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Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer/Exceed
Location: Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Cody and Cecilia @Lunarlord34 and Joshua Tamashii @Joshua Tamashii,James Avelin @Zarkun

Amaya smiled as she got up placing her hand gently in the crook of his elbow he presented to her as she nodded "I would like that. I have been trying to get past my nervousness of crowds and attention. That been a great amount of my training along with handling motion sickness in vehicles...Never has gone better."She said scratching the back of her head in the embarrassment of being so weak at small things. She looked up at Cecilia who was enjoying herself on her throne as she looked over to James and Joshua as she beckoned them to follow keeping close to Cody and Joshua as they followed in the crowds to the Arena.

She watched the growing crowds nervously as Cecilia was calling for taller people to move out of her way from her perch on Cody's head "Geez she is bossy today." she said jokingly trying to make light of the small exceed's behavior.


Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Taking the tour with prince
With:@Silver Fox

Observer and Keiko followed listening to prince speaks of the guild and all it had to hold. Keiko was curious about the upper levels and a little disappointed to hear that once again she would have to wait to see those when she became a member. She watched Observer mimicking the prince out of curiosity. "So either way they are all you can really show me till your guildmaster gets back. That is disappointing really it is. However, I have traveled all this way and decided that I was going to choose this guild out of the three my father's tome speaks highly of." She spoke shaking her head as she shrugged "though I will say I am so curious of the upper floors and can't guarantee Observer won't try anything when I am asleep either here or nearby."She said as the observer spun around nodding as it folded its arms proud of the thing Keiko assumed it would do.


Port Alec

Briefing to Command Tower

Interacting with:
George Eltz, Dr. Charles Edwards

Amaya enjoyed the rest of the briefing as nearly everything static-wise went right over her head, and it was visible on her face. However, she didn't mind understand a lick of the briefing as she wasn't there as a soldier ready to take to space and enjoy the thrill of battles for whatever reason. She was enjoying the atmosphere of the room. The small, subtle ticks of various feelings of those in the room, indeed it was a reassuring sight.

She looked at the commotion of the briefing ending, nodding to the one soldier from team delta, relieving her two personnel. "Do not mind me."She said, stepping out of the way to allow them to be on their way. What an exciting day it has been so far. She headed out of the briefing room and towards a side corridor. She sat her purple soccerball-size assistant down, turning it back on, getting a looped earful of its dismay, being turned off. "Sorry, Tama, you needed to remain silent during such things."She spoke apologetically to the ball before she began walking in a random direction to see what else was going on around the base.

Along the way, Amaya had run into Dr. Charles and found herself soon in the command tower following the older doctor to the general. Her wide blue eyes took in everything in excitement, much like a kid remaining calm in a candy store. Her fingers laced behind her back with Tama rolling quickly beside her taking in different words and sounds it heard. Amaya allowed her mind to stop wondering once they stopped to greet General Eltz. She moved her hands in front of her before bowing quickly. "Thank you for allowing me to explore and enjoy the briefing today. It was entertaining, even if I didn't get nearly any of it. I am happy to see some things have not changed after all these years." She spoke happily in response while listening to the little banter from the Doctor to Eltz. She smiled, listening to his response before nodding. "I enjoyed the quick assessments I have made just watching the various soldiers and personal with some of their everyday routines. I hope I can be of hope in future missions." She spoke with confidence while lifting her left hand to move some of her hair behind her left ear

Port Alec


Interacting with:Skye@Crosswire

Amaya listened as she kept her soft smile placed on her face before allowing a light round of laughter escape from her lips before the fingertips of her left hand found their way to covering her mouth. She managed to regain her composure after a few seconds taking a deep breath. "It is very reassuring to see that some things have never changed. As for your assumption Skye, I came to explore and understand this era and the newfound place I awoke in."She said in a soft tone before she leaned forward, moving her hands behind her back. "I may not be on the battlefront, but if and when you do happen to get injured. about maybe 70% of the time, it might be me that will be the one to assist you in your recovery."She said, "So I hope I see this enthusiasm when and if that time ever comes. Plus, I enjoy the new patient you gave my colleague and I to treat, so thank you for that."She added before turning to the newest member of their party, who made a decent attempt at defusing a possible disaster. She straightened up as he calmed Skye down before introducing himself to Amaya, extending his hand. Amaya smiled, allowing her small, perfectly manicured fingers to allow themselves to wrap around his hand, shaking it lightly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carius Tadmoore. I am Amaya Yashia, a newly appointed Doctor here at the base." She explained before hearing the briefing continue as she decided to keep silent, listening to the presentation.

