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I can easily change that plus she is half elf so her looks and real age are different
character sheet:

name: Allisara
age: looks to be around 18 to her early twenties
role in the story: Princess
If you still need the princess I can fill that role out or others

Location: Lady Miyako Common Room
Interacting with:Hakune (@Lord Indra)

Amaya watched the commotion of the triplets splitting themselves apart finally. she couldn't stand the three separately but she absolutely couldn't handle them as one being, shouoko was always annoying and love to hit a nerve into Amaya's personal life, luckily the three were focused on hasaki and Chinatsu along with the others giving her time to take a deep breath and calm herself Remember breath, just keep breathing, No need to use Dynasty here or allow it out she thought to herself before allowing her silent thoughts of calming to be interrupted from a sudden message of her grandmother. "Seems Grandma is going to ensure I don't have to deal with any Todoriki"She spoke to herself with a smirk. She had no need to worry about heroes, her grandmother was the number 1 hero now, that is the greatest honor anyone could ask for. She smirked silently leaving the room to head to the headmaster's office

Location: Lady Miyako Common Room
Interacting with: Everyone

"I am not that good at much of anything physically as Sasuke might have told you from our time teaming up at the sport's festival, but I choose you cause I believe you can help me grow and find the one who ended my parent's lives when I was younger, two well-known officers that took care of me and strike fear into their arrests with their quirks."She Spoke gently "I want to grow and be the best I can because I know that is what they would want for me."She spoke gently looking at the ground before looking back up towards hitman "So accepting your offer, I feel was the best choice to reaching my goal."She said happily looking around at the others who also choose the hitman, she was the silent type and preferred to keep hidden so having any sort of attention made her want to run the opposite way.


Location: Lady Miyako Common Room
Interacting with:Hasaki and Selica

Location: Lady Miyako Common Room
Interacting with: Aoi (@sassy1085)

Chinatsu relaxed a bit, loosening her grip on Hasaki's shirt as she watched him closely along with everyone else. She hated When Hasaki had to defend her or even argue with family though hearing him more-or-less announce her better than everyone else in the room made her feel happy but also worried of any possible jealous rivals she might get from that statement, but then again, she had Hasaki and Apparently, he found them both a hero "Selica? Why a support hero? What could you possibly gain from such a hero Hasaki?" she asked confused but happy he choose a hero she actually knew about/
Good afternoon to you as well" spoke selica as she laughed at kai getting bombarded with his fangirls "that's my tiny dragon! To find your mate and make beautiful kids for me to spoil!"Teased Selica as she moved on with a laugh knowing how to get under those thick scales. She hummed heading through the halls till she got to the meeting room just in time to hear Chinatsu and Hasaki "Cause, power isn't all you need to be a hero, sometimes the greatest heroes are the ones who stay on the backlines and tend to the innocent and assist change in society."She said with a smile to the small girl before she turned to Hasaki "I was surprised to see you of all students wished to train as one of my interns at the greenhouse. YOu know my Agency correct? or is it to better assist the little bird next to you? Either way, I will accept you both and I hope I can be of assistance helping you both grow. I am guessing just by looking, she is new and don't have a costume ready? that is fine, we can get something quickly but back at the agency, I will need to know if she has a quirk or what I am working with both of you."She said "So wait right here, I have a few more students I am to pick up."She said with a smile "welcome to Greenhouse"she added walking away from both of them before putting to fingers in her mouth whistling loud enough to get everyone's Attention "Alrighty Everyone listen up! All Who is going to Join Greenhouse, I need you to meet over here with me! That is All!"Said Selica with a simple waving her hand to ensure she can be found in the crowds. She already knew she had two todoriki's and a small Aoi for interms looking to join her


Location: Outside the school
Interacting with:Himself

"Now, Now ladies, get your provisional license and work hard to advance your quirks and maybe I will take any of you on an interms."Said Kairyuko with his hands raised up trying to calm down the crowd of fangirls around him. he was never one for crowds and never one for people actually like him, these girls were worse than selica. He moved through the crowd, trying his best not to hit anyone with his wings or tail as most buildings were two annoying to actually be in with them being much smaller than his wingspan. He nodded to Mako as he turned to the girls "Now work hard and head to your classes."He added dispersing the crowds as he walked to the meeting room having to move carefully through the doorway "I swear, they never made sure to accommodate my wings after all these years."He spoke feeling his wings with his sleeve arm as he looked around. he wasn't sure why he was here, he was just told to be here and well here he was. Even with a Crazy plant lady still calling him her little dragon.


