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Got it thought I changed those


Origin: Coordinator Pod person
Personality: Positive, Resourceful, Intelligent, Quiet, Observant, Passive
Known Features: Amaya has a lot of little knicks and scarring from her various experimentations and research that has backfire, an obvious expectation. In her rebellious stage of life before taking on her responsibility, she has a left shoulder tattoo that held an Anatomical heart with flowers:

Attire: Amaya hates to wear her uniform as it tends to be too restricting for her liking. However, she will wear it but be annoyed with it very often. She prefers a simple white tank top and a pair of pants or, even better, shorts when she can or is allowed. She tends to stay in her undergarments in her quarters since those are her private quarters after all. If she can go out as a civilian, she prefers a shirt under a plain jacket with jeans and shoes.

History: Amaya is a third-generation coordinator, born to two second-generation parents. Her life was pretty ordinary for a child; hospitals and illness were a near everyday thing. Amaya has always dealt with hospitals from the time of her birth till her early teen years. Her interactions with various people were limited, limiting her interactions and understanding of being an average child. However, she had found love and knowledge for the medical profession. At a young age, she had a high intelligence. The only thing she found any interest in was the field of a medical study.

Learning of the human body and ways to enhance it naturally and artificially interested her the most. Helping others in whatever way affected her. Being of some help on and off the battlefield or everyday life interested her. Seeing her interest in a medical study, the head Doctor of her care had helped her become healthier and excel in her interest in cybernetics and medicine. From the ages of 9 to 13, she spent nearly every day in the hospital and by the doctor's side learning and absorbing all he had to teach her till battle called him to the frontlines. However, she was left with a present, A purple simple-speech ball robot pet. Not fully understanding what the creature was, it was her first and only friend for the rest of her years in the research facility.

Around the age of 15 to 20, she made strides amongst the earth medical community assisting in research into Cybernetics and medical instruments. She had a passion for helping others, and this was the only way she knew. On the 20th birthday, she was on her way back to one of the space colonies to assist in the next needed project. Only her ship never made it. It was intercepted and destroyed by a terrorist group. Those who survived made it to cryo pods that left the ship before it was destroyed.

Amaya couldn't tell you how long she was in cryosleep or what happened as the next thing she could remember after falling asleep was a bunch of voices, bright lights, and annoying questions she had no clue to respond. The empire found her in one of their scavaging missions. It took a week, but she could remember nearly everything of her past life for the most part. Current day, she isn't too happy to see all those hard years of work and research were for nothing, but at the same time, She was glad. It is a new opportunity to help better humanity, one way or the other.

Skills: Quick learner, Amaya has the patience of a saint. Very good at observing and telling if there is something off with someone by a simple look. Great at being resourceful with her projects and research. She is great at being a support mobile suit pilot then a front line.
  • A Small artificial intelligence rolling ball of circuits called Tama.
  • A small locket containing an old family photo within it on one side and a picture of herself and her twin on the other side.
  • A ZAFT pilot suit
  • UMF-5 ZnO
lol i hear ya alright.
Hm I could go cyrofreze doctor of sorts that sounds like a interesting route to go..yeah I will go that route
Yeah I will need to do that or just watch the various series to know what I am going for but if I had to choose my person might be either more medical work or political of sorts or in some military stature as I have had on past sites
The biggest one is the advance humans wrapping my head around each one. I am still interested but may not get an app fully up or drwftered till maybe Tuesday since I work from evening to closing
I just found you I always love mecha it's just been ages since I looked deep into its lores nd various machines
I'm kinda interested if there is room for another.

Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer/Exceed
Location: Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Cody and Cecilia @Lunarlord34 and Joshua Tamashii @Joshua Tamashii,James Avelin @Zarkun
Amaya smiled listening to the conversation, glad to hear Cody would take some time out of training or would at least consider it. She was relieved to hear he would try as that was all she hoped she could manage to get from him. She nodded to the thought of the exhibition “As much as I hate seeing fighting, it will be cool to see Nolan fighting alongside the other S Ranks. He has grown so much from my time of being in Team Powder Keg. I think honestly I am one of the few girls he isn’t afraid of, which I think is comforting and confusing? I am a dragonslayer and suppose to be scary like Zero and Hunter but...I can’t seem to be, am I doing something wrong?”she asked, tilting her head to the side. She allowed her train of thought to link with joshua’s “Yeah I can form a blade of sorts and I have been training with joshua in using it, though I am still so bad using it.”She said scratching the back of her head in embarrassment before perking up at the sound of Ice cream turning towards him standing on her knees in the booth you make it 2 thousand.. No 3 thousand jewels in Icecream and I will forgive you for getting hurt needlessly.”She exclaimed excitedly holding up 3 fingers. Determined to talk him into a massive amount of ice cream. How she eats so much and not gain an inch was beyond even her knowledge.

