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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Jack Hawthorne

Location: Edge of the Twilight Pass, Everdark Dimension -> Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Weightless Body

Three in the morning, relative to the Pass' outgoing rift.

Jack checked the magic watch he always carried with him. It always told the time in California's time zone perfectly. And yet, time still always got the better of him in the Everdark. He stared out the window of his kitchen, into the ethereal kaleidoscope of dark rocks and onyx-colored grass that bled into greenery. It was like the entrance to a cave, rough and irregular in shape, but the precipice between two different worlds. The Twilight Pass was an area of this constantly-shifting realm that spilled into Earth-666, just one of trillions to be found and folded outwards like paper to become a proper gateway. Moss crept up shards of black, glassy crystals that grew out of geological structures beneath grass. Patches of soil, which felt like ash from a furnace and smelled of ink, sprouted colorful flowers that thrived off of the faint trails of mist and sunlight that leaked in. They curled up and out the sides of pale stones in a walkway, stretching towards the rift like they yearned for home.

Beautiful, cognitive dissonance made manifest.

There was no sunrise in the Everdark, no moon to watch creep up and over the ominous mountains surrounding this home of his. The sky simply didn't even exist, in the same way a color one could only see in dreams didn't exist. Even still, Jack knew how to tell when it was past midnight. The sun rose over California roughly 15 hours ago, at 6am. At that point the rift was dark. When the sun set through the rift, it was actually a few hours from morning. If Jack went through an hour or two after that point, it would be mid-day. Of course, he had his watch for that exact purpose, but spending as long as he had in here burned that fact into his head years ago.

The strange thing about living in the middle of two time dilations, though, was that one's body often compensated for both. To Jack, dinner was the same as breakfast. And breakfast was right about now. Jack closed the window and turned back to the magically powered stovetop he bargained for at an alien appliance store meant for wizardly customers. It wasn't a very fancy breakfast... Or dinner. It was chopped peppers of three different kinds seared in oil and paired with leftover chicken marsala from two nights (days?) ago. In one hand, he grabbed a wine glass from a cupboard and a bottle of wine he received as a gift from a lich on an artificial planet in Earth-7895's galaxy.

Dinnertime. Breakfast time.

He sat down in the living room of his dark and dramatic home. This was a place he built out of magic, extradimensional materials foreign to earth, and sheer aesthetic intrigue. In one hand he ate, with another he flipped through pages of a book as he drummed up thoughts on a magic-related theory. Oh, how he loved chasing theories. He had so many.

Jack reached for the wine bottle, and was just about to crack open the seal when he felt something drop over his shoulders. He instantly jumped to his feet, half expecting another wraith to have broken into through the closet again when he recognized the tacky red design of the Cloak of Levitation. It was at this moment when Jack knew exactly what was happening. He could hear something rattling in the quiet of his home as the sound of a door suddenly flinging open disturbed him. Something flew through the hallway and straight at him like a baseball, and he caught it with a hand made of darkness. When he looked, Jack saw the Eye of Agamotto glaring up at him, vibrating between his voidy fingers.

"Isn't it a little early to be knocking on doors, Doctor?" He asked, knowing the Eye wouldn't actually relay his voice. In response, the infernal amulet's neckband reached for him as if he were a magnet, rattling lightly.

"Well excuse me for being a touch occupied with dinner. Oh, just hold on for a minute already."

Holding the eye away from his face, Jack fished around in the cloak's pockets for a note, awkwardly unfolding it with one hand and reading-

"His what?" Oh boy. This was going to be a long evening. Jack slipped his book into the cloak's pocket, and grabbed the wine he had yet to open. "Nochalla, don't touch my dinner!" He called out, to seemingly no one in particular as he let go of the Eye, which wrapped itself around his neck at long last. He then grabbed the empty glass and considered the implications of this note.

"Now just how exactly does that third string hedge wizard expect me to-" A vibrant yellow light exploded into existence from underneath Jack's feet, and he fell out of the Everdark.

After he vanished, a black cat with three eyes jumped onto the table, and proceeded to lick at the chicken Jack was eating.

