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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Get on in here friends
My man

You already know what the fuck ‘boutta happen.
might do molly
You already know what the fuck ‘boutta happen.




Tenebrae City Maximum Security Prison
Cell Block 27-S


Another Day in the Hole


Tenebrae Maximum Security Prison, 27 floors beneath ground level, stuck behind the walls of a remotely controlled icebox for 20 years.

It was about as pleasant as it sounded.

Nathan "Carver" Ridge. Former member of the Gray Dragons, diagnosed pyromaniac, felon. Charges include, but are not limited to: Multiple accounts of murder, arson, unlawful possesion of prohibited chemical substances, and unlawful possesion of firearms.

Normally, a man such as this would be sent to death row, but someone decided that his capture was an oppurtunity. A chance to explore scientific possibilities for containing other metas of his caliber. Their new captive would make for a perfect lab rat, they said, it's not everyday you capture an Alpha-class meta, after all.

And so, they threw him in a hole, never to see the light of day again, in a liquid-cooled room. A marvel of moder day prison engineering. Three layers of heat resistant glass diffused by coolant made sure he could never push the room past the average temperature of a cool summer day. Carver made no attempt after one year to threaten the security of the prison. He was cited for "good behavior" as most prisons do, except in the case of someone like him, "good behavior" only meant the guards were allowed to exchange words with him after 19 years. Nothing more, nothing less. Not that Carver truly cared about such a thing. Gone were the days when others had any sway over his existence in a way that amounted to anything. The guards who were on the payroll to guard him and only him were not his friends, or his enemies. They only kept their eyes on him in rotation throughout the day. Visitation was out of the question, it was unlikely his mother and sister were informed of his location when he was incarcerated. Once a week, only in the interest of pleasing the prison's non-humanist stockholders, Carver was permitted time in the yard above ground, same as the average prisoner. He was followed everywhere he went by no less than three specially equipped guards at a given time, and without his knowing, a sniper rifle loaded with tranquilizing munitions was aimed at him from a location he was not aware of, any time he stepped more than 3 feet past the door to his cell. In the past two decades, these measures only proved necessary once, in a fit of rage even Carver himself strains to remember. He hadn't seen natural light for another 2 years, as a result of that incident. There was no kind way to say it: He was kept alive for the sake of it.

They didn't have to, after all, the city never had much fuss to make over executing metas who stepped out of line. He always told himself that there was probably some angry god out there who refused to let him die his own way, or karma finally caught up with him. It didn't matter to him, one way or another. His life ended 20 years ago, when he and Grayson escaped a burning building with their lives, when Grayson escaped with his life and his freedom. The outside world had no need for him. His old friend had no need for him. He lacked a purpose in what was left of his life, all he could really do was wake up, stare at the walls, think about the old days, exercise, and go to sleep. That was exactly what he did, every day, and was exactly what he would continue to do until the next time he left the cell was in a body bag. He was just an animal these days. At least he had...Well, nothing. He had nothing.

What would the old man say to that, he wondered.

Carver had woken up that day knowing exactly what would happen: He'd hit the floor, do a hundred push-ups, then a hundred sit-ups. Then he'd stare at the ceiling for five minutes, then he'd do nothing for the rest of the day. He knew what he'd do, until he very well didn't.

His usual morning guard stepped away, and he knew the next guy would take a few minutes to get here. Three minutes and fourty-seven seconds, he figured. Except it wasn't one of his personal guards, it wasn't even a guard at all. It was like death herself had come and paid him a visit. A torn cloak, a skull mask. Carver only caught a glimpse of it through the window of his cell, but it was the most vivid thing he had seen in years. He almost wrote it off until someone spoke to him. That wasn't unusual, the guards usually spoke to him to give him a hard time and keep him feeling low. But this...It reminded him of how life felt for a moment.

"How long you wanna stay in there, taking the fragile peace Rhea enjoys for granted?"

Rhea. His sister.

The mention of that name was like a slap to the face, like cold water. His head snapped forward in confusion. He said nothing for an eternity.

Eventually he gave a response, a slightly gravely voice, slow and only somewhat hollow, without a hint of a grow or any aggression. "How do you know that name?"

She threw a phone through the wall. Was she a meta?

"Check the video on that thing. See what your friends have been up to after all this time."

He caught it in the air instinctually, and his heart damn near exploded when he saw the video. Grayson surrounded by guns pointed his direction, a shield of water in front of him, and a blonde girl with glowing hands.

Rainsinger, and Sunrider.

A look of shock and dismay spread across Carver's face. He was still around. After all this time, after what they went through, he was here. And Sunrider, she was still here too. It was like watching life pass him by, was everything either of them planned for themselves just given up on? Carver barely processed what he was seeing before the voice behind the door talked to him again.

