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"Don't worry Mom, I got this. Can't be that bad of learning something useful hopefully"She said Sweetly trying to help ease her mothers mind before hearing the familar voice of her father. She turned her attention towards him as she nodded. "Sorry dad, I got caught up talking to mom."She apologized scratching the back of her head moving over to him quickly looking between him and the monk "Unarmed bu-"she spoke only to get silenced mid sentence hearing the rest of his explaination, which kinda makes sense but seemed odd to suddenly have added to her busy tutoring schedule that keeps growing by the day it seemed.

She smiled closing her eyes accepting the kiss to her forehead before reopening them looking back towards them "I will try but just incase, i get to complain of being sore afterwards."She teased before looking towards her newest teacher "I hope I do not dissappoint you Master Soo Tek."She spoke bowing in respect.
"have you discussed this with father? Both king and queen should be on board with the discussions made?"she asked tilting her head "But it is fine mother. I will be alright and can handle all these tutors. There is no need to worry about me"she said gently trying to reassure her mother.

Allisara cared for both of them and the means of doing whatever both asked of her was what she liked doing out of respect and love for them both "I am sure father has a good reason for all these tutors"she added

@Vampiretwilight@HEAVY METAL
Allisara watched her mother confused by the tone. "Mother..I don't mind teachers it is is assisting and bettering me to taking the throne when my time comes to do so. Is something bothering you?"she asked concern by the way her mother was acting of adding another tutor to her already busy list of studies.
Allisara soon met her mother at the stairs. She could tell you alot was on her mother's mind, she just couldn't tell if it was anything good or bad. "Good morning, your majesty."She spoke sweetly while granting her mother a curtsy. "I am sorry I am a bit late to waking up. Sleep hasn't been kind to me as of late."she explained hoping that might explain her lateness to waking up.
Allisara made sure to make herself look wake and fully ready for whatever the day might have in store with her. she was sure her parents were talking about something and that by the sounds of whatever it was, was normal and hard to tell just by ear. She turned towards her bedroom door before moving to it. "Alright breath and be suprised."She spoke to herself before opening her door heading through it only to turn an immediate left heading down the long hallway lined with windows, allowing the beautiful warm rays of the sun and its warmth to shine through warming the bare skin on her cheecks, neck and arms as she traveled towards the stairs with grace.
Allisara sat infront of her vanity, taking time brushing her hair, while trying to fully wake up for the day. Sleep has never been her strong suit and tend to be a pain, when trying to wake up. She yawned lightly, finally finished brushing her hair back, behind her shoulders. "There we go. All better."She spoke to herself watching her reflection smile back to her allowing her thoughts to wander only to snap back to reality when she heard the breaking of a pot before her mother's usual scolding. "Father must have broke another pot."She said with herself with a light giggle moving from her vanity to a window toss it open.

Allisara peer out from the window taking in the crisp morning air. She saw her father and his spar partner retreat into the castle only for her mother to follow them. Such a interesting morning already.
who will do first post?
<Snipped quote by BlackMaiden>

That's much better, and look at those ears...she takes after her dear O'dad 😁

Lol as s far as I know that's a good thing I think good weapons to poke someone's eyes out XD
There we go
Got it give me a few still trying to wake up
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