Down into a pit of fiery hell and damnation came Jack with the grace and somber majesty of an angel. Perhaps it was the Cloak's doing, or perhaps it was simply the fact that Jack was used to falling through extradimensional holes at this point, but he landed like a cloud, even with the knee-high combat boots he wore. He floated to the ground entirely unbothered by the sudden teleportation, and then took in his surroundings. Limbo. A place he had been to a few times. The smell of agony on the wind was an acquired taste, but one Jack was accustomed to already. Surely Belasco didn't realize he was cheated out of his money during that poker match years ago... Or perhaps this was Strange's doing.

Looking around, Jack couldn't see anyone. He was suddenly really grateful that he brought a stiff drink.

"Stevie, just what in the name of Arishem have you gotten yourself into this time?"
Brother, this thing has been dead for the better part of last year.
The One Where an Earthbender and a Lovestruck Mermaid Do Gay Things

Tuesday, audition day.

There was very little room for things to go wrong during Leah’s audition. Frankly, she didn’t give a shit how the Harry Potter looking motherfucker or the alcoholic cat felt about what she chose to do anymore. That was because now that it was behind her, her mind was focusing on unfinished business. April never messaged her back. It wasn’t like her to read a message and not send one back, and that worried Leah. Badly.

After leaving the gym, she walked all over the place from here, there and everywhere else to find April. Something inside her was telling her she was a massive fucking idiot for confessing something like that over text. What was she thinking? If she said that out loud, maybe she wouldn't have fumbled so much over her words- And why did she even fumble in the first place? They were words on a screen, not spoken in real time!


Oh dear, she thought, There she is.


April was in the courtyard, sitting underneath the supposedly haunted tree. She had a planner in front of her, and a pile of notebooks and textbooks next to her. She was trying not to run her mind over and over again through everything that had happened this year, instead attempting to calm her nerves and anxiety by rigorously writing out information from syllabi and staring at the textbooks for her courses. She wasn't making much progress though. She had already put all the numbers she remembered into the shitty Nokia phone that Ser Nemo had given her - she was so mortified that apparently someone had told a teacher about the incident. She didn't think it had been Danni or Dori, which meant that SOMEONE ELSE SAW HER. They probably had photos of her lying in toilet water.

Her head shot up though, hearing Leah call out her name. And within seconds, April felt like crying all over again. "H-hey, fam! How'd the audition go? Did you rock the hell out of it? I bet you did! Mine was okay, bit of a wardrobe malfunction at one point, but that happens to the best of us and all. I'm s-so excited for you and- and Sabine! That's s-so great that you're, well, you're thing a now right? T-th-that's awesome!!"

Leah simply gave her a blank stare. She looked stoic and unhindered as she always did, but it was practically written on April's face that she was hurt. If a word hadn't been said, it wouldn't have changed the conclusion Leah came to. Eventually, a twinge of guilt crept up that façade of hers, and she closed the distance, dropped to her knees and wrapped April in a hug.

"April- I- Fucking- Fuck. I didn't want to hurt you. You're terrible at hiding how you feel, and I'm terrible at explaining how I feel. I should've just told both of you in person, instead of leaving you behind and telling you while I wasn't actually around. I'm sorry. I don't- I don't know if we're a thing, but I don't want it to be a thing with just her."

She looked up at April, and the faint expression of guilt was fully written on her face now.

April would've protested that she was actually great at hiding her feelings, but Leah's news came over her like a tsunami. She couldn't remember anymore the exact phrasing of the text, thanks to the water destroying her poor phone and the head injury that had quickly followed. But Leah's revelation still shook her to her core. Leah... hadn't been telling April she had missed on her chance? Leah was feeling just as confused as April was in this situation? April had figured out her feelings for Sabine that summer, pining away after her bestie's bestie on social media. But right now, with Leah holding her in an embrace, confessing her feelings for April... April's heart was beating faster and faster, as her body felt so intensely alive.

She hadn't realized it before, but she wasn't just into Sabine - she was into Leah too.

April returned Leah's embrace, careful not to scratch herself on Leah's hair. Leah had warned her about that before. April had always been a hugger. "I'm sorry I didn't reply - my phone drowned in toilet water," April apologized, before realizing how profusely unattractive a statement that probably was, her face turning bright red. "I-I wanted to tell you that Sabine had held my hand yesterday, that's what I was gonna share... Because I have a crush on her. And I-I-I think I have a crush on you too. Is that okay?" April stammered out.

