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make a character soon probably by tonight

Aurora heard him shifting as she moved further into the room towards him, deciding to pull a chair next to his bed before she sat down "yes, I am Aurora."She said gently with a smile before looking around finding his cup of water that was left for him as she handed it to him "you might want to take a drink...I came to see how you were doing since instead of worrying about yourself yesterday, you were more worried about me when it was not necessary as my physical body wasn't in any danger." She said softly. "what you saw was one of my two quirks, it's known as 3rd person."She added looking down at her gloved hands fidgetting with her fingertips trying to keep from letting her shyness and nervousness get the best of trying to interact with him "So I am here to repay the favor of worrying if you are alright."She said.

Chariot watched the evacuation and medical crew tend to the need as she watched construction workers come in to repair the buildings to become livable again, what a weird society she was in. She wanted the medical staff wheel sealer off as she sighed snapping back to reality hearing shinion address her “It is understandable for Sealer. He always cares for others more than himself but the one thing he needs protecting from is the female body, that is a great weakness of his and unfortunately, nurses are an even bigger weakness. I will ensure they keep him restrained for their safety So do not worry, he will be fine and in no state to be an idiot”she added in confidence. Heading to the medical tent taking care of the needed paperwork for them to tend to yi without screwing him up in some way.

Oracle moved silently from the group deciding to get some information from the nursing staff to call her when yi is stable and in the hospital before leaving the scene back to the boarding mansion that was zeal’s home. She sighed getting changed out of her hero uniform before slipping into more comfortable clothing. Today was exhausting and scary to the poor girl. So much was going on and they did nothing to help the pro heroes. They were just bystanders. They didnt do anything but watch as a foreign pro hero and apprentice. She sat on her bed watching her cellphone in deep thoughts. She did nothing as an apprentice hero. All she did was distract a hero apprentice and a villain only for that apprentice hero to become worried with her safety. She was wondering why she was put into this academy with express interest. She was useless and always had people worrying about her when she could even be bothered to worry about herself. She sighed putting away her phone before getting up, starting on her report of the day before heading to bed falling asleep quickly afterwards.

The next day she got dressed after receiving a call from the hospital stating yi was in stable condition as she chose a light blue long sleeve with a black mini skirt and black hoes wrapping a light scarf around her neck before grabbing her messenger bag before heading out deciding since they had the next day or so off to see how their new classmate was doing as he had worried about her safety, she needed to reassure him she was fine, maybe that was the only way to pay him back for worrying him. She adjusted her glasses before heading out towards the hospital following the instructions to yi’s room as she stopped at the door taking a breath before she knocked two times. She waited a few moments before coming into the room silently. Slipping on her gloves as she did so.


Ameko listened to yi’s drug induced previness, finding it aodriable as she lightly giggled before looking over his chart and checking the wounds on his back “We are pretty cause it give3s the patients something to look forward to.”She teased as she cleaned some of his wounds giving some legit treatment while gaining the needed samples “You are one lucky kid you know, most wouldn’t jump head first into fighting a villain like that. Thankyou for saving all our dignity”She said. In truth, she was pissed he was the one who took down her Domi, but she was relieved as god only knows what that monster might have became, plus it gave her some new obsession and blood samples to really cause some troubles around singapore and the others countries. Her red eyes soften as she crouched down to his height “Don’t worry little one, you will be perfect and beautiful in time once I am done…”She whispered in his ear as she increased his drug induced iv “Someday, I will show you what I can do with your blood so survive till then yeah?”she asked in a whisper before getting up sealing the blood covered napkin in a ziplock bag into her uniform. “Choo for now little hero”she said heading for the exit passing fumiko as she came in sitting next to yi deciding to stay till he was taken to the hospital and stablized.

Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer/Exceed
Location: Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Cody and Cecilia @Lunarlord34 and Joshua Tamashii @Joshua Tamashii,James Avelin @Zarkun

