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Current Absolutely fucking not
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5 mos ago
Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

You already know what the fuck 'boutta happen

Why did this city have to be so damn big?

Kyrus was a wizard in his own right. He held incredible power that some wizards vaguely understood in some areas, and yet there were others he couldn't even cast a cantrip in. Right now, he wished he could fly or summon some kind of spectral steed. He knew where he had to go, but in hindsight, Kyrus really shouldn't have overestimated his ability to get to places on foot in a timely manner. Even with a arcane-powered mechanical arm, carrying all of the stuff he owned was started to get somewhat heavy.

"Bookstore... Bookstore... Book- There it is. Finally." He muttered to himself as he finally spotted the damn place after walking for an hour. His directions were coming from a geometric pattern made of teal light, which floated in his mechanical hand. An arrow in the middle acted like a compass leading him to where he'd be staying. The door chimey-bell thing all bookstores probably had rang as a 6"2' tiefling walked in. Kyrus saw what looked like an entire parade rolling through the place. A harpy over there, a pair of... constructs? that-a-way, and a handful of other people. By the looks of things, he got their last.

"It's busy in here, isn't it?" He said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.
”Yeah, I do. Name’s Leah, by the way.” Andy’s stance was familiar to Leah. It was kind of like what she typically went for in a scrap, only less grounded. Leah wasn't big on swords typically, she often preferred to just beat the shit out of her enemies with her hands.

”Ready when you a-“ Leah was successfully clipped on the arm, but her initial reaction to Andy’s poor footwork was to swing on her. Leah whirled the large sword over her head and brought it back down diagonally over Andy’s left shoulder.

”Nice to meet you. Maybe we can box sometime.” Leah hit Andy in the shoulder. It didn’t hurt, but Andy was a little surprised about being hit. She normally doged things easily. Maybe it was that Zari was currently yelling about the rules of engagement that had distracted her. As much as Andy wanted to pay attention to Zari’s fight, or even go over and punch the dark-haired girl, Andy pulled her attention back to Leah. Andy swung the sword again, she had tried to find an opening, but her sword crossed with Leah’s instead.

With the attack blocked by Leah’s sword, she took a step closer towards Andy and pushed her weapon away with her own. If she could keep Andy on the backpedal, this would be easier. With a quick follow up, she took a second step forward and lunged with a thrusting motion, aimed at Andy’s chest.

Andy took the step back and as the sword came toward her chest she side stepped. She reflexively blocked the attack with her arm. Andy blinked. Good thing these weren’t real swords. Andy shifted her stance, taking back the offensive. As she swings the sword and Leah goes to dodge it Andy’s sword sweeps through Leah’s hair and falls apart. Andy stares at the hilt left in her hand confused.

Leah, on the other hand, looks as if she isn’t surprised. ”Well. I guess I win.” Leah walked over and put her sword away before running her hands through her hair. Chunks of foam fell out like pieces of garbage from a raccoon's hands.

”So… Wanna go and box or something?”

”Guess you do.” Andy looked up at Leah, and a smile spread on her face. ”I’d love to. What type do you know? I lived in a gym for a few years. So I know Boxing, MMA and Kickboxing.” Her voice carries a bit of sadness when mentioning the gym, but otherwise she seems pleased about the idea of getting to box.

"There is no need for that." Shirik said, in response to Kareet's suggestion. Shirik raised their hands and closed them into fists. The firelight from their body grew dim, until the only trace of its presence was thin trails of smoke. Shirik then closed their cloak and threw their hood overhead. "My presence is often intimidating to strangers. I have ways of reducing it." As the group traveled closer to the crash site, Shirik could smell the familiar scent of smoke, but something was different about it. It was more than just foliage burning, something else was ablaze. Something more... Acrid. "I feel that we are walking into something most alarming."

In the time it took them to arrive, Shirik shared their story with the glen J'eon. As a fellow heat mage, they found him easy to get along with. Upon their arrival to the hilly region, it was dark. Kanth-Aremek's moon overhead, one could scarcely see any signs of a star fallen to the ground. Still, that terrible burning stench was growing stronger as they neared. "We're close, and this air almost feels sickening." They said to the group. "There might still be fires burning. I'm going ahead to see if it's safe to move forward. I shouldn't be long." An odd statement, given Shirik was referring to climbing hills, but they had tricks for this.