”That- That’s what I’ve-“

Great, now she’s stammering.

”…April- That’s what I was trying to say yesterday. I didn’t just choose her and give up on you. God, I’m not very good at this stuff.” Her arms dropped away from April’s sides, and fell down to one of April’s hands. ”I guess I just, I don’t know. I got around to expressing that to Sabine before I did for you. Hope you’re not mad at me for it.”

April shook her head. She was feeling so so incredibly nervous now. She didn't know what was supposed to happen next in this situation. Every movie or book she'd seen like this ended up where one couple in the love triangle got together, and someone was left out. But usually that triangle didn't have everyone be into everyone and... She found herself wishing she'd get up the courage to just kiss Leah right now. Or that Leah would get up the courage to kiss her. Or that she could read minds so she could know exactly what to do and what to say, that she'd know how to hold her hands and what angle to tilt her head at, that Sabine would magically appear and sort everything out, that someone would just tell her how things were going to work. Another part of her wished that none of this had ever happened - the part of her that was terribly afraid, afraid of what this change would mean for her and for others. Would Danni and Dori be mad at her? Would it change their relationship?

April bit her lip. "I-I'm not mad at you," she said. "I... I don't know what comes next here. Like... What are we supposed to do now? Did... did you tell Sabine how you feel about... about this too? Do you... do you want to date both of us... or... or is that all too soon and we're supposed to go out for ice cream or something first or the movies or the library after hours or.... What do we do now?"

”Well- Probably not what me and Sabine were up to yesterday. That was kind of spur-of-the-moment.” Her hands heated up at the mention of that. ”Maybe we should talk to Sabine about this. I mean- I’m in love with both of you. I don’t know how she feels about you, but knowing her she might like the idea. If you want- Both of you- We could go out for a movie. Maybe see how we all feel about it. Or we could all date. Is- Would that be too soon for you?”

She was, somehow, completely oblivious to what Leah had implied about what she had been up to with Sabine the previous day. April's face turned red though at the idea of talking to Sabine about this. If Sabine didn't like April - or even if Sabine liked April but didn't want to be with two people - or even if Sabine liked April and was fine with a throuple but didn't want to date April - it would all be ruined. And April would step aside and let Sabine and Leah be a power couple. They were even roommates. Oh my god, they were roommates!

"I-I-I yes! I mean no. I mean yes. But no. Like, that all sounds fine and isn't too soon, I don't think. I don't know. My brain feels kinda broken right now. Like we're breathing and functioning but are we? I-I-I've never even been on a date before or kissed a girl or anything but... I'd love to go on one with you! Or her. Or both of you. Or neither. I mean, whatever you two want or do not want. That works for me. That's perfect. I don't know how she feels about me either. I don't think she really knew anything about me, which is like totally weird right? Like Danni is my brother basically. But I know Dori doesn't vibe with her, so maybe Danni just lumped us both together and just never said anything? Or does she think that there's another April in our year? There's a February the year below, those months often get confused. Also, side note, I love my name but sometimes I wonder if it's cringe since I was BORN in April... My middle name is Cassandra. What's your middle name?" April spat out nervously.

”I don’t have one,” She said, watching April struggle. ”Me and Danni don’t really get along. I don’t have anything against him. He’s just way too much for me to handle. Dorian’s okay, but we don’t get around to talking much. But- Anyway- How about… We talk to Sabine and see what she thinks? And if she’s okay with it, we could all go on a date somewhere. Not sure where but I could fly us there on a rock faster than a car, and we could get across the country in hours. We could go just about anywhere.” Leah didn’t seem to realize she was still holding April’s hand.

April had to resist the urge to suggest that Leah talked to Sabine, while April hid inside a bush and watched with a pair of binoculars. The idea that she could get not just one, but maybe TWO girlfriends.... It was a lot for her to take in. And when April was flustered, she talked. She talked and she talked and she talked. "Yeah, sure, that sounds good to me! My parents will be pissed if I leave the city without telling them, so I'd probably need to let them know where we're going before my dad calls in like a nuclear strike and my mom shows up with Medusa's head or some crazy shit like that. They're both kinda intense. Protective y'know? But intense. It... it kinda runs in my family I guess. Even my mom's parents are like that and they're otherwise just normal people. I mean my granddad's French-Canadian, but other than that, he's just some guy. He's not... well, y'know... Y'know what my other grandfather's like.... But yeah, let's talk to Sabine! Or um maybe you talk and I can nod in agreement, because if you can't tell, I tend to talk waaaay too much when I'm nervous. Kinda like what I'm doing right now. Yay?"

