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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Spells: Shadow Scythe

The blade of his scythe glided through the demon's neck as if it were but paper, and Jack could not help but feel the temptation to swing again, but the demon had fallen limp. Jack looked and witnessed Annika grow much larger, and tearing through the remaining forces. Relief washed over him. He noticed he seemed to be gripping his weapon with white knuckles, and relaxed, taking in a breath and leaning on the scythe. He wasn't in a hurry to get rid of it, knowing more of Witchfire's forces could be right around the corner. The dead body of Madalyne's father held his attention. Jack had seen death in many places, and he did not know Ed. But clearly, he meant something to some of the people present, who now had the burden of remembering him.

"...We will ensure his death is not unanswered for," Jack said to Runa and Madalyne, hoping it would provide some figment of comfort. Everyone passed in time, and some went before others, but it did not diminish the fact that Sym deserved the fate that would no doubt be awaiting him. And Witchfire... Ananym had some explaining to do. With Sym now gone, there were more important matters to attend to.

"You are exactly right," He nodded towards Prudence. "We cannot stay here. We have a matter of hours before the Veil falls to pieces, and our home is torn to ribbons by the monsters of this world. I understand you do not care for this, and I would happily open another portal to send out everyone here who wishes to return home, but interplanar navigation is unreliable at the moment. Here in Limbo, there are natural portals known as Stepping Discs, one of which just happened to have opened at the perfect time for Sym to escape. If you see one, and decide to remove yourself from this situation entirely, simply walk through and they should displace you into any point in physical space, during any point in the past or future."

Prudence didn't seem like the type who wanted to worry about an entire dimension folding in on itself. She gave Jack the impression that she was more concerned with her personal safety, and rightfully so. If she wanted a way out, he wouldn't blame her for taking it.

He then turned to the overall group. "Regardless, an option we may have is searching for Illyana Rasputina. She is the Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo, and Witchfire claims to be the queen of Limbo. A Sorcerer Supreme doesn't simply abdicate the throne, they hold their position of power for as long as they exist. And Miss Rasputina should be the most powerful woman in this entire realm, no less. If she has been replaced by Ana- by Witchfire-" Her name left his voice with a trace of grief, "-Then this side of the Veil is also under threat of crumbling. We need answers, and I would assume she can provide them. Does anyone have any other possible suggestions?"
Jean was smart. After all, the worst time to sneak up on a predator was when it was staring down prey. Ryder did feel some sort of gentle wave brush against her mind, as if something passed by without any active intent. If someone was watching them, spying on them, then maybe they’d know better than to walk into a trap now that it was sprung.

Just who the hell did this old man think he was, admitting she was in this “danger room” to avoid further “incidents” and then offering to let her walk around freely without missing a beat.

”I already know where everything important is. The blue guy’s staring at a bunch of metal in some big ass lab, the scruffy one’s sulking about me being here while someone is watching both of us. I CAN FUCKING SENSE YOU, BACK OFF!” Her mind exploded out, sending that last part as a telepathic message to the presence she felt, with all the force of being psychically slapped across the face. By far, it was the most measured reaction anyone had likely seen out of her this whole time, albeit entirely unwarranted.

You’ve got your jet buried under your little “school” and you’ve got more security than a prime minister.”

Xavier had to have seen this coming when he brought her here. Now it was made clear that Ryder had been awake- Or at the very least, active- for a lot longer than what anyone had assumed. It might have been two days since she woke up, or two weeks.

”I’m getting really sick and damn tired of everyone putting me somewhere they think I won’t cause collateral damage. So sure, I’ll fucking walk around, and the first person who even breathes about putting me back here is getting vaporized. I will tear this place out from the ground and throw it into the god damn sun if I think someone’s about to try something funny.”

What Ryder didn’t admit was that keeping herself telekinetically restrained to a bed for so long made her legs ache. And her arms, and pretty much everything on top of the gunshot wound and the stab. So she get like moving around.
Vista also got stabbed by March, who would've blown her the fuck up if she didn't use her bullshit shaker 12 powers.

Going by the notably imperfect wiki, Wards are kept restricted largely for their own wellbeing. They're kids, ultimately. Child soldiers, sure, but Kid Win, for example, was never going to be up there with Armsmaster, or Miss Militia, if all he did was get thrown at S-class threats every day. Reason being, he'd either spiral downwards emotionally from that, or he'd just straight up die. Even when parahumans are generally inclined towards combat, they're still people with lives and needs. And it's also not exactly appealing to the public when kids are regularly chasing down threats like Echidna.