Location: In his bedchambers
Interacting with:Himself

In a darken master bedroom laid a figure resting on a bed in the pitch darkness the only light being dimly lit golden rock-like creations around the chamber. the Figure was at rest having massive burns hidden under bandages as gold lines pulsed along with his limbs. "Huh?" he muttered listening to the soft vibration of a phone resting on the side table. he looked at the number before answering in silence hearing the voice speak

"It is good to know they have fallen so hard for a massive flame to be put out so easily."He muttered letting out a light deep chuckle at the victory of seeing the light leave their mighty hero's eyes. "Have you been spotted? I want that information of his bloodline and what those old geezers plan to do."He muttered resting his forearm over his glowing gold amber eyes as he listened for a response "I trust you not to let their flames grow. I trust your judgment and leadership for the time being while I recover from my lava spring fight."He muttered lifting his arm up before allowing it to rest above his head as his eyes watched the ceiling sleepily. "Go enjoy yourself and see it is done and all the chess pieces are falling into place for my return."He muttered before hanging up shortly after him as he sighed.

Healing was a pain in the ass along with making him wanna itch so badly, but this pain was worth it cause society was so crushed, they couldn't maintain the villains that had lied and wait for the beloved number 1 to fall to his hands "Soon, that God Flame will not be anything more then a myth that is going to be in my little collection of stories at the top of my empire as it rises..."He said with a smirk "I hope you are enjoying the flames of hell, cause I am sending every successor after you down there"He said with a round of light laughter.

Port Alec

Briefing to Command Tower

Interacting with:
George Eltz, Dr. Charles Edwards

"I never had to actually amputate anyone by myself since I had more colleges and understudies that preferred that part of the operating therater."she said as she listened watching the now empty sky. "No one should ever have to amputate a innocent child. Things like that are haunting but a grim part of our reality when it comes to war or even just exploring the unknowns."she added before closing her eyes while crouching down sitting Tama back down. She opened them part way while folding her arms on her knees, watching the ball. "They are just flesh and blood. These battles more remind me of neighborhood bullies picking on the new kids. Wars back.[/color]

Amaya giggled lightly at the thought of her anology , allowing her mind to get lost in thought of her past her ice blue painted left index finger rolling lightly on top of the ball as it rolled as if enjoying the light pet of sorts. "Back in my time, war was much different and much much bigger and worse. Hundreds to thousands flocking to find any report on love ones making it alive. Seeing coffins return to just returning flags to even allowing love ones to say goodbye and baring the harsh hatred and grief of the love ones passing. War is horrible as hell is. I just hope that someday someone will learn from our past and maybe stop this senseless fighting for whatever reason they feel it was needed."she spoke before standing back up returning her gaze to the general and the doctor allowing her thoughts to return to the present.

Port Alec

Briefing to Command Tower

Interacting with:
George Eltz, Dr. Charles Edwards

Amaya watched him examine her for a few seconds before Looking down at Tama, who was doing it's usual rolling around and mocking the various sounds around them. "War is always something we humans can't seem to stop. It's in our DNA to explore and claim things whether we were meant to for our own reasons or for others who can't bring themselves to shed blood or give the order to send countless generations of young and old, skilled or fresh out of the academy into war under some flag just to become some name in a history book that will be lost in some library or destroyed from the war they started. Or as my mentor once explained human cares of battling ourselves."She spoke getting lost in her rambles pulling herself back to the actual topic. "I don't know how much help I can be yet as I am still learning this era's technology and understanding while piecing my own knowledge to make something work to be of assistance. every soldier is a unique story towards our future and a piece of our past."She added before turning towards the launch screens watching the various calls coming in and out for either signals for all green or a dreaded error.

"I have seen many take-offs and always had a child-like wonder to go to space to see what the stars actually looked like. To feel the wonders of no gravity on the body. To see the benefits that could help mankind in that type of environment. Between my duties and studies when I wasn't bed-bound I would turn on the broadcasts of various launch tests and ships fresh out of the testing phase getting ready for their first launches. As for how many launches I been on was only the one you found the salvage of." She replied listening to him speak of the struggle the empire has seen against the colonists. "I understand and hope my specialties will benefit to help yourself and the Empire."She spoke hoping she was saying the right thing.

She looked around the final launch sequence and final checks, as well as a great speech, rang over the speakers as she watched the screens allowing the same childlike wonderment to form on her face watching the rockets. "Be safe everyone.."She spoke to herself as Tama bounced beside her reciting "Be Safe! Be Safe!"