"You're supposed to talk a lot in a relationship, April. That's what we're talking about, so you should be there. Otherwise it's one-sided. Or I guess two-sided, but you know what I mean. I got nervous trying to tell you how I felt. With Sabine... She made the first move and I just went with it. It matters how you feel too, okay? You can talk like crazy all you want as long as you're being honest with yourself and us." Her fingers brushes across the back of April's hand softly.

"I'm sure your parents will live. If they got a problem with it, they can fight me."

Leah's touch caused April to shiver involuntarily. Her eyes fell on Leah's hand, her face burning bright red, before she looked back up at Leah. "I'd love to see you fight my dad. No, like, really, I think it'd be a pretty cool fight! You're all earth and he's all fire. It'd be like that really old cartoon, Avatar, y'know?" April chattered. "But um, you do got me there. I guess you are supposed to talk a lot. I just know that sometimes I talk too much and I go off on tangents and I don't ever really know how to stop... But we can both talk to Sabine! And hopefully I don't start bringing up like how George Foreman named all of his sons George Jr like a weirdo. Hopefully. My brain kinda does that sometimes. It's like bounce bounce bounce! Or see, here I am, doing it again, when what I really should be saying is that... I don't think I'm the kind of person that makes the first move. Obviously. Which we can see playing out here. But um I will be honest. With you. And hopefully me. I think I'm honest with me. I guess I wouldn't really know if I wasn't? Sorry, sorry, more word vomit, ugh."

April hesitated for a moment, before brushing Leah's fingers with her own. The experimental touch sent another shiver down her spine. It felt good though. She wanted to do it again. She never wanted to stop doing it.

Leah couldn't stop herself from smiling. April's hands just felt so warm... "It's okay. I like listening to you talk."

If she wasn't sure about making the first move, then Leah was. Leah leaned in and put a kiss on April's forehead, with no regrets. Especially not after how far she went with Sabine yesterday.

April's body felt like it exploded at Leah's soft kiss. All of her senses screamed out at her just at once. She had always fantasized about her first romantic encounter with a girl - that she would be swept off her feet, that her partner would pull her into a deep and longing kiss. She could feel that potential hovering just out of reach. April tightened her grip on Leah's hand. She was trembling. But April wanted this oh so badly. She couldn't remember every wanting something else in her life even more. And so, she took the plunge. The returned Leah's kiss with one of her own - on Leah's lips.

Leah gently put an arm around April’s back, and leaned into the kiss. Sabine was a lot more forward, more eager and confident. April was more nervous, so Leah elected to be slower, and let April set the pace so they didn’t move too fast. She held April there, feeling more and more comfortable by the minute as they kissed. She has been wanting to do this for a very long time. Leah felt happy now.

When they finally broke the kiss, Leah was smiling. ”I was wondering when we’d do that.”

April's lips were tingling as the kiss was broken off. She couldn't believe it. It had finally happened - her first kiss. The first set of things on her bucket list for junior year could finally be crossed off. Maybe yesterday had just been a weird train wreck, and the rest of the year was going to be smooth sailing from here. "That was... wow. That was better than all the songs and stuff say. I'm guessing that wasn't your first kiss? You're, like, super good at it. Or at least I think you're good. I think I'd know if you were bad at it? But, um, if you want to do that again some time, I'm game. That was... wow."

”Hm, now you sound like Sabine. Don’t be scared, April. We can do that again. As long as you’re comfortable with it. As if to punctuate that statement, she kissed the back of April’s hand.

”If I wasn’t good at it, I think Sabine would’ve told me. She’s pretty good at it too. You might find out soon.”