Most of the briefing went entirely over her head with actually knowing what they were talking about, model and information-wise, strategy, etc. However, Amaya did enjoy the briefing up till Skye spoke of an offense. She looked over at Skye, raising an eyebrow as the girl apparent want to fight in space, finding her want for a battle to be fascinating and a bit creepy at the same time. Amaya turned around, moving back towards the back of the room again. This briefing was not for her, nor was she needed for this briefing. However, such meetings always fascinated her as she watched the screen contently. Amaya watched the briefing images and documents on the screen moving as Tyn discussed what everyone was to do. She was amazed at the massive change of battle strategy. This whole situation was fantastic and it was clear on her face.

Port Alec


Interacting with:Skye@Crosswire

Amaya examined the room from her point of view, seeing some anxious and others excited, along with some just being generally content, being in the room, waiting for the briefing to begin. She adjusted the ball in thought. Amaya didn't like crowds but was content just existing next to the door. She could leave without being noticed, or that was the plan till she heard someone speak to someone being a kid. Amaya looked around curiously, wondering who the possible 'kid' was. It took a few seconds before she realized who the pilot was speaking to; it was her. If Amaya could jump out of her skin, she probably would have.

Amaya let the woman's words sink in. Kid? Soccer field? Amaya shook her head, formulating a decent and calm response before taking a light breath to calm her nerves before responding, "Oh, I do believe that should be considered an insult to most. However, I am pretty flattered at the compliment, if I am to be honest. Though, if I must say, I am not truly as young as I look, so let me introduce myself. I am Amaya Yashia, Or Dr. Amaya Yashia. It is quite nice to make your acquaintance."She spoke in a gentle but sweet tone pushing off the wall before bowing low in respect. She may not understand much of the world she had awoken to, but Amaya was determined and excited to learn all this empire would have to offer, even if it lets pilots and others judge her by her looks. Their looks and questions were nothing she hadn't handled before.

Port Alec


"Tama! Why Didn't you warn me of the time!" Exclaimed a young woman racing down a corridor waving around the various staff, apologizing as she continued her dash.

"No Schedule! No Schedule! Sorry! Sorry!" Called the robotic purple ball rolling after her, managing to keep up and out of the way of the various personal they dashed past.

Amaya Yashia or as many know her, 'Dr. Yashia' was late for a prompted briefing. Had she not stopped on the way from the medical bay to re-evaluate her colleague's work on some noble rich brat's head and the near strangulation from the overseeing general to the same patient. She might have been on time.

Amaya wasn't one for politics of this era. She was still trying to learn of the world she woke up to a few months earlier. Everything was different, and it was strange for the girl. Somethings seem advanced from what she knew while other things regressed? Was it maybe devolved? She couldn't quite put something on the correct wording to phrase what she has observed and learned.

She finally reached the briefing room. Amaya was winded hunched over, trying to catch her breath. After taking a few deep breaths, She straightened her personnel Unifrom under her white lab coat. She quickly tied her hair into a messy bun before scooping up the Robotic ball heading inside. "Now power down, Tama." She whispered, prompting the robot's sleep cycle. Knowing the ball would probably interrupt the briefing. Amaya took a leaning position, against the wall, near the door. She held the robot against her left hip before setting it down by her feet.

In truth, Amaya didn't need to be at the briefing; however, she needed to learn all she could about the empire and society as a whole. Plus, it never hurt to learn about what was going on around the base and find all the possibilities she might need to be of use. Who knows, it just might be fun.
Lol finally! Now, where should I bring her in at?
wrong button but its been edited

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