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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Phantoms danced around both of them, dragging their tattered remains along the ground in the hope that they could come back from this. Beams of green energy were streaking across the smoking horizon, but they were not Laserman’s. How he wished they were from Laserman right now. This would’ve been so much easier, if he was still alive. So much cleaner.

”I warned you,” Thunk. A throwing knife flew from Grandmaster’s fingers, sinking through Confessor’s hand and impaling it to the ruined car he slumped against. The villain screamed, his voice strained, and he looked the old hero in the eyes through that idiotic mask of his.

His eyes went down to the road, but he did not need to see Grandmaster to know the weight of his hate. ”You never scared me, you don’t scare me now. You’ve always been a snake, and you always will be! Killing me won’t bring her b-”

There was not enough time for Confessor to blink before a sword was pulled from its scabbard to split his chest wide open. Blood sprayed him from torn veins and arteries, and yet Grandmaster was cold. Clinical, in his application of the swing. He wanted to see this wretched bastard, this maggot bleed slowly. Wisdom flowed from his mind, down through his hand and into his sword from unseen places, telling him exactly where to place his next strike for the cleanest kill; An afterimage, yet to happen and waiting. But he did not. He simply pointed the sword down at Confessor’s throat, the slightest movement would break the skin. One flick of his wrist, and everything would be over. Blood pooled around the villain. Deep down, Confessor knew that Grandmaster was drawing this out, but he wasn’t stupid. He was always the smarter one.

Confessor jerked his impaled hand, hoping it would dislodge the knife. But it only tore the otherwise perfectly sealed wound, adding to the puddle of blood.

”Laserman,” He flicked his sword downwards, and split open Confessor’s collarbone. He screamed again, quieter.

”Karnstein,” His shoulder.

”Nomad,” His jaw.

”Rimerunner, Savant, Bastion!” He stabbed the sword into Confessor’s weak body, puncturing his lungs and liver without aiming. One wound for all five of the deceased Wards. He kept going, slashing open wound after wound, until the number accounted for the other thirteen heroes lost in this battle.

”All dead. All of their families left to grieve, because of you.”

Confessor was bleeding like a stuck pig, and all of his phantoms could only helplessly watch their master’s life slip away. There were over 40 of them littering the street, and Grandmaster carved each and every one of them up like Christmas dinners. Confessor coughed up blood, staring at his soon-to-be murderer with blank, glazed eyes. Scar tissue mottled his face, standing out over warm brown skin. Hellstar got him good a few days ago, and he had been rendered blind ever since. It was a damn shame, too. He had hoped, even at this point, that the last thing he’d get to see was Grandmaster's face.

”You know they’ll… You-” Blood caught in his throat, he spat it up over Grandmaster’s shoes.

”They’ll never see you the same way. They’ll… Know about you, one day. It’s your turn now, Ramon. Isaac will find you.”

”The only thing he will find, Confessor, is your corpse on his doorstep. This is the end, I am never coming back.”

Grandmaster raised his sword overhead, and let out all of his rage with one more swing.

”You should have stayed in Arizona, little brother.”

PRT Headquarters, 8:37AM
June 19, 2021

Director Valerie Foster strode through the public section of the PRT HQ. It was connected to her office in a wraparound construction, so she could see from her office window that a small crowd was forming out front. News reporters and journalists looking to get a glimpse of the newest heroes. Little did any of them know that none of the kids were even in the same building at the moment. It was currently 8am, and the building had been closed to give the illusion that something important was happening here. It was entirely unnecessary, since they were all meeting in the Protectorate building, and absolutely no one could show up there unless granted special access. This, however, was done intentionally to give the press something positive to latch on. She knew, better than most in this godforsaken city, that it was so much easier to make progress when people believed in the good of that progress. When they wanted it.

She stopped, straightened her tie and ensured her gloves were on tight. No one knew why the director wore them, but the incredibly soft material, black as ink, seemed to match well with her charcoal three-piece suit. She was the definition of professional. And so, as a professional, she approached the journalists and the camera-toting press. Immediately, she was flagged down, put on the spot and questioned. Where are the Wards? Are they forming their team today? Is Tandem keeping her identity public? All manners of questions that were either curveballs to wring out extra information, invasive, or simply innocent came forth. And the director embraced all of them.

”I am afraid that I can’t answer many questions. At the moment, the Wards are preparing for their first assignment as the next generation of heroes. There will be plenty of time to speak with them once they’ve had the opportunity to adjust to their new lives.” For one or two, this wasn’t as new as the director was describing, but it was bad form to talk about their experience working outside the PRT’s jurisdiction.

“Is it true that the Wards have a mind controller on their team?” Someone in the crowd asked.

Director Foster offered the young man who put the question forth a rare smile. ”Mind control is a rumor, thankfully. No, the Ward known as Ethos does not manipulate the minds of others. She simply allows them to see the error of their ways.” A flowery, polite way to describe the manipulation of one’s moral compass.

“How will the PRT contend with the backlash from reinstating child soldiers?” Another, older man with a certain tone in his voice proposed a rather loaded question. An anti-caper, she assumed. He went low, so she went high.

”There is a misconception among the public that the Protectorate trains children to be soldiers, to fight wars, the Endbringers and so on. What we do here, is train them to use their powers responsibly, to set an example for future generations. To inspire their generation to reach out in their most vulnerable moments. And for that, I believe wholeheartedly that we simply won’t receive backlash.”

“Even after the last Wards team disbanded?” A woman with a notebook asked, “Many people still remember the deaths from Confessor’s rampage. And no one could forget what happened to Karnstein…”

Everyone in the crowd fell silent for a moment. Karnstein’s death was particularly grizzly. The man who asked that accustational question even had the common sense to feel guilty. Valerie read the room, and simply nodded. ”We all remember what Confessor did to us. We’ve all had someone taken from us by his attack. But Karnstein laid her life down to save others. She wanted this city to live on, and I know that wherever she is now, she’s smiling.”

That seemed to satisfy them all. The best part was that she didn’t have to lie about it.

Protectorate Headquarters, 8:42AM

While Director Foster worked a crowed, the real business was happening one building over. The Wards were given directions and an order to be here at their central meeting room at 8:45 in the morning, in their new gear, with the special access credentials they were issued to get in the building. Their meeting place was a large, spacious area with white walls and one-way windows that overlooked the entire complex. Massive computer screens were available for multiple people to work with at a time, along with chairs and a couch or two. The opposite wall held a large flatscreen tv, and all the cool consoles that the kids played with these days. That was Axiom's idea. Doors led out into a hall that connected to their living spaces, as well as a decently sized kitchen they could eat in. The Ward's wing of the building was built to house them indefinitely, as several of them had home situations that were less than sufficient.

Special consideration had been given to accommodate the powers of Richter, Shattercrash and Watson. The walls were made with a special tinker-made compound that absorbed 100% of any impacts, while behaving like containment foam for anyone who was on the inside. The Wards, were, of course, not explicitly made aware of this. After all, why would they be in the walls?

The Protectorate's best were lined up here. Nightstalker, the case 53 with purple skin, green eyes and a long cape of prehensile flesh, couldn’t help but smile. Axiom, the physics-shattering tinker, had climbed out of her suit and was down to her more mobile costume, a black and purple jumpsuit lined with glowing energy, and a cybernetic helmet that made her look like an astronaut.

And of course, the leader of them stood ramrod straight with his hands folded behind his back. His costume was different from the other two. Nightstalker simply wore body armor, and Axiom looked ready to go to space, but Grandmaster wore a simply white suit, with a gray undershirt, black tie, and a slightly unsettling mask adorned with a crown. At his waist were two swords sheathed away, and a more perceptive person could see a roll of throwing knives tucked under his sleeve.

”They’ll be here any minute now. I hope they’re ready,” Axiom said, through her helmet’s radio.

”Of course they are,” Nightstalker croaked, in an inhumanly deep voice. ”They’re trained for this now, and we’re working with them. They’ll do fine, I’m sure.”

”Indeed they will. Our city needs it.” Grandmaster waited, patiently, for the first Ward to walk in. The Vice Director was supposed to be here by now. It didn't look good if he got here after the children did.

Any second now...

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Skills: Magical Expertise, Extraplanar Navigation
Spells: Twilight Doorway

Prudence didn’t want to stick with them. That much was clear, but bickering between themselves wouldn’t solve anything. ”Please, all of you. She did not ask for this anymore than we did. She has a right to be frustrated and approach this on her own terms. Now, where were we?” He took their hands, and felt their power feed through him. His own magic spun through the circuit like electricity through wires. It was exhilarating. He saw memories of someone running from someone else… Purifiers. Someone he would feel grateful never to deal with, most likely.

"I will open our way out, bare with me..." He focused his magic into a point out before him, and slowly manifested a swirling disc of dark energy. He had to focus so much power into one spell that it took more time than usual. But gradually, the portal expanded into its proper shape. But while this was happening, their memories and thoughts blurred further until, for a brief moment, everyone experienced Jack's memories...

"Our passage has been secured. The portal will close shortly, if you're coming with us, then go now."

Jack trudged through the shallows of the Obsidian Ocean. He was up to his ankles in inky black water, and it didn’t help that Reza went limp hours ago. He wasn’t moving anymore, and Jack dropped him.

”Hey- Hey! I need you to get up, the rift is just over that mountain. Come on, man, I know you’re not dead. Reza- Hey! Wake up!” He shook the dark skinned boy like he owed him money. Jack could feel his pulse from under his shirt, even through the cold water, thick as oil, that lapped over him.

Reza was twitching, in his slumber. This had been the third time in the last hour he went comatose. The second time was longer than the third. No matter how many spells Jack bad cast, he couldn’t will the darkness out of him. Black patches continued to spread across his skin, almost like vitiligo if it was alive. Fear gripped Jack.

It was creeping up Reza’s face at this very second…

”Hhhh… Jaaaa-“ Reza’s voice sounded wrong. It was like he was three people speaking at once.

He opened his eyes, and they were hollow. What would’ve been a pair of hazel diamonds that captivated Jack for hours were poisoned, black wells of tears. He held up a hand, lazily, and brushed it against Jack’s face. He could feel Jack’s heart hammering like a machine gun.

”Get up- The rift is open! We’ll get you back home! You- We can get there. The dark’s not that deep yet- You have ti-“


He froze. A world that was alive in all the ways a person could be stood still.

”Iii- This is it… I’m sorry.”

]”No! NO! I’m going to drag you out of here by any means necessary, do you hear me?! You- You’re not dying!” His voice cracked and wavered. In Jack’s hands, he gripped Reza as if his hands alone were all that kept the boy within the land of the living.

”Stand up!”

Reza… Chuckled.

”I can’t… I… I’m slipping. It’s happen-en-eningnggg…” Reza’s hold on reality was shifting like leaves on water. He was not dying… He was changing.

”Go. Yoou know what has to hhaaaappen. You’re so muccch stronger than you think, Jack… Yyyyyou‘ll be okay without meeee.”

The words that left Reza’s mouth grew more garbled by the second. Jack stared into his eyes, searching desperately with every fiber of his being, for some trace of humanity that hadn’t been twisted.

But even Jack Hawthorne knew when it was too late.

”You… You can’t leave me here alone. You can’t- We were going to see it all together. The House of Ideas, Jarnvidr, the Astral- You wanted to see the Astral Plane, remember?! We’ll stay there for a century, come on- Get up… Please…”

Reza’s hand slowly slid down Jack’s face, down to his shoulder, and to his left hand. It was warm, where Reza felt frigid. His head tilted back.

His other hand passed something into it, and he kept both hands wrapped around Jack’s tightly.

”I know hooowwww brave you arree. And I know that you’ll be okay. Jack, thhhiisiss goodbyeee… Run.”

Run. He told Jack to run.

”…I- Run from-“

Reza’s head snapped back up. Between the tears smearing against Jack’s face, he failed to notice the umbral rot had fully overtaken Reza.

His eyes were now two burning pits of white light… There was no human flesh. Only shadows made tangible by magic. An ear-shattering scream split the silent air, as Jack’s love swung a clawed, jagged hand at his shoulder.

Blood sprayed everywhere, and Jack was tossed backwards, clutching what remained of to be his shoulder, as his severed arm sunk into the dark sand.

The monster stood and set its gaze on Jack. He was no longer Reza.

”No.. Don’t- Please don’t make me do this.”

There's no place like home.

The portal lead them out of Limbo, to be sure. But this was not Earth. The landscape was cast in a somber, dim light. Where the Sorcerers Supremes arrived was a mountainous, autumnal valley, atop a rocky hill where the very wind felt alive. The grass beneath their felt as though it would crumble away into ash, yet it was very much there. Flecks of color danced across their vision, breaking up what seemed to be an optical illusion of grey and visible light. This was the Everdark; the Land between Lands, the shadow of the universe, and the realm in which Jack Hawthorne was nothing short of a god. A thousand wizards could wear the Cloak of Levitation, and work in unison, only to fall short of breaching this place. It lacked the hellish danger of Limbo, and the familiarity of Earth, but all around them, those who passed through could feel as though they were being watched by some ambivalent force. It was beautiful, in an otherworldly way.

The strangest part was perhaps their ability to see past their hands. If someone looked into where the sky should be, all they would find was nothingness. It was like trying to picture a color that couldn't exist. And yet there were phantom images of birds passing through the void, as if it was there for them, and only them. Jack stepped through the portal, only to find that they were here, and not on Earth. And he was confused.

"This... This can't be right. This is the Twilight Pass. We're in the Everdark, I did not open the portal here. But we can work with this- I know where we are, there is a rift that leads to Earth right down th-"

He turned and looked down the hill, and thought he'd simply be pointing at his house, the only trace of familiarity in this place. And there it stood, but it was surrounded by an army of Green Eyed Ones. Hundreds of them, duplicated over, and over, and over.

"Oh, you bastards... That is my home! I ran into the Green Eyed One before we all met at Witchfire's castle... Immediately after it ate Klara's soul. I banished it here, because I didn't think we could've won in our condition at the time, but now it seems we have a problem. They've multiplied, no doubt because of the poisoning nature of this place. But this is perfect. One of them, possibly all of them, are in possession of Klara's soul. Down there is a permanent rift that will take us directly to Earth, and they are in the way. I'd like to make things right with her while we're here."

The portal would close in roughly 20 seconds.

"I do apologize for this detour, it was not planned. However, it won't set us back once we're down there. Shall we?"

I have not narrowed the region down properly, as of yet. But powerful magic was used.

We’ll need to get closer. Rest, Duuli and I will scout. Carnperra forms.

Salaketh was stern, as far as Inquisitors went. He was the one who they all looked to for stability, and direction in the field. The old Glen stood, while Duuli hid their encampment with a mound of rocks and mud. To the outside, it simply looked like a hill after her handiwork. Once the two had their armor off, Tural laid his hand on each of them. They became a pair of predatory birds with dark green and brown feathers, ideal for blending in with the forest. With their wing structures, it was one of the fastest avians on the planet, hunting at any time it was awake. Perfect for emergencies.

Duuli took off first, and Salaketh followed her. Tural relayed directions while they flew.

He thinks it’s the child that ran from us a year ago. What are the chances? Duuli asked.

Significant. No other enclave in the Ascendancy, Mythadia or the Sovereignty has reported a rogue with his description. Reports are nonexistent, he hasn’t moved anywhere, if at all.

I find it hard to believe that a child has eluded every Inquisitor in the known world. Either we’re negligent, or he’s too competent. We may be walking into something dreadful, Salaketh.

Then you’ll keep your wits about you.

They couldn’t shift back like Tural, so all they could do was scout for anything suspicious. The forest was dead silent. Every nocturnal predator gave them a wide berth at the sight of airborne hunters. The woods in this dense valley of an area blurred past them like a day-old hangover. Salaketh wanted this child. He was a professional in all the ways an Inquisitor should’ve been, and more. He slept less than his squad all did combined. He always carried most of the burden when they needed to resist magic. He was the anchor, he was their rock.

And right now, he was some bastard child’s reckoning. Duuli caught an updraft up above a clearing and used the moonlight to scan by a river. The rogue couldn’t have gotten far. She saw a light tucked into the hills, and glided down further. She landed on a roof of thatch, clay and timber. Behind her was a dissonantly lush garden, and before her was a young S’tor, carrying a slain rakthir over his shoulders.

Walking beside him was a being with the silhouette of an Iriad. But they were wreathed in fire. Salaketh felt Duuli’s confusion, and flew overhead, landing in a tree. The confusion was reciprocated.

That can’t be real. Back in Bestik, there was an Iriad Inquisitor who told stories of one of their kind who was perpetually burning, citing it as an old legend to keep children from acting out. And Duuli had heard the myth of travelers running into one before.

But this was real.

Rogue located. One thrall with him. Heat mage.

Floating forth, propelled by the flames served two purposes for Shirik. The first was to keep up with the group and avoid being slowed down. From here, hanging over the water, Shirik could’ve easily bartered bandits or vagabonds out of sword range. The second purpose, was to take in the area while the rest crossed the bridge. They had to focus on the path ahead, and mind its crumbling state. Shirik essentially had lookout duty for the brief second.

A third purpose made itself present, however. Everything around them grew more and more ominous by the second. Trees shook, and the water grew still. This was becoming a running theme- Interlopers signaled by a deafening lack of signs. Everything was too quiet, until the moment demons sprung forth. They ambushed the group, Silbermine caught on quickly. This was good. What wasn’t good was the tentacled horror that burst from underneath Shirik. They expected this tactic from life mages in the form of predatory marine life. But this…

Floating above the bridge gave Shirik just enough breathing room to make one swift, albeit ham fisted move in retaliation. They thrust their staff down, as if they were shoving a person backwards, and the mirage of heat beneath them because a raging fireball, sputtering out as quickly as it formed. It was, ultimately, an explosion and not a proper spell. And Shirik was propelled upwards, and back to where they started. The blast flung them in the direction of Mallory and Silbermine, dozens of feet higher than they anticipated.

While it got them out of the clutches of that abomination, it put Shirik in a precarious situation. The propulsion of Shirik’s magic hinges on how much heat they expelled. And because they were not expelling enough heat to maintain their current height, Shirik sunk like a rock. Silbermine, Mallory and the knights would feel a downward draft of sudden heat as they touched down, stumbling and falling to one knee with a crunch near the Glen lord.

A more keen-eyed individual would note that bits of black, gritty material seemed to fall of of Shirik’s body as they stood up, leaning slightly on their staff.

”The battlefield unifies even the most distant banners. We fight together!” Despite their differences, Shirik was a soldier at heart, just like the Glen of Silbermine’s house. Even in their seemingly weary state, Shirik steeled themself. Flames erupted from their crackling shell, as the made a swiping motion with a glowing finger. The blazing ring turned, and raced into the sky. With a flick of their wrist, it curved down, and flew like a meteor on a collision course with the creature that they just escaped from.

The one Ixtaro was closest to, it seemed.

Interactions: Sully and Auri
Flowers and Canvases

Stormy was a bold and protective man. He was willing to forgive people who did bad things when they were pushed into a corner. Even a worm will turn, but Britney ruined lives for years to come. Luca was right here as living proof of that. The shields hanging off of his arms practically radiated a kind of unpleasant, suffocating sensation that only the red Lux users in the shop would be aware of. It was a decade ago. He knew that. But right now, all he could see was the person who hurt others because the had her little god complex. ”How do you-“

Butterflies. Fucking butterflies.

A whole wall of them. That was definitely Auri, alright. Stepping through them, she took the blame for Britney’s presence, staring him dead in the face. Stormy glared down at her, going through a bunch of thoughts right then and there as to wether or not he should be mad at her. And of course, dear old Sully stepped around and took his mind off of Britney as well. They were standing up for her. Sully and Auri were good people. If they thought she deserved a second chance…

”If she makes one wrong move, I’ll deal with her myself.” That was his concession. The shields dissolved into a faint shimmering glow, until there was nothing. He wasn’t the kind of man known for blind rage in any way, so it was easy enough for him to put Britney out of his mind. He could write Britney off as a bad person for as long as she gave no one a reason to think otherwise. But he couldn’t stay mad Auri, or Sully.

”It’s good to see both of you,” he said at last, clapping Sully over the shoulder, with a genuine smile on his face.

Interactions: Auri
Flowers and Canvases

It was almost funny, seeing everyone doglike Greyson. He even broke down into tears. If Greyson was anything more then a face in a small crowd to Jack, then he might’ve laughed or spoken up about the whole thing. But the more important matter was the fact that Auri’s attempt to unify this absolute wreck of a group went about as well as some of them expected. Auri was not Ashley, that much was true. But she could’ve at least tried not to talk about the endeavor like it wasn’t a “family.” That was her first mistake. Everyone digging up their own bad blood certainly didn’t help. Most people seemed to decide that they were done with this for now. They’d likely come around as some point of another. Jack certainly hoped so.

Once people were off to dinner, the shop was quieter.

The ones who stayed seemed to be a bit more willing to entertain this mystery. That was good. Jack needed to have a word with Auri about this, though. So he waited for everything to calm the fuck down.

”It wasn’t a waste of time, calling us here. If I knew we were being picked off sooner, I’d have Father Wolf buried by now. And I know you had high hopes for reuniting us, but we haven’t been a family since we sealed away the Snake. The coven was a family for many of us, myself included, but what we have now is nothing more than memories. The longer we spend dwelling on the past, the less time we have to focus on what is happening right now. Give them time, they’ll return sooner or later, once they’re ready. They won’t let this stop them from finding who is trying to kill us all.”
Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: A hot ass dress
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

She suddenly really, really wanted to turn everything above Danni's neck into a fine, red smear on the ground. Being called hot by him was weird[, sure, but Leah was trying to play it cool and NOT scare people away from their ideas of fun because of her. Did Danni really have to remember the one time she damn near killed someone by accident? Madalyne went off to get some drinks, and suddenly both of her girlies were trying to... Comfort her? About her not wanting to be here? Oh no. Oh hell no. This wasn't gonna work. Since the others started leaving, Leah figured she'd need to stop this before it snowballed further. So before anything further happened, and sensing that April was about to get fidgety, she wrapped one of her superhumanly muscular arms around each of them, gently bringing them in closer with a surprisingly lack of neck-shattering pain.

"Hey, girls, listen. I know you're nervous about me being, well, me about this. But I'm here because I wanna be. And I wanna be here, because both of you are here. Between the three of us, I never go to this kind of thing because I don't know how to talk to people like you guys. You two were always way better at the whole socializing thing than me. I'm not just tolerating this, and I don't feel like I'm being held hostage. I'm just out of my depth here."

And this was the truth, ultimately. For Leah, this was effectively stage fright. "But the reason I'm out of my depth, and not running off is because I want to spend time with both of you. Sure, this is new to me, but I am not letting that stop me from having fun with you two, okay? This isn't a burden to me, I promise." Ordinarily, Leah would just chill in her room, and hope people didn't know she existed. But it was different now, and she wanted to be close to April and Sabine. Overcoming her anxiousness towards large groups of people was a part of that, since they were, ultimately, social butterflies in their own ways.

Mads came back with the drinks, and Leah took hers without drinking from it, or pulling her arm off of April, who seemed like she could use a bit more grounding. "Nah, we're just standing around. Let's eat something."
Beedrill lookin’ ass


Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Spells: Shadow Scythe

At last, they seemed to be forming a coherent plan. Annika managed to form a connection for Max to speak through, and he had a good idea in mind. Using three of them, who had an affinity for other worlds, they could stabilize part of the Veil just enough to get the hell out of here and give Magik of piece of their minds, using Madalyne's connection to two separate worlds as a conduit. It sounded less risky when three of them worked in tandem. Three was an important number in magic. Thinking about it, Jack liked the idea. "That could work. Let's expand on that. All of my magic is derived from a dimension called the Everdark. Also known as the void, it's a place where all other universes and realities spill into slowly. The Veil works differently there, and I use this to go anywhere in existence, constantly. This means that any portal I make will first lead there, and then out to my intended destination through another. There are an infinite number of stable rifts there, which someone could simply walk through like a hallway to enter another world. I've mapped many of these rifts extensively; Opening a singular portal there is easier than two linked portals. And if we do, I could minimize our risk of failure by directing our passage through known territory."

The Everdark was a place that even the most powerful Sorcerer Supreme could not access normally. It was a place that only its own Shadowtouched had the right to step in and out of. But Jack has brought others there before, some willingly, some by force. As far as his antics with interdimensional travel went, this one was pretty interesting. Idly, he fidgeted with the scythe still in his hands, "It would be an extra step, but we'd be less likely to stray off course, and we need all the stability we can manage in a time like this. Assuming we go that route, we'll need to move quickly once we're there. My home world is alive, in a sense, and doesn't appreciate outsiders lingering longer than temporary."

Hornet: A girl who was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, Grandmaster and the directors have noted that her demeanor will likely cause friction between her teammates, most likely Shattercrash, Keystone and Decree. Countermeasures against her include flashbangs and containment foam, with standard Mover protocols regarding confined spaces omitted to compensate for the range aspect of her power.

Richter: The PRT isn't sure about this one. He's an enigma, and Gatecrasher expects he's the one responsible for the Ivory Basterds' demise. In her own words, "Damn kid worries me. He's too easygoing for a parahuman, too collected. Even if he ain't hiding something, and I'm sure he is, his demeanor has to change one way or another. The fact that he approached me first, and not the other way around, is promising. Just make sure he has help when he needs it." The PRT recommends excessive and persistent use of containment foam, and long range in the event that Richter becomes a threat. Engaging him should be done in open spaces, and confined areas are to be avoided.

Shattercrash: The vigilante who the PRT tried to reign in for two years now, Shattercrash turned heads when they finally made her bend. While there is no question that she's competent, the PRT notes that she has a vested disdain for working with what she calls "government sponsored super-police." She's arrogant, and that worries everyone she takes orders from. The PRT is advised to use flashbangs and adhere to strict mover protocols when dealing with Shattercrash. Assume she cannot be contained, unless fought in a confined area, and use stealth to incapacitate her with smoke grenades, tranquilizers or anything similar.

Keystone: The Protectorate has especially high hopes for this young man. Grandmaster has quietly taken a vested interest in Keystone's power, and intends to eventually, work with his fellow thinker in mission planning. Grandmaster sees much of his younger self in the boy; Irritable, burdened by his powers and his family, and not particularly interested in the spirit of heroics. It's no surprise that he has personally arranged for an unknowable amount of additional protocols surrounding him, many of which have been classified until further notice, at his and vice director Fukuda's recommendation.

Muninn: Muninn is a complicated addition. He was effectively a rogue Parahuman, and despite that, willingly joined the initiative, even going so far as to directly request such (which is especially surprising given his demeanor). However, he has no combat training and seems adverse to battle in general, an unusual trait for a Parahuman. Still, beyond his socially challenged personality and lack of experience, his desire to do good is clear, and a welcome change from most of the others. Protocols are to ground him as soon as possible, ideally confronting him in an enclosed space, and using containment foam to seal his mobility. His sensitive senses are render him vulnerable to flashbangs and most other non-lethal explosives.

Decree: The PRT takes Masters very seriously. And they take Master Strangers even more seriously, but between her behavior and the state of Bridgewater, she's been given a pass that most people with a power like her wouldn't receive in a lifetime. The PRT hopes she will set a good example for parahumans with inherently sinister powers. Her powers are of a more textbook variety, meaning a mix of passwords, rotation and eyes-on surveillance are recommended for countermeasures.

Ethos: PRT psychologists are no doubt having a field day with this one. Ethos is considered by the higherups to be the poster girl of master capes; Uncaring, too willing to user her powers for her own purposes. Were it not for Bridgewater, Ethos would be in prison at this very moment. Nightstalker seemed to think that freshly baked cookies would win a few points with her. Striker protocols are to be used with the typical Master Stranger conditions. Keep out of arm's reach, and disable her ability to touch others.

Wattson: "If that brat sneaks up on me again, I'm gonna kick her for a fucking fiel-" Wattson's paranoia aside, the PRT's psychologists worry about her lack of conviction in her new career, though not nearly as much as they worry about her aversion to their sessions with her. Ironically, Shattercrash was less abrasive towards their questions, which surprised several therapists and psychological experts. Grandmaster finds her professionalism towards heroics a breath of fresh air compared to some of the more enthusiastic members of her team, but fully understands the need for someone to care about why they do things, not just about doing them. Nightstalker has talked about getting to know her on a more personal level once they all have time to themselves, and hopes he can get to know her a bit better than people who are only doing their job and want to get it over with. Standard Breaker, Mover and Trump procedures are to be used in full force in the event that Wattson goes rogue. Containment must be assumed to be impossible.

Tandem: Grandmaster normally doesn't flinch when he learns that someone has gone through tough conditions. But hearing that Tandem triggered a while ago despite only being 13, he couldn't help but feel somewhat sorry for her. Moreover, he normally prefers to let the PRT do it's own thing, leaving certain jobs to the experts. But given her history with a cluster of complicated individuals, Grandmaster got as much information from Axiom as possible to handle her. Axiom was, characteristically, very worried about this child and has taken steps to earn her trust. The PRT is very unsure about throwing Tandem into the fight against villains, but the Protectorate's leadership has assured them that she will be cared for... And given as many baked goods as Nightstalker can cram into the Ward's wing of the building. The PRT currently has no way of confirming the contents of her pocket dimension, and operates on the assumption that containment foam and sensory warfare will be sufficient in containing Tandem until further notice.

@Duoya@TheMushroomLord@Mintz@Aku the Samurai

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