Shirik stepped to the side and tossed their staff to Kareet. "Don't bother studying it. It's mundane." They then formed a set of inanely elaborate symbols with their hands, as the air around Shirik started to distort. The others would feel heat begin to radiate outwards as sparks danced under Shirik's feet. The sparks were visible, because they were no longer touching the ground. Heat had a tendency to rise, and thus, Shirik was floating. "I'll meet you after I'm done." With that, they drifted higher, into the air like a faint star, over the hills and up the mountainside. There were indeed faint traces of fire smoldering along the place, but there was no explanation for what Shirik's eyes were seeing.

They floated forward, and saw it. The wreck of the Jotunheim. A veritable castle, the likes of which they had never seen before. Shirik was left dumbfounded in the air. "What in the name of... Kareet is going to love this." They stopped and hesitated, wondering if they should even approach. Still, they needed to secure a pathway for Kareet and J'eon, so they pressed on cautiously. Shirik floated skyward, over the vast wreckage, looking for fires. There wasn't much, but the air felt dry, meaning flashovers were possible from smoke alone. Shirik drifted over the very center of the metal behemoth, and extended their hands outwards.

Wisps of smoldering flame began to stretch from the Jotunheim's exterior, and reached skyward. Though they were not finding more fuel, they were being absorbed. Scraps of fire and heat were pulled upwards in a way that seemed otherworldly to onlookers, as it all slowly convened on Shirik's location. The air gradually felt cooler by the minute. However, this place was huge, and this would require concentration. It was more than enough time that someone inside the wreckage could peer outwards and witness the strange effect. Once Kareet and J'eon made their way far enough up the mountain, they could see this. It was a far cry from the covert approach Shirik suggested, but it was what Shirik's skills afforded.

[img]url here[/img]

Just copy that
Leah Jordan

Location: SWORDS
Skills: Punching things and throwing rocks
First Day Fit

What ho? Really?

"Yeseth. Thouest doth possesseth anotherine combatant...Eth. Just gimme a damn sword already." She didn't let him hand her one though, rather, Leah walked over and picked one out herself. She grabbed what looked to be a foam claymore, and looked over at Andy. "One of my powers are kind of always on, so this'll hurt. If you wanna use yours, go ahead, but I won't go out of my way to make rocks start flying at you." Leah opted to not even look in the direction of that girl with the braids. Hearing her speak was just grating to listen to. Geez, was she always snarky like that? It made her sound like fucking Sabine. God, she hated Sabine. Anyway!

Leah walked over and got into a stance that was used for boxing, but held the foam claymore like she was prepared to impale Andy if she advanced. It was some sort of weird stance combo that anyone who was more accustomed to swords would recognize as the physical equivalent of an educated guess. Logically speaking, her feet needed to be spread apart, and she needed to be prepared for an attack.

"Ready when you are."

Location Bank, 6th floor
Interactions Nymph, Quiver, and her first victim

Nymph's new friend seemed like he could be trusted. He had the same skills as Green Arrow, and was clearly trying to help them. The goon he caught, though? He was a clearly trying to be an asshole. Stormcaller followed him and Nymph up to the guy, and tuned out the comment about their costumes. Cora was just about to shoot back with something about his hairline, when she was flashbang by blue and green, and flung straight into a water cooler. She couldn't see where Quiver or Nymph landed, but her training had taught her not to stay down. Stormcaller pushed off of the ground and moved upwards away from the floor, now floating about a foot in the air.

"Okay. Fuck you then!"

Stormcaller, despite being partially soaked, raised her hands as a crackling hum slowly filled the room. Blue sparks began to dance between her fingers. She wasn't about to let this guy do whatever that was again, so once she saw that he was free, she let him have it. Stormcaller fired a thin bolt of lightning at the robber's gauntlet. It was bright, almost enough that someone other than Cora would see spots in their eyes afterwards. Depending on how insulated the gauntlet was, it could either be unaffected, or its internal techy bits could be completely burned up, and the robber's arm would feel the rest. The shock could potentially leave the man stunned, but it wasn't enough to kill him.
It's usually easier to wrangle people from a server too, and we can talk back and forth faster usually

If you need help setting one up, I can lend a hand with that

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