April didn't know how to feel about Leah saying she sounded like Sabine, but she gasped dramatically nonetheless. If she hadn't felt so strongly about her calling to do something with the ocean and its protection, she thought she would've been pretty good in telenovelas or something along those lines. She was great at the big facial expressions. Her heart fluttered again though as Leah kissed her hand, and her body yearned for something more - something that April didn't feel ready yet for however. "That'd be nice - I bet her lips taste amazing," April said. She had thought about how Sabine's lips would taste a lot. Whereas Leah felt more rough and rugged, and, well rocky, Sabine was much more of a high femme. But all the same, April's mind went back to the Katy Perry lyric - maybe Sabine's lips tasted like cherry chapstick.

"Yours taste pretty amazing too, by the way - it's like making out on a sandy beach, in a good way. Like... Bath and Body Works, if they could bottle that sensation, they'd make a killing. Maybe enough to avoid going out of business."

"Guess it's a good thing they can't, since now you and 'Bine have it all to yourselves." Something felt different about the last two days. Leah felt this way about April for literal years and didn't consider it a possibility that April could feel anything for her, that anyone could. But yesterday moved so quick and this was the consequence of it all. Leah felt like she was okay with this. She wrapped an arm around April and brought her in for another kiss, falling flat on the ground in the process.

Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all...

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa, The Seagull
Interactions: Arlen, Amisra
Mentions: Ismael
Equipment: Sword, ring, and some amas.

"Good," He nodded approvingly. The Captain trusted them both with this. "We can worry about him when the day comes that we have a reason to. Until then, assume we're being watched the entire day. Sooner or later he'll figure it out, that's a given. But our job's to postpone that until we can't anymore. In the meantime, they'll be learning as much as they can so they aren't helpless when that day does come, you understand? Ismael and his kind're the chosen ones. They're the future of the world and we're what's stopping them from getting killed before they know which way's up."

Come to think of it, Ismael and Tanithil had been gone for a while now. "Right- Let's find them. I trust Tanithil, but Solaris knows he can't keep out of trouble forever." The Captain stood up and strode out, expecting them to follow. The crew had been together for years by now, long enough that they remembered actually losing the war. Many of them were a part of it just like Drosis, so they all knew each other like a big, tough family. That family, however, was one that Drosis kept in line through sheer will and his ability to steer the ship- Something no one else aboard the Saltrunner had the privilege of doing, not even a helmsman.

He walked down the roads of Vanarosa, scanning the area and taking every detail in without the slightest trace of concern on his face. Everything was a piece on a board, a body on a ship. They all had to be considered. Especially now, when any one of these dock workers, guards or "citizens" could be a spy or perhaps a member of a human kill squad. Even professionals didn't let themselves be too confident to do their due diligence. It came naturally with being a pirate who raided ships for a living.

"Now just where have they gone and ran off to?"

This situation was degrading by the minute. While Nellara and Silbermine traded insults like school children, some of Silbermine’s soldiers were passing out food. Shirik hadn’t consumed actual food in a thousand years, but they imagined it tasted more saline than the bottom of an ocean. Silbermine only made his intentions plainer with each fumble. First he wanted the “temple” for himself, then he wanted the humans to serve as his champions in the Running. Luckily, they didn’t seem too interested in it. Shirik always found the Running to be comical at best and pointless at worst. They never cared for the posturing of countries, nor divine right of lords.

But as they spoke of war, it ruffled Shirik’s feathers. Silbermine wouldn’t have known war if it speared him through both stomachs. The Castigator seemed to at least grasp the sheer waste that war brought on, but Silbermine practically gloated. There were many things Shirik could’ve said in that moment, but things were tense enough as it is, and an old Iriad’s wisdom could only do so much to dissuade violence. Being as unique an individual as they were, the concept of borders was as empty to Shirik as nobility was the an Archmagister.

The talk of the Running seemed to turn to Shirik of all people, as Silbermine had the nerve to propose they be his champion. That was the last straw. Shirik turned to Silbermine and visibly bristled. Puffs of black smoke sputtered out from under their cloak. They were not amused.

”That fetid excuse for pageantry you cling to is far beneath me. I have seen famished peasants conduct themselves with more dignity than your so-called champions. They hissed, with no disregard for how impactful on Silbermine’s pride their words may or may not have been when surrounded by this many people.

This was the most displeasure they had spoken with since the humans first crash landed, since they gave Nellara a piece of their mind upon first contact, and when they anecdotally spoke of their past life as a soldier with Gar’Tan’s aid. Shirik was pissed now.

”Watch your tongue when you address me, boy. If I hear you speak of me as “ilk” again, then I will be teaching our human guests how Glen meat is cooked.”

It just so happened that the leader of these human guests had stepped out and made her own demands. Good, they thought. There needed to be a shift in tone or these people would kill each other. With that verbal assault on Silbermine done with, Shirik backed away and took to sitting against the side of a rock beside everyone. They listened to Zeynap list terms for a bargain. She seemed to know what she was doing.

”I know this land better than most. If any of you should consider hunting an option for food, I can lend myself to you.” They chimes in at the end. Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he’ll eat forever. It may have been a millennia since Shirik had to eat, but Iriad experienced the memories of their ancestors. Shirik was incapable of forgetting the basic traditions of the Myriad from ages past, and perhaps these humans could benefit from them.

Leah Jordan

Location: Dorms - The Gym
Skills: Punching things and throwing rocks
Today’s Fit

It was exactly 7:00 AM, on the dot, and Leah's phone broke the quiet, sleepy silence.

No, it did more than break the silence, it shattered it. Time to wake up

Her alarm was always the loudest one she ever knew of, and she hoped Sabine wouldn’t bitch about it… Oh, right. Sabine. She very quickly shut that alarm off before it could actually wake her up... But then realized Sabine wasn't actually here. Leah had a feeling it would be an awkward conversation later, but she had shit to do.

Checking her phone, she didn’t see a reply to that disastrous text she sent yesterday. But it did say it was opened. Leah felt her stomach turn over. What if she just burned one of the three bridges she had around her? What if April was weirded out by it and couldn’t look at Leah the same way now? She said she had something to tell Leah, was it that she was also feeling things for Sabine? Fuck, did she just break April’s fucking heart?

No, no, no, no, no-

She nervously ran her hand through her hair and felt it catch something. A knot. Her hair didn’t normally clump up in knots, but that must’ve been because of the Devil’s Tango from yesterday. It had only been three in the damn evening, and she must’ve blacked out for the whole evening… Jeez. Leah wasn’t exactly sure how she was supposed to get knots out of hair like hers, but she’d worry about it later. It was something to fixate on, and it was a small thing, but it grounded her thoughts. She had things to do today. Today was the day.

The gathered up all of the usual things she brought with her. Instead of an oversized coat, she opted for just a tank top and sweatpants today. Something told her she’d be active a lot today.

When Leah eventually arrived at the gym, the floor had been swapped out for stone. Not concrete, not cement, or brick. Raw stone, like the bedrock beneath soil. She waited her turn and walked out into the middle of the gym. Leah gave everyone a chance to pay attention, because she wouldn't be doing this a second time. There was no hesitation, or flinching in the face of this. Leah had performed this exact same action a hundred times over during the summer, this would be the hundred and first.

She shifted her weight, and swung her left leg up over her shoulder. In that same motion, Leah brought her foot down in an axe kick to slam the floor. The entire gym reverberated as though a bomb had went off, and suddenly the floor came to life. Several rectangular columns wide as a school bus shot up towards the ceiling with a loud thump as the ceiling came downwards in the same way, forming pillars seamlessly. Leah then clenched her fists and raised them over her head, as if she were lifting a barbell. The ground she stood on split away, raising above the floor by a whole foot in a circular pattern, as square steps jutted downwards. The way she moved the material affected by her powers looked as though she was making it reshape itself on an atomic level, rather than simply move in different directions. There were no seams in the pillars or the platform to imply something was broken to allow their movements, only fluid changes to shape, as though the gym had turned into clay.

If anyone looked closely enough, they could actually see the floor warping and bending like it was mud, even though it was solid as a rock. Leah still wasn't done, though. She spread her arms outward into a cross-like pose, and more pillars began to rise around Leah's platform, only instead of rectangles, there were cylindrical, and at the varying heights of most regular human beings. The final act of her demonstration as a single clap of her hands, loud enough to be confused for a gunshot. Following the clap, sand began to fall from every pillar in the gym, and collect into the shape of squares and discs under their respective shapes. In mere seconds, every column stretching to the ceiling was carved into patterns that resembles murals. There were five in total, and each one looked like something straight out of an ancient temple from a thousand years ago. There were humanoid figures wielding weapons in what looked like armies, fighting one another along the three dimensional surfaces.

Meanwhile, the smaller pillars gave way to statues of various heroes. There were 13 of them in a scattered pattern around Leah's platform. Six of them were the original Avengers, the other nine included Storm, Nightcrawler, Vision, Silver Surfer, Colossus, Iron Fist, Iceman, Cyclops and the Phoenix. All of them seemed to be using their powers, or lack of powers, in some way. Leah didn't actually plan that part of the demonstration. In fact, she only had the idea after she walked in, but she had managed to essentially terraform the entire gym, in a very loud way, in less than a full minute.

Leah gave the judges a full two minutes to take it all in, and clapped her hands again. Everything crumbled to sand, and settled into the floor almost like water. There were ripples in the floor that settled into a perfectly smooth, solid flat plane. There was no stray sand or dust... The gym was just as untouched as when she arrived. She walked down the stone steps she made, like she hadn't broken a sweat. The platform she stood on, too, dissolved into the floor, leaving no trace of her terraforming.

"I’ve been waiting all summer to do that."

And then she turned around and walked out of the gym without further elaboration, knowing they’d send their thoughts as paperwork. Now, what the hell was she going to do all day?

The ride from D'Qar to Ilum wasn't a long one, barely lasting a week thanks to hyperspeed. Still, Sildarg couldn't help but feel nervous. Her leg bounced quietly under her Jedi robes as she recalled the last time she was in a ship that moved this fast. Even after this much time living among other Jedi apprentices, far from Korriban and Hadrig's teachings, Sildarg couldn't help but feel antsy about the idea of setting foot in a Jedi temple. Her eyes flicked to one apprentice after the other, trying to determine if they felt nervous this themselves. If they did, no one said it out loud. These people just weirded her out, some of them were former rebels, that one guy over there looked blind but didn't act like it, and no one was outwardly making digs at each other. Sildarg still didn't feel like she could trust them beyond not stabbing her while she was asleep, but every passing day slowly reinforced that it was possible.

They finally touched down, and Sildarg had a feeling this day was about to get inconvenient. It was snowing. She wasn't a fan of snow. Once the door opened, Sildarg felt the frigid wind cut through every layer she had, and she was still the second to step out, eager to get indoors again. Jedi were supposed to be connected to the Force in every way. The Force flowed through all things, it was all things. It was the weave which every soul was connected to, the river of the universe. And yet, right now, Sildarg didn’t feel anything but cold. She impatiently shuffled inward towards the temple, which didn’t feel a lot warmer.

”Great, my arm’s cinching up now” Sildarg said, frustrated at how the cold make her shoulder ache. ”Seriously, whose idea was it to build this place in a frozen wastela-“

The words were taken out of her mouth when Sildarg stepped into the circular chamber where everyone had gathered. It looked ancient, but it felt… Different. The statutes of former masters, the unmoving, unfeeling atmosphere that made every footstep sound like thunder, it all felt peaceful. There was something here, something that could be neither seen nor touched, but could be felt. It was the Force, and it was strong here.

But it felt wrong.

Sildarg was used to a strong feeling of the Force, but not this one. Back on Korriban, the Force was a sinister feeling of dread that crept up the spine and leaned over the shoulder. Here on Ilum, the Force was stasis. It was empty silence, not because there was nothing there, but because the very air recognized the presence of something greater. Sildarg felt anxious in the wake of that presence, as if the statues could see into her heart and kill her on the spot. She felt like an intruder, a heretic on holy ground who failed to blend in.


Sildarg paid attention to the quick words of the masters. Master Aerros gave them a break, which was nice. Master Reni was talking to Toryn, and Airus didn’t seek to be bothering her or Mala. Sildarg considered bugging Mala, but she wasn’t confident she could mask the trepidation she felt from being in a place she had a reason to be in. But distractions helped, so she decided to approach her master.

”This place feels different,” she said, addressing Master Mala and keeping her voice down so it wouldn’t echo. ”It’s the Force, right? It’s not like D’Qar. D’Qar felt quieter.”
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