Avatar of BladeSS4


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Here you go. Hope you are still accepting new comers. I hope I filled this out right. Let me know if I didn't and I can fix whatever is wrong with this.


@BladeSS4 Are you still interested?

Yeh, still working on fixing the character's bacstory
Alright I will try and fix these issues. I might just throw out the whole stuck in his suit deal. Was more of less thinking of when Tommy in canon got stuck in the Black Suit in Dino Thunder when I thought of the idea with my character. The berserk issues aren't completely uncontrollable but I can see why he wouldn't be allowed in the base. I'll scrap that too. I'll have a new brief history together soon.

I don't know if you are still accepting new character. I tried to go with a noncanon character which I hope is alright. So here is my CS.

Sorry that I haven't posted yet, I have been busy lately also been having writers block when it has been coming to thinking of a post ever since I posted tried to get back into this. If there any ideas or suggestions of what I can do to try an get a post together. I am still trying to get something together I haven't abandoned the rp just been busy as I said before and writers block.
Sorry I haven't posted yet, still working on a post, haven't been able to think of my next post ran into a wall of writers block and being busy. Like my character was about to go off to train or the morning work out he was going to do after talking and meeting Haruka. So he will be out of the loop for a bit until he was done training or unless something stops him from going out and working on whatever he was going to do.
@The Mad Hatter

Im still here. I haven't dropped out just been busy. I'll try to get something together as soon as I can
Tashiro Hokori

Watching the girl just shrug off the fact that Tashiro commented about how the scar looked like it would hurt. Seems like the girl was use to the pain that she hadn't thought of it. After Tashiro had asked his two questions he saw that she was thinking about the situation.

He listened to the girl's answer. Hearing she was on a kind of vacation before when it came down to asking if she was from the village. Seeing her come up with the answer a bit awkwardly and a bit embarrassed when coming up with an answer to his first question. Considering the nature of the village, and some of the establishments he wasn't surprised. It wasn't a village where they were subtle about what goes on within the village. With what goes on in the red district, and the casino it's no wonder if a shinobi did come for a vacation here they would be embarrassed to admit to it.

Not really surprised that she declined wanted someone to train with. He heard what she said about being hungry, a valid reason, other then the fact that Tashiro was just a complete stranger to the girl. Tashiro replies, "Well, I guess I best head out then wouldn't want to keep you out here. Sorry once again for interrupting your vacation training." He was about to head out unless the girl had something more to say to him.

@The Mad Hatter Im still around. Been working on my next post, I'll have something up soon.
Alright, anyone working on a post?

Im waiting on Mad Hatter to post. I guess I could post but I was waiting for his character to respond to mine.

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