But anyway. Bridgewater is in a rough state. At the moment, tensions are low enough that the PRT can reasonably turn their attention to this little pet project of theirs. The measures put in place to break the rules down to their bare minimum were controversial in the bureaucracy, but there were advocates from the Protectorate backing up the director. Enough voices were together on it that the guy in the chair to end all chairs decided "fuck it" and left Bridgewater to sort it out, on the basis of them knowing the situation better than someone half a country away.

The kids will still need to sleep and go to school, but the rules bend to accommodate their potential desire to stay up late. Of course they probably will be pulled out of bed for emergencies, but hey- That's bureaucracy for you lol.

Anyway, now that we've got some people around I'm gonna whip up a discord link in a moment.

Edit: Link is at the top, get yer asses in here
That's fair. Though for what it's worth, that's not the only thing in this story that's gonna need to be scrutinized a little. The director's decisions are just one of a few suspicious things happening. What things am I referring to? Make a character and find out lol.



I'm a little iffy on the premise of this one, but it's not often you see a Parahumans RP. I'm interested.

Sweet. Mind if I ask what you find iffy?

Here i am. Dirty and faceless

I'm dirty dan.

Interested! Probably gonna go for a Thinker or a Brute.

Why not both Hell yeah can't wait.

Also it just dawned on me that I forgot to add the CS so, I'm adding it now. Refresh for a moment or two if you're seeing this as I post it.

First and foremost, every parahuman develops superpowers during a trigger event. This event is when they're brought to the lowest possible point they may ever experience when they can't take it anymore, and something finally gives. The specifics of this incident dictate the nature of the granted powers. All powers originate from entities referred to in canon as Passengers, Agents, or Shards.

Shards are fragments of incomprehensible, abstract lifeforms that exist in a separate layer of reality, disconnected from our own. This fact is entirely unnecessary for the working knowledge of Earth Drega, but the important takeaway from it is that the powers granted by them do not line up with our reality. The powers that parahumans receive are foreign, have their forms of logic that they play off of, and are rarely as simple as they appear. Most powers tend to have an "And" or a "But" associated with them, having a degree of depth and complexity that goes beyond the surface. An example of this would be a teleporting mover cape, someone who can go from point A to B in an instant with some effect connected to this power.

The teleporter may not have any issues appearing somewhere on the other side of the country, regardless of sight or distance. Still, the catch to their power is that they can only teleport so often, so many times in an hour before their power stops working, and they must wait again. Or, they may be strictly limited to extreme distances, only able to teleport a minimum distance of a mile.

These complexities are what set most powers apart and tend to play into the way they are applied and the way the PRT classifies them. The PRT has a system of 12 classifications they assign to any known powers, used to identify the broad expression, how it behaves, and the potential their users can get out of it. Powers can have multiple classifications and often have subratings derived from them. For example, if the teleporter produces an explosion upon arriving at their destination, they would be classified primarily as a Mover, with a shaker subtracting.


Earth Drega is an AU roleplay set in the world of Parahumans, a web series written by John “Wildbow” McCrae. This roleplay is based on the canon universe and placed in the period of the first work in the Parahumans series but is not based on the canonical storyline. Prior knowledge of the story is, therefore, helpful but not explicitly mandatory. You will not be turned away for not having read the Parahumans series.

Discord - Parahuman Wiki

One year ago, a villain named Confessor unleashed an army of ghostly monsters on the city of Bridgewater. The incident lasted two weeks, with Confessor slowly growing into an S-class threat that resulted in the deaths of eighteen parahumans, five of whom were members of the city’s Ward team. The remaining survivors, only two teenage heroes, were transferred out of state once their injuries were healed.

Bridgewater grieved heavily, and most people spent the following months expecting the other shoe to drop when it would turn out that some of the phantoms hadn’t been killed and were simply replicating in the shadows. Some didn’t leave their home for weeks, still paranoid that they’d be met with monsters or a more ruined city than the day before. Known villains stepped up and took advantage, capitalizing on the chaos to grow their influence over the city. Some even left outright and haven’t been seen since. The city wasn’t the same after Confessor’s reign of terror ended. In the following months, damage to the city was repaired, families got back on their feet, and additional workforce was requested from nearby cities.

