Avatar of BladeSS4


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Hello I am Bladess4. I just joined a few moments ago. A few things about me,

I have roleplayed before. I roleplayed for about 6 years on and off on a MMORPG Forums Roleplaying section.(Runescape if it matters) Been a part of many RPs there, the last few years have been drifting away from it from the lack of activity of the forums over there. My writing isn't the best, I do from time to time have a few spelling errors and grammar errors but I try when it comes to make what I write understandable. I like group RPS that are semi fast pace, or at least moves often enough so interest isn't lost from lack of activity.

Interests, I like a lot of things. Anime such as Fairy Tail, Dragon Ball, Soul Eater, Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, Sword Art Online, and a few other main steam animes. I like Video games preferably ones with heavy storylines, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Knight of the old Republic, Saints Row, and other games like Halo, GTA, Battlefield, Pokémon and many more. I like Star Wars, especially games where I can play it like Knights of the Old Republic as I mentioned before.

Hopefully I will get a hang of things around here. Glad to be here :)
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