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Chariot watched the medical staff move over to tend to Sealer taking note of each and every one of them. Yi was her student after all, if anything happened to him, she knew who to go after. She sighed looking around " Amur Tiger, Do you smell anything of the ones she spoke that was on a rooftop nearby by chance?" asked Chariot to the other hero as she looked around the crowd trying to see if any of them stuck out. She didn't know what those on the rooftop thought they were doing or thinking to spy for whatever reason. It wasn't odd in her country for others to observe to think to getting an upper hand in future fights but this country was different from her own. It was much harder to find who your enemies are and even harder finding who your allies were.

Chariot watched sealer gett tended to and transported to a medical tent for treatment till he was stable enough to go to a hospital. Fumiko can only imagine how much they are going to charge.

Ameiko watched the scene from within the crowd moving towards them in a white nurse uniform showing a hospital badge getting into the medical area to assist tending to the patients...or more to the reason of her existence. She looked at the various files doing the needed treatments and tests but ensuring she got what she came for and that was the only reason she even bothered getting so close.
I will be making apost tomorrow we are still going to keep moving forward while the head gm deals with irl issues

Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Arriving at Dragon Fang GuildHall
Thoughts: Odd creatures, need more study
With:@Landaus Five-One@Silver Fox

"Well thank you for that Prince. I hope that I can find what I am looking for here, maybe being here will better help observer and I grow and someday call this place our home."She spoke to Prince, "hopefully your guild master will be back soon, the faster things are done the faster I can continue my goal."She added before replying to Caitlyn.

"What I am looking for is from the research my father and family left off. I am sure you have noticed the faint image of me moving around, currently holding the skin bound tome I was holding, behind me. That is the entity that holds a tie with my family since our creation of my lineage. It is the reason for my magic and being a mage. The magic that was given me since I was born is known as Observer magic and it is this magic, I wish to dispel and end before I become of age to carry on my bloodline, whenever and if ever that comes."Spoke Keiko being blunt about her reason here. She has no need to hide her intentions nor does it really matter if any of them or her observer knew what her real intentions were deep down. She watched them both closely as her faint ghostly mimic became more solid floating next to her. the floating Keiko floated higher some before moving around Prince and Caitlyn, examining them with a confused look

"Stop doing that Observer."Said Keiko with a sigh as it floated above the two watching confused before moving back to her side.
"This is the entity of my magic, it is known as an observer and has a different form to me compare to what you see," she explained holding out her hand to the doppelganger as it returns the tome to her hand before folding its arms looking very annoyed
"Stop that, it's safe that is all that matters." She spoke hearing its voice in her head.

She turned her attention to Caitlyn hearing her observation of Keiko before feeling some magic transfer between them causing Observer to jump some in surprise before narrowing its eyes as if ready to strike
"No you are not doing that, there is no reason to fight any friends. for the time being, this will be our home so behave please." said Keiko as the observer relaxed folding its arms "Sorry" it spoke out loud having a bit of a dual pitch tone as it spoke before Keiko returned her attention to Caitlyn "I am sorry of its behavior, it has just been us for so long it has a bit of an overprotective side and isn't too well known of how to react around people."She said with a smile "Also, I am not bugged by being touched as any child deep down yearns for the touch of another as it assists and is beneficial in many situations so it does not bug me if it helps a possible friendship.."Said Keiko simply watching them both with her ruby red eyes before her stomach rumbled "Oops? I forgot I haven't eaten yet today." she added placing her hand over her stomach as observer followed in suit, mimicking her.

Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Arriving at Dragon Fang GuildHall
Thoughts: two cat people. Boy and girl = ?
With:@Landaus Five-One@Silver Fox

Keiko didn't expect to get any attention right away as she was more wanting to just look around and observe; maybe find the guild master without anyone really noticing her or observer. Somehow that plan backfired as two feline-like humanoid creatures approached her. She was first introduced to Prince who confirmed that this was the dragon fang guildhall and that his name was Prince. Definitely, a name she might give a pet someday. She watched him extend his hand before hearing the second feline-like person move to them. this one a female named Caitlyn. So do they do travel in packs? Maybe they were a couple? Keiko shook the thought from her head, it was rude to assume. "It is nice to meet you both. my name is Keiko Armenshia. I am here to possibly observe and maybe join the dragon fang guild as I have researched out of the three top light guilds that could hold the answer to what I seek might be found with Dragon fang."She spoke in an upright, respectful tone tilting her head to the left halfway through the introduction before the large skin bound tome under her arm moved and lifted up as a ghost-like mirror image of her held the book before moving back behind her as she paid it no mind.


Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer/Exceed
Location: Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Thoughts: nervous of the change

Amaya moved into the guildhall, sidestepping out of the way of those around her, trying to not be in anyone's way or attention before finding a booth to sit her bags down allowing Cecilia to climb out and onto the table. Amaya took a seat, letting out a relieved sigh to finally rest her feet, stretching along with Cecilia "Hey where is the mother hen, I haven't seen him in a while."Spoke Cecilia as Amaya looked around "Honestly I figured he would have gotten here before us..Hopefully, he is alright and nothing happened to him. I wonder if he has grown any these past years."Spoke Amaya with a smile looking around allowing her heightened hearing to take note of each and every conversation going on in the guildhall. Things were a bit quieter than she happens to remember. She heard something about a tournament among the S class mages and Nolan's to his exceed's conversations as well as what Damian spoke with Rose and those around him. It was a bit relaxing hearing all was mostly calm and good. Nolan was always loud so that was nothing new for him. Damian was always surprised by one thing or another. It was good to see nothing really changed while she was away, that was always a blessing in her book.


Magic: Darkness Magic
Location: Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Thoughts: A bit excited to see what mess happens
With:[ @MarshiestMallow]@hatakekuro@Sho Minazuki@Silver Fox@Landaus Five-One

"Did I hear something about putting on a show? It would be a shame to destroy the town after the peaceful rest it earns with all of us traveling for so long."Teased Rose making a beeline for Damian, pushing some hair out of her face "though I will say, It is good to be home where I can actually relax with so many built-in babysitters" said Rose folding her arms "How have you all been since we were all last here. I want to say around the time of those massive dragons and the world trying to tear itself apart ya?" asked Rose trying to remember the last point in the two years she had been away from the guildhall. She examined each and every one of them as she didn't change much still a busty woman with her long hair though her hair was a hell of a lot longer now. Her red eyes scanned the room "I see only one of our two slayers back but her typical companion isn't with her but It seems she is fine with it. A lot of the young ones I sense have gotten a lot stronger...I am tempted to see how far they have come themselves."She added having a slightly more open about her own magic type of attitude compared to her old attitude of preferring not to fight or do anything that had to show anything about herself. She was a lot more in tune and outgoing that was for sure.

Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer/Exceed
Location: Arriving at Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Thoughts: 'I am so happy to finally be back' "We are finally back"

Amaya walked through the town with a happy jump to her step. She was more than relieved to finally get back to the place she called home. She had spent the last two years of training and focusing on herself and getting stronger. She had her reasons and the biggest one was from what happened at the Grand Magic Games. There were Slayer hunters and she had been one of their targets. So many of the other Phoenix wing members came to her aide, even if she didn't want it. She didn't do anything to really help them as it was her fight but she didn't actually do anything but be willing to give them what they wished without fighting. She needed to grow stronger and truly find her balance of who she was as a dragon slayer. The training wasn't much help in finding her balance but she did develop a way to assist in battle without having to harm others so maybe she found a way to her own balance.

