candle wicks. He’d staggered and caught himself before he fell, but damn that was no fun. And to top it off, out of no where the Sulfreyans had launched their assault. Dazed at first he’d taken a shaky step to the side, trying to get his bearings.

And then, wait…whoa!

That darn Banshee girl!

He staggered to the side and off to the side of the ice wall. And he’s now in plain sight of the knights!

Ah hell no!

Six of his little fire sprites ignite at once. He grabs one and hurls it forward, the spirite making a giggling uluating sound as it sails through the air, then comes down at the feet of the front line of the knights, blossoming into a dome of fire. Huh magical artillery! He grabs another little fire being and tosses that one too.

Okay yeah he can do this!

Peering from behind the ice wall to see that not only the fiery man was still alive but he had also managed to create some cover, Ruby finally, but still uncertainly, came from behind the barrier.

In quick, small motions, like a bird hoping from one place to the other, she suddenly flitted up behind Ricon. There, her legs still shaking slightly under her, she took in a deep breath before she grabbed at the man's collar and pulled him a few feet back.

Now, as the area was clear, a harrowing screech came from deep within her as she threw her head forward, and white hair flew behind her. In an odd coincidence, or was it planning, the soldiers themselves were actually all right. Well, alright, if you count deafened and some ear bleeding to be tolerable.

No, what crumbled to her attack was the very earth under the Sulfreyans. Giant cracks erupted under their feet before they fell into the fresh dirt pitfall with shock and fear. Now, they truly had nowhere to go, just sitting ducks for the rest of the misfit fugitives.

Gasping, Ruby took a shuddering step backward.

Ricon had just drawn his arm back to launch another of these big artillery fire balls. HIs fire halo had started to reform, and his eyes had regained their flaming quality. Gone had been the smirk, that cocky self sure quirk of his lips and the laugh from his chest. But slowly as he cranks back throwing another fireball forward to watch it burst upon the ground, this time catching one of the horses.

Okay he felt bad about that. Immolating a human being is okay, many of them were kinda assholes. But a Horse never did anything bad to him.

But it was kinda funny when it’s rider plowed into the ground with a crunch and a cry of pain.

In fact Ricon is just drawing back again to get a focused fire strike on the prone man when…whoops!

He gets pulled back, “Ah what the hell!” Looking back, oh it’s the Banshee girl again. He’s about to round on her and give her a bit of a piece of his mind when she screams again.

Oh…that’s why!

He dropped to the side and covered his ears, looking out as the ground buckles and heaves under the power of the banshee. Okay maybe it’s not a good idea to get in on her about all this. Because all of that is impressive. Only his Inferno can do that kind of damage reliably.

He finally looks at her, “Remind me not to piss you off.”

Her chest still heaving with exhaustion, Ruby looked up at the fiery madman in confusion before a rare proud smile lit up her face. She seemed to be happy with that comment.

Which may have contributed to the fact that once she started to back up towards the ice barrier, she actually, in a comparatively gentle manner, pulled at his sleeve this time instead of just forcefully pulling him back with her.

Ricon nodded slowly, “Okay yeah…this works.” He braced as he felt her hand on his sleeve again, waiting for another hard pull or shove. But the careful, almost gentle manner of the tug is surprising. He slips back behind the ice wall with her, one his sprites flitting down to bump curiously against her hand, a soft giggle from the fire sprite. It’s warm to the touch, but doesn’t burn.

As they slip behind the ice wall the little fire being giggles and starts to orbit about Ruby slowly, copying the five that still orbit Ricon. The pyromaniac not noticing immediately really. Too much going on. And safely behind the wall he’s busy marveling at their continued survival. Helluva drug it is.

Finally, behind the ice wall again, Ruby let out a shuddering breath as she started to feel a little bit safer. She had done what she could; the rest could surely pick them off easily enough now that they were stuck like fish in a barrel.

She removed her grip on the stranger's clothes, thinking about possibly wiping the foreign feeling off her dress, but instead, she found a surprising warmth. Looking back to see the fire sprite touching her bare hand, Ruby let out a squeaking gasp of surprise.

Her hand quickly tore away, scared of how the fire would burn, but as she watched it start to swirl around her with its little cheerful giggles, she started to become aware that it had never hurt her. The flames bringing her crimson eyes to life, she stared bewitched, reaching out her hands, and then she ever so gently went to hold the small being in her hands.

