Team Sea God - Shimura and Frigga
Frigga pushed free of the SDV and started to climb the pylon, going hand over hand, the electro-magnets in her knee pads and gauntlets letting her climb almost like Spider-woman. She stopped part way out of the water to listen to the plan, she nodded, "Copy. Give me a second." And she once again climbed. And before god and all, as she left the water and headed up the pylon length, her form shimmered, and by the time she reached a maintenance gangway it was rather hard to see her. She switched to the ladder just as she reached the top of it, coming into view briefly to motion everyone to hold. She motioned up and made the military hand signals to say she could hear people, another motion saying there is atleast two separate voices. She then flickered out of view again, creeping up and onto the service platform of the leg. And it's swift. The guards on the platform near the opening of the ladder leading up having little time to react. Just a shimmering charging them, and then four men, two of which were leaning out over the platform edge and looking in the direction away from where they climbed up. And Frigga has all four in a wide armed hold, squeezing them in her arms and against her angular chest plate. A moment or two, and they stop kicking and squirming, their faces against her arms, and one poor maybe lucky fellow with his head nestled into the crook of her arm pit. And finally...they're out. Her stealth field slips and she holds them for abit, then marches them over behind some piping, and over shared comms, "They're down. Come on up."
Shimura followed the rest of the team up, and did the ninja thing, he jumps forward, and places himself against one of the platform doors, shorter wakizashi drawn and ready to strike, held reverse grip, ready to stab into the gap of the door if need be. The eye plates of his helmet glowing a soft yellow, as he scanned about. "You do good work, Battle Goddess-dono."
Frigga smiles, then well in the moment turns, her face plate opening and she winks at Chuck.
Shimura takes a deep breath, looking around for the target that has been assigned him. The Algae Labs. He nods then looks over, "Ready Boaro-san? Looks like we have some ground to cover. We should get moving." And to make sure and that bat on his back, Ban started down the hall. Between steps, he first drew the Katana in one hand, then the switched the Wakizashi to his off hand. Ready for close combat. His steps are quiet and sure. And off they go.
Squad Northlander - Scion
Scion reloaded his rocket launchers, essentially mini MLRS systems honestly. Slightly larger then the ones his dad used to wear and use with ease. He grabbed the canisters that Tahlia had brought him slotting them into place on his waist for later, "This is Scion." he joined the conversation, "Long range Rocket Artillery will cease for a time until we make land fall." He pulled his safety line off where it's located right now and makes his way off the top of the hovercraft. Placing himself on the safety skirt. The harness line reattached, and waiting for when he's dumped off.
When his turn came, he unharnessed himself and shunted power and strength to his legs, two long strides and a push, and he sails a good sixteen feet or so. Landing on the rocky beach he's been taken too.
He can be forgiven the stumble maybe?
He turns to look back at the hovercraft, "We're good here. Proceeding to make an unholy, and maybe even a holy mess of myself."
And he began to stride ahead. He held his twin HMGs over one shoulder. The smaller of the group could do the running around, he intends to try and play the Moving Bastion this time around. He finds a road, a path, and walks down it. Seeing Bluefor ahead, engaged with Opfor. He nods, then calls ahead, "Bluefor, be advised, friendly approaching from the south east along the road. Heads down."
He gave them enough time to hunker down before he stepped into view of the opposing force. Swung his HMGs down off his shoulder. And amidst astonished shouts and a few spattering of small arms. He started to hammer the Opfor positions, shouting through his PA system, "This time your doom is here. On a pale horse he came, and the one who rode upon it, is death. And hell followed with him!"
Great chunks of masonry that the Opfor hid behind spattered about. Men trying to dive and run for more cover. As various types of rounds whickered and whistled. It's impossible to tell what his weapons are going to shoot next. At one point a Raufoss round, a penetrator round punches through the door of an Opfor armored vehicle. The following small explosion from the internal copper penetrator followed close by a small HE charge, minces those behind the vehicle. Later a Fragmentation round hits the chest plate of an Opfor and blows him off his feet as the shards from the round cut into the fighters beside him.
Jamie capped it by bracing, and shouts, "Suit, both pods, two rounds, direct fire!" And with a pop-cough-blamf! Two rockets flare out, up and then into the Opfor forces. Sending several of them flying from the HEDP mini warheads. Debris flying. Jamie motions to the Blues, "Forward, check'em, police'em, then if you're in for it I'm going to locate the heaviest fighting and try and draw as much attention to me as possible." He called into Raven comms to the rest of the fireteam, "Scion here, made contact with the enemy. And made an impression. I won't believe they didn't get a call out about me. So I'm going to move to make as big a nuisance as I can, pull as many fighters away from other operations areas on as I can. If you see any Armor, you let me know. So I can try and take it out. Scion, oscar mike."