Amaya smiled adjusting the messenger bag "Cecilia, we are home finally."She spoke sweetly looking down at the messenger bag moving around a bit before a navy blue cat popped its head out with light blue spots. "Really? that took so long on foot." Groaned the cat
"I am sorry, I can't handle any moving things." She apologized before moving forwards letting her knee-length hair flow behind her adjusting her white dress coat and beret some as her ice blue eyes glowed brightly a bit excited to get her room back and start working again.


Magic: Darkness Magic
Location: Arriving at Phoenix Wing GuildHall
Thoughts: Hated traveling but enjoyed the vacation with her new husband and daughter neither the less

Rose stretched as the Vehicle stopped in front of the guildhall "Finally We are here...Ugh my legs."She groaned some getting outstretching a bit. She spent the past two years rebuilding and reshaping herself for the better. She trained and Managed to finally take that leap and become one of the S Ranking wizards of Phoenix wing. She had decided against it ages ago out of pure fear but she has grown some with this guild and they became her family as much as her own daughter. She decided, she wasn't going to hide who she was anymore. This was her home and the other phoenix members were her family. Becoming S-Rank was not easy but she never wanted it to be but she pulled through and gained the title Jamie had offered when she first came to the guild. Over the last year, she rekindled her love for lucus and finally took the step of becoming married to the father of her child and the only man she actually ever allowed to live with calling her 'Rosey'.

She lifted her hair before rolling it into a messy bun towards the top of her head pinning it with some ruby red sticks. her rose redeyes looked around. "It hasn't changed one bit? Come on Lucus! I got to check in with Jamie to let her own I am back from my vacation and ready to take up whatever she needs! Elyse, Wake up, we are here." she called to the two in the car. She already went by their home a few blocks away to put their bags away.


Magic: Observer Magic
Location: Arriving at Dragon Fang GuildHall
Thoughts: Finally made it to one of the many locations she been looking for

A small White-haired girl stood outside the Dragon Fang GuildHall, looking up at it in deep looking thought. the girls crimson red eyes watched the building as if in a long staring contest. She occasionally nodded her head or lightly spoke to seemingly nothing around her as faintly there was a ghostly image of her hovering a bit off the ground whispering in her head "Yes. I know, this was what was mentioned in my father's journal. Dragon fang and Wolven Pyre. Yes, they are a bunch of witches with similar situations like mine from what father's journal speaks but...he was not sure of dragon fang...So I need to find out about Dragon Fang. No, It's fine. We will be fine, just come along."She spoke as the nearly visible twin looked like it sighed annoyed with her answer folding its arms in frustration hovering beside her disappearing from existence seemingly.

The small teen sighed shaking her head back to reality "Alright let's do this." she whispered calming her nerves adjusting her pack and the large skin bound tome under her left arm before heading inside looking around. She had no clue who to speak to or who even ran the guild. She was on a whim and felt the need to join this guild over the others she had visited and read about. She just hoped they were a tiny bit more friendly than her contract was about the situation.

@CitrusArms@Aerandir@Landaus Five-One@Restalaan@Lord Indra
Fumiko looked around allowing zeal and his actual heroes to take the spotlight while looking around at the various students and aides around. She looked towards Yi listening to his concern about speaking to respond only for a much lighter voice to speak for her "I am quite alright if it is me that you are asking about. My quirk doesn't allow me to be hurt if my physical body isn't in danger."Spoke a hooded figure allowing a long white ponytail to flow from the back of the hood as a white mask reset on her face "I am the Scouting hero: Oracle. But My name is Aurora"She spoke with a soft voice. her outfit seemed simple with a black hoodie with form-fitting leggings. She lifted a hand from her pockets pulling off her mask allowing her equally white skin and light but pale pastel blue eyes to show briefly before placing the mask back on

"I am sure your teachers probably did not like your choice as I believe that you would be a considered support hero right?" asked Fumiko
" You are right, they would not and probably will scold me for using my quirk in the early stages of my training to understand but my teacher told me to gain info on the villain to find anything I can about them. it was the easiest way of doing so." she spoke " So I didn't really disobey using my quirk in the way I did."She spoke "though I will say there were and probably still l are two isolated people on the rooftop two blocks from here from what I could tell that seemed to not care to evacuate as they were told. I just don't know if they are still there or not." she spoke