Ricon rubbed his neck, it’d been awhile since he’d been in prolonged combat.

Ah but that falls to the wayside as he looks over and smiles, seeing one of his fire sprites nestled in Ruby’s hand. The little thing cooing, it’s small yellow burning eyes, surrounded by the softly crackling fire body around it. It looks so peaceful. As it rests, giggles and coos happily in the embrace of the banshee woman.

Ricon can’t help but smile broadly, “I see they like you Banshee girl. Good on you. My sprites are good judges of character I think.”

He looked around and wondered if anyone else was going to throw him beyond the ice wall now. Something to watch out for.
Sorry working on a collab with someone.

And I've been feeling abit of a writers block on my RPs. Sorry about that.

I'll try and get things moving again soon.
Excuse us while the Sett calms down

The Badger Sett is like an Ant Hill at the moment.

While the city panics and worries. People search for news of family who are out during the downtime. Infrastructure shuts down in the face of their command systems vanishing. Groups of people and communities going missing in the moment that the GeoNet goes down. Services shutting down. A social calamity perhaps. People would surely die without the GeoNet in action.

But the Badger Sett?

They have other things to worry about. Like trying to get a signal back so they can communicate to the rest of the Pack! Even Crow Blanc had been talked into coming up out of the Garage to help try and get things working after the GeoNet went down. He and Badger are both in the inner workings of their data tower on top of the Sett. Crow is head and shoulders down into a crawl space, looking at a readout console, while Badger is kneeling at the base of the tower, trying to bypass connections that keep screaming in binary that they can't work. But in all their years, Blanc and Badger have learned there is always a way to work around problems. All it takes is a little ingenuity and perseverance. So this is where Blanc let's out a grumble, "Digital connection is down. Too dependent. The Gnet is out so the digital way is out of the question." The white feathered crow masked man pulls out of the service recess and looks around for an answer. Badger mutters, "Well if we can't do it digitally then...wait...remember 09?" Blanc blinks, "Of the Wars course I...the EMP strikes what did we do then?" Badger jumps up and heads over to the redundant satellite broadcaster, "Bounced the comms signals off old spy and communications satellites until the ground stuff was fixed. Let's see if..." Blanc ran over and started to crank the kinetic battery powering the old assembly up. And Badger quickly started to look for something suitable.

Back during the Wars there had been hundreds of thousands of comms, spy and assault satellites with signal dishes on them. It had been easy then to fins one they could just bounce stuff off. Now there are millions and many of them are masked or work with only specific signals. But after some careful work Badger and Blanc woop. And a call from inside gives them renewed vigor. A collie masked young woman shouts, "I've got the Owlery! The bypass worked! Granny is saying other Pack strongholds are starting to use the satellite trick too. It's going to be some juggling but until GeoNet is back we can atleast communicate!"

The cheers that go up from.inaide the Sett shakes the walls in the Backstreets for a time. Badger and Blanc, the old friends taking a moment to rest the foreheads of their masks against each others. A silent expression of relief and familial care.

Blanc takes his leave shortly there after, returning to the service garage to help with repairs and clean up.

Leaving Badger to.climb down to the balcony of his office. Where he's joined by Kodiak. The big bear masked man carrying a massive assault cannon over a shoulder. Looking down into the Backstreets where looting has long since begun. But the Wolves and Bears stand in defense of the Setts territories. Kodiak rumbles, "It's going to be a riotous night boss." Badger nods, "Just keep the MCPD from making moves and keep the looters out. Try not to kill anyone tonight Kodiak. The Normals out there are all panicking. Let's not add blood and death fueled animosity to the mix." Kodiak grunts and nods and heads back outside.

And it's only then that Badger looks skyward and notices an approaching figure. Zip lining from building to building and approaching at speed. And when he does so does a Wolf stationed as a Marksman. A red laser line flares u0, the barrel of a long rifle tracing the approaching figure ready to shoot. Badger hums, "Grey Wolf, check that, let them through, likely just a Sk@ter trying ro get back home in the carnage. Let's try not to shed needless blood tonight."

The rifle is lowered the danger to the approaching figure reduced. Badger hums, "Now who could you be?" He wondered curiously.

@Fading Memory
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