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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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PRCU roleplay: A school for superheroes!

PRCU lore:

Not you

anyone but you

Location Rooftop
Interactions Team comms, Nymph

This was a lot to take in at first. Cora could hear the shouts after she saw Talos swoop down and join the fight. According to Rain's report, they were using weapons that fired based on electrical power sources. That was consistent with the brief bit that Nymph managed to squeak out. "Got it. I can disable those by frying the power sources. I just need to be close so I can. I'm at the hatch on the roof, and I don't see anybody guarding it. I'll check." Stormcaller opened the roof hatch and dropped down into whatever hallway it led to. As she neared any security cameras, they would appear to glitch out and their feeds would warp as if a magnet was interfering with them. Stormcaller took in the surrounding area. Lights began to flicker as she passed by them, though they never really stopped working.

"Stormcaller here, I'm on the top floor. Looks clear, I'm gonna meet you on the 36th floor, Nymph. Keep your head down until I'm there. Once I'm nearby, the cameras won't be able to pick up on us." She said, and then cautiously looked around for the stairs to head down. It was possible that these people had already taken over the security room, and that it wasn't just lying there empty for Cybergirl's convenience. Cora wasn't about to take the chance and blow their cover this early.
If this is gonna be set in the 1930s, will it be during WWII? Or will it be a little earlier?
Leah Jordan

Location: Fortune Shack > The Hammer
Skills: Punching things and throwing rocks
First Day Fit



Agatha's readings seemed less like a reading and more like a heavy prophecy that hung over Leah's head. Of course, she understood exactly what it meant. There wasn't anything cryptic to decipher in the meaning, no extra questions that came from ones already answered. No, it was about as clear an answer as anyone could possibly get. She had to kill him one day, and make sure he was actually dead this time. She was hoping that day wouldn't actually come, or if it did, that it wouldn't come for a long time. Though, it already has been a long time, so it could be tomorrow for all Leah knew. Oh well. Under normal circumstances, Leah chose to punch things in a philosophical, nigh meditative way when she had a big question she needed to think for a while. The sound of absurdly strong fists hitting a punching bag was like the language of the universe flowing through her ears, giving her the wisdom she needed.

These were not normal circumstances. Normal circumstances didn't involve a prophecy written in the stars... Or was it the cards? Was it both? Honestly, Leah didn't know. Maybe it was in the stones, considering Leah was handed a tool of divination from Agatha. She didn't even understand divination. Alas, it was a gift, so she would keep it. She had punched things enough today, so instead, Leah felt like testing her luck against another cosmic force of nature that wasn't destiny, but worthiness. Whatever the hell that meant. Leah walked across the academy grounds until she got to the hammer, which no one seemed to be testing themselves against by the time she got there.

"Hammer, hammer, on the ground. Does your judgement deem me truly sound?" She mused aloud, and then knelt down to reach her grip around the handle. And then, with all the might and heft of one who could shatter a mountain, Leah made an attempt to lift the hammer from where it sat. There was likely some otherworldly presence watching out of curiosity, or amusement at the notion that someone of her... descent could lift it. Alas, Leah was not one to avoid taking shots the had the opportunity to take.

My idea is a dude with indestructible arms. He's a highschool teacher who could beat the biggest dude in school in a fist fight... And he would too, if he could get away with it.
I don't know the first thing about "golden age" heroes or the 1930s

But an Omega Man rp is an Omega Man rp
So.. Are we dead
Leah Jordan

Location: The Carnival > Fortune Shack
Skills: Punching things and throwing rocks
First Day Fit

Agatha's lips were pursed, as she was not entirely satisfied with how that reading had gone. She was beginning to wonder whether it had been the right decision to go take the job at Strange Academy - some of these students clearly needed her guiding hand. Her familiar, Ebony, was still in their form as a panther. Agatha looked at Ebony for a minute, before sighing slightly. "Come on in... Leah," Agatha called out. It was probably for the best if Leah did not acknowledge Zelda - Agatha saw some immediate trauma down that path.

Leah did not, in fact, acknowledge Zelda. She just walked right in.