Amaya allowed her mind to come back to reality as her eyes and head turned towards the doctor "The worst thing I have dealt with. I think it would be one of the incidents of a pilot testing some of the early models of today's mobile suits. The full details are vague but I remember the pilot getting rushed into the medical theater. My Mentor and I were cleaning as a daily chore. The poor lad was maybe really twenties, maybe late teens, straight out of the academy and into the pilot program. Massive burns over 70 percent of his body, his left arm and left so burnt, you could smell and see literal holes of the burn charred from the flames. The smell of burning flesh still haunts me. My mentor tried for hours to save the poor pilot, but there was nothing we could do, the burns were too severe for us to save him. I could only imagine the pain and suffering he went through from the accident to his dying breath or even what life would hold if he had been able to survive." She spoke crouching down Picking up Tama as the little ball looked up at her.

Location: Lady Miyako Common Room
Interacting with:

Amaya looked towards the various heroes that have arrived and others she could sense coming. One outcome she didn't expect was the know-it cousin that just loves to meddle in the affairs of the two families she had relations in. She kept her life in check and in wraps along with keeping her secret just that a secret. How Shakuko always seemed to know always ticked her off. She took a deep breath calming herself before opening her eyes "I request YOU KEEP my affairs out of your mouth dear cousin. I am doing just fine with Dynasty and don't need you losing a wink of sleep worrying about me" She said calmly glaring at her cousin. She didn't need anyone to mess with any plans she had going in her head "Also whoever I go with is very much my choice. why you care where I go, I will certainly not go with the todoriki agency if that is what you're implying as I can only deal with a small dose of your nosy personality."She spoke in a teasing cold tone resting her hand on her hip. " So tell me cousin, WHY ARE YOU wondering who I chose and how I deal with the Elders of my clan, your the binding black sheep of both, yet not chosen for either successor quirk. "She spoke.

In truth, Amaya hasn't really found an agency or much thought of the direction she was going to go as receiving Dynasty was much more important, and keeping it under wraps till she was able to fully use it as natural as breathing. She had completely forgotten to look into the agencies for these internships.

Location: Lady Miyako Common Room
Interacting with: Everyone

Aurora looked around from the book she had returned to reading seeing the class spiral and finding comfort in its text and the feeling of paper in her hands. She watched the various heroes show up as hers was there as well. Introductions were never her thing, so meeting anyone for the first time was worse than breaking an arm in her book. First impressions were everything and she wasn't the most impressive thing on this earth.

Slowly she took a deep breath getting up from her seat as she moved towards the hero that she had selected and oddly selected her before watching Sasuke become unraveled suddenly "Class 2B representative Sasuke? What is wrong? I-isn't it great to be around a-a-all these heroes" She said trying to contain her studder of shyness moving over towards hitman "You are a bit earlier than expected."She spoke

Location: Outside the school
Interacting with:Shakuko, Keiji, hasaki

Chinatsu looked between Hasaki and Keiji in their small exchanges, almost not paying any attention to the odd stares of the other student watching her and Hasaki. Chinatsu nodded "Alright.."She replied in acknowledgment of having to hold on to his jacket as they walked. maybe it was a habit for her but she enjoyed holding on to Hasaki and felt the most relaxed and herself around him. Of course, this wasn't long before she heard a sudden familiar voice causing her to jump slightly to see it was shakuko, causing her to instinctively hide behind Hasaki before peering over from behind him as she listens "I...Uh, I just got here from the elders and father's instructions...I-I am sure if father wanted us there today, I or Hasaki wouldn't be here. As for being chosen for the hero agencies, I don't think anyone knows of the fact I haven't awoken my quirk yet..."She said. it was a tiny lie she had always claimed, she had her quirk, just the one time she used it, she scared the living daylights out of herself from its sudden activation. Luckily she had only Hasaki that knew of it to her knowledge. No one in their clan seemed to notice any possible change in her to notice her quirk so she never bothered really letting anyone else in on the secret she scared herself with.

Location: Outside the school
Interacting with:Himself

"Internships are the most annoying part of my job."Spoke an annoyed male leaning against the wall flicking off a lit cigarette but off his cigarette with a sigh looking at the student body. The Man was known as the Dragon hero - Kairyuko. He was a young face that graduated from this very academy five years ago and quickly rose to the Rank of #5 in the Hero Community for his Mutant quirk of scales and a dragonish appearance covering half his body with the addition of wings and a tail. He had an avid fanbase of girls and often has to hide from stalkers when he wasn't on the clock. Why he was out was for only one thing, the interns that wish to be under him for the time being. He just couldn't be bothered to seek them out. If they really wanted a place in his agency, they will come to him.