"That device she grabbed is just one of the pieces that will mark the end of Tenebrae as we know it. Sure, she destroyed it. But these guys have a backup plan. Our spy network picked up on black boxes around the city set to go off as soon as tomorrow, turning the entire city into a heart generator, siphoning bioenergy to power their doomsday device. Normal humans will last a few days at most, metas, maybe a few weeks."

"Your family is up there, blissfully unaware, but you're not going to let them get hurt. And we know how to help you."

"We need to get into their facility. You're the only one who can break-in, and if you're successful, we'll give you the means to keep your family safe."

His family?

The end of Tenebrae?

This was all too much for him, almost.

Carver sat in silence for what felt like hours, did one of those two send someone for him? Did Fadeaway work her magic? A million questions swirled through his mind, but there remained a certainty in all this he allowed for himself: If those two were involved, this had to be happening for a reason. But still, this was a surprise to say the least. Rhea was at risk, it seemed. That used to be the one thing that let him wake up in the morning.

Carver gathered his thoughts for a moment, after everything was dropped on him like a brick.

"Who...the hell are you?"
Love Street (The Haven)
Time: Morning

After a few drinks, enough to make the atmosphere pleasantly swim, there was a creak of wood as the barstool beside him was filled. The lights dimmed, like a candle was blown out before sputtering back to life.

“Oshus, “ said a cool tone beside him.

An old friend stared at him over the rim of a double shot of the aged brandy they normally wouldn’t serve customers, her posture and attire as impeccable as ever.

“If you wanted to invite me for a drink, you simply had to ask.”

Linus sat at the front of the Haven for a while, he wasn’t in a hurry. Collecting his thoughts before Hel arrived, normally, a casual drink would’ve been all he was here for. But she had the city around her fingers. If anyone had answers, it would be her.

”Much as I can’t resist a few drinks with an old friend like you, this ain’t just that. Those guys I told you about? Those Shadow Knights? Looks like they weren’t foolin’ around…”

He finished off his glass before setting it off to the side.

”Sunny got a hold of me. Got me to help with some sort of big job of hers. A friend of hers heard about a machine that could steal a meta’s tricks. Problem was, it was in pieces and those pieces weren’t altogether. We nicked one, got snagged by their boss. Same goofy lookin’ clown that stopped me when I got here.”

Linus wheeled around in his seat, leaning against the counter. ”So, they got a piece of this magic machine of theirs. I came here thinkin’ you’d know something about them.”

Her black glossed nails tapped the wood. "Those Knights..."

A crick pulled at the edge of her glossed lips as she finished her glass, setting it to the side. "At one time, long ago, I took the venom out of their sting."

"Nothing but meta poachers, I thought. That was when they had their little fingers in my network. Nicked three of my best girls."

Her eyes grew distant, reminiscing. "Most cracking metas you'd ever laid eyes on."

"When I learned they had a Queen, well... What happened next..."

A dark look crossed her porcelain features. "I give no excuses. You know how I feel about family."

"You were living peacefully on the seas when the nights of chronic static choked the air. 'Normal' people waking up with crushed lungs, difficulty breathing, unsightly deaths in the hospital. All a side effect by our nightly fights. I wanted to get even with them, take back what they stole from me."

"We pushed them as far as to abandon one of their facilities. Searched that bloody place from top to bottom, but they wiped it clean except for one thing. A message."

The lights flickered, a chilling aura in the air. All jolly and thrill in Lovestreet slowly drained as patrons peeked over their mugs at the dark angel with an expression on her face that would stop the heart.

"My girls. Powerless. Unrecognizable." She closed her eyes, elbow leaned on the wood. "I had to tell their families they died."

Her eyes burned a hole in the wall behind the bartender, recounting the tale. "Our final battle marked an end to the Knights, I made damn sure of it."

"The Queen, she was a psychic. In terms of raw power, super effective, but against me, her powers would tear themselves apart like an atomic bomb in her mind. She fell into a maddening rage, toppling the Knights herself before succumbing to a guilt-ridden coma."

"With the Queen out of commision, I forced the remaining Knights to hand power of the city back to me. No metas went missing for years after that."

A huff of air passed through her nose in short, sarcastic laughter. "Hell. Sunlight touched the streets, for once."

The bartender passed her another drink which she held up, crossing her legs as she mimicked Linus' posture. "But now, you've had the pleasure of meeting their new King who's mobilzed the Knights once again."

Her face crinkled in elegant disgust. "I should have finished them off when I had the chance, but alas..."

"If what you've said is true, the recent disappearances in this city can't be fully blamed on the Hunters, innit?"

She took a sip, eyes looking pointedly at Linus. "And if they're collecting pieces of this machine, it may be related to what happened to my girls all those years ago."

"And if I had to predict what they'll do next, these Knights will cause metas to fall off the map faster than, dare I say, one of your legendary waves.”

”What a time to be alive.” He commented, not a trace of concern or humor on his face. Despite his demeanor, Hel could no doubt see through that cool face better than anyone, and would know he actually did care about the subject. Throughout the years, he was well acquainted with the Valkyries, her people, her family, the people who made this city safer than it used to be. Hearing that they had been run through stuck with him. And the fact that she said she lost her most powerful…He could name a few who might fit the description. He and them went a long way back, to put it lightly.