"Hey. Heard you were going soon. Strange Academy, right? Look at you, going places." She didn't really get close with Agatha in the couple of years that she attended AA, but then again, Leah never got close with anybody. She took a seat across from the woman. "So... Got room for one more before you take off? Something's been on my mind lately. Not really something I can get an answer for normally..." Surely Agatha wouldn't ask, right? "I guess the best way I can put it is... Will things that happened to me a long time ago come back? Or will they happen again?" There were things Leah had buried a lifetime ago, both literally and figuratively. But still, he was a very clever person, and if anyone could come back from the dead, it was that man. Leah's life had come a long way from his grasp, and she worried that she had possibly come too far to see behind her in a weird way. Like diving lower into the ocean than you ever have, only to get turned around and realize you can no longer see the sky. "I wanna know if I should be looking back on things more, if that makes any sense. I've never been really good at the whole fortune thing like you."

"I'll be here until the sun sets," Agatha promised Leah. She was not too surprised at the somewhat secretive nature of Leah's question. Many students today had already gone through her tent, withholding specific information. But it didn't matter. Agatha didn't need to know concrete facts, not when she had her intuition to guide her. That really was the key to magic, particularly when it came to fortune telling - it was something that Agatha could not teach her students. Either they were naturally intuitive or they were not.

"That makes perfect sense, dear," she then added. She snapped her fingers and the cards whirled around in the air, shuffling themselves, bopping around the crystal ball and narrowly dodging being singed by the floating candles. Ebony let out a low meow, followed by a hiss as the cards came to a stop. Three cards arranged themselves in a circle, before setting down gently on the table. While in previous readings the cards had gone still at this point, the cards in this reading continued to move, rotating in a cycle. The Ten of Swords. Temperance, Reversed. Queen of Wands, Reversed. Over and over again, the cycle never ending.

If the panther-cat hissing hadn't been an indication, this was a bad reading. "You are trapped in a dark cycle, my dear," Agatha said, her voice low. The lighting in the tent turned sinister and dark, the flickering candles casting shadows wherever Leah looked. "A painful one. The Ten of Swords - a painful, horrific, tragic yet inevitable end. Temperance, Reversed - a major spiritual working in your life, your life is ruled by instability and imbalance. And the Queen of Wands, Reversed - you need to know yourself, child, re-forge your identity. And then the cycle will repeat. Over and over again..."

Agatha paused, letting these words sink in. "The only question is - where on the cycle are you right now? And what can you do to break free of it?" She frowned, snapping her finger and another card was drawn - a card for advice, a means for Leah to break free. Five of Wands. "I see," Agatha murmured. "The only way for you to break this cycle of pain and suffering... is through conflict. I think you know, my dear, what sort of conflict this means - who you must face."

She always had a feeling that he was too smart to be taken out by just a landslide.

The cards seemed to know that Leah would have to go back there, or maybe let him come to her, and finish the job she should have finished back in the day. Did Agatha know this too? She was old and powerful in her own right, so the possibility of her knowing all of this and more wasn't something to ignore. But even then, what would she have done? This had been haunting Leah for a very long time. If nothing else, now she knew that there was a potential solution.

"Well. That's terrifying." She said, "Thanks. That gives me answers. Well, it kinda does. I think." Leah stared down at the cards, pondering their meanings. Identity and life in turmoil, with the only way out being through... She could live with that, maybe.

"The future is rarely kind to those with great destinies," Agatha said, attempting to be comforting. She knew that it was a lot to take in. "Is there anything else you'd like to know, child?" she then asked. She already had in mind the perfect thing to give to Leah - something Agatha hoped might set her on her way, but also provide a source of comfort.

"Uh. I guess... How do I know it can stop for good? I mean, if it's a cycle and all." So far, that cycle hadn't even come to turn as far as she knew. What if it just took long enough to do so that she could very easily forget?

Agatha hesitated for a moment - had Leah been one of her students, she would have cautioned her that no one could ever truly know when the cycle would end. One final card settled down on the table in front of Leah. It depicted a woman standing alone, cloaked in a grey robe, peering at a closed laptop - the Hermit. Another card of major spiritual forces. "Only you will be able to answer that, my dear," Agatha said softly.

"Only me." Great.

"Well, thanks. I should probably get going. Whatever you're doing at Strange Academy soon, good luck with that. See you around." Leah stood up to leave.

"Before you leave, I have something to give you... Leah," Agatha interjected. She stood up from her seat, gathering her purple shawl around her a little more, before placing a small velvet bag in Leah's hands. Due to her abilities, Leah would be able to sense that the bag contained stones. "I hope you find these runes useful. If you should care to learn them, I would seek out Madalyne Crane or Billy Maximoff - my best pupils here. If not, well... I understand that young women these days have no qualms about throwing stones."
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