"I am so glad to see you have taken to training and I am excited to possibly see how strong you could have grown. The magic here is so amazing you know. I hate mine for many reasons and don't like using it so I haven't truly grown to be like the other slayers. I still feel I am weaker than them, even possibly jasmine as she is growing so fast into her magic."Said Amaya listening between James and Cody as she was happy to see the not so timid Cody in front of her as she returned to Joshua giving him a blank state not fully believing all the details he stated. "You took too long and I can still smell your blood on your so your wound story isn't fooling me as I know you too well from all these years. I told you not to fight alone. You might have quick reflexes but I can see in the dark and track a lot better than you. You could have gotten severely hurt or worst die."She exclaimed in a blank manner giving her usual harsh rant about him neglecting his own care for her sake and blah blah blah. She calmed herself down when she heard James mention Cody should take a break and relax amongst his guildmates and friends "He is right Cody, As much as keeping up on training the mind and body, it is always good to relax and enjoy the company of those around you cause you never know when and if you may never see them again."She said gently "I would hate to only train and never talk with you only to never see you or any of the friends I made here in this guild ever again cause I neglected to relax and make precious memories and strong bonds and friendships...That is no way to live."She said "So You and Joshua need to stop wanting to constantly train. at least for my sake of mind."She said sweetly looking between the two before looking at James "Though I will say, I really had enjoyed your show and I am excited to see the festival the guild is assisting in, especially the S ranks showing off their magic. I wish I had that confidence to do so. Hell getting any sort of attention makes me wanna run and hide." She said a bit excited before calming herself back down to her timid, shy state. "I think Hunter and Zero have rubbed off on me" She added embarrassed of the excited outbursts scratching the back of her head.

"You know it, she would hide under a rock if I wasn't around to keep her in gear and paying attention to the need to grow and understand her magic that was given. I just wished we could actually find her mother instead of following all these leads for them to prove false...It hurts her a lot each time" Said Cecilia in her usual all high and mighty tone, taking credit she really didn't have, allowing Cody to pet her as she listened to them before looking around the guildhall. "Seems the other exceeds are having so much more fun but they seem so much louder than they need to be."Cecilia noted watching the scene around them curious of what else was going on.


Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Arriving at Dragon Fang GuildHall
With:@Landaus Five-One@Silver Fox@MarshiestMallow@hatakekuro@Raijinslayer@Lunarlord34

Keiko watched hell break out from the stop sign's taunt of the other guild members as she listened to Enma's words with confusion written all over her face "I am so confused about the laws and traditions of this land I think. Sorry if that remake was sudden and rude Enma."She spoke looking over at the observer who was just as confused and shrugged in response as she watched Enma and nearly everyone goes off on ash's taunt before nodding in response understanding the gist of needing to be tested for the guild to get to know her and how her magic works along with what path she and her magic could take to grow. She was disappointed she couldn't go with Enma to bug him with more questions and see his magic at work, however, she knew the reason why and that was fine with her.

"I am not a kitten...at least, I don't think I am.."She added addressing the kitten comment. she wasn't sure if it was a metaphor of how adorable she was acting with not knowing jack of what was going on or what to expect from this guild she was determined to join in or if it was actually having cat features she could have sworn not having when she woke up this morning. She figured it was the metaphor route after a few moments of thinking "I am fine with the kitten nickname if it helps."She added to Prince watching Enma walk towards ashe "I hope you come back safely Enma! I got tons more questions I want to ask you okay!"She called after him before returning her attention back to Prince while moving closer to him listening to his explanation of the guild and what they specialize in "So this is a monster hunting guild? That makes a lot more sense now that you mention it. I have passed other guilds and bars on my travels and some seem about trade and others about fighting each other for rankings and some seemed obsessed with beauty. Wolven Pyre, I want to say is more for witchcraft, from the way my tome explains them from father's observations ages ago along with the guild known as phoenix wing to be a bunch of hoodlums? Are both of these assumptions of his still true?"She Asked curious if what she read was indeed true.

Magic: Darkness Magic
Location: Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Thoughts: Aw little Elyse is awake, time to move to a quieter place that isn't as stuck in the middle

Rose watched the attention and motion of the constantly changing guild members and topics flooding the guildhall. She looked down at elyse who finally decided to wake up during Damian's performance. Rose decided to move from the growing crowd, through the forming mosh pits of interaction and entertainment of the music. She found an empty barstool taking a seat before adjusting elyse in her lap "Your father had to go finish up something with his side of the family, that aspect is something he doesn't want our little Meno having to see or hear."She spoke gently to Elyse ordering two glasses of water for themselves. "I am sure that if you call for him, he will show, he tends to do so being one with that wind magic he uses."She spoke with a smile trying to cheer Elyse up a tiny bit about lucus not being with them at the moment

Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer/Exceed
Location: Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Thoughts: excited to see several old friends
Cody and Cecilia @Lunarlord34 and Joshua Tamashii @Joshua Tamashii,James Avelin @Zarkun

