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Im quite interested in finding out what is making everything shake. Some black figure coming out of the water? Forming a pillar of water. Only have a few guesses of what it could be, in the world of fairy tail. A big black figure over the ocean could be a few things. A lot of interesting things cant wait to see what it really is.
Carver Fewkes

Location: Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

How many months has it been? Is it two? I think it's two, yeah it's two I think. I cannot believe I joined this guild and still haven't taken a job. How many times have I stared at that job board now looking for a job... Carver thinks to himself as he stares at the job board thinking what job could he take.

He had been down this road multiple times, he would stare at the job requests and find himself unable to pick a one. He would first look at the high paying jobs but most of the jobs looked a bit difficult for himself. He wasn't part of any team as of yet he wanted to get to know the members of Phoenix wing before taking a job. It had been two months since he joined and still no jobs taken. Looking at the current job requests. There was a rogue magician that caught his eye but the sum of which was the largest amount he sees at the moment. A rogue mage it seemed simple other than this person partly killed a guild master and is a sand wizard hiding in a desert. He shook his head that wasn't a good first time mission.

He then sees another job 'Thieves on the paradise' Dealing with thieves seemed simple enough to Carver, even get a chance to stay at a resort. Doesn't take long for Carver to decide on it as he rips the job request off the wall with a smile. "My first job, decent reward just got to deal with some thieves." Carver says to himself almost talking to himself out loud. Just as he was getting ready to celebrate things began to shake?

After sighing he puts the job request back to where it was nice and neatly. Then asks a question most are already asking but asking anyway loudly, "Alright what in the world was that? Just as I found my first job too..." Not really waiting for an answer he goes towards the nearest door to get outside to see if he could see anything not really looking where he was going just trying to get outside as quickly as possible.

So there was a time skip. So I could actually be able to work with my original character to without any problems. I could put the new one on hold and use my orginal. Seeing how both are in the same boat needing to be introduced after a timeskip. I didnt know a really big timeskip happened. It might be easier with my original character, since he had just joined phoenix wing at the end of the grand magic games I already introduced and he had actually met a few of the members of the guild. It shouldnt be so forced if I reintroduce him again rather then introduce a new character who's backstory had him already in phonex wing and try to force stuff.

I'll get something together in a bit, hopefully it'll work out alright. Its time to get back into swing of things.
So what is going on in the rp? Any suggestions on how to introduce my character into what is going on?
Alright, if I remember correctly I need to get accepted by a co gm as well, before moving my CS over to the Character section.
Well here is my attempt at a new character. Still not very good when it comes to making a history or backstory but I hope this works.


Would it be alright for me to rejoin this? I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been meaning to but just couldn't really think of a post. I do want to get back into this though, maybe or most likely make a different character then the one I had originally signed up with. If you it would be alright for me to rejoin that is.
Im still a bit interested. I keep popping in here to see if anyone has posted anything every once in a while if some life can be kicked into this but I understand a lot of people are busy with finals, work and other things keeping people away from here but if we can get enough interest this rp could see some life again.

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