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@Darth Revan@TheUnknowable@jeroukoo

Carefully listening and taking in all that is said Cole had ultimately waited for Anna to put her light saber away and to speak before doing anything. Cole decided to answer Anna first almost appearing to ignore the rest of the situation, "Yeah, I headed out early to get in some meditation in the jungle this morning. I was going to get a few morning warm ups out of the way first but I took a bit more time meditating."

Almost right when he was done answering Anna's question his eyes snap towards Kurt to address him, "I saw the sabers Kurt, I didn't see the need to draw either of my sabers. It is easier to talk to people when we aren't trying to threaten each other. Besides Anna had her saber on for the ready. We'd only get in her way if she did need to use it anyway." Cole's tone towards Kurt was still casual like a friendly conversation. Cole hears the conversation that Kale started to talk about, and Cole didn't want to get involved. The discussion wasn't something Cole was interested in even though he had his own ideas and perspective towards the force.

Cole looked back over at Anna after she asked Kale while did he come here that question was something Cole wondered. Why would someone come out here alone towards a group of like theirs? Cole then says jokingly, "He must have came here to see all the wonderful trees and wildlife here in the forest. Maybe to even see some of the wild nexu around here, its like a petting zoo that will eat your hand when you try to pet them." Cole trying to lighten the mood with a joke about why someone would come out to their location.

I was but, it doesn't really matter, it could be directed at either or. I could have misunderstood the situation entirely but this works out as well.

@Darth Revan@TheUnknowable

'There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.'

Cole sits cross leg off out on his own in the forest meditating upon, The Jedi code is so simple but is it right? Was the order wrong? My path that lies ahead of me, is mine to find. I will find what fate awaits me and follow the path I truly was destined for. The thoughts swimming Cole's head remain strong as the same as when he left the Jedi order. He followed his teacher Anna for his own reasons, the age difference wasn't very big, they were the same age but Cole followed Anna as a padawan. Unknowingly to Cole he never got to know his bloodline or his lineage of which he was part of. His bloodline stretching from those from one that followed Anna's grandparent. Cole didn't even know this and yet he followed Anna anyway.

Cole kept his distance away as he meditated wanting to have quiet as he cleared his mind of all thoughts and search his inner self for answers that he seeks deep in himself. Cole eventually stands up and dusts himself off thinking he should start heading back over to Anna. He adjusts his belt and the two sabers on his both sides of his hips. Showing off the tool of the Jedi and the weapon of a sith openly.

As Cole made his way back to the waterfall he notices something was off, or something was different. A presence was there he wasn't use to and that was bizarre which made him a bit more careful as he approached. As he made his approach towards the waterfall he began to speak, "What do we have here Anna? Friend or foe? I really hope it is the former and not the latter." Cole spoke without looking at another other than the stranger. He made no visible movements towards his weapons as he waited for Anna to say anything or for the stranger to make any hostile moves. Cole's tone wasn't hostile it was rather causal as he spoke to Anna. Cole didn't seem to be considering this as a threat, but he was full ready to grab his weapon at any moment Anna would tell him to do so.

Alright just added it was more of his own choice to leave the order more of looking for his own path to follow. I think it is a simple enough reason for Cole to leave the order.
So it was the personality that needed fixed up a bit, alright I tried to make it a bit better I don't know if it is actually any better then it was before.

As for the magic. I changed it to the regular meteor. I also changed the second spell since it was just a version of grand chariot as well. So here is the character sheet again a bit changed.

@jeroukooYeah I thought it would be interesting to have my character to have that linage. I mean its just a name, doesn't give a character any special benefits, other then having some sort of background. Still I think this could be interesting. With the coincidence of the relative of the exile is under tutelage under the relative of Revan, it could be really interesting.
Well if there is still room here is a Character sheet filled out. I hope it is alright. Let me know if there is anything I need to change or not.

Is there still room in this for another to join? Do we start with lightsabers or will we be acquiring them during the roleplay?
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