Amaya released Cody from her embrace as she smiled watching him seeing as he accepted her request to join her for the festival. "Of course you mean something to me Cody. after all, we are of the same guild and you helped save me back during the grand magic tournament from those Hunters of that dark guild. How could I not feel something for someone who, though foolishly, put their life on the line for someone like me."She said "Really If I didn't have you and the others...I might be dead and reunited with the rest of my village and maybe mom.." she said depressing herself a bit thinking of her past before she felt Joshua ruffle her hair, bringing her back to reality "Oh there you are! You had me worried Joshua. you were supposed to arrive before us cause I had to walk on foot." She said pouting folding her arms "also I have only been here for about an hour or so, I catch the performance of Damian's masked band and got to speak with Cody."She added before turning towards the familiar voice of Cody's teacher, James Aveline. "Hello James, you can just call me Amaya, no need to be formal with me, as for training camp, I more had to ensure Zero and Hunter didn't destroy Poor jasmine. She tries so hard to keep up with them but seemed to go fine learning of my teachings. Cecilia and rajah did nothing but get in their bouts of who was stronger Jasmine or me."
"I still stand by you are stronger cause you learned from an actual dragon, that automatically makes you stronger!"Declared Cecilia Proudly from on top of Cody's head.
"It doesn't matter to me whether I am stronger or she. She is a new dragonslayer with an odd working for her magic and she is a guildmate. It is our duty to train and help grow the next generation."Said Amaya "Though, that being said. I actually learned quite a bit of new defensive abilities from the training camp just from protecting jasmine from their stray shots or sudden brawls. Those boys are feral beasts and can't keep their hands off each other. However, ultimately I think it was a success and I learned a lot from my brothers and of hunter and I think jasmine feels not so shy with me."She said sweetly basically saying it went well, with her usual way too much observation of slayer magic.

Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Arriving at Dragon Fang GuildHall
Thoughts: Why is the firey stop sign laughing? Can we join a mission!
With:@Landaus Five-One@Silver Fox@MarshiestMallow@hatakekuro@Raijinslayer@Lunarlord34

Observer watched and paired attention to the various conversations of Michael and prince, taking mental notes for Keiko as well as observing various events and magics around the guild it could sense as it seemed to watch Michael floating over to him tilting its head from side to side curiously especially hearing something about the spirit world. observer knew of the spirit world, at least its other self did, this one did not but it felt like it should as it followed and mimicked Micheal with curiosity, getting just as distracted as Keiko.

Keiko clapped in delight absolutely enjoying the answers she got from Enma as she was really enjoying herself more than she expected here. She was having a great time even though to her she felt like she had something familiar to this at one point in her life, though she couldn't remember what it was of. "That is So amazing! You are Incredible Enma! I want to join this guild even more now as I am so excited!"She exclaimed happily before looking towards Ashlyn tilting her head to the left confused "I am not a cat or a pet, at least I don't think I am? Am I a pet? hm, Oh can Enma be my master if I am a stray?" she asked in a curious tone with a hint of confusion of a stray having to do with her. "My Name is Keiko armenshia. I am 15, even though I don't look it and I am a mage and want to join this guild for understanding and knowledge."She added in a 'matter-of-fact' Tone. She could tell Ashlyn tended to get on other's nerves and as much as Keiko tended to not try to interact or correct others as it tended to end up badly. she slipped up, that was true. even that confused her. She took note of the announcement and of someone already heading to claim the contract first wondering if anyone wanted to join again. She was indeed curious about what an actual job was. Was it fun? Was she allowed to go? Should she ask? No? Maybe? "Hey, Enma ... Question, I can't go on a job till I have officially joined the guild right? Are there any requirements I need to do to be part of this guild cause I want to do a job and learn so many things!"Said Keiko getting excited once again as it seemed she just got excited talking to the Oni
PLACE HOLDER FOR AMAYA'S APPS (as I got to go gather them)

Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer/Exceed
Location: Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Thoughts: excited of seeing an old friend.
Cody and Cecilia @Lunarlord34
Amaya was listening to the excitement around the guildhall as she was thankful for her heightened hearing so she could keep track of all that was happening. So there were new S classes. She was happy to find Nolan was one of them and another bartender rose. She was also happy to see the newest young member running around the hall, Faith was her name? What a pretty name. She listened to Damian speak of the announcement and the festival along with revealing the popular masked band that has more or less swept through the country. She smiled happily, seeing the S class mage never ceasing to amaze the outsider. Her attention was turned to a familiar scent, a bit sweaty but all the more familiar neither the less. It was Cody. She smiled listening to him as she decided to do the best greeting she could give the old friend.