But most importantly, the people picked up the pieces and moved on, as they always do. The planet still turned, and time passed. There were scars, but they faded to the background.
Bridgewater has relaxed a little, and the PRT has determined that now is an excellent time to try and fill the gap left behind by the former Wards team. Bridgewater is the largest city in Maine, with roughly 800,000 people. It would be straightforward to miss another villain rising in the background. The Confessor disaster caused a lot of chaos across the city that could have easily resulted in trigger events, meaning there are young parahumans who can be recruited and turned into the city’s next generation of heroes. You are those heroes. The PRT and the Protectorate are starting from square one to rebuild their numbers and ensure Bridgewater has heroes to defend it in future years. Many people are afraid to throw children into the line of fire after so much loss, but a lot is riding on this. If the Wards aren’t reinstated in the city, then Bridgewater could suffer in the future.

That can’t happen again.

Welcome to Earth Drega. This is an RP set in the Parahumans series, as stated above, with our alternate lore. Our purpose in this story is to rebuild something important that the Confessor took from us- The Wards. In every city across America, the Protectorate oversees teenage heroes with their own vulnerabilities and troublesome backstories. These kids one day grow up to join the Protectorate while being trained and kept safe from a world full of monsters in human form. Their dissolvement in Bridgewater left a power vacuum, but we're here to change that. The lack of a Wards team is an unusual problem, meaning there isn't any precedent for building one from the ground up. But the good thing about not having a precedent is that we can make our own rules. A branch of the PRT or the Parahuman Response Team oversees every branch of the Protectorate. Their responsibilities include handling the "politics" of capes, preventing the good guys from going too far when stopping the bad guys, and working with heroes of all kinds to ensure evil doesn't win. The PRT's director has come up with his plans to set the Wards for success, plans that break half of the rules in the book and get him fired if these were normal circumstances.

Typically, Wards have to follow rules that their adult counterparts wouldn't, such as the number of hours they're permitted to be on duty. This was the first rule to go out the window for Bridgewater's new team, as they can't get up to speed if they're constantly taking mandated breaks. Wards are given a standard paycheck at the end of every month, which is docked if they break the rules. In canon, it is said to amount to $50,000 a year, but this money will be effectively tripled as an incentive. This money will be theirs to use how they see fit, within reasons. This additional budget also extends particularly to any tinker-class heroes who may join the team, along with absurdly lax limitations on what tech they are permitted to build and use on the job, provided it passes safety testing as usual. The wards will also receive special permission to access PRT information that would otherwise be classified for anyone in their position. This information includes schematics for high-level tinker-tech access to PRT records regarding villains, to name a few. They won't have complete access to the entire PRT database, but they are encouraged to use their available resources.

Lastly, arguably the most important to some is that the usual probationary measures for Wards with a criminal background will be nonexistent. Canon examples of these measures include an ankle bracelet used to track someone's locations for the first six months after they join, restraining orders, curfews, and specific limitations on what someone can use their powers for. None of these will be enacted on a Ward, regardless of their history, as long as they are honest with the PRT and take their new role seriously. This decision was made to encourage more would-be heroes to "come clean," knowing many people were pushed to desperation in the wake of Confessor's rampage. This is also meant to encourage players to write characters that are more rough around the edges, as no one ever gets superpowers in this world by being a well-adjusted individual. They can get away with this without being thrown into a jail cell, thanks to the circumstances.

With a population of 80,000, Bridgewater is the largest city in Maine. You can cross the border to Canada and reach Montreal in just 90 minutes by car or take a boat further up east. Bridgewater received its name for this reason, being a port city for ships going up to Canada. The city has a primarily defunct shipyard where cargo vessels used to come in bi-yearly, but they’ve stopped coming in after Confessor’s rampage. The city was hit pretty hard when the Confessor attempted to take over, and this shows in the less populated districts, now left to crumble to dust. These are typically the areas most likely to see villain activity.

PRT HQ: The main base of operations for the Parahuman Response Team. An ugly, utilitarian building with dozens of floors ran with the vigilance of a federal prison. Numerous sublevels of the PRT building are dedicated solely to holding nefarious parahumans for detainment and questioning.

Protectorate HQ: Partially inspired by the canon Protectorate base of Brockton Bay, the BPHQ is a large, heavily fortified complex with multiple buildings, surrounded by a specialized forcefield system and armed with tinker-made weapons. This is where the city’s heroes plan their day-to-day activities. Everything from public relations patrols and more is plotted here. This is also where the Wards will be when they aren’t off the clock, or on a mission.

