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Well here is my character sheet. Let me know what I have to change if there is anything wrong with it.

So this is sort of like STO, start as a cadet but getting thrown up against Mirror Universe Star Fleet. Count me as Interested if there are spots available. Maybe I could take a tactical star fleet Cadet, or an Engineer.

So what races will we be allowed to pick from? Romulans, Vulcans, Klingons etc. There are a lot of races that I could think of, from Star Trek. I am just asking if there are any limited races that we cant pick from?
@Indra I think we have been waiting on your next post ic for Ria. I originally mentioned your old profile instead of the one you used now. Arashi I think is replacing Hitori when we start doing our first mission as that squad.
Im always interested in a Naruto rp, just been waiting for the next posts to advance my characters along. Also waiting on to see where Tashiro gets assigned too so I can start up with him.
Tenshi Uchiha

Nagasaki Hitori @Thecrash20
Uchiha Ria @Indra
Osuushi, Senhime @RyoRyoRyoken
Location: Training Field 6

The diversion didn't seem to help much, as Tenshi watches Ria get dispatched, then he saw Senhime coming right at him. He had little to no time to prepare for her attack. Tenshi got flipped by Senhime landing hard on his back. Groaning by the pain his back and the back of his head that was caused from the impact with the ground. He was rather dazed trying to figure out what just happened as it happened faster than he could register how he got knocked down.

He was staring up at Senhime when she started to talk about the mission they had to do when she said they have expended their energy, Tenshi then says while still dazed, "I has plenty of...energies left." While he still had a bit of chakra left what could he do though, his shadow clone jutsu wont work. He isn't fast enough to counter a jounin. He couldn't even come up with a plan that would be successful against a jounin. Tenshi's mind going through the scenario, 'What good am I? I can move as fast Ria can, I don't have the graceful art of kenjutsu that our Sensei's has...my father wouldn't have gone down like this..."

Tenshi begins to stand up a bit wobbly, he reaches into his bag and pulls out a single shuriken. His pride urging him to continue, he then says, "Give up now? We haven't hardly begun...I still have one trick left." He moves backwards trying to make some distance between himself and Senhime, while he needed to be close to get the armband, his next move he needed the distance. He then begins to push his chakra into the Shuriken, and it glows blue with chakra.

He might still have chakra left but his stamina was waning his boast before was just words. Physically he was hurt from that last attack he weaves one hand sign Ox, then begins to talk, "You block our attacks pretty well sensei..." Dog seal, "...taking as both down one at a time..." Dragon seal, "...dodging our attacks effortlessly..." Rat, dog, boar then snake seals a bit faster than the others, "...try to dodge or block this one Sensei..." He then lifts up the last hand sign Tiger, "Ninja Art...Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu!" He throws the Shuriken at Senhime, using off a quite a bit of chakra. A small cluster of shuriken appear for a breath moment before the clones disappear and the original Shuriken falls very short of its target.

Tenshi then falls forward appearing to pass out from exhaustion from over exertion. While most of that was true, Tenshi was exhausted, he still was conscious but just feinting passing out. Trying to get his sensei to drop her guard and get close enough so he could take the armband in a quick deception move.
@Thecrash20I did tag you in my last IC post. Even though it was 9 days ago. That is the latest post for Team Wildcard. Tenshi is going at Senhime in a decoy tactic. I assume Ria is about to do the same waiting for Hitori to do whatever he was planning.
@Buddha Don't worry I won't go crazy with the lasers or any of my other jutsus, the character is more of a swordsmen, and uses more kenjutsu rather then the lasers of the storm release.
@Buddha Go Right ahead and review it. I am alright with that. Do what you need to. Let me know what I have to change and what not.

@IndraWith the exception he uses Water and lighting (and storm) not fire and lighting but I guess he might be depends how you look at it.
Here is my Character Sheet for a second character. Spent a quite a bit of time creating this character, I hope it is alright. The backstory might be a cliché but I think it works out fine despite of that.

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