Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Okay I think that's everything. Jericho Bell CS complete and awaiting confirmation I hope.


I do apologize in another game I applied too I had left a wip. Was told it was okay to go, and when I pointed it out they tried to chew me out in DMs for not telling them. Even after I had pointed I had left a WIP in the post.

Thought it might be a good idea to make it painfully clear.

Sincere apologies

He's still stuck...

Micheal grit his teeth and pulled.

And pulled again...

...and again!

The muscled native former hooligan shifted and moved and shook.

He panted and tried again, trying to get himself free!

But it's just not working right now. The chains and weights are too heavy. He could look over and see the team in their respective places. But the way he's pinned down he can't get to them. Can't get in there to help.

He wilts abit. What can he do? What power does he have at the moment to try and help? He has no magic, not with this burn. His goofy godly friends are down and out. He doesn't have his ritual equipment at hand. What could he possibly do?

And then, he relaxed, stopped pulling so much on the chains. Taking a deep breath.

And he started to sing. Letting his voice, no magic, no power. Just his voice, and his trust and faith in his friends and teammates to fill the air. As he sings he begins to perform the rounddance movementsin place.

The only thing he could do to show he's there, and he trusts, and hopes.
<Snipped quote by BigPapaBelial>

I already know what direction some of you are going with characters based on our past games. I'm headed for a pilot and a treasure hunter/adventurer. Anyone that wants to post intentions for characters before we move forward is welcome to it, just so we don't have concepts clash or overlap.

Cool name choice btw

Why thank you. His nickname on my cs is "Walls" 10000 moxana points to the person who gets the reference
Looking forward to this.

Dreaming up a local islander fella. Tour guide and fishing expedition kinda guy. Jamaican descent with a love of the Azules. And Island local who knows all the good places.

Calling him Jericho Bell at the moment. I think it's gonna be good.
*quietly places a flag down, and stands beside it*

I express my profound interest!
The Safe Cracker

The slim almost rake thin Greek man leaned on a street side light post. Watching the passing people as they weaved their way through city streets. Manhattan is and interesting place. So many vibrant places. On the no-maj and the magical sides. Out here in the streets just outside magical Hells Kitchen. Put here all the No Maj walked along mere feet from another world entirely. Out here his grey polo shirt fingerless gloves beanie and blue trousers said "bad fashion sense". For the most part.

But during a lull the man spins and heads into an alley, pulling a dark laquered stick from his pocket, 10 inches long, very rigid, greek fir wood with dried Gorgon scale as a core. Very good for darker magic. And for being sneaky. A swish and a swift tappa tappa tappa to a series of odd items in the small alley he's in. And soon the fence at the end swings towards him.

And into another world he enters. The world of magic and spells and incredible and strange things. As the thin bald headed man winds his way through the streets he tosses a few sickles to a street vendor, grabbing a skewer from the stall. And he's nibbling at the lamb skewer when he steps through another hidden door.

And into the back entrance of a small speakeasy. Serpeverde turf, place to get some good drink. With skewer still in hand maybe a quarter of the steaming fragrant meat still on it he peers around. Then spots Zucco, he's seen the kid around some. And as he's approaching the table another young face beats him there.


With skewer held proudly he calls, "Hey there Bobby, what's happening eh malaka?"
Sorry that took so long, I was having some major writers block. Let me know if I need to change anything in the CS
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