The current lineup of heroes protecting the city are as follows:

  • Grandmaster: With a superhuman mastery of all melee weapons and a knack for strategy, Grandmaster leads the Bridgewater Protectorate by example.
  • Axiom: Axiom uses her custom exosuit to effortlessly warp the laws of physics. The universe yields to her intellect.
  • Nightstalker: One of the few Case 53s, and never letting his background get him down, Nightstalker prowls the darkest corners of Bridgewater. Under the cover of shadows, no villain is safe when he finds their trail.
  • Hellstar: This fiery striker leaves nothing but dust in his wake with a single punch. Anyone left standing is sure to be blown away by the force of solid matter going supernova when he throws a punch.
  • Gatecrasher: The villains won’t know where to look. Gatecrasher tears open doorways into an alternate reality where no one else can survive. She enters a partial breaker state to teleport across the battlefield and compromise even the most secure locations in a flash.

Eastwood Park: It’s a half-mile-long park full of things to do. Have a picnic, ride bikes - and hope a villain doesn’t come out of the treeline and start setting things on fire, or just lay in the grass—your choice.

Bridgewater Harbor: Formerly just an industrial sector of the city, the harbor was renovated in the last few months to allow smaller ships and boats to come through. It was a mostly wasted project that made the city look nicer since most people don’t go out on the water in a city where the warmest day is 50 degrees.

Heroes Memorial: A monument of metal and stone in the heart of downtown, dedicated to the lives lost in the Confessor disaster. Dozens were killed in the attack, including a staggering 18 heroes: five Wards and thirteen Protectorate heroes across three cities.

  • 1) Be considerate of other players, above all else. No one is the main character. We will not be entertaining the idea of our characters dying, but our actions may have consequences if we aren't careful. If an issue comes up, I'll help solve it so we can prevent it in the future.
  • 2) We will be using Discord as our primary method of communication for this RP, as most people do these days. Discord is excellent for contacting people for reminders, asking for extra time to post, or coordinating with one or multiple people for a collab post. I'll post a permanent link at the top of this thread if you don't see it when you're reading this.
  • 3) When posting your character for approval, post them to the OOC first. If you post an in-progress sheet, do me a favor and state that in your post when you drop it. I'll be shooting for a maximum of 9 characters. Anything more, and it'll get hectic. You will be allowed to write multiple characters. But as a rule, I'm limiting people to a single Ward, with any additional characters being NPCs, members of the Protectorate or PRT, or possibly something else. Our primary focus is rebuilding Bridgewater's Ward team, so these characters won't typically be the center of attention.
  • 4) Going back to rule one, there are certain things we'll avoid for this RP. This alternate universe is based on a world where people get superpowers from awful things happening to them. But for obvious reasons, some things are best left out. When in doubt, use your best judgment and fade to black.
  • 5) I'm gently pushing for a post a week, but I know we live in the real world. Things happen: people get rushed to the hospital, your car stops working, and no one's manager is paying them to roleplay. Therefore, this rule will be very flexible. If it turns out that we don't have any issues or get into a rhythm where we post slowly but consistently, I'll probably redact this rule entirely. All I ask is you at least keep me informed so I can accommodate your absence in character as needed.
Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: A hot ass dress
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

”Someone hacked you? The hell?” Normally, Leah didn’t have a clue what in the god damn fuck Danni was saying. But now she sort of did. ”Nice time to find out. But we can worry about that later.” Leah didn’t actually have any sort of social media that these people had. She didn’t know what Disney movie “Filterella” was from or what the fuck a SuperLoop was, because Leah did not have any reason for it. She was raised to not trust people, and that included a man who could find her anywhere she went, so having a presence online didn’t sit right with her. Of course, taking pictures with her friends put her on edge for similar reasons. Was it rational? No. Was it true? Sort of, but she liked feeling like she was actually in the group for once. So she moved around to get into place for their pictures.

When they took the pictures, Leah didn’t smile. There wasn’t any reason behind it, she just didn’t think to. It didn’t occur to her that people usually smiled in these kinds of pictures. And of course, April wanted to take even more. That was fine.

”…Star Whores? Do I even want to know where the hell that came from?” Briefly, Leah wondered if April considered herself a whore. And then she thought to herself that she’d still love April the same if that was the case. ”So… ‘Bine. Who did what to what when hacked you?” She asked Sabine, assuming April would take a hot minute (and she was hot as fuck in that dress) to take her pictures with the “Star Whores.”
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