Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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Current I just wanna sleep...
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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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My community needs an enema -.-
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This is okay, neither am I. And really do we need to be to enjoy an RP?
Interactions - @Infinite Cosmos "Nate" Tanaka

Jericho "Walls" coming down

Jericho waves to the tour group he'd taken out on the water. Though the fishing charter had said they could pull in two fish a person, they had not requested actually bringing home some tuna. Pity really. Jericho had been prepared to bargain for some of the meat for himself. Tuna fish being an especially good meal. Jericho stays on the quay and smiles watching the tour group get into their vehicle then race off into the early evening light. Turning back he gathers up the gear and takes it inside the warehouse, setting all the kit down on the floor, and seperating the rods out. He picks up a remote and sets it playing a local radio station.

The music filled the warehouse as Jericho began to work at seperating the rods and reels and the lines.

He'd need to do some maintenance on the reels and rods. Those tuna today put up some fights. As he's working his phone pings. And he reaches over and picks it up.

"Walls. What are you up to this evening? Still want to come by and chat? You know you have a permanent tab and family discount here ;) I'll even let your bring your own beer since I don't serve beer here"

Jericho chuckled and texted back, "Nate! How's things? Just doing some clean up from a fishing trip. The Bar running well? Oh my an invitation to the greatest of watering holes? Hehe fine. Be over in abit." He could do the rest of the rods and reels in the morning before the hiking trip. For now he has some unwinding to do.

Grabbing a satchel, and putting a few bottles into it from his own drink cabinet. And outside he gets, locking the warehouse behind him, and grabbing his bike. Soon he's racing down the roads.

After a ride, he comes rolling up to the Sunny Side/Side Car. Ringing his bell in greeting, and leaning his bike on a pillar outside. Soon entering the building. Waving and calling to Nate, "Hey bredda, how tings go? Mi hear seh a did some good company bout. Mi bring some drink too, hope yuh up fi some a it." JEricho striding up to the bar and opening his bag, pulling a bottle of spiced rum from within.

Oh really? Cool.

What can I say the records of Mighty Mo, Big Whisky, Black Dragon and The Big Stick deserve some respect. IMO anyway.
Are we going to have any takers on one of the Iowa class ships I wonder.
Any ship from WW2 Era?

Hmmm okay. I think I'm going to do something silly then.

Play an Atlanta-Oakland class ship. One of the types that were supreme Anti-Air ships, but still had the capability to fight surface targets as well.
The Yakuza and The Battle Goddess

Ban hiked his blade and slide it up behind his arm and alongnhis shoulder. He paced along with his detachment, scanning the halls as they go. This particular area really didn't play well to his style sadly. But he's sure he'd been sent along here for a reason. It's just a matter of time before that reason presents itself. He nods slowly as they go, "Think your plan has merit and not to work. But as someone once said, No plan survives contact with the enemy. Sun Tzu said something much the same as I recall. We should be..." Ban trails off as they reach the divider and turn for their objective. As the lights flared and thr alarm sounded the swordsmen blinked in surprise.

And them grinned behind his mask, "And this is..." His arm and sword flashed as one of the guards jumped the gun...and fired his SMG. Shimura's arm flashed moving in front of Ebrima automatically and deflected the short five round burst. Looking at his blade briefly then swinging and ricocheting the last sixth round back at the man who fired. Rewarded with the guard letting out a shocked bark as the ricochetted round pinged off his shoulder guard sending him staggering back.

Ban grinned. And spotted more coming from the left. He barked, "Those are mine." And tore off to the side. As he ran...okay so he unknowingly performed a Naruto-like run, he drew his long sword, the family katana. The reinforcing squad had a moment or five to register the man in modern samurai armor. Before Shimura leapt, and hit not just one or two or three but five of the group with a battering of flying kicks. Laying them low but not out. Dazed and reeling.