"they probably felt safe, It hell getting anyone to listen to evacuation orders where we are from isn't that right yi?" asked Fumiko before addressing the other students "interns of zeal's. I want to say as the third rank hero chariot. you all did well in your own ways, handling and trying to minimize the range of quirks you all hold or probably hold is nothing more than a grand feat, and no matter what you should be proud of yourselves for actually catching a villain...with that being said. I am giving you all the rest of the day off regardless of what zeal and your teachers want. so that way they can tend to the needed paperwork and media. If any of them say otherwise direct them to me."Spoke Fumiko giving her orders making her words seem absolute.


"Aw! Domi-Kun got defeated and I put so much effort in stabilizing his body for those quirks. They were so hard to isolate... But at least I am in the right direction."Spoke a teen with a smirk sitting on a rooftop two blocks away watching through binoculars. "Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk, I got more than enough from that research project and so many more new avenues to explore...Doctor Ameiko will be visiting you all soon my children..."Spoke the teen licking her lips allowing a giggle out "we will have such a grand time learning about each other you will be happy when I make you all such perfect beings." she said to herself with a laugh standing up on the edge. she held a local school uniform with a bag hung over her shoulders. a hip halter of knives and needles rested on her left hip. her crimson red eyes and single large red horn poking out the left side of her head glowed lightly in the light "Come on grand chariot...do what I think you will. set them free in this city. give me their juicy time and effort." she teased speaking to herself as the cloaked figure behind her sighed "you make everything sound wrong." he spoke
"you couldn't understand what I want from them." she said "So much new research subjects.." she added
"still making it sound wrong and I am sure the boss already said you need to behave while outside doing this remember. there is a reason I am stuck babysitting you" he added as she jumped off the edge, disregarding his warnings as he sighed following "why the hell does the boss put up with her." he asked himself

Fumiko looked at the scene around her watching the building yi just fell into listening to the sounds. she zoned out focusing on the mess inside watching as yi made a grand exit of jumping out the window with a hogtied villain. She smiled watching some of the students and heroes move over to him as she herself moved over to him as well. she stopped hearing Glasier ask her about her training with Yi "I don't put him through anything I wouldn't put myself though. He is more built than me and has dealt with a lot more then I have, I train him to ensure he holds that strength inside him" said Chariot before she continued forward nodding to the fellow heroes as she smirked towards zeal making it over to yi "You held yourself well, though you could have gotten killed, I am glad you are alright." she said "and it seems you get to have a few friends before you even start school."She teased raising a hand resting it on top of his head "Be more careful or it will be 500 pounds a weight when you get back ya?" she asked in a teasing manner allowing a playful smile to rest on her lips.

She looked around at the crowd and the group around. she hated the celebrity part even though where she was from, that was what she was considered "Listen up Interms and Zeals Team, from this day to the end of your school year, my pupil Yi will be joining your class on my behalf to help the investigation on this new drug that is running rampant in not only this country but the country of my own. I hope you teach him lots of your culture and ways and assist in helping him grow to the potential I know that is hidden inside him."She said deciding to make the announcement now instead of later just so they can get all the casual talk and wonders of what they were doing here in Singapore.