”That bad, huh?” His voice just a fraction lower from hearing Hel’s story. ”Well, this king ain’t messin’ around. Sounds to me like whatever you did, he took it personally. You’re tellin’ me those girls were powerless when you found them? And I was gone. That don’t add up. What Sunny and her techy friend told me is that machine they’re scheming’ hasn’t been built yet. How’d they take someone’s powers years ago?”

She leaned back in her seat, eyes narrowed like flints of steel.

“Curious, innit? Bloody puzzle. But, my girls told me somethin’... interesting.”

“Phantasm,” she said, “Gets into trouble all the time. Too young for you to have met, but she’s got that fire I like. The kind that makes me think she might run the Valks when I’m gone.”

She took a sip, setting the glass down with a bit more force than necessary. “She saw somethin’. When I caught her doing deals outside, she told me.”

Her black taloned fingers traced on the wood, “Large containers shaped like tubes, and a room filled from top to bottom, more than the eye could see, of nothing other than, as she put it, ‘pickled powers’.”

“I’ll be damned to hell if they’ve had the ability to take a meta’s ability this whole time, but no way to use them ‘till now.”

Rainsinger took her words in. Years of harvesting people, cutting them up and collecting what made them tick, and they were just now getting around using them. How long has it been since he was involved in such schemes? It had been a lifetime ago since Linus stuck his nose into the business of Valkyries and their enemies. In another time, he gave that all up. He decided he was done with fighting over scraps.

Two decades of being a person that fit in with society, living with people who he called friends. He left everything behind for it, and he found what he was looking for. He had a life where he could live rather than survive. He didn’t need Tenebrae anymore.

And yet, there was more to that now. It wasn’t just his life on the line here, not anymore. He could walk away and never come back. But something inside him knew that leaving wasn’t going to happen. Were it not for Hel, or even the old man, Linus would’ve crawled into a hole somewhere and died there. Even before the rest of the old players were worth mentioning, Hel knew him. Linus couldn’t bring himself to leave without doing something about people causing problems for someone who was trying her damndest to give metas a place they never had. He was many things, a criminal, a survivor, a dead man, and more.

He was not a coward who turned his back on people. His people.

”Well, it looks like somethin’s gotta be done about this. I’ve been gone way too long. Listen, I know you’ve got about all the power you could need down here, and I know it’s been a while since I’ve been around. But I ain’t about t’let this slide. Almost wish I came back a little sooner…”

There was a note of genuine sympathy in Linus’ voice, one of sincerity towards an old friend.

”You need any help from an old timer across the sea. Just ask.” He told her, staring straight into those cold eyes of hers.

Hel watched the storm flick across Linus’ face. The seas soothed the man, but she knew nothing could calm the hurricane brewing deep under the surface. Her eyes flicked to the side, talons digging into her palms as they always did when she needed the pain to clarify her thoughts.

“You’ve given me the last puzzle piece I needed, Oshus. I was painfully unaware of the Knights and their damned king working on something this big. The terrorist attacks, the disappearances, higher amounts of black market traffic: it all makes sense now.” she said, eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

“Your girl is still in town, yes? Take her and get out of here. If Astra’s seen you, you’ve been marked. I wouldn’t doubt they have men on their way now to collect what they can before they push their endgame.” Her eyes twisted closed, anger flashing across her face.

Her fingers plucked notes out of the air, pressing $200 on the counter, eyes sizing up the bartender. Today it was the young boy from the night Phantasm had her little ‘off-the-books’ scuffle. “My dear, pocket the extra, and keep hush-hush ‘bout this.”

“Yes ma–” the boy said, hand touching the money before violently recoiling, mouth letting out a strangled yelp as he stared in horror. On appearance, nothing had changed in Lady Hel’s visual except the wilting look in her eyes, her selective phobia at play.

Her eyes closed, shaking her head softly as she turned away from the counter.

“Oshus,” A vampirish look in her eye, feet toward the door. “There’s no time.”

A rare smile crossed her lips. “Be safe, old friend.”

“If we’re gonna have a chance to subvert this and save Tenebrae from her fate, I will need to track down my ace.”

”Haven’t even been here one week and it’s time to get packing. Well, you ain’t wrong…I know a place.” His eyes narrowed at the floor in thought. ”Real far north out of here, edge of Alaska. Been there hundreds of times after I left here. People like us fit in there, a lot.

Linus stood up and followed Hel to the door. ”I’m gonna grab those two and we’re gonna head up there. We’ll lay low. I know the place like the back of my hand- Astra comes up there? He’s dead meat. Everybody and their mother’ll be aiming for his head. We’ll be fine up there, but don’t let me miss the action if you need a hand here.”

”Bastard won’t be able to lay a finger on us if he tries.”
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