Ban chuckled, "Now then." And his swords hissed, silvered arcs cutting the air, skill and purpose. And pieces of guns fell to.the floor. Triggers, barrels, stock and chamber mechanisms, fell to the floor in a clatter. The guards watching suddenly empty handed. Shimura smiling. The guards going for knifes next.

The Yakuza grinning and rumbling, "Yosh, good. A man doesn't know the mind of another until they have tested steel against steel!"


Meanwhile, Freya paced along with Adam. She'd eschewed her rifle for now. And tested Starbreaker in hand. The dense hammer held easily the enhancing arm.and shoulder exo for her already incredible armor, shifting and clicking. The retracting chain already attached to the handle of the immense weapon. She nodded, hearing the aound of gunplay and fighting, "Seems they've met the enemy. I wonder how long it will be before we end up meeting anyone?"

With swish her super dense hammer traced an almost easy path through the air. And all.it would take is a flick of her arm.to send it hurtling down the hall at any point.

She caught the hammer and held it ready. It would not have been hard for her to have slid around the corner and brained the lot.ofmthem. but the quiet approach worked.

But then that door and all those inside. She sighs and backs up, her cloak coming back up, the shimmer of her form and the transparent.outline of Starbreaker held at the ready, "Go" was all she said. Her visor dulled the flash through the window. And just as Adam cleared out, she hit the door. One side of the door went one way smashing into some material racks. The other just barely hung onto.its frame. Near half a ton of raging woman smashed into the room. The first swing of her hammer caught two of those inside on the handle, the fore swing sending them flying. And as her cloak flickered off, revealing the silver blue and Grey armored giantess amidst them, her hammer came back around, low and legs and hips shattered, guards going down in shock and pain. Her arm then locked back and she threw the hammer. The chain rattled as it spooled out and hit a single exo suited guard right in the chest. The sound of armor protesting under the stress a highlight in the moment. The exo them shouting in shock as he dragged back to Feigga on the end of the hammer.

Ending with The Battle Goddess catching the exo in her off hand. A poster moment then ad she catches her hammer with her main hand and holds the battered exo in her off hand. Backlit by the flare of an emergency light.
This is strangely compelling. Interesting and interested. If you'll have me.
Team Sea God - Shimura and Frigga

Frigga pushed free of the SDV and started to climb the pylon, going hand over hand, the electro-magnets in her knee pads and gauntlets letting her climb almost like Spider-woman. She stopped part way out of the water to listen to the plan, she nodded, "Copy. Give me a second." And she once again climbed. And before god and all, as she left the water and headed up the pylon length, her form shimmered, and by the time she reached a maintenance gangway it was rather hard to see her. She switched to the ladder just as she reached the top of it, coming into view briefly to motion everyone to hold. She motioned up and made the military hand signals to say she could hear people, another motion saying there is atleast two separate voices. She then flickered out of view again, creeping up and onto the service platform of the leg. And it's swift. The guards on the platform near the opening of the ladder leading up having little time to react. Just a shimmering charging them, and then four men, two of which were leaning out over the platform edge and looking in the direction away from where they climbed up. And Frigga has all four in a wide armed hold, squeezing them in her arms and against her angular chest plate. A moment or two, and they stop kicking and squirming, their faces against her arms, and one poor maybe lucky fellow with his head nestled into the crook of her arm pit. And finally...they're out. Her stealth field slips and she holds them for abit, then marches them over behind some piping, and over shared comms, "They're down. Come on up."

Shimura followed the rest of the team up, and did the ninja thing, he jumps forward, and places himself against one of the platform doors, shorter wakizashi drawn and ready to strike, held reverse grip, ready to stab into the gap of the door if need be. The eye plates of his helmet glowing a soft yellow, as he scanned about. "You do good work, Battle Goddess-dono."

Frigga smiles, then well in the moment turns, her face plate opening and she winks at Chuck.

Shimura takes a deep breath, looking around for the target that has been assigned him. The Algae Labs. He nods then looks over, "Ready Boaro-san? Looks like we have some ground to cover. We should get moving." And to make sure and that bat on his back, Ban started down the hall. Between steps, he first drew the Katana in one hand, then the switched the Wakizashi to his off hand. Ready for close combat. His steps are quiet and sure. And off they go.

