This is merely the interest check, all fancy assets like title and pictures are yet to be done, only the region map is completed thus far.
Welcome to Chromis

Cities, Towns, Routes, and Places of Interest
In-RP mechanics and so on and so forth
Character Sheet
Current Content
- 8 Gyms, Elite 4, and Champion
- 1 Alolan Trial
- Mega Evolutions
- Z Moves
- 6 cities with a Pokemon Contest, along with the Master Rank Contest at Brittanium Stadium.
- New Mega Evolutions
Regarding Mega Evolutions
If there is a new Mega Evolution you want to bring in, it must first come to me, and we will talk about the details surrounding it, such as Ability and so on. They are allowed to gain new abilities, but this will be rare, as there are so many good abilities in the game already. If said Mega Evolution is already added to the RP, then you must use that version, or not at all. X and Y Charizard and Mewtwo were a very unique case, so having more than one Mega Evolution for a Pokemon is not acceptable here. Below are ones already found within the RP (as they are owned by gym leaders and Elite 4, among others).
Currently Recruiting Co-GMs
This RP may or may not be big, but the reality right now is that I can't GM for everyone who will play this. I may be able to for some, but not everyone. That's where Co-GMs come in. So what's in the job? Well, you have a lot of liberty as one, basically your job is to make the player's journey as fun and interesting as possible, but not making it too easy either, there needs to be some variety and challenge. You can make new characters, have new issues and problems perpetrated by Team Arclight, Pokemon in the area having some kind of issue or conflict, anything you think is interesting.
As for how many? I'm looking at between 1/3 to half the player population.