Location: Outside the school
Interacting with: Herself

"It's about time to get this show on the road yes?" spoke a female standing against a black vehicle taking off her glasses being the #3 pillar the Plant hero selica. Her rising was that of nature itself. Her efforts of showing that even a support speciality much like hers can really change the game of how to support heroes have been seen. Her medicines and research on plant life has assisted in advancing medical research along with making even new plants that assist in all sorts of fields as well as the utility of the force of nature as her weapon. She was here to collect a few of her new pupils finding a lot of rising stars to possibly add to the beauty of her garden.

Location: Outside the school
Interacting with: Hasaki@sly13 Keiji@Inertia

Chinatsu looked around even jumping a tiny bit to see if she could find any sort of direction of where she was needing to head, while manga ing to move out of the way of some students that paid no mind to the small girl. Not noticing someone actually talking to her she nearly jumped out of her skin quickly turning around to see Keiji squat down to her height to better accommodate her during their talk. She was silent trying to debate whether to talk to a complete stranger or not. he was a student by uniform so maybe he knew where she was to go "Y-yes...I am Looking for Hasaki Todoriki."She said in her usual soft tone looking towards him before looking away quickly.

Soon it seemed like a prayer was the answer as Chinatsu immediately heard a very familiar and welcoming voice to her ears looking around before spotting who it belongs to "Hasaki!"She said happily "Thanks, mister!" she said quickly to Keiji bowing before moving herself to Hasaki hugging his waist before quickly pulling herself away "The clan sent me to come to live here with you. They said it is beneficial for you. Father said safest for me...what does that mean? Oh, I got a note from father too to give you and the paperwork from the...The principal or was it, headmistress?" she said trying to think of the wording the others use as she reached into her that before pulling out a folded letter for him before reaching into her suitcase bring out the paperwork "It has apparently already been approved to..."She added really excited and happy to be talking with Hasaki again as she moved to her usual spot to his right holding on to the edge of his shirt.

Location: Lady Miyako Common Room
Interacting with: Sasuke @Lord Indra and everyone

Amaya sighed standing up after the broadcast. She never liked such things as they were to shine hope and brighten lives even when the veil of how screwed up society. She has seen it first-hand many times and refuses to believe in being bright shiny and happy all the time. She looked around at the gathering "First of all, Sasuke, Shut up and leave them alone. They lost a dear friend to the corruption of villain society, they don't need you kicking them more. Secondly, we all know the heroes will be recruiting and we got our license to immediately start our internships, Anything else the annoying record player wants to repeat, or are we done here? I got things to prepare for." Spoke the snow-white-haired female adjusting her glasses as her bright ice blue eyes had an unnatural glow about them, a lot more than usual. Amaya Himura was considered the strongest in the class when it comes to the raw force and will to make her opponents fall to their knees in front of her. she was ruthless but that was why she was known as the Ice Princess.


Location: Lady Miyako Common Room
Interacting with: Everyone

Aurora took a deep breath adjusting her glasses calming her mind down. It was unnerving to know what their once well know friend to have become a villain that went on a murder spree. She shook her thoughts out of her head looking around the room "L-Lets not be mean t-t-to each other...We need to...be friends and work together through this. We got the exams to be focusing on and getting our internships...We work so hard for this"She spoke trying to defuse the tension in the room between the two classes as she really wanted to run and hide so Doing anything else was odd for the small girl to do as she looked everywhere else than her classmates.


Location: Outside the school
Interacting with: Herself

A small figure slowly moved from within a black unmarked car watching the school in front of her as she looked back towards the blackened car "I know..."She said gently turning as the car door shut behind her once her suitcase sat next to her. She watched the car drive off before she turned back to the school slowly lifting up the handle on her suitcase "So this is where Big brother goes during the school year.."She whispered to herself watching the school with her big blood-red eyes. The academy was massive so hoping to find her new class or even her brother was going to be hard as she never been anywhere outside of her home and the permitted family gatherings she was allowed to Attend. She had never been to an actual school or made any friends other than her stuffed animals at home. Now anyone can ask why a child was dropped off at a school for heroes and honestly even she didn't know the full reason. She was doing as her family wished and that was to be of as much support as she could be with her brother even gaining special permission to attend the academy as just some exchange student. Hopefully, she would be smart enough to understand and handle the adventures to await her but the real challenge was to start. Taking the first step on to school grounds and find her brother and the headmaster. Now if only she knew where to go.

Chinatsu took a deep breath gathering her courage slowly moving on to the academy grounds trying her best to remember to move her left foot in front of her right and vise versa. thought after walking while she froze in place realizing that she was now in the middle of a moving crowd and everyone was much taller than her, barely seeming to notice her "oh no..."She whispered forgetting the directions she was told of where she needed to go.

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