Squad Northlander - Scion

Scion reloaded his rocket launchers, essentially mini MLRS systems honestly. Slightly larger then the ones his dad used to wear and use with ease. He grabbed the canisters that Tahlia had brought him slotting them into place on his waist for later, "This is Scion." he joined the conversation, "Long range Rocket Artillery will cease for a time until we make land fall." He pulled his safety line off where it's located right now and makes his way off the top of the hovercraft. Placing himself on the safety skirt. The harness line reattached, and waiting for when he's dumped off.

When his turn came, he unharnessed himself and shunted power and strength to his legs, two long strides and a push, and he sails a good sixteen feet or so. Landing on the rocky beach he's been taken too.

He can be forgiven the stumble maybe?

He turns to look back at the hovercraft, "We're good here. Proceeding to make an unholy, and maybe even a holy mess of myself."

And he began to stride ahead. He held his twin HMGs over one shoulder. The smaller of the group could do the running around, he intends to try and play the Moving Bastion this time around. He finds a road, a path, and walks down it. Seeing Bluefor ahead, engaged with Opfor. He nods, then calls ahead, "Bluefor, be advised, friendly approaching from the south east along the road. Heads down."

He gave them enough time to hunker down before he stepped into view of the opposing force. Swung his HMGs down off his shoulder. And amidst astonished shouts and a few spattering of small arms. He started to hammer the Opfor positions, shouting through his PA system, "This time your doom is here. On a pale horse he came, and the one who rode upon it, is death. And hell followed with him!"

Great chunks of masonry that the Opfor hid behind spattered about. Men trying to dive and run for more cover. As various types of rounds whickered and whistled. It's impossible to tell what his weapons are going to shoot next. At one point a Raufoss round, a penetrator round punches through the door of an Opfor armored vehicle. The following small explosion from the internal copper penetrator followed close by a small HE charge, minces those behind the vehicle. Later a Fragmentation round hits the chest plate of an Opfor and blows him off his feet as the shards from the round cut into the fighters beside him.

Jamie capped it by bracing, and shouts, "Suit, both pods, two rounds, direct fire!" And with a pop-cough-blamf! Two rockets flare out, up and then into the Opfor forces. Sending several of them flying from the HEDP mini warheads. Debris flying. Jamie motions to the Blues, "Forward, check'em, police'em, then if you're in for it I'm going to locate the heaviest fighting and try and draw as much attention to me as possible." He called into Raven comms to the rest of the fireteam, "Scion here, made contact with the enemy. And made an impression. I won't believe they didn't get a call out about me. So I'm going to move to make as big a nuisance as I can, pull as many fighters away from other operations areas on as I can. If you see any Armor, you let me know. So I can try and take it out. Scion, oscar mike."
Nico - All aboard

Nico chuckled and bowed a little under Bobby's arm, "Haha only you Bobby, just you. Fella like you needs to know there are guys out here that are at your back, but won't kiss your feet." He waves to the proprietor, about to ask for some troll mead. But first an intro to AlĂ­cia, with a smile he extends his hand to her, "Yassas! Nicodemus Karras, curse breaker, safe cracker, all around jack of all trades. You got a lock you can't break with an Alohomora? You bring it to me and I can get it open. Pleased to meet you." And then the other member of the new crew arrives and he nods, "Another one! Welcome to the party." And an extension of his hand to Aurelia, "A Beauxbaton? Like in the famous french school? Malaka that's some prestige." He again is about to wave to the bartender.

And then someone decides to make an ass of themselves.

Now Nico knows why he's here. He's muscle. Without looking like muscle. He can crack a safe better then nearly 100 of the other so called safe crackers in the city. But he's also sometimes tasked to get dirty. Ever since the Serpeverde clocked him and brought him in, he's been doing some dirty jobs here and there. So when Richie come marching up Nico places himself at Bobby's shoulder, "You got a lot of balls marching up here boy. Get a move on dick head." With Bobby getting the last word in Nico makes for his seat finally ordering his troll mead, and a nice toasted chicken clubhouse with some wedges on the side.

