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A One Piece RP that's neat. I want to be part of this, so here is my character down in the hider.

Carver Fewkes

Wings? That is what he wasn't suppose to stare at? Carver was rather surprised that having wings was something to be worried about. Exceeds have wings and he wasn't staring Cecilia's wings very much. He comments to both Joshua and Amaya about not staring, "Don't worry, I won't stare. Although sort of makes me wish I had wings but other than that I won't stare."

Carver hearing another talking over to Amelia about joining the guild. Listening to go talk to her father Jarvis would be the way to go about doing so. Carver was about to walk over then stops has something he wanted to say to Joshua, and Amaya before walking off, "Thank you both for your help. You both also helped me decide which guild I want to join and I thank you so much for that." When Carver was done thanking the two Carver beings to walk towards Jarvis.

Thinking about how he should do this Carver came up with going with the more direct approach to asking to join the guild. He stops before Jarvis then extends his hand as he introduces himself, "Hello sir, I am Carver Fewkes. I want to join Phoenix Wing, to of the other guild members I talked to said I should speak with you about it. So here I am." Carver being polite as he can, he was taught to show respect to others especially when asking for something.

I'm interested in this. For starting pokemon, are we allowed to start with any Pokémon (with the exception of Legendries of course)?
I have added more to the history and how he obtained the magic. Is that any better?
Sorry that I haven't posted yet, have been trying to come up with a good first character introduction. I am still working on it. I haven't forgot to post though. I'll get my first post in as soon as it is done.
Sweet, I would love to join this here is the character I want to sign up with

Carver Fewkes

"Alright no staring, wouldn't have done so anyhow. It's not polite to stare anyhow." Carver commented to Joshua after his comment of not to stare at Miss Averyonna. Carver was unsure why he would stare but he will try his best not to at her when he meets her. As Amaya beckons Carver says "Alright lead to the stadium then. Lead the way Amaya!" Carver already beginning to follow Amaya's lead.

Carver would go anywhere he had to. It was interesting meeting these three, Amaya, Cecilia and Joshua. They were friendly Carver's mind was nearly already set with joining Phoenix Wing he just wanted to talk to a few more people before fully asking. If these three he just met are the best way to judge the guild he feels like he would fit in with Phoenix Wing.


That is good. Poor guy being passed around between the brothers XD

At least he isn't some cultivated clone like unwanted offspring of Frieza :P

This interesting the Nux Squad now has 2 frieza clan members. It will be amusing with interacts between the two I would think.
Carver Fewkes

Listening to Cecilia, Amaya and Joshua talk among each other. Carver was rather amused with the exchange of words between Cecilia and Joshua. Carver rather more fascinated with the exceed though the flying cat caught his interest. He wonder if he could make an exceed pact and what he could do as one. He heard that their master wasn't available, then Amaya mentioned a Lacerima. Carver didn't really want to bother the Phoenix wing master if she is busy.

Carver then thought of the ball Amaya mentioned before and figured that would be a great place to run into their master. Then again he wasn't really invited to the ball so that is a complication. Then again that didn't concern him very much he knew he could figure a way in if he had to.

Joshua had mentioned two others before Amaya talked about the Lacerima Carver then says, "I'll talk to anyone if it gets me closer to getting into a guild. You guys can take me to whoever that maybe."


"Try to capture one alive.", This order shocked Zero but it was clear slaughter them and keep one alive if possible. He grunts in acknowledgement to the orders. Zero then releases the energy stored in his body in a quick burst of speed, turning into a red blur like flash. Dashing up and out of the crater and towards the rebel forces. Trying to use his speed to use his quick burst of speed along with the dust cloud that got created to give him the element of surprise.

Zero rushing in literally head first into battle looking to gore one of the rebel soldiers with his horns, meanwhile using his other extremities to fight as well. Trying to use his tail to grab one of the soldiers looking to wrap his tail around someone's throat looking to get an advantage over two rebels. One he is hoping to kill the other he could possible take alive if not use as a meat shield from energy blasts. The plan seems simple in his head but that's it the Slucks can't keep up with his speed and if the quick rush from the dust cloud did its job.

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