“There she goes you say her magic word or any cc old treat and she is determined to get the most out of it.” muttered Cecilia with her stubby arms folded from on top of Cody's head. As she looked back at the other exceed.

“I think that will be best. Up cody lets go.”she said in a teasing tone

Amaya looked over at james hearing him speak of damian’s announcement “I am so excited for this but oh man cowards are so scary they are so big”Stated amaya “I might get trampled”She stated

“More like trip over Air”muttered Cecilia


Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Arriving at Dragon Fang GuildHall
With:@Landaus Five-One@Silver Fox@MarshiestMallow@hatakekuro@Raijinslayer@Lunarlord34

“hmm.”Said Keiko, closing her eyes, feeling Enma’s giant hand, gently pat her head as it probably bears enough dead weight to crush her if it wanted to. “We have faith you’ll be back, I want to poke your mind more when you return.”She called after the Oni watching him head to his group for the new mission. She wanted to go on missions and see what this world held, maybe somewhere she will remember what she had forgotten. She followed Prince listening to him as she nodded “I hope this guild is the right fit for me and observer. It tends to fight depending on how much freedom I allow it to have."She said “I was told to think of it as a monster trainer magic of sorts. But an observer is not a monster, just a being, right?” asked Keiko tilting her head looking at her floating counterpart who was floating on its back watching the ceiling as it followed along. She looked toward Michael listening to his observation of the guild “this guild does seem to be very outspoken and do bear fangs playful and deadly, it feels very familiar to me somehow.”She commented to him with a smile allowing her red eyes to watch Prince “So we going on a tour? When will your guild master come back?” she asked curiously.

Aurora smiled watching Yi as she watched him closely. she was relieved that he had seen worse. she felt bad that he felt the need to jump in after her even if it cost him a lot of pain doing so. She looked over to shinon as she smiled "I haven't been here for very long."She added adjusting her glasses before seeing harry walk in being his prestin leadership self "Now there is nothing to feel bad about Harry, I appreciate that you are here if it helps any."She said with a smile trying to make the class president feel a bit better being the last of the group to join in on visiting their classmate. "honestly, I planned on visiting to thank you for jumping in to try saving a misplacement of myself, I should have not shown but feeling it was necessary to try distracting him towards the other heroes."She spoke "My quirk is a dual effect one. Most don't know cause well, I am very much a support hero that was somewhat recommended for this class instead of the support class. I am still finding it myself." she replied softly.

"As much as I shouldn't it might be best to allow everyone to know of my quirk and its disadvantages as I don't feel it is truly mine."She said managing to fight back her nervousness and depressing judgemental thoughts of herself from forming in her head "My quirk has two sides, one of the two is always in effect till it is switched. The one that isn't in effect tends to go to 'sleep'. Physical touch on my bare skin causes a surge of memories or information, however, I tend to not only feel pain but fall asleep ranging from seconds to days depending on how long the skin contact is. The other one that I used in the fight...It is like a disembodied spirit form of sorts. my consciousness takes on a see-through form of its own. however in that form, I can see vital points of people and structures, layouts of buildings, and stuff around me to a certain thickness, my touch sensitivity is non-existent in that state, I can move through buildings and stuff but I have a limited range of how far that form as the move from my physical body. However; as it stands, My physical body can be in danger as I can't move it while in the quirk, but I can talk still, and when that part of my quirk is deactivated, I got blind for a various amount of time that I used it."She added looking down at her gloved hands. she was unsure what reaction she might get. Sure, sharing such things can be wrong but it was better to ensure her classmates knew of her quirks and disadvantages so she can better assist them and they can ensure she doesn't stupidly get hurt for misplacing herself somewhere in harm's way.

"Harsh quirk and disadvantages to having for someone so small in a hero academic class, however, I am sure with proper training in mainly tolerance and conditioning along with some equipment to disable those effects, you will overcome a lot of those disadvantages though I will say, you almost remind me of a security camera of sorts, maybe something a Virus tends to do when infiltrating a system."Spoke Chariot walking into the room with a massive plate of Protein she had bought from other places besides the hospital, sitting the plate down on Yi's bedside table.

"Y-yes, I been told I would be a good scout and my quirks reflect my parents but theirs were a lot more advance and easier to handle."Said Aurora

"I can see that. It isn't abnormal for families to pass down quirks but it isn't common to gain one quirk that is a mixture of both, especially for one who hasn't seemed to be able to use it too well without some self-harm. Most would be scared to be out or interact other than behind a computer screen hidden in a box. So you are doing much better than those who have similar harsh quirks."chariot replied watching a small smile form on aurora's redding face form the compliment. She looked towards the others as she nodded "I am glad you all came to see how Yi was doing, I wont be around much longer as I do have obligations back home to tend to with some houses thinking they can step out of line."She spoke "while I am gone, I hope you can help Yi grow and hopefully not get himself killed from stupid things He tend to get dragged into"She spoke
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