Aurora watched from within the rubble curious of what was happening. seeing yi and the villain exit the building through a window. not a way she would go but she was glad to see both got out alive and somewhat not harmed..ish. She deactived her quirk allowing her ghostly figure to disappear as physical aurora took in a breath of fresh air opening her glazed over pastel blue eyes. She decided against moving from where she sat seeing everyone moved from her so that told her she was alone, which was fine. she never cared for attention anyways.
Dominmatrix was not prepared for the newcomers "oh no they found me bing bong....damnit!"he called seeing a youth leap from behind the shadowed figure. He tried getting at the male but unfortunately he wasn't quick enough stumbling backwards as his arms hung limply at his side "what did you do to me?"he asked "i can't move my arms!"he called twisting left and right wildly in rage "No! Nononononono! I was told i was going to be strong be able to humiliate all yoy damn heros!"he yelled in disillusional ramblings as some of the grenades on him rolled off his belt from his thrashing "i will humiliate your dresses of defense...Fear me!"he roared allowing the bombs to explode around him and yi, crumbling their roof top foot hold

"Simple he did as his name says. He sealed your quirk and your chakra in a sense.."spoke chariot jumping down on to the same roof top before moving to the edge looking at zeal "oh look good old number 1 still watching me clean his messes. Thank you for helping us catch him..."she spoke walking off the edge before a dozen bbs of metal moved under her feet forming a staircase formong in front and disappearing behind her "by the way zeal, did you have more kids or are you actually taking interns. If the latter i want to say you love copying me"she teased in playful banter before looking back to the roof "Sealer. Send him down here please and get down here as well please."she spoke before hearing the explousion giving an annoyed look "i am not paying for that damage "she mumbled not too worried about much. She sighed looking around "Yo! Support heros...quit hiding and get out here with your frontliners...time to reacue that villian!"called chariot feeling it was time for see what her intel showed. Maybe there was potential.

Aurora winced moving from the fight at a good distance watching the one side fight, kinda fewling bad for the villian in his tantrum. She gaspes seeing the bombs allowing the rooftop to cave in. She phased through several floors managing to stop herself under two floors of rubble"...hm...well i could call back but i need to see where they are"she said to herself not having an issue being in the rubbel glad this form wasnt fully physical but hated all the damn lines and colors of the various caved in debris making it hard to tell the damage in this form. She was glad people were black sillhoutes in the maze of color "they are above me...both are alive.."she spoke from her observarions

Aurora physical body remained still as she spoke calmly of all her other form was speaking of.
"Bing bong!" taunted the villain taking two more grenades tossing them underneath him allowing himself to be propelled through the air onto a roof above the tidal wave letting out a maddening sadistic laugh "Your society will never be safe from me. suffer the humiliation!"He roared in maniacal laughter avoiding their attacks before launching more grenades in every which direction, some landing in the various buildings with openings "Bing bong! Time is running out of heroes! better suffer the humiliation and lose the dresses of defense!" Dominatrix laughed from his perch on a building. the Manic looked around before pulling out another surgeon, feeling a dying effect "I forget what these are again...Oh well, I got several, and let's see what this one does."He tossed injecting himself

Aurora listened to Kuudere's orders as she nodded closing her eyes focusing as a split imagine a bit more transparent formed behind her where she stood looked around. "alright I am live."She added looking up at the ceiling towards where the villain was laughing his but off posting about the power he felt racing through him "I see, he injected himself again...Kuudere, watch my body, I need to get closer, I will be fine, my quirk can't be touched if my body is safe, so my clothing should be fine.." she said as her transparent form disappeared only to reappear a few feet behind the villain moving to cover watching him before hearing the clinging of metal

"what?' she asked herself seeing another figure standing on a building above the villain "There you are Dominatrix. How dare you run from your punishment...Sealer. Time for you to do your thing" Spoke the voice belonging to the 3rd rank Hero, The metal Hero: Chariot. Her silver hair flowed freely as her bright red eyes pierced through the shadows darkening her face. her signature rapier out at her side.

"Wait...Chariot is here? How? Why?" asked Aurora before returning her attention to the villain only to notice he was leaning over her cover "Is it just me or the drugs or are you really a ghosty girl. Hm? I wonder what you look like under that dress defense."He said with a laugh as Aurora moved away, knowing she was safe from getting harmed but it was best not the give that advantage away
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