The Yakuza and The Battle Goddess
Ban hiked his blade and slide it up behind his arm and alongnhis shoulder. He paced along with his detachment, scanning the halls as they go. This particular area really didn't play well to his style sadly. But he's sure he'd been sent along here for a reason. It's just a matter of time before that reason presents itself. He nods slowly as they go, "Think your plan has merit and not to work. But as someone once said, No plan survives contact with the enemy. Sun Tzu said something much the same as I recall. We should be..." Ban trails off as they reach the divider and turn for their objective. As the lights flared and thr alarm sounded the swordsmen blinked in surprise.
And them grinned behind his mask, "And this is..." His arm and sword flashed as one of the guards jumped the gun...and fired his SMG. Shimura's arm flashed moving in front of Ebrima automatically and deflected the short five round burst. Looking at his blade briefly then swinging and ricocheting the last sixth round back at the man who fired. Rewarded with the guard letting out a shocked bark as the ricochetted round pinged off his shoulder guard sending him staggering back.
Ban grinned. And spotted more coming from the left. He barked, "Those are mine." And tore off to the side. As he ran...okay so he unknowingly performed a Naruto-like run, he drew his long sword, the family katana. The reinforcing squad had a moment or five to register the man in modern samurai armor. Before Shimura leapt, and hit not just one or two or three but five of the group with a battering of flying kicks. Laying them low but not out. Dazed and reeling.
Ban chuckled, "Now then." And his swords hissed, silvered arcs cutting the air, skill and purpose. And pieces of guns fell to.the floor. Triggers, barrels, stock and chamber mechanisms, fell to the floor in a clatter. The guards watching suddenly empty handed. Shimura smiling. The guards going for knifes next.
The Yakuza grinning and rumbling, "Yosh, good. A man doesn't know the mind of another until they have tested steel against steel!"
Meanwhile, Freya paced along with Adam. She'd eschewed her rifle for now. And tested Starbreaker in hand. The dense hammer held easily the enhancing arm.and shoulder exo for her already incredible armor, shifting and clicking. The retracting chain already attached to the handle of the immense weapon. She nodded, hearing the aound of gunplay and fighting, "Seems they've met the enemy. I wonder how long it will be before we end up meeting anyone?"
With swish her super dense hammer traced an almost easy path through the air. And would take is a flick of her send it hurtling down the hall at any point.
She caught the hammer and held it ready. It would not have been hard for her to have slid around the corner and brained the lot.ofmthem. but the quiet approach worked.
But then that door and all those inside. She sighs and backs up, her cloak coming back up, the shimmer of her form and the transparent.outline of Starbreaker held at the ready, "Go" was all she said. Her visor dulled the flash through the window. And just as Adam cleared out, she hit the door. One side of the door went one way smashing into some material racks. The other just barely hung onto.its frame. Near half a ton of raging woman smashed into the room. The first swing of her hammer caught two of those inside on the handle, the fore swing sending them flying. And as her cloak flickered off, revealing the silver blue and Grey armored giantess amidst them, her hammer came back around, low and legs and hips shattered, guards going down in shock and pain. Her arm then locked back and she threw the hammer. The chain rattled as it spooled out and hit a single exo suited guard right in the chest. The sound of armor protesting under the stress a highlight in the moment. The exo them shouting in shock as he dragged back to Feigga on the end of the hammer.
Ending with The Battle Goddess catching the exo in her off hand. A poster moment then ad she catches her hammer with her main hand and holds the battered exo in her off hand. Backlit by the flare of an emergency light.