Avatar of booksmusicanime
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7589 (1.89 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. booksmusicanime 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current i'm here, creating angst for others.
5 yrs ago
Still around. Always around.
6 yrs ago
If anyone needs me just send me a PM or something and I'll get you a more reliable way to contact me.
7 yrs ago
I love that I've wasted almost 5 years of my life on this website.
7 yrs ago
Saw a recent status. Those people who have messed up in past RPs, especially if it's been a recent RP likely haven't changed. If it's been a bit then maybe they have.
1 like


Heyo, if you ended up here then let me introduce myself! I'm Books (I also go by Musi or Mel). I've been here for a while and still occasionally return to lurk and see what's up. I've graduated with my bachelor's degree! So sorry if you've known me for years, I am firmly cementing the fact we are old now.
If you wanna see more of me in a more active capacity I stream on twitch as MelodyMusica!

Most Recent Posts

"For now if we're telling people we should tell one other person. Who knows how many people could blather to someone else." Wy said as she though for a moment. "We need to find out who that informant is. Then maybe we could get somewhere. Also I try to use that bookshelf...I just forget to put books away."
Skyler sighed as she continued walking up the road toward Rondorio. When she had been in town she couldn't find anyone who would give her a ride up to the academy so she had to walk all the way there. Luckily for her she had gotten to the town fairly early so she had a good start to get to the academy.

When she finally could see the school she took off in a flat out sprint, her feet hitting the ground in bounding steps. Her dusty bookbag thumped almost painfully against her shoulders and her sword slapped her side as she slowed into a jog once she got passed the gate. Her one blue eye took in the beauty of the square as she approached it at a walk. She stopped at the edge of the square and silently looked at all the people, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about her eye patch.
You're perfectly fine.
Woo I'm safe!
Oh god, who would want to room with the half blind girl?
You're accepted!
Hey I said I'm not going to bring up anything. I'm just saying. America isn't as awesome as people make it out to be.

And now I'm going to drop this topic.
I could pull up many reasons on why America isn't so great but I'm not touching that festering mess with a ten foot pole....

...I'll just go write on a notepad my huge rant to release more of my annoyance at America.
Oh my character has a good reason to join the Academy...I'm hard on my poor characters....
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