Nibbling Nico sits and nibbles as the listening ward goes up, "That's an impressive spell Bobby. Impressive work on who ever came up with it." And then the briefing began.

Nico listened and munched, keeping his ears open, and his eyes on Bobby as he speaks.

After abit Nico speaks, using a seasoned potato wedge like a baton to emphasize his words, "So a bunch of uncontrolled animagi are getting uppity and stepping out? Brave bunch. Taking a step out of their comfort zone." He sips his drink making a face at the sting of the drink as it goes down, something akin to absinthe with a hint of pepper and honey, "Hah, who's supplying them? Money and drink and food. All of a sudden the rats, no offense to an animagus here, but the rats suddenly have a bar. Don't clock right." He sniffed and took a big bite of his sandwiches and swallowed it all down before finishing his two cents, "But probably best to shove them back into their place before they start thinking too big. Sounds good to me boss." He gives a nod and finally bites into the wedge he's been waving around.
Jericho Bell - Living Waters

The Grey and blue boat sliced through the water. Behind them the array of the Islands Azule. At the helm the linen dressed captain of The Cheer. As he turned the helm of the ship it skipped across the waves of the open water. Causing the five people in the front of the boat to grab any handhold they could as a spray of water came up over them. Laughter came up. The tourists here in Azule to take part in the beauty of the land, as they have booked a hiking trip for the next day. But the first thing they wanted to do was go fishing. A specific type of fishing actually.

See Bell Natural Tour Experiences offers many different experiences. Boat rides along the coasts. Races out into the open gulf. Nothing but open water, deep and unknowable around. Fishing, both coastal and deep water. Hiking tours on the mainland, and on the islands. It's a very wide ranging thing, and he does it all by himself!

As the boat cuts and skips across the water, Jericho suddenly bursts out in song!

Well a night on shore wouldn't do us any harm
Well a night on shore wouldn't do us any harm
Well a night on shore wouldn't do us any harm
And we'll all hang on behind!

His clients all looked up at him as if he's just grown two extra heads, horns and a tail. With a cackle he turns the helm abit. And continues.

And we'll roll the old chariot along
And we'll roll the old chariot along
And we'll roll the old chariot along
And we'll all hang on behind!

By the time he'd finished the chorus, two of his clients had clued in and joined in. And because of the prevalence of sea shanties coming back into vogue. They actually knew how to sing it, not trying to sing over him as the Shantyman. So as they sped along he called another verse. While another of the clients started to drum a beat onto the table that the clients all sat at in the bow of the boat.

Well a big pot of gold wouldn't do us any harm
Well a big pot of gold wouldn't do us any harm
Well a big pot of gold wouldn't do us any harm
And we'll all hang on behind!

Jericho grinned, pointing ahead between verses, "Hey deh frens, wi destination a come up yuh see." He slowed the engines, so they glided rather then jumped on the waves. He nodded and slowly brought the boat to a stop, "Now mi waan show yuh weh wi a fish fa today, jus di bes fi mi fren dem it is." The clients stepped to the gunwale of the ship and looked into the water. Jericho tossing some bait he had prepped into the deep blue water. It began to sink, when a silver-blue shape flashed up. Two feet tall from dorsal to ventral, 5 feet long atleast, golden yellow bone spikes, silver tail. That sir, was an example of a great and mighty Tuna.

The silver blue shape lanced off back into the dark blue water, and Jericho could only smile, "Mek wi get unu all casting yeah? Si if wi can bring yuh in each a fish. Mi fishing charter seh we can get two a piece fi unu all. Get ready!" And his clients smiled, looking forward to the fights that were going to come up soon. Jericho stepping down off the helm tower and bringing out the fishing rods, lures already attached, high grade lines spooled up.
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