She got up in one fluid motion bring her arms up and around his neck in a tight hug "It is so good to see you again Cody! I have been fine with Cecilia and the past two years were hard traveling and learning more of this world I am not accustomed to."She said sweetly shortly allowing herself to let go of the hug with a smile only for Cecilia to but in flying up to Cody's head before taking a seat in her rightful spot "Yep still my favorite spot, it is my favorite chair!"Declared Cecilia happily before hearing the guild become even more energized from the music.
"Isn't this amazing Cody! Do you want to go to the festival with me?"Asked Amaya suddenly with a hint of excitement "I know it isn't exactly close but this would be the first festival I actually want to go see and I been told it is better with those that mean something to you. So want to go with me!" asked Amaya again. Amaya was always shy but she was trying to actually be more than just shy.

"geez excited without Mother hen? That is shocking" muttered Cecilia from her perch on Cody's head.A small smile played on her face


Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Arriving at Dragon Fang GuildHall
Thoughts: Mikey and cat man= ???. Wait...Is that an Living Oni?!?!?!
With:@Landaus Five-One@Silver Fox@MarshiestMallow@hatakekuro@Raijinslayer

Keiko watched prince and the boy called Micheal? Mikey? something like that talk and enjoy each other's company before she looked over at the door opening again, hearing prince call the new mage wolf. Her noes twitched a bit catching the scent of what she might smell in the forest guessing he just got back from traveling? Was everyone just getting back from a vacation or training or something? She was so lost before she saw the towering figure of a being make his way into the guildhall. being careful of not hitting his horns. Keiko's eyes widen as they scanned the being. There was no doubt about it. No being could be mistaken or try being that of the being. It was a real-life Oni and the being actually noticed her off the bat? and it was nice? Keiko's heart fluttered and skipped a beat. it was a dream come true in her researcher's mind. "You're a real life Oni, right? !I always wanted to meet one. My father apparently met a few in his lifetime and he said they were different from each other in looks and personality. Please tell me everything about you and your kind! What's your favorite color? Favorite food? Do you have magic? What kind of magic do you use? how do you fight? Do you sleep?!"She asked Rambling questions on and on as if a gritty fangirl finally getting noticed by the celebrity she had obsessed over.

Observer on the other hand didn't seem to enthuse with the presence of the Oni or the interested as it folded its arms hovering some behind Keiko looking around. They were getting too much attention for their own liking, It didn't expect her to be so popular in the sense of others as most find her creepy and their contract unnatural and somewhat feared them as they rightfully should.


Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Arriving at Dragon Fang GuildHall
Thoughts: Odd creatures, need more study
With:@Landaus Five-One@Silver Fox@MarshiestMallow

"It is more of I'm determined to find the answers than being shy that brought me here."She spoke before listening to his quirk. She tilted her head allowing her wild thoughts and questions to flow from her mind without even thinking. "Isn't that dangerous to eat? Like what is the magic is some sort of curse magic and consuming it could turn out bad or are you like those so-called slayers that can consume magic much like their own to replenish their magic reserves?"Asked Keiko curious about the subject of Prince actually eating magic. That was an amazing thought but that could be scary as well. Maybe prince can tell her more of observer if she allowed him to eat some of her magic. She allowed her eyes to follow where he called to a woman named Amy? Ammey? Keiko was bad with names and faces as she was sure she would mix up both of them tomorrow morning maybe. She then turned her attention to a blue-haired boy, especially when prince more or less pounced on the boy happily being called Mikey? maybe a name short for Michael? He has a brother? so much to learn? thought Keiko and observer tilting their heads from side to side watching the scene before both snapped back to reality turning to Caitlyn listening to her.

Keiko wasn't sure how she felt to have a sort of mother figure of this guild taking so much interest in her. then again she couldn't remember much of her own past to even know who her parents were let alone her own family. Keiko and observer stared at Caitlyn lost in pondering thoughts before shaking their heads "I know we have a way to go with learning and I felt I have heard that somewhere before."She spoke of Caitlyn speaking of needing balanced meals to grow. She then had to really think how long it has been since traveling to dragon fang "Well I think I been traveling since I was 8...I think. I don't have many memories as there are parts of my memories that are gone or missing?" she asked trying to think of the proper way to explain the past few years.

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