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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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<Snipped quote by silvermist1116>

You know good and damn well this tall stoic mysterious man is going to doodle with da baby

when tf did he get here

In SPIRITUM 8 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In the very back of the truck, tucked away in a corner like a rock, slept a man who could move mountains and hold up the sky. During most of the trip, from the time they left home, he had been out cold in spite of all the commotion his comrades had made. The explosions, the beer being flung out of the windows, the radio, even Silje being Silje could not wake the slumbering giant known as Morden Garrus. He was detached from the world as he knew it, asleep like a century old corpse. The rickety, beaten-up truck would fall apart at last before he woke up. At least, it would have until something finally stirred the man up from his rest against all conceivable odds. The constant hum of the truck riding down a worn road had lulled him into slumber, but now, every little sound put him on high alert, meaning his was up on his feet the moment his eyes opened. Like a machine, Morden was ready to do... Whatever he was doing on vacation. In one swift motion, he rolled out of his seat and into the warm, dry air of Sapple Springs. Dressed in nothing more than a red tank top, exercise pants and old casual shoes, he looked around.

This place... Was a ghost town. Why did they stop here? And where was everyone?

He swayed his neck left and right, eliciting a deep crack or two and listened to the wind. Sapple Springs was clearly a sleepy place, with damn near nothing happening. Morden looked into the sky and saw the sun was notable lower than when he fell asleep, so they had clearly been driving for a while... There they are.

He heard the voices Gerard and someone else, and followed until he met up with them, walking up behind his comrades in full view of an authority figure.

"Hopefully I'm not offendin' ya'll when I say this, but what's a bunch of WARDEN types doing out here?"

"We're on a road trip," Morden cut in with an imposing voice, heavy with iron yet smooth as a deep river. "Before we officially join the fight. What did you do, this soon after we stopped, Gerard?"
Leah Jordan

Location: Hedge Maze > AA
Gear: A bloodstained dress and a sword
Oh god oh fuck

It was undeniably impressive that Sabine was able to completely shut Marrok’s behavior. In another time and place he would’ve been a compelling ally to have knowing how fucked up things could get around the school. But Sabine’s words fell on deaf ears, because Leah had already left the ground by the time Sabine made her move. And in the time she took to tell Leah not to harm Marrok, she descended upon him like a landslide, burying her sword in his skull and killing him on the spot. The sword was one with her in that moment, as if she had always been a master of the blade. It was simply too fast for her to be stopped.

Marrok went up in smoke, but at least he died at peace.

Their surroundings changed, and they were back in AA. But it wasn’t quite as victorious as she thought, because the beast was right there, his body laid out on the ground cold and dead. They did what they came to do, but it could’ve been different.

Leah looked at the corpse, a twinge of guilt fixed on her face. Leah just killed what was basically a dog. Did werewolves count as dogs? ”…Sabine? Are you alright?” It wasn’t the first time she had killed, or rather, wasn’t the first time she thought she had killed. But still… It didn’t feel right. It was too easy, and not quite the same as killing an abuser.

”Are you hurt?”

Interactions: A The Fuckwit Brigade and the Cops
Isle of Cracks

8th Street left. Luca was in control again. Babylon didn't try anything, and neither did the Maiden. That was enough for Stormy to consider the situation dealt with. Jasper was taking care of Luca now, so Stormy let him go gently, just in time for none other than the PRA to appear. Bianca- he finally put a name to her face- waved but he didn't react immediately. Lila and Lynn were choking up at the sight of their French maid costumes, but Stormy, stone cold and stoic like a rock, didn't give anything away. That didn't mean he didn't appreciate the art on display, but Stormy was a bit more composed than the others present.

And, of course, Bianca called out exactly why everyone was giving Meifeng and Cindy that look. "Everything is fine, now. 8th Street crossed a line that no one with a sense of common decency would cross," He explained. "But then again, Emily Reed doesn't fit that description, now does she?" He wasn't giving anything away about it, about how the whole thing started when she started deadnaming Lila. If he did, he'd basically be outing Lila around strangers, and that would put him on Emily's level. And Stormy was, in every sense of the word, leagues and bounds above her level.

"And if she tries that with any of you again, let me know," He said to the friends Emily tried to antagonize. "I'll rough up her and her henchmen until they take a hint." Not a threat, but a promise. Not a plot to kill, just to teach a lesson.

"Now!" Time to shift gears. "How many drinks do I need to buy everyone for this to be put behind us? And I do mean everyone," including the PRA agents that gassed them.

"If you two are going to stick around, I think all have a few things to talk about, and I'm in a generous mood," he added.

In SPIRITUM 8 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jack Hawthorne

Location: The Sanctum Sanctorum

Jack could feel all the strength in his legs give out as he was forced to one knee. So Klara could magically compel someone to do her bidding, but she didn't even think to use that on the woman who was trying to sacrifice the universe to a god? Well, he could hardly blame her for that, since she was just a child. A child by Asgardian standards, but a child no less. Everyone was picking sides now because of his attempt to quickly stop whatever plan Runa had come to, and Jack couldn't blame them for that either. Murder wasn't something he enjoyed, but what choice did they have right now? Were they supposed to just let this happen? Let them walk free while the others sorted out a mess that Runa was only going to make worse with her refusal to help? Max had an idea that was sound in theory, but it would only delay the inevitable.

"Destroying the pentagram is not enough. The Veil is in tatters," he explained, after Max had left. "Even if we stop Limbo from deliberately merging with Earth, there is very little standing in the way of it happening regardless. The Veil is what separates one world from the next! The demons can still cross over without resistance! Without the Veil, there is no long-term chance of Earth surviving this, and Runa will sacrifice us all afterwards if she has her way!"

They had to understand, even if the others in the circuit were the only ones capable of grasping the logic, someone here had to understand. That the scale of this disaster encompassed all of humanity and other worlds. Runa was a vulture waiting to pick apart a corpse, and would do what must be done to ensure that the corpse truly died. She had a piece of the power they needed, and she wanted to use it for an unspeakable act. One that would get them all killed. It was something they could not allow to happen, or none of them would see the end of it.

He got to his feet again, and faced the others who hadn't left already. "Imagine everyone you've ever known and loved- Everyone you've ever cared for and held dear- Gone, reduced to a memory. Cast into a funeral pyre while the Earth is left to rot. Is this everlasting peace that Runa promises worth that to you? I have no desire whatsoever to harm anyone," he stated firmly. "But there will be nothing. Left. If we cannot find a way to fully stop this invasion... Decide for yourselves what you believe to be the correct decision."

And then, he did the mature thing, and walked out of the Sanctum.

He saw the pentagram and decided to fly upwards. The cloak responded and carried him up, but as he flew towards the construction, Jack could feel his skin since and threaten to fall off his bones. Getting up personal was definitely not an option, so he thought about it for a moment.

”That is made of energy… And all energy must go somewhere. So, what if… Yes.”

Jack had an idea.

In SPIRITUM 8 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Interactions: A few apparitions that thought they would misbehave
Isle of Cracks

Luca being soaked like Emily was entirely overshadowed by the way the argument heated up. Lila explained why she hit Emily, and Stormy wondered why she didn’t punch her again. And then the apparitions present started getting… Antsy. Right before his eyes, Stormy could see the mental battle that Luca was going through, only to lose and collapse to the floor. And of course, Lila’s was only stoking the flames while Babylon at least had the common sense to keep quiet.

”Luca-“ The Rot was taking over. It was eating its way out and taking him over like a parasite. Like watching a swarm of maggots burst from a corpse, Stormy felt a twist of fear inside himself. It would kill Luca is this didn’t wasn’t stopped immediately.

Stormy snapped his fingers, and lit himself up with the glow of his Phantombane aura. All of the Apparitions in the immediate vicinity would be affected- The Maiden, Babylon, but especially the Rot. Under no circumstances was he going to watch them kill each other without intervening. And it was for that reason that he stepped up and stuck an arm out to catch Luca before the Rot could grab someone. It was a conscious decision to make physical contact with him, pulling him away with just enough force that his frail body wouldn’t be able to anything about it. Even while his skin withered and peeled under the creature’s influence.

”Get back, all of you! Now!”

The Rot’s magic would be weakened, drained away the longer it was this close to Stormy. But even still, it was going to leave a mark on Stormy this soon after the spell was used.. Except Stormy didn’t care. Because in that moment, Stormy experiencing the barest fraction of what Luca had been through for so long was nothing. All that mattered was cutting this tantrum short, and knocking the wind out of the sails.

He held Luca close, and held a stare into those dead eyes. He would subject himself to this pain until Luca could pull himself together again, for as long as it took.

”I will drain every last scrap of your power until you are just a speck of dust in the wind, do you understand me? I’ll erase you from the earth before you can take him away- Before you get away with your tantrum.”

It was hard to ignore the conviction in his voice, rising up like a fire. The Rot could struggle for all he wanted, but Stormy would just bare it until Luca was stronger.

In his arms, Luca was safe. In his presence, the Rot’s days were numbered.

”Give up, you damn monster.”
In SPIRITUM 8 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I've been reading things and I vibe with this

y'all got a working discord link?
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