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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: A hot ass dress
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

Leah had been dreading this day for a while now.

This "costume" felt absolutely, unequivocally wrong to Leah. Standing in this dress and looking at herself in a mirror, Leah felt like she was underdressed, but then again, anything would feel like underdressed compared to the usual outfit she wore to basically everything. Did it look nice? Absolutely. Did it look nice on her? In Leah's opinion, that was a hard no. Sabine would've rocked this, April would slay in this, but it didn't feel like Leah. She didn't even have a god damn clue who this "Scorpia" character was, since she never watched those glittery cartoons that everyone and their parents did- Back home, she didn't even have a tv. Leah couldn't help but feel like she'd walk out where the others were, and everyone would be giving her the side eye, thinking to themselves, "Oh, that doesn't fit your vibe, why'd you even put it on?" And then Sabine would turn around and tell her to ignore them, but then April would too, and it would just be a whole thing... She couldn't stop looking at herself in the mirror, worrying about how little skin she had covered up. It was such a stupid thing to fixate on, especially when at least one of her girlfriends had seen every inch of her skin. Would they ask about all the scars she had? All the ones people didn't normally notice? No, why would they? But what if they did, and paid attention to her?

She could just tear the whole thing off and put something less flashy on. It was a fucking dance she was going to, not some damn fancy Avengers party. This was just stuff normal kids did, kids who could stand to think about it because they had the normalcy in their lives that allowed this to be the most stressful thing of their weeks, and she never could relate to that. Leah wasn't one of those kids, she didn't do costumes, or parties, or fucking prom dances. The only reason this meant anything to her was because it meant a lot to April and Sabine, and they meant a lot to her. This made them happy- She didn't understand just how in the fucking world they could get happiness out of something this silly, but Leah wanted them to be as happy as they could. But it didn't change how wrong this felt to her. Leah Jordan was staring into a mirror, but someone different was staring back. Was is the kind of thing ordinary people fixated on?

Maybe after this was done, Leah would tell herself it was dumb to be so nervous. The girls would certainly tell her she looked hot, which would be nice. She was doing this for them. ”Let them have fun,” She told herself.

And so, the rock throwing badass left and roamed down the halls until she found the right room. She opened the door, seeing everyone in their outfits. April looked… Wow. God, Leah was a lucky motherfucker. And the donuts were dressed pretty okay too, even if she had no idea who the fuck any of them were actually impersonating. She seemed to be holding them all up, but she was here now. This was her first dance since coming to AA three years ago, and already she was clueless.

Shit, was she supposed to wear the lipstick that the claw-hands girl had? Shit.

”…So… I’m here.” Good god, it already felt fucking awful being the only one she thought didn’t look okay. ”Cool dress, April… You all look cool. I’m not late, am I?”
Well this is a surprise

discord when
It's close to Halloween... Does that mean we're starting soon?
Oh boy another tech user

Hazel would like to know your location

If the mind was a physical place, then Ryder’s was a minefield.

Ordinarily, her mind was a steel vault- Nothing could penetrate it. But now, she opened the doors and silently dared someone to try and take a peek. For the past few weeks, the girl had been doing her damndest to keep her coma believable. She knew, hours after being brought here, that she was in a simulation that these strangers called the Danger Room. A proving ground of some sort where people threw themselves at holograms and machines. The place had security, cameras and electronic protections here and there. She could tell they were dancing around her, since there were dark spots between the strings in her weh of influence, places they made sure didn’t have anything she could weaponize. But negative space still had a shape.

Ryder pretended to be asleep, doing her best to keep herself totally still while going into a borderline meditative state over the last few weeks. She practically became the digital system of the building, while her body went so still that there were no readouts on the medical equipment suggedtigg by she was “active.” It was a wonder that Xavier could detect anything at all, with her being so focused on scanning her surroundings. But Ryder knew an intruder on her territory just as well as they would know one on there’s. So she allowed the vault doors to crack open, just wide enough for an echo to escape. It kept the old man’s interest, to an extent that kept him coming back. She didn’t try to read him, knowing it would rouse suspicion. No,instead, she let the minefield do its job.

Keeping one eye on her existence and another on the web of information that every computer, radio and phone in the building created, Ryder allowed this intruder to snoop around. The other one wasn’t willing to go very far, and she didn’t bother as a result. To Xavier, the “curtains” would show nothing. A still house with the presence of life, but not the actions. Perhaps someone was upstairs, or hiding just to the side of the windows, knowing someone was watching for them in case they closed the blinds.

Ryder recognized a few of the faces he dragged across the world. No one she ever met in person, but secretly had plenty of information on due to her constant vigilance against Umbra’s cruelty. None of them meant a damn thing to her. They were treated better than her, despite being lab rats, so why should she? Half of them weren’t even considerably threats to her, and none of them knew she existed. Ryder preferred that over the alternative.

Even when they poked at her wounds, she managed to resist the nigh-indomitable instinct to snap someone in half. She hated being picked at in such a way, even when it was for a good reason. Her cover was almost blown twice, and the blue one was almost proven right when Jean tried to remove some bits of molten plastic from her skin. At that point, she had to telekinetically hold herself in place just to avoid decapitating the woman. Ryder didn’t find herself feeling surprised when Jean tread more careful than the old man. If anything, Xavier was just being outright by thinking an impenetrable fortress would just allow him inside, with no circumstances attatched.

Stupid enough, in fact, that he stepped on a landmine.

The proverbial door wasn’t answered, because for someone to answer it implied the door was closed. She left it open, and the knock opened it wider. No one appeared home, but then he was pulled inwards. A hook found itself embedded in his mind, and dragged him into the room beyond that door, which snapped shut with such a fury behind it that there was no question as to how awake Ryder truly was.

And then the metaphorical psychic room became a literal room. Something possibly familiar to Xavier, who was accustomed to entering someone’s mind. Only it wasn’t as inviting as his thought process might’ve led him to believe. The walls and floor were a depressing, dark blue, made of some kind of wood. There were windows, but they led to an absolute nothing. Everything felt heavy in this room, heavy in the sense that there was little separating it from physical reality. The walls felt real to the touch, and they felt ice cold.

Xavier was not invited, he was detained.

He was alone in a place where he did not belong. A place that hated his existence, where the very air seemed to bristle against his form.


The voice was like a bad dream, echoing off of every atom in Xavier’s body. It was inside his head, outside, and everywhere else in a way that only made sense in the mind, as though a god had come down from the sky and screamed.

One minute she was nowhere, and she was present the next.

Ryder manifested before him, dressed no differently than the way she was found three weeks ago. And she looked disgusted by Charles’ presence.

”You poked a bear for weeks. And now it’s got you. Explain yourself right fucking now, before I shatter you.”

How could this child, who hated the world and everything in it so much, be the daughter of Charles Xavier?
You don’t know the chaos you just unleashed by saying we can have multiple characters
All the mfs I know are just converging upon this rp it seems

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo

Don't laugh at the stab, don't laugh at the stab, don't-

Witchfire answered his question. That was a vague answer. Her father could've been Belasco, or someone else entirely. She didn't sound like Ananym, but time changed people. Nevertheless, he'd put that information in the back of his mind for the foreseeable future. Jack wasn't about to start jumping to conclusion out of the gate- literally, given the castle- over rumors. It was good to see that Madalyne and Annika were relatively fine, and it appeared everyone present would have some sense of peace for the moment. Some rest while they got answers over tea. It would be nice to finally get some damn answers. His dinner was getting cold.

Jack trailed behind everyone, taking a moment to thank both Mercymorn and Butter Rum for their trouble, and watching the movements of everyone who followed Witchfire into the castle. Madalyne seemed to know the older man, her father apparently? That explained a lot. With the Bone Fashion Twink tended to, nothing stood out. The halls of her domain were ominous, like anything in Limbo. His eyes darted carefully from one shadow to the next, expecting the torchlight to hide figures in the dark, or one of the suits of armor to be someone blending in to ambush them. All too often, there was a fool who felt offended by Jack's existence, and considered themselves bold enough to strike from his own domain. He was ready for the slightest misstep in peace.

Upon entering the throne room, the scenery was nothing alarming to Jack. The scattered remains of murder victims were a delectable form of dinner in another place, after all. He took a seat near the middle of the table, where he could keep his attention on everything at once, and give equal amounts of it to everyone present. Everyone who wore the same clock as Jack was powerful in their own right, they were here tonight for a reason. Could they hold their own, from within the walls of this place if the truce turned out to be a trap? He couldn't say, arriving so late as he had. So for now, Jack rolled with the punches.

"October." How did that line up, he wondered.

"It seems as if most of us have been brought here without warning," he observed, upon hearing Carolina and one of the strangers' answer. That was two, on top of himself, Annika, and Madalyne. Leaning back in his seat and keeping his elbows off the table out of respect for manners in someone else's home, Jack steepled his hands together in a very philosophical way. He appeared to be in deep thought at the moment. "I also received a letter, at the same time as the cloak and amulet we all have duplicates of. It was written by earth's now-deceased Sorcerer Supreme. A portal opened itself beneath me, and I fell into Limbo not long ago." He elected not to launch into the same bit about how they were here to presumably prevent earth from colliding with Limbo on an abstract, cosmic scale. Or the part about how they seemed to be pulled from differently places in time itself just as indiscriminately as their physical locations. This was not the time to strike fear and confusion in such a wide group. Besides, if someone else had their own interpretation, he was open to that.
Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: Combat armor, rune pouch
Skills: Hand-to-Hand Combat
Today’s Fit

Hoooly shit. That actually worked. Thank fuck, she was about to resort to battlefield flirting just to trip Rada up. Leah's momentary victory, however, was interrupted by the sound of Vicky going CLANG against the wall, the other wall, and then unsticking herself. Good lord, that suit knew how to take a beating. But that wasn't all too surprising, given the person inside it was built like a tank. Leah watched, idly, as Vicky turned around and gave Abby the beating of their lifetime, that shit looked more brutal than whatever Leah could imagine herself doing to the poor bastard. Lasers, or whatever the fuck a repulsor was actually made of, fluttering around the area here or there seemed like it would constitute maiming, but Abby didn't appear to be bleeding. Still, there could be some broken bones on top of whatever black and blue bruises Leah gave them. It was understandable, though, considering how fucking frustrating it must be to try and run this team. Diana just did her own thing, Ed was- holy shit were those fucking BOMBS?!

Okay... M.A.D. strategy. Fine. Vicky...

She was now shouting at the judges, and that didn't surprise Leah one bit. But it wasn't constructive to lose patience with the judges. So, Leah walked up beside her like a stone in a river, and inserted herself into what Vicky was trying to do. "Hey- Easy, Vick." She said, while hearing arrows whistle behind her. It was a 5 on 1 now. "Everyone here knows what risks they're taking by being here. But Shieldmaiden is right..." Her tone went from considerate to firm as Leah turned towards the judges, with her arms crossed. "Four out of five are out and the last one's trapped. They've lost, so call it. No need for them to suffer through anything else." They were already going to be feeling the sting of defeat for a long time, to say nothing of Rada's bruises, Abby possibly being bedridden for a while, and whatever the hell Diana just did to Jyoti... Leah looked over her shoulder to check-

...Yeah, she was gonna feel that tomorrow.
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