If anyone needs me just send me a PM or something and I'll get you a more reliable way to contact me.
6 yrs ago
I love that I've wasted almost 5 years of my life on this website.
6 yrs ago
Saw a recent status. Those people who have messed up in past RPs, especially if it's been a recent RP likely haven't changed. If it's been a bit then maybe they have.
Heyo, if you ended up here then let me introduce myself! I'm Books (I also go by Musi or Mel). I've been here for a while and still occasionally return to lurk and see what's up. I've graduated with my bachelor's degree! So sorry if you've known me for years, I am firmly cementing the fact we are old now. If you wanna see more of me in a more active capacity I stream on twitch as MelodyMusica!
Heather kept stomping along as raindrops fell from the angry little thunder clouds around her. The rains from the clouds didn't ease up until she accidentally bumped into someone (Arin @Letmehaveone2).
@Letmehaveone2 Totally up to you but I made a post about Heather walking the halls with building thunderstorms this morning so if you want one of your characters to notice her then be my guest.
@Letmehaveone2 Okee. Also Heather is very much probably the most obvious person for Arin to meet because she's got the mini-thunderstorms going on around her.
@Letmehaveone2 Well Heather's currently on a hunt for her room with some small thunderstorms building around her. I think she's pretty obvious...besides being a blond in sunshine yellow clothes.
@Jollan@ShadowVentus The woman wheezed a bit more then finally turned her dark eyes up to look at them warily. "Fine," she spat. "do what you must." Her voice was harsh as she spoke these words.
Heyo, if you ended up here then let me introduce myself! I'm Books (I also go by Musi or Mel). I've been here for a while and still occasionally return to lurk and see what's up. I've graduated with my bachelor's degree! So sorry if you've known me for years, I am firmly cementing the fact we are old now.
If you wanna see more of me in a more active capacity I stream on twitch as MelodyMusica!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Heyo, if you ended up here then let me introduce myself! I'm Books (I also go by Musi or Mel). I've been here for a while and still occasionally return to lurk and see what's up. I've graduated with my bachelor's degree! So sorry if you've known me for years, I am firmly cementing the fact we are old now.<br>If you wanna see more of me in a more active capacity I stream on